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Category — Cypherpunks Freedom and the Future of the Internet
Wikileaks Founder, Julian Assange Hires Pirate Bay Lawyer

Wikileaks Founder, Julian Assange Hires Pirate Bay Lawyer

Nov 20, 2011
Wikileaks Founder, Julian Assange Hires Pirate Bay Lawyer Wikileaks Founder Julian Assange has fired his lawyer in favour of one with experience in batting for The Pirate Bay, according to a Swedish news report. Julian Assange has ditched his Swedish legal counsel and lined up a new defence team in readiness for a likely return to the country to face allegations of sexual molestation and rape against two women. Assange has filed a petition with the Stockholm District Court, says the newspaper, and communicated his desire to change his representation to attorneys Per Samuelson and Thomas Olsson. Olsson is reviewing the case already, but has little to say on the motives behind Assange's decision. " He'll have to explain his motivation behind changing defenders ," he told The Local. Samuelson previously represented financier Carl Lundström, one of the four defendants in the 2009 Pirate Bay trial, all of whom were found guilty.
Celebrating 5th Birthday of Wikileaks (Born : 4th Oct 2006)

Celebrating 5th Birthday of Wikileaks (Born : 4th Oct 2006)

Oct 03, 2011
Celebrating 5th Birthday of Wikileaks  (Born : 4th Oct 2006) The wikileaks.org domain name was registered on 4 October 2006. The website was unveiled, and published its first document, in December 2006. The site claims to have been " founded by Chinese dissidents, journalists, mathematicians and start-up company technologists, from the US, Taiwan, Europe, Australia and South Africa ". The creators of WikiLeaks have not been formally identified. It has been represented in public since January 2007 by Julian Assange and others. Assange describes himself as a member of WikiLeaks' advisory board. News reports in The Australian have called Assange the " founder of WikiLeaks ". According to Wired magazine, a volunteer said that Assange described himself in a private conversation as "the heart and soul of this organisation, its founder, philosopher, spokesperson, original coder, organizer, financier, and all the rest". 2006–08 WikiLeaks posted its fi...
Don't Overlook These 6 Critical Okta Security Configurations

Don't Overlook These 6 Critical Okta Security Configurations

Feb 10, 2025Identity Security / Data Protection
Given Okta's role as a critical part of identity infrastructure, strengthening Okta security is essential. This article covers six key Okta security settings that provide a strong starting point, along with recommendations for implementing continuous monitoring of your Okta security posture. With over 18,000 customers, Okta serves as the cornerstone of identity governance and security for organizations worldwide. However, this prominence has made it a prime target for cybercriminals who seek access to valuable corporate identities, applications, and sensitive data. Recently, Okta warned its customers of an increase in phishing social engineering attempts to impersonate Okta support personnel. Given Okta's role as a critical part of identity infrastructure, strengthening Okta security is essential. This article covers six key Okta security settings that provide a strong starting point, along with how continuous monitoring of your Okta security posture helps you avoid miscon...
FBI Raids Homes of Suspected Anonymous Hackers at New York

FBI Raids Homes of Suspected Anonymous Hackers at New York

Jul 20, 2011
FBI Raids Homes of Suspected Anonymous Hackers at New York The FBI executed search warrants at the New York homes of three suspected members of notorious hacking group Anonymous early Tuesday morning. More than 10 FBI agents arrived at the Baldwin. The agents spent an hour and 40 minutes at Jordan's house, other agents investigated a second Long Island, N.Y., home and one in Brooklyn. The targets of the FBI searches are all in their late teens to early 20s. Search warrants were part of an ongoing investigation into Anonymous, which claimed responsibility for attacks against a variety of websites including Visa and Mastercard. Anonymous is a loose collection of cybersavvy activists inspired by WikiLeaks and its flamboyant head Julian Assange to fight for " Internet freedom " along the way defacing websites, shutting down servers, and scrawling messages across screens web-wide.
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Wikileaks - We help you safely Get the Truth !

Wikileaks - We help you safely Get the Truth !

Jun 25, 2011
Wikileaks - We help you safely Get the Truth ! Note : The Article is Taken from "The Hacker News Magazine" - June Edition. Download Magazine here .. The United States Department of Justice has left no stone unturned in their ruthless attempts to uncover or fabricate evidence against Wikileaks founder Julian Assange. Their goal is to charge Assange with conspiracy to commit espionage. If the United States is successful Julian Assange will become the United States convenient scapegoat, along with others like US citizen and Army Pvt. Bradley Manning. These two will disproportionately take the blame for the United States failed policies and crimes.  Julian Assange has said that the long and cruel detention and forthcoming US government prosecution of Army Pvt. Bradley Manning is nothing more than an attempt to "terrorize whistle-blowers" and that Pvt. Manning like himself is a victim of alleged government repression and mistreatment. "There is no doubt t...
Wikileaks Founder, Assange gets Sydney Peace Prize !

