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Hacker insulted Thai Prime Minister, official website defaced with abusive comments

Hacker insulted Thai Prime Minister, official website defaced with abusive comments

May 08, 2013
The official website of the Office of the Thai Prime Minister was quickly taken down after a hacker defaced the website with abusive message pasted next to an altered photograph of a laughing Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra . The words " I'm a slutty moron " appeared briefly alongside a picture of a smiling Yingluck, followed by " I know that I am the worst Prime Minister ever in Thailand history!!! " . It was signed by " Unlimited Hack Team ". The PM's Office's site was hacked at around noon Wednesday. Technicians struggled to deal with the problem. An investigation has been launched and authorities seem confident that they can identify the culprits. Unlimited Hack Team has been around for a while. According to a lengthy video posted on YouTube , the team is two young men, who use well-known exploits and scripts to break into websites from a regular Windows Server PC. Prime minister's secretary-general said, " ...
Philippines President's website defaced by Anonymous Hackers

Philippines President's website defaced by Anonymous Hackers

Mar 14, 2013
Philippines-Malaysia Cyber war over Sabah land dispute take another turn, when Philippines hackers deface their own President  Benigno Aquino III   website early Thursday, and criticized how the President has been handling the conflict in Sabah. The hacker group left a message to the president on the defaced Web site and links to Facebook profiles of the hackers, as shown in screenshot taken. Hacker managed to direct hack into other government websites also including: https://www.gdelpilar.gov.ph https://www.calasiao.gov.ph https://bolinao.gov.ph https://mauban.gov.ph https://apayao.gov.ph https://www.mauban.gov.ph https://www.drd.pnp.gov.ph Complete message from Anonymous Philippines reads: Greetings, President Aquino! We have watched how you signed into law a bill that endangers and tramples upon the citizenship  freedom of speech and expression. Now, we are silent witnesses as to how you are mishandling the Sabah issue. We did not engage the Malay...
Watch Out For These 8 Cloud Security Shifts in 2025

Watch Out For These 8 Cloud Security Shifts in 2025

Feb 04, 2025Threat Detection / Cloud Security
As cloud security evolves in 2025 and beyond, organizations must adapt to both new and evolving realities, including the increasing reliance on cloud infrastructure for AI-driven workflows and the vast quantities of data being migrated to the cloud. But there are other developments that could impact your organizations and drive the need for an even more robust security strategy. Let's take a look… #1: Increased Threat Landscape Encourages Market Consolidation Cyberattacks targeting cloud environments are becoming more sophisticated, emphasizing the need for security solutions that go beyond detection. Organizations will need proactive defense mechanisms to prevent risks from reaching production. Because of this need, the market will favor vendors offering comprehensive, end-to-end security platforms that streamline risk mitigation and enhance operational efficiency. #2: Cloud Security Unifies with SOC Priorities Security operations centers (SOC) and cloud security functions are c...
Three South African government websites hacked

Three South African government websites hacked

Dec 09, 2012
" H4ksniper " hacker claiming responsibility for disrupting three South African government websites. This morning after hack, website of The social development department opened to a black page with a window containing the animated graphic " Website hacked by H4ksniper ". Another message on the deface page was " Hello South Africa :D , Bad News For You IM BACK ! ..You Messed With Us & Now You Must Suffer..From Morocco with love. " On asking, hacker said that the reason of hack is " We all know that SA is the first supporter of the [República Árabe Saharaui Democrática] RASD and the enemy of Morocco since a long time and we are hackers and our goal is defending our country... " From statement, its clear that hacker belongs to Morocco and claiming to defend it from its enemy. Defaced domains : https://www.dsd.gov.za/ https://www.population.gov.za/ https://www.pnc.gov.za/ Mirror Links: https://www.th3mirror.com/mirror/id/146186/ http...
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500 Websites defaced by Anonymous Supporters

