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Fuck CISPA - Stop censoring Internet !

Fuck CISPA - Stop censoring Internet !

Apr 21, 2012
Fuck CISPA - Stop censoring Internet ! -  By:    Patti Galle, Executive Editor The Cyber Intelligence Sharing and Protection Act (CISPA) H.R. 3532 is a new bill being introduced in Congress that is gunning to blast the ongoing cyber attacks that have occurred since internet users figured out the keyboard could be an effective weapon. If passed through Congress, the bill would allow the government access to personal correspondence of any person of their choosing. Once again, we are being fucked by those nosey neighbors in our government. You should be very mad and very afraid because CISPA is far worse than SOPA and PIPA in its effects on the internet. The wording of this bill is mumbo jumbo, vague and broad. Reading through the nonsense, basically the act would allow Congress to circumvent existing exemptions to online privacy laws, and would allow the monitoring and censorship of any user of the internet. Peeping Toms will be wetting their pants. The real kicker (in ...
Once there was a Privacy! Cyber Security bill #CISPA passed

Once there was a Privacy! Cyber Security bill #CISPA passed

Apr 22, 2013
The United States House of Representatives on Thursday voted to approve the highly controversial  cyber security bill CISPA , which stands for the Cyber Intelligence Sharing and Protection Act. The Bill called the Cyber Intelligence Sharing and Protection Act (CISPA) was presented under the guise National Security , but in reality opens up a loop hole for companies that collect personal information about their users and in some cases want to trade of even sell these to other companies for money or other services.  This was the second time that the US House of Representatives passed the CISPA. Senators had earlier rejected the first draft of this bill on the grounds that it wasn't providing enough for protecting the privacy. Some lawmakers and privacy activists worry that the legislation would allow the government to monitor citizens' private information and companies to misuse it. The first parts of CISPA are relevant and necessary. If we're " h...
What Is Attack Surface Management?

What Is Attack Surface Management?

Feb 03, 2025Attack Surface Management
Attack surfaces are growing faster than security teams can keep up – to stay ahead, you need to know what's exposed and where attackers are most likely to strike. With cloud adoption dramatically increasing the ease of exposing new systems and services to the internet, prioritizing threats and managing your attack surface from an attacker's perspective has never been more important. In this guide, we look at why attack surfaces are growing and how to monitor and manage them properly with  tools like Intruder . Let's dive in. What is your attack surface? First, it's important to understand what we mean when we talk about an attack surface. An attack surface is the sum of your digital assets that are 'reachable' by an attacker – whether they are secure or vulnerable, known or unknown, in active use or not. You can also have both internal and external attack surfaces - imagine for example a malicious email attachment landing in a colleague's inbox, vs a new FTP server being...
Internet #Censorship : CISPA - Newest Cyber Security Bill

Internet #Censorship : CISPA - Newest Cyber Security Bill

Apr 05, 2012
Internet #Censorship : CISPA - Newest Cyber Security Bill If you download and distribute copyrighted material on the Internet, or share any information that governments or corporations find inconvenient, you could soon be labeled a threat to national security in the United States. That's the aim of a bill in Congress called the Cyber Intelligence Sharing and Protection Act (CISPA). The good news is that SOPA and PIPA haven't come to pass, but the bad news is that they could be followed by a bill that is even more invasive and could violate even more of your civil liberties. According to a press release issued last week, the bill already has over a 100 congressional co-sponsors. Yet the bill is only now beginning to appear on the public radar. CISPA would let companies spy on users and share private information with the federal government and other companies with near-total immunity from civil and criminal liability. It effectively creates a 'cybersecurity' exemption to all ex...
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CISPA Returns back, Forget privacy reforms

CISPA Returns back, Forget privacy reforms

Feb 10, 2013
The Cyber Intelligence Sharing and Protection act (CISPA) will be reintroduced by House Intelligence Committee Chairman Mike Rogers (R-Mich.) and ranking member Rep. Dutch Ruppersberger (D-Md.) before the US House next week . CISPA would've allowed any company to give away all the data its collected on you if asked by the government and The bill that plan to introduce next week will be identical to the version of CISPA that passed the House last spring. May be the recent reports of cyber espionage against The New York Times and The Wall Street Journal,  along with attacks on the Federal Reserve 's Web site and on several U.S. banks have brought the issue back to the fore. " This is clearly not a theoretical threat - the recent spike in advanced cyber attacks against the banks and newspapers makes that crystal clear, " Rogers said in a statement. If implemented, An independent Intelligence Community Inspector General would review the government's use of any...
New 'Loop DoS' Attack Impacts Hundreds of Thousands of Systems

