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Hackers can compromise your network just by sending a Fax

Hackers can compromise your network just by sending a Fax

Aug 14, 2018
What maximum a remote attacker can do just by having your Fax machine number? Believe it or not, but your fax number is literally enough for a hacker to gain complete control over the printer and possibly infiltrate the rest of the network connected to it. Check Point researchers have revealed details of two critical remote code execution (RCE) vulnerabilities they discovered in the communication protocols used in tens of millions of fax machines globally. You might be thinking who uses Fax these days! Well, Fax is not a thing of the past. With more than 300 million fax numbers and 45 million fax machines in use globally, Fax is still popular among several business organizations, regulators, lawyers, bankers, and real estate firms. Since most fax machines are today integrated into all-in-one printers, connected to a WiFi network and PSTN phone line, a remote attacker can simply send a specially-crafted image file via fax to exploit the reported vulnerabilities and seize co
Adobe Releases Critical Patches for Flash, Acrobat Reader, and Media Encoder

Adobe Releases Critical Patches for Flash, Acrobat Reader, and Media Encoder

May 14, 2019
Adobe today released its monthly software updates to patch a total of 87 security vulnerabilities in its Adobe Acrobat and Reader, Flash Player and Media Encoder, most of which could lead to arbitrary code execution attacks or worse. None of the flaws patched this month in Adobe products has been found exploited in the wild. Out of 87 total flaws, a whopping number of vulnerabilities (i.e., 84 in total) affect Adobe Acrobat and Reader applications alone, where 42 of them are critical and rest 42 are important in severity. Upon successful exploitation, all critical vulnerabilities in Adobe Acrobat and Reader software lead to arbitrary code execution, allowing attackers to take complete control over targeted systems. Adobe has released updated versions of Acrobat and Reader software for Windows and macOS operating systems to address these security vulnerabilities. The update for Adobe Flash Player , which will receive security patch updates until the end of 2020, comes this
Critical Security Vulnerabilities Discovered in Netcomm and TP-Link Routers

Critical Security Vulnerabilities Discovered in Netcomm and TP-Link Routers

Jan 18, 2023 Network Security
Security vulnerabilities have been disclosed in Netcomm and TP-Link routers, some of which could be weaponized to achieve remote code execution. The flaws, tracked as  CVE-2022-4873  and  CVE-2022-4874 , concern a case of stack-based buffer overflow and authentication bypass and impact Netcomm router models NF20MESH, NF20, and NL1902 running firmware versions earlier than R6B035 . "The two vulnerabilities, when chained together, permit a remote, unauthenticated attacker to execute arbitrary code," the CERT Coordination Center (CERT/CC)  said  in an advisory published Tuesday. "The attacker can first gain unauthorized access to affected devices, and then use those entry points to gain access to other networks or compromise the availability, integrity, or confidentiality of data being transmitted from the internal network." Security researcher  Brendan Scarvell  has been credited with discovering and reporting the issues in October 2022. In a related developme
cyber security

Managing SaaS Security: What's Your Maturity Level?

websiteAdaptive ShieldSaaS Security / Identity Security
Find out how your security team compares to other organizations in the new SaaS Security Survey report.
How to Build Your Autonomous SOC Strategy

How to Build Your Autonomous SOC Strategy

May 30, 2024Endpoint Security / Threat Detection
Security leaders are in a tricky position trying to discern how much new AI-driven cybersecurity tools could actually benefit a security operations center (SOC). The hype about generative AI is still everywhere, but security teams have to live in reality. They face constantly incoming alerts from endpoint security platforms, SIEM tools, and phishing emails reported by internal users. Security teams also face an acute talent shortage.  In this guide, we'll lay out practical steps organizations can take to automate more of their processes and build an autonomous SOC strategy . This should address the acute talent shortage in security teams, by employing artificial intelligence and machine learning with a variety of techniques, these systems simulate the decision-making and investigative processes of human analysts. First, we'll define objectives for an autonomous SOC strategy and then consider key processes that could be automated. Next, we'll consider different AI and automation
Multiple Vulnerabilities Reported in Checkmk IT Infrastructure Monitoring Software

Multiple Vulnerabilities Reported in Checkmk IT Infrastructure Monitoring Software

Nov 02, 2022
Multiple vulnerabilities have been disclosed in Checkmk IT Infrastructure monitoring software that could be chained together by an unauthenticated, remote attacker to fully take over affected servers.  "These vulnerabilities can be chained together by an unauthenticated, remote attacker to gain code execution on the server running Checkmk version 2.1.0p10 and lower," SonarSource researcher Stefan Schiller  said  in a technical analysis. Checkmk's open source edition of the monitoring tool is based on  Nagios Core  and offers integrations with  NagVis  for the visualization and generation of topological maps of infrastructures, servers, ports, and processes. According to its Munich-based developer tribe29 GmbH, its Enterprise and Raw editions are used by  over 2,000 customers , including Airbus, Adobe, NASA, Siemens, Vodafone, and others. The four vulnerabilities, which consist of two Critical and two Medium severity bugs, are as follows - A  code injection flaw  
Researchers Discover TPM-Fail Vulnerabilities Affecting Billions of Devices

