Mar 08, 2012
THE " TRUTH " SIMMERS THE POT OF SABU By: Patti Galle, Editor THN. As I look at my guy fawkes mask and reflect on the recent arrest of several lulzsec members, I have a wrenching feeling in my gut to tell the "truth." Gather around anonymous , lulzsec , FBI, passionate supporters, liberal haters, and people without a clue. I have something to tell you and although the truth may hurt, it is time to find that wrenching in your own gut and step up. Today all focus is on sabu and his taboo relationship with the FBI that caused the arrest of: Ryan ackroyd a.k.a. Kayla, lol, lolsoon jake davis a.k.a. Topiary, atopiary darren martyn a.k.a. Pwnsauce, raepsauce, networkkitten donncha o'cearrbhail a.k.a. Palladium Jeremy hammond a.k.a. Anarchaos, sup_g, burn, yohoho, pow As should yours, my heart goes out to these brave men and their families as they work their way through the corrupt and ill focused justice system for leading the only movement existing in our mis-shapened world that