New 'Loop DoS' Attack Impacts Hundreds of Thousands of Systems

Mar 20, 2024 DoS Attack / Network Security
A novel denial-of-service (DoS) attack vector has been found to target application-layer protocols based on User Datagram Protocol (UDP), putting hundreds of thousands of hosts likely at risk. Called  Loop DoS attacks , the  approach  pairs "servers of these protocols in such a way that they communicate with each other indefinitely," researchers from the CISPA Helmholtz-Center for Information Security said. UDP, by design, is a  connectionless protocol  that does not validate source IP addresses, making it susceptible to IP spoofing. Thus, when attackers forge several UDP packets to include a victim IP address, the destination server responds to the victim (as opposed to the threat actor), creating a reflected denial-of-service (DoS) attack. The latest study found that certain implementations of the UDP protocol, such as DNS, NTP, TFTP, Active Users, Daytime, Echo, Chargen, QOTD, and Time, can be weaponized to create a self-perpetuating attack loop. "It p...
Anonymous target USTelecom and TechAmerica for supporting Cybersecurity Bill

Anonymous target USTelecom and TechAmerica for supporting Cybersecurity Bill

Apr 10, 2012
Anonymous target USTelecom and TechAmerica for supporting Cybersecurity Bill Two technology trade associations said they were targeted by the hacker-activist group Anonymous as it singled out supporters of proposed legislation to improve U.S. cybersecurity. The hacker group Anonymous claimed responsibility for taking down the websites of USTelecom and Tech America, which both back the Cyber Intelligence Sharing and Protection Act of 2011. Both sites remained unreachable as of Monday afternoon. The attacks began yesterday when users were unable to log onto the sites. USTelecom represents telecom companies, including AT&T, Verizon, and CenturyLink; and TechAmerica's members include tech companies such as IBM, Microsoft, and Apple. A Twitter account called @Anon_Central yesterday called the Rogers bill " draconian " and posted a link to groups and companies supporting the legislation.[ See List here ] Anonymous posted a YouTube video showing USTelecom's site down S...
CacheWarp Attack: New Vulnerability in AMD SEV Exposes Encrypted VMs

CacheWarp Attack: New Vulnerability in AMD SEV Exposes Encrypted VMs

Nov 14, 2023 Hardware Security / Virtualization
A group of academics has disclosed a new "software fault attack" on AMD's Secure Encrypted Virtualization ( SEV ) technology that could be potentially exploited by threat actors to infiltrate encrypted virtual machines (VMs) and even perform privilege escalation. The attack has been codenamed  CacheWarp  (CVE-2023-20592) by researchers from the CISPA Helmholtz Center for Information Security and the Graz University of Technology. It impacts AMD CPUs supporting all variants of SEV. "For this research, we specifically looked at AMD's newest TEE, AMD SEV-SNP, relying on the experience from previous attacks on Intel's TEE," security researcher Ruiyi Zhang told The Hacker News. "We found the 'INVD' instruction [flush a processor's cache contents] could be abused under the threat model of AMD SEV." SEV, an  extension  to the AMD-V architecture and introduced in 2016, is designed to isolate VMs from the hypervisor by encrypting the me...
GhostWrite: New T-Head CPU Bugs Expose Devices to Unrestricted Attacks

GhostWrite: New T-Head CPU Bugs Expose Devices to Unrestricted Attacks

Aug 13, 2024 Vulnerability / Hardware Security
A team of researchers from the CISPA Helmholtz Center for Information Security in Germany has disclosed an architectural bug impacting Chinese chip company T-Head's XuanTie C910 and C920 RISC-V CPUs that could allow attackers to gain unrestricted access to susceptible devices. The vulnerability has been codenamed GhostWrite. It has been described as a direct CPU bug embedded in the hardware, as opposed to a side-channel or transient execution attack. "This vulnerability allows unprivileged attackers, even those with limited access, to read and write any part of the computer's memory and to control peripheral devices like network cards," the researchers said . "GhostWrite renders the CPU's security features ineffective and cannot be fixed without disabling around half of the CPU's functionality." CISPA found that the CPU has faulty instructions in its vector extension, an add-on to the RISC-V ISA designed to handle larger data values than the base Instru...
New Bluetooth Vulnerability Lets Attackers Spy On Encrypted Connections