Wikileaks Founder, Assange gets Sydney Peace Prize !

May 11, 2011
Wikileaks Founder, Assange gets Sydney Peace Prize ! WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange was Wednesday awarded the Sydney Peace Foundation's top honor for "exceptional courage in pursuit of human rights," joining the likes of Nelson Mandela and the Dalai Lama. Assange, an Australian former computer hacker who is fighting extradition from Britain to Sweden over alleged sex crimes, was praised and rewarded with the Sydney Peace Prize's Gold Medal. Although the Peace Prize is awarded annually by the foundation only three other people in its 14-year history have been awarded the gold award for courage in pursuit of human rights -- the Dalai Lama, Nelson Mandela and Japanese Buddhist leader Daisaku Ikeda. The foundation paid tribute to Assange's determination to seek greater transparency and accountability from governments around the world, having challenged "centuries old practices of government secrecy." "By championing people's right to k...
You got owned, Exposure about privacy on facebook !

You got owned, Exposure about privacy on facebook !

May 10, 2011
You got owned, Exposure about privacy on facebook ! If you had any doubts regarding privacy on facebook, here is a list containing hundreds of user and password, how can this be ? Easy, any application that asks for permission can get your credentials! And then do not say that we had not warned :P WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange says Facebook is Spying on You and Your Loved Ones "Here we have the world's most comprehensive database about people, their relationships, their names, their addresses, their locations and the communications with each other, their relatives, all sitting within the United States, all accessible to U.S. intelligence." Read More News Regarding Facebook on THN : Assange says Facebook is spying tool for US intelligence ! A Syrian Man-In-The-Middle Attack against Facebook Facebook is not Exclusion, XML Vulnerability ! Truth About Facebook -  CIA, U.S. government - Everything Related ! Vulnerability in Facebook Email feature Exposed ! Face...
Assange says Facebook is spying tool for US intelligence !

Assange says Facebook is spying tool for US intelligence !

May 03, 2011
Assange says Facebook is spying tool for US intelligence ! WikiLeaks editor-in-chief Julian Assange has branded Facebook an "appalling spying machine". According to Assange, whose WikiLeaks whistle-blowing site has propelled him into the media limelight, US intelligence services have direct access to records of Facebook users. "Facebook is the most appalling spying machine that's ever been invented," he said in an interview with Russia Today. "Here we have the world's most comprehensive database about people, their relationships, their addresses and locations, their communications with each other - all sitting within the United States and all accessible to US intelligence." Assange claimed that because of the costs involved each time an internet company was asked for access to specific data files, the big companies have built in back doors for officials to help themselves to whatever data they wanted. "Facebook, Google, Yahoo – all these major US organisations - hav...
#OperationLeakS by Anonymous Hacker leaks Bank of America Emails !

#OperationLeakS by Anonymous Hacker leaks Bank of America Emails !

Mar 14, 2011
OperationLeakS by Anonymous Hacker leaks Bank of America Emails ! We may soon find out whether it's possible to shame one of the big U.S. banks by exposing its mortgage missteps. A series of  messages  on Twitter Sunday evening promised the release of emails supposedly documenting "fraud and corruption" at Bank of America (BAC). The post, from the anonymous @OperationLeakS handle, said "leaked emails" from the bank would be posted at 5 a.m. London time, which is 1 a.m. in New York. The release will come three and a half months after Wikileaks founder Julian Assange breezily promised to "take down a bank or two" by releasing "either tens or hundreds of thousands of documents." Assange likened the documents to the ones that prosecutors used in bringing top executives of failed energy trader Enron to justice. The bank didn't immediately respond to a request for comment. The document dump, billed in the Twitter posts as " Blac...
Anonymous Hackers will Expose Something Awful About Bank Of America On Monday !

Anonymous Hackers will Expose Something Awful About Bank Of America On Monday !

