Advertise on THN
For over a decade and a half, The Hacker News has been a leading independent voice in cybersecurity journalism. We deliver breaking news, insights on emerging threats, and actionable solutions to over 50 million security-focused readers annually.
Our readers come from a wide spectrum of the cybersecurity community, ranging from high-level professionals such as Chief Information Security Officers (CISOs) and Chief Security Officers (CSOs), to IT executives, CEOs, and government agency leaders. Our reach extends to various service providers, including Managed Security Service Providers (MSSPs), Managed Service Providers (MSPs), distributors, resellers, and consultants.
The Hacker News is the #1 destination for B2B cybersecurity professionals. We reach more decision-makers than any other cybersecurity publication, with double the traffic of our closest competitor.

Our readership is largely concentrated in North America and Europe, with 72% of our visitors coming from these regions.

THN has a large and active subscriber base, with over 125,000 professionals who have signed up for our newsletter. This offers a unique opportunity for advertisers to reach a highly engaged and relevant audience of cybersecurity professionals. Our newsletter subscribers are interested in staying up-to-date on the latest news, insights, and solutions in the field, and are a valuable source of leads and potential customers.
Quick Statistics
- Readership: Over 5.1 million pageviews/month
- Active Users: Over 2.3 million users/month
- LinkedIn Page: Over 603,000 followers
- Twitter Page: Over 925,000 followers
- Facebook Page: Over 1.85 million followers
- Telegram Group: Over 134,000 followers
- Email Newsletter Subscribers: Over 125,000 active subscribers
- LinkedIn Newsletter Subscribers: Over 325,000 professionals
*data as of October 2024.
Advertising Opportunities
Different brands, different needs. The Hacker News provides multiple advertising solutions to help you connect with your target audience and achieve your marketing goals.
- Expert Insight (Article / Video)
- Organic Article
- Homepage News Feed Placement
- THN Hosted Webinar
- Dedicated Email Blast & LinkedIn Newsletter eBlast
- Daily Newsletter Native Placement
- Weekly Recap Placement
- Banner Advertising
- Content Recommendation Native Placement
- Social Media Advertising
How to Run a Campaign with Us:
- Download our 2025 Media Kit.
- Email us your ad formats, campaign details, and budget.
- Confirm slot availability.
- Sign the Insertion Order (IO) to secure your slots.
- Submit your ad materials before the deadline, following our guidelines.
- We'll run your ads on the agreed date.
Contact us at for more details.