500 Websites defaced by Anonymous Supporters

Dec 08, 2012
Hacker Supporting Anonymous Group, with his nickname - " PV~E.rr0r " hack 516 websites.  Deface page shows a very cool animated Anonymous logo with text " We unite as one but no one can divide us. Expect us! " Because hacker intention was not to harm the website, so he has not change or delete any file, rather he just just upload his deface page on each site at "/Err0r.html" . In a message, Hacker told The Hacker News that purpose of hacking website is just to show their admins that they are vulnerable and need more security. Hacker also mention on deface page " Hello admin, I am here to warn you about your secrutiy, It kinda sucks 70% Security 30% Dumbness. We hacked this site to put a warning before the Blackhat hackers come. Please cooperate! " Rest at end page reads " We are Anonymous, We are legion, We do not forgive, We do not forget, United as one, Divided by zero, Expect us. #Knowledge is power. Don't learn to ha...
 #OpSyria : Teamr00t Hack Syrian Government Sites

#OpSyria : Teamr00t Hack Syrian Government Sites

Dec 02, 2012
The Syrian government is almost certainly responsible for a blackout Thursday that shut down virtually all Internet service in the country. However, The Syrian government blamed the outage in internet service and mobile coverage in some areas on the armed groups' sabotage acts against cellular broadcast centers. Hacker with name Teamr00t has hacked and defaced Syrian government and showed their support for the people of Syria against President Bashaar Al-Assad's latest actions in shutting down the internet. Deface message President Bashaar Al-Assad You have taken a step too far in shutting down the internet so the outside world cannot see the horrific crimes you are committing upon your own people and this will not be tolerated by the world watching! The Syrian people have the right to freedom of speech, the right to live a normal happy life and the right to have access to the internet to connect with the rest of the world. By shutting down the internet you have denied you...
Tunisians Voice - Nawaat Portal hacked

Tunisians Voice - Nawaat Portal hacked

Nov 13, 2012
Kosova Warriors Group deface a subdomain (https://events.nawaat.org/) of Nawaat Portal.. Its an independent collective blog hosted by Tunisians. It gives a voice to all those who, through their civic engagement, take the cover and spread. Our editorial decisions are guided by among other concerns that affect the lives of our countrymen and our fellow man. It seems that hacker is able to hack into the server and have control over two subdomains. After talking with hacker, we came to know that there is one more panel open for hackers at https://facebook.nawaat.org/ , where by default anyone is logging as admin user id. Zone-h Records of defacement are : https://www.zone-h.org/mirror/id/18587592 https://www.zone-h.org/mirror/id/18587594
English Defence League Donors Information Leaked by Hackers

English Defence League Donors Information Leaked by Hackers

Nov 13, 2012
3 Days ago " English Defence League " was hacked and Defaced by " ZCompany Hacking Crew ". Today same hacking crew expose a list of 25 people who give Donations to EDL. Leaked information include Donator's Names, addresses and Email addresses, posted in a note . Hackers said," If you donate to EDL and your name is not in the list, you should not breathe a sigh of relief ZHC will find you and expose you one day. " I talk with hackers to know the reason of exposing the donator list, and reply was - " We will expose every person who support racist organisations like EDL " Last Friday defaced page read, " Fuck Zionist Jews! – Boycot israel! – Fuck the American Government! - Fuck fascist Organizations like EDL " On the time writing this article, website of " English Defence League " (https://www.englishdefenceleague.org/) is giving " 403 Forbidden " and Hackers told 'The Hacker News' that...
Kuwaiti Ministry of Awqaf and Islamic Affairs Defaced by Anonymous Hacker

Kuwaiti Ministry of Awqaf and Islamic Affairs Defaced by Anonymous Hacker

Nov 09, 2012
Anonymous hacker deface Kuwaiti Ministry of Awqaf and Islamic Affairs ( https://islam.gov.kw/)  Deface page have Anonymous Mask as shown in screenshot with an Arabic language message . Translated message " Letter to the Kuwaiti people full and without any exception ! Jordan and Palestine red line and pocket Asarthm Bandas ! God bless you, O Saddam and what God has failed them !! Gary trampling upon you and one-and-one, O and Ladd dog !! Strong Protection, is Our Target " At the time of writing, site is defaced, This Anonymous groups seems to to be note related to whole anonymous groups and Operations. Will will update you soon with more updates.
English Defence League defaced by ZCompany Hacking Crew