Mar 12, 2011
There's something about Bank of America that seems to make it a magnet for controversy, anger, and internet activism. Last year Wikileaks' Julian Assange said he had documents on a major bank -- everyone kind of figured that it was Bank of America -- though it now seems that there isn't much to it. Now Gawker's Adrien Chen points out that a member of the hacker group Anonymous going by the handle OperationLeaks on twitter is claiming to have damning docs on the bank that will likely be released Monday. OperationLeaks has been teasing all day on twitter about having received documents on the bank from a disgruntled employee. Chen's own sources within Anonymous suggest there's something real to the leaks. In terms of substance, it's not clear what we might see.  This tweet , regarding  is the closest thing to anything explanatory: He Just told me he have GMAC emails showing BoA order to mix loan numbers to not match it's Documents.. to foreclose on Ame...
Anonymous Hacker Group Helps Take Down Insupportable Websites !

Anonymous Hacker Group Helps Take Down Insupportable Websites !

Mar 10, 2011
Hacker group Anonymous takes down websites across the world for the greater good: peace, freedom of information and solidarity. Anonymous, which began as a movement in 2003 on a series of internet chat boards, has gone from targeting small time hypocrites to large multinational corporations bringing it from the background of hacker culture to the forefront of global politics. Anonymous is considered a "hackivist" movement that became globally recognized in 2010 after shutting down Mastercard, Visa, and Paypal during what they called Operation Payback. These major corporations stopped providing their services to Wikileaks, which had been using them to accept donations into the Wikileaks defense fund. This action on the part of Visa, Mastercard and PayPal offended the Anonymous community as an affront to freedom and justice. Anonymous stated on Al Jazeera that they could have taken down the infrastructure of all three websites but didn't because they wanted people to still be able to u...
Anonymous : We have Revolution in mind, we can change the World !

Anonymous : We have Revolution in mind, we can change the World !

Mar 05, 2011
Anonymous : We have Revolution in mind , we can change the World ! We are Anonymous. We are Legion. We do not forgive. We do not forget. Expect us. — Anonymous They are Internet Heroes, hackers and hijackers, information rebels, revolutionaries and resisters. They are you, me, the grunt in the next cubicle, the geek who fixes your computer. They are Anonymous, an informal collective of  interactivists  that last month virtually armed protestors in Tunisia and Egypt with the necessary knowledge to topple governments: How to keep safe during protests. How to bypass censors. How not to leave an online trail. How to keep posting YouTubes when the dictators have pulled the Internet plug. One more very special lines I have written for Anonymous Hackers as below : We r Anonymous Hackers,bt we dnt Hack the Humanity.. We hate studies,Bt we love technology... World Can't Change Us,Bt We can CHANGE THE WORLD... We dnt have books in hand,Bt we have revolution in mind... We r the rares...
Anonymous Surpasses Wikileaks !

Anonymous Surpasses Wikileaks !

Feb 17, 2011
The exploits of Anonymous to hack the systems of firms providing spying services to governments and corporations suggest that the WikiLeaks mini-era has been surpassed. Much of WikiLeaks promise to protect sources is useless if the sources are not whistleblowers needing a forum for publication. Instead publishers of secret information grab it directly for posting to Torrent for anybody to access without mediation and mark-up by self-esteemed peddlers of protection, interpretationa and authentication, including media cum scholars. Ars Technica descriptions of the how the Anonymous hack are the best technical reading of Internet derring-do yet and far exceeds the much simpler rhetorical version of WikiLeaks security carefully bruited as if invulnerable but is not according to Daniel Domscheit-Berg's revelations. AnonLeaks.ru  is a remarkable advance of WikiLeaks. And promises much more by the same means and methods most associated with official spies -- NSA and CIA have long...
Ruling in Assange Extradition Case Expected Feb. 24,2011 !

Ruling in Assange Extradition Case Expected Feb. 24,2011 !

Feb 12, 2011
Final arguments in the extradition hearing of WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange were presented in a London court on Friday. The judge is expected to rule on February 24, but the case is likely to continue long afterward if either side files an appeal. Assange is being sought for questioning in Sweden on rape and coercion allegations stemming from sexual relations he had with two women in that country last August. One woman has claimed that Assange pinned her down to have sex with her and intentionally tore a condom he wore. The second woman claims that he had sex with her while she was initially asleep, failing to wear a condom despite repeated requests for him to do so. Assange has disputed their claims. Assange's attorneys have argued that Swedish prosecutor Marianne Ny had abused the Swedish and U.K. legal process by attempting to extradite Assange without charging him with a crime, and for alleged offenses that are not subject to extradition. They contradicted Ny's assertion that ...
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