I know how to get Julian Assange out of the Embassy
Aug 24, 2012
Let's forget the political mumbo jumbo and posturing going on between countries about the release of Julian Assange. It is time to approach this in a "Sho-Gun" switch-a-roo style and get this over with. If not, we are going to be reading endless editorials and opinions about who is doing what, and what is doing who. Ugggh. With the help of the Ecuadorian Administration and some well planned orchestration with the group Anonymous, we can do this. Let's let the Guy Fawkes mask slide us into victory with my new handy dandy plan that is sure to get the by now, haggard and worried Assange, into Ecuadorian freedom and fame. It is simple really. We need a call to arms, a ready army of Anons that can be recruited at a moments notice to storm the embassy. Just stop for a minute and picture it. Hundreds, no thousands, of masked Anons, wearing black, storming the embassy at night and throwing a wig on Assange and, of course, a mask (I am sure he has one) and moving him out into the crowd...