New Bluetooth Vulnerability Lets Attackers Spy On Encrypted Connections

Aug 14, 2019
Over a billion Bluetooth-enabled devices, including smartphones, laptops, smart IoT devices, and industrial devices, have been found vulnerable to a high severity vulnerability that could allow attackers to spy on data transmitted between the two devices. The vulnerability, assigned as CVE-2019-9506 , resides in the way 'encryption key negotiation protocol' lets two Bluetooth BR/EDR devices choose an entropy value for encryption keys while pairing to secure their connection. Referred to as the Key Negotiation of Bluetooth ( KNOB ) attack, the vulnerability could allow remote attackers in close proximity to targeted devices to intercept, monitor, or manipulate encrypted Bluetooth traffic between two paired devices. The Bluetooth BR/EDR (Basic Rate/Enhanced Data Rate, also known as "Bluetooth Classic") is a wireless technology standard that has typically been designed for relatively short-range, continuous wireless connection such as streaming audio to headsets...
ÆPIC and SQUIP Vulnerabilities Found in Intel and AMD Processors

ÆPIC and SQUIP Vulnerabilities Found in Intel and AMD Processors

Aug 16, 2022
A group of researchers has revealed details of a new vulnerability affecting Intel CPUs that enables attackers to obtain encryption keys and other secret information from the processors. Dubbed  ÆPIC Leak , the weakness is the first-of-its-kind to architecturally disclose sensitive data in a manner that's akin to an "uninitialized memory read in the CPU itself." "In contrast to transient execution attacks like  Meltdown and Spectre ,  ÆPIC Leak  is an architectural bug: the sensitive data gets directly disclosed without relying on any (noisy) side channel," the academics said. The study was conducted by researchers from the Sapienza University of Rome, the Graz University of Technology, Amazon Web Services, and the CISPA Helmholtz Center for Information Security. The vulnerability ( CVE-2022-21233 , CVSS score: 6.0), which affects CPUs with Sunny Cover microarchitecture, is rooted in a component called Advanced Programmable Interrupt Controller ( APIC ), wh...
FBI using malware to turn your Android into surveillance device for Spying

FBI using malware to turn your Android into surveillance device for Spying

Aug 03, 2013
It's not the new facts that the FBI has used hacking methods in the past to spy on suspected criminals, including keyloggers and remotely turning on the microphones in mobile phones, in order to spy on suspected criminals. Computer viruses and spyware are an unavoidable part of life. You can protect against them, but they'll always be out there lurking. The Wall Street Journal posted the story that FBI agents hacking people's Android devices and personal computers (PCs) using malware , so that they can turn the MIC on and listen in on conversations. The FBI hires people who have been hacking skill, and they purchase tools that are capable of doing these things, and develop some hacking tools internally or purchases others from the private sector. It's also important to note that the US government is now the world's largest buyer of malware . The FBI has also developed custom " port reader " software to intercept Internet metadata in real ...
Julian Assange and Bradley Manning are Vested in Vision !

Julian Assange and Bradley Manning are Vested in Vision !

Apr 17, 2012
Julian Assange and Bradley Manning are Vested in Vision ! Two significant events will take place this week and cyber activists need to take note and pay attention. This will be your training on how to unfold the growing revolution that is spinning our world on a new and courageous path. First, Julian Assange has completed filming twelve episodes of his forthcoming show, " The World Tomorrow ". The first episode will be aired on RT and released online on Tuesday 17 April 2012, with other networks to follow. " The World Tomorrow " is a collection of twelve interviews featuring an eclectic range of guests, who are stamping their mark on the future: politicians, revolutionaries, intellectuals, artists and visionaries. The second event, Nobel Peace Prize nominee, and political prisoner Bradley Manning's next appearance in court will take place April 24-26 at Ft. Meade, MD. Bradley Manning was arrested in May 2010 in Iraq on suspicion of having passed classified material to the whis...
Digital privacy, Internet Surveillance and The PRISM - Enemies of the Internet

Digital privacy, Internet Surveillance and The PRISM - Enemies of the Internet

Jun 17, 2013
If you have followed the startling revelations about the scope of the US government's surveillance efforts, you may have thought you were reading about the end of privacy, and about the Enemies of the Internet. " My computer was arrested before I was ." a perceptive comment by an internet activist who had been arrested by means of online surveillance.  Online surveillance is a growing danger for journalists, bloggers, citizen-journalists and human rights defenders. Over the last few years, law enforcement agencies have been pushing for unprecedented powers of surveillance and access to your private online communications. This week the PRISM surveillance scandal has consumed the Internet as the implications of massive scale U.S. Government spying begin to sink in. The US National Security Organization (NSA) is almost certainly one of (if not the) most technologically sophisticated, well-funded and secretive organizations in the world. The Prism initiative was launched ...