English Defence League defaced by ZCompany Hacking Crew

Nov 09, 2012
ZCompany Hacking Crew members hack and deface  English Defence League official website (https://englishdefenceleague.org),a far-right British organization . Deface page include text " Fuck Zionist Jews! – Boycot israel! – Fuck the American Government! - Fuck fascist Organizations like EDL" and a screenshot of a email. " EDL admins have been harassing innocent people and stealing money from them to fund their racist adventures " Hacker continue. Hacker trend the hacking operation as # OPEDL and #OpRacism  on twitter. Further message include, " Such a shame! EDL admins! as we ZHC said we will always be one step ahead of you. We will chase you, expose your racism and even remove you from the web. We demonstrated it successfully by deleting your facebook page three times. And we have demonstrated it successfully by defacing and exposing your frauds yet again.But the best is yet to come. Yes right, details of supporters and donors of EDL will be made p...
Pizza Hut defaced, Authorities denies theft of 240000 Credit Cards

Pizza Hut defaced, Authorities denies theft of 240000 Credit Cards

Nov 07, 2012
Yesterday Australian Pizza Hut website was compromised by a hacking group going by the name of 0-Day and Pyknic . Hackers defaced the website and claim that they made off with 260,000 Australian credit card numbers. Hack was 1st noticed by  Whirlpool Forum users. But a Pizza Hut spokeswoman said the company did not store such information on its website. " Pizza Hut can confirm that a layer of its website, pizzahut.com.au , was breached with access gained to names and contact information, including email addresses ". " We are working with our website providers to conduct a thorough investigation of the matter and have also reported the incident to the Office of the Australian Information Commissioner. We would like to reassure all of our customers that absolutely no credit card information was stolen and there is no need for concern regarding credit cards." "The security of our online ordering system has not been compromised in any way and our customers ca...
UNESCO Etxea website hacked by #NullCrew

UNESCO Etxea website hacked by #NullCrew

Nov 06, 2012
Hacking group #NullCrew deface UNESCO Etxea website (unescoetxea.org), which is an internationally oriented NGOs working for the culture of peace, sustainable human development and human rights, at local and global levels. Deface page reads, " Welcome to the new front page of unesco etxea You have been targeted by NullCrew, as part of the FuckTheSystem movement. We have began the war, once again; but this time, good-luck even coming close to winning. " " The united nations, just a bunch of corrupt nations; united by one source of power.. And for that reason, we have came back; to repeat the process. Enjoy the candy. " After watching the data dumped on deface page including the kernel version of server and wordpress database configuration file we can judge that, hacker is able to upload the php shell on website of UNESCO Etxea and he deface the web page. #NullCrew today also hack  UK Ministry of Defence and dump database...
Indian Defence organisation DRDO website hacked

Indian Defence organisation DRDO website hacked

Nov 01, 2012
Algerian hackers going by name ' SanFour25 ' yesterday deface 7 Indian government  websites including Indian Defence Research and Development Organisation (DRDO), West Bengal police and the Prime Minister's Office (PMO) websites. According to TheHindu , The most sensitive website that came under attack was the one operated by the Recruitment and Assessment Centre (RAC) of the DRDO ( www.rac.gov.in/experts/Dz.php ). The website was down for over 9 hours, which actually deals with the recruitment of scientists to the several laboratories of the DRDO. List of Hacked domains: https://rciregistration.nic.in/rehabcouncil/Dz.txt policewb.gov.in/wbp/counter.txt www.rac.gov.in/experts/Dz.php www.diu.gov.in/departments/Dz.php gpra.nic.in/writereaddata/Dz.php birapdbt.nic.in/video/Dz.php iii.gov.in/tmp/Dz.php Mirrors of hacked sites are available on Zone-H at  SanFour25 archive. It is possible that  the hackers could have attacked the ...
Euromillions lottery French Site defaced By Muslim Hackers

Euromillions lottery French Site defaced By Muslim Hackers

Oct 29, 2012
A group has hacked the French website for the EuroMillions lottery (https://euromillions.fr/) with warnings denouncing gambling as the work of the devil. A group going by name " Moroccanghosts ", posted the message in Arabic and French  - " Oh you believers. Wine, games of chance, statues all augur impurity and are the work of the devil. " It exhorted people to quit gambling, saying it was used by the devil along with alcohol to " sow hatred between yourselves and turn you away from God and prayer ". The company behind the site, Francaise des Jeux, took the passage down and the site was unavailable from last 12 hours later, but now Euromillions.fr  redirects to https://www.fdj.fr , the secure website of the firm that runs the Euromillions lottery in France. The Twitter user Moroccanghosts appeared to threaten that other gambling sites could be next. So there may be more attacks. France has a population of 65 million, including an estimated four million Mu...
Hacker dump database from US Government and Military websites

Hacker dump database from US Government and Military websites

Oct 27, 2012
Internet Activist and collective hacker group "NullCrew" released a huge dump of 7,000 names-passwords database from US Government websites and 2000 names-passwords database from Military websites. Hacker claimed to hack into five websites, including Montana's Official State Website, United Nations, Louisiana Department of Environmental Quality, Texas Juvenile Justice Department, Force Health Protection & Readiness, domains are -  unescoetxea.org , www.mt.gov , www.la.gov, www.texas.gov and fhpr.osd.mil respectiverly. Few days back two Nullcrew members,  null and 0rbit_g1rl claimed to perform the hack into above sites using few vulnerabilities such as " Unproperly sanitized code, leading to disclosure of all files on a server and Boolean blind SQL injection " and they threatened to release the database soon. Today in a announcement via Twitter, hacker leaked the Database including 2000 and more Military, A...
Anonymous deface UK Police forum and Dating Portal

Anonymous deface UK Police forum and Dating Portal

Oct 24, 2012
Yesterday Anonymous deface the UK Police Online web forum (https://www.ukpoliceonline.co.uk) and stole the private emails addresses of various members. The Metropolitan Police's e-Crime unit is investigating the hack and said that no computer system run by the police force had been hacked. The Hack was originally announced by an Anonymous Twitter account - Operation Jubilee (OpJubilee) , they post a mirror url of defaced page. This hack was one of the part of OpJubilee. ANONYMOUS OPERATION JUBILEE :  Under this there will be Rally of Millions people To Parliament, London on 5th of November 2012. As planned this will be a peaceful gathering at the Parliament Building in London to declare the true jubilee. Hackers send out emails to the former officers whose details were obtained during hack, with a subject line: " A message to the police and armed forces ". Message body: " Hello members of our UK police and armed forces" and called for recipie...
Hackers deface Philippines Department of Environment website

Hackers deface Philippines Department of Environment website

Oct 07, 2012
Hackers incensed by the Philippines' controversial cybercrime law have attacked government sites that deliver emergency information during natural disasters. The website of the Department of Environment and Natural Resources (DENR) was hacked on Saturday, despite calls from Malacañang for a ceasefire. Home page message, "Sorry Admin, Hacked!" and a symbol of a crescent moon and a star, both found on Flag of Turkey (take a look on the red Text). But the site, www.denr.gov.ph , was restored after a minutes. Last Monday,  Anonymous Hackers defaced 11 government  websites. President Benigno Aquino's spokeswoman Abigail Valte appealed for a stop to the attacks, on the websites and social media accounts of the weather service, the earthquake and tsunami monitoring service and the social welfare agency. Hackers announce their next target on their twitter accounts that they've been eyeing " Senator Vicente C. Sotto III " website's.
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