Sep 08, 2012
Last month, those assholes in the California State Assembly passed a resolution urging state educational institutions to more aggressively crack down on criticism of the State of Israel on campuses, which the resolution defines as "anti-Semitism." The anti-democratic resolution is the latest step in the broader campaign to stifle and suppress dissent on California's increasingly volatile campuses. Get this, it passed without public discussion. The vote on the resolution came when most students were between semesters and away from their campuses. The resolution uses the classic trick employed by defenders of Israel's Zionist regime: lumping together any criticism of the Israeli state's policies or of the US government's support for them with racist attacks on Jews. The bulk of the resolution is dedicated to defining criticism of the state of Israel as "anti-Semitism."  It lists the following as examples of "anti-Semitism": • "language or behavior [that] demonizes and delegit...
Anonymous threatens to Hack Obama's State of the Union broadcast

Anonymous threatens to Hack Obama's State of the Union broadcast

Feb 13, 2013
The hacktivist group Anonymous says it's planning to block all live streams of President Obama's State of the Union address Tuesday night, in an operation entitled " Operation SOTU ". " We reject the State of the Union. We reject the authority of the President to sign arbitrary orders and bring irresponsible and damaging controls to the Internet, " the statement reads. " The President of the United States of America, and the Joint Session of Congress will face an Army tonight. " Anonymous group is upset with a pending Internet security bill. According to Anonymous and other Internet freedom activists, if the CISPA (Cyber Intelligence Sharing and Information Act) is passed it will infringe on online privacy and freedom. A Twitter account associated with Anonymous also hinted by tweeting ," ADVANCED WARNING: This year's State of the Union Address WILL be cancelled if internet regulation is passed by executive order #opLastResort " ...
Collide+Power, Downfall, and Inception: New Side-Channel Attacks Affecting Modern CPUs

Collide+Power, Downfall, and Inception: New Side-Channel Attacks Affecting Modern CPUs

Aug 09, 2023
Cybersecurity researchers have disclosed details of a trio of side-channel attacks that could be exploited to leak sensitive data from modern CPUs. Called  Collide+Power  ( CVE-2023-20583 ),  Downfall  ( CVE-2022-40982 ), and  Inception  ( CVE-2023-20569 ), the novel methods follow the disclosure of another newly discovered security vulnerability affecting AMD's Zen 2 architecture-based processors known as  Zenbleed  (CVE-2023-20593). "Downfall attacks target a critical weakness found in billions of modern processors used in personal and cloud computers,"  Daniel Moghimi , senior research scientist at Google,  said . "This vulnerability [...] enables a user to access and steal data from other users who share the same computer." In a hypothetical attack scenario, a malicious app installed on a device could weaponize the method to steal sensitive information like passwords and encryption keys, effectively undermining Intel's Software G...
Intel, ARM, IBM, AMD Processors Vulnerable to New Side-Channel Attacks

Intel, ARM, IBM, AMD Processors Vulnerable to New Side-Channel Attacks

Aug 07, 2020
It turns out that the root cause behind several previously disclosed speculative execution attacks against modern processors, such as Meltdown and Foreshadow , was misattributed to 'prefetching effect,' resulting in hardware vendors releasing incomplete mitigations and countermeasures. Sharing its findings with The Hacker News, a group of academics from the Graz University of Technology and CISPA Helmholtz Center for Information Security finally revealed the exact reason behind why the kernel addresses are cached in the first place, as well as presented several new attacks that exploit the previously unidentified underlying issue, allowing attackers to sniff out sensitive data. The new research explains microarchitectural attacks were actually caused by speculative dereferencing of user-space registers in the kernel, which not just impacts the most recent Intel CPUs with the latest hardware mitigations, but also several modern processors from ARM, IBM, and AMD — previou...
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