Researchers Discover TPM-Fail Vulnerabilities Affecting Billions of Devices

Nov 13, 2019
A team of cybersecurity researchers today disclosed details of two new potentially serious CPU vulnerabilities that could allow attackers to retrieve cryptographic keys protected inside TPM chips manufactured by STMicroelectronics or firmware-based Intel TPMs. Trusted Platform Module (TPM) is a specialized hardware or firmware-based security solution that has been designed to store and protect sensitive information from attackers even when your operating system gets compromised. TMP technology is being used widely by billion of desktops, laptops, servers, smartphones, and even by Internet-of-Things (IoT) devices to protect encryption keys, passwords, and digital certificates. Collectively dubbed as TPM-Fail , both newly found vulnerabilities, as listed below, leverage a timing-based side-channel attack to recover cryptographic keys that are otherwise supposed to remain safely inside the chips. CVE-2019-11090 : Intel fTPM vulnerabilities CVE-2019-16863 : STMicroelectronics
December 2022 Patch Tuesday: Get Latest Security Updates from Microsoft and More

December 2022 Patch Tuesday: Get Latest Security Updates from Microsoft and More

Dec 14, 2022 Patch Management / Vulnerability
Tech giant Microsoft released its last set of monthly security updates for 2022 with  fixes for 49 vulnerabilities  across its software products. Of the 49 bugs, six are rated Critical, 40 are rated Important, and three are rated Moderate in severity. The updates are in addition to  24 vulnerabilities  that have been addressed in the Chromium-based Edge browser since the start of the month. December's Patch Tuesday plugs two zero-day vulnerabilities, one that's actively exploited and another issue that's listed as publicly disclosed at the time of release. The former relates to  CVE-2022-44698  (CVSS score: 5.4), one of the  three security bypass issues  in Windows SmartScreen that could be exploited by a malicious actor to evade mark of the web (MotW) protections. It's worth noting that this issue, in conjunction with  CVE-2022-41091  (CVSS score: 5.4), has been observed being exploited by Magniber ransomware actors to deliver rogue JavaScript files within ZIP arc
In.com database hacked , SQL vulnerabilities Found By Sec Indi !

In.com database hacked , SQL vulnerabilities Found By Sec Indi !

Jan 19, 2011
In.com  database hacked , SQL vulnerabilities Found By Sec Indi ! IN.com has found many SQL vulnerabilities, vulnerabilities found by  Sec Indi (Indian hacker) . We have already  inform the webmasters to patch those  vulnerabilities as soon as possible. Well here blow as proof we are just showing the Table and Columns from database.  News Source :  Sec Indi | Via Email 
A Free Solution to Protect Your Business from 6 Biggest Cyber Threats in 2022

A Free Solution to Protect Your Business from 6 Biggest Cyber Threats in 2022

Feb 21, 2022
For the last few years, the cybersecurity threat landscape has gotten progressively more complex and dangerous. The online world is now rife with data thieves, extortionists, and even state actors looking to exploit vulnerabilities in businesses' digital defenses.  And unfortunately — the bad guys have the upper hand at the moment. Part of the reason for that is the fallout from the rapid digitization made necessary by the COVID-19 pandemic. According to research on the subject,  more than half of businesses  have yet to mitigate the risks created by that digitization. And when you add a persistent shortage of cybersecurity workers to that fact, you have the makings of a scary situation. But businesses aren't helpless. There are plenty of things they can do to augment their defenses as they look to mitigate cyber risks. And best of all, some of those options won't cost them a thing. A great example of that is the open-source security platform  Wazuh . It offers busines
Apple Warns of 3 iOS Zero-Day Security Vulnerabilities Exploited in the Wild

Apple Warns of 3 iOS Zero-Day Security Vulnerabilities Exploited in the Wild

Jan 27, 2021
Apple on Tuesday released updates for iOS, iPadOS, and tvOS with fixes for three security vulnerabilities that it says may have been actively exploited in the wild. Reported by an anonymous researcher, the three  zero-day   flaws  — CVE-2021-1782, CVE-2021-1870, and CVE-2021-1871 — could have allowed an attacker to elevate privileges and achieve remote code execution. The iPhone maker did not disclose how widespread the attack was or reveal the identities of the attackers actively exploiting them. While the privilege escalation bug in the kernel (CVE-2021-1782) was noted as a race condition that could cause a malicious application to elevate its privileges, the other two shortcomings — dubbed a "logic issue" — were discovered in the WebKit browser engine (CVE-2021-1870 and CVE-2021-1871), permitting an attacker to achieve arbitrary code execution inside Safari. Apple said the race condition and the WebKit flaws were addressed with improved locking and restrictions, resp
Hackers exploiting Router vulnerabilities to hack Bank accounts through DNS Hijacking

Hackers exploiting Router vulnerabilities to hack Bank accounts through DNS Hijacking

Feb 10, 2014
In past months, we have reported about critical vulnerabilities in many wireless Routers including Netgear, Linksys,  TP-LINK, Cisco, ASUS, TENDA and more vendors, installed by millions of home users worldwide. Polish Computer Emergency Response Team (CERT Polska) recently noticed a large scale cyber attack ongoing campaign aimed at Polish e-banking users. Cyber criminals are using known router vulnerability which allow attackers to change the router's DNS configuration remotely so they can lure users to fake bank websites or can perform Man-in-the-Middle attack. ' After DNS servers settings are changed on a router, all queries from inside the network are forwarded to rogue servers. Obviously the platform of a client device is not an issue, as there is no need for the attackers to install any malicious software at all. ' CERT Polska researchers said. That DNS Hijacking trick is not new, neither most of the router vulnerabilities are, but still millions of r
Flaws in Popular Self-Encrypting SSDs Let Attackers Decrypt Data

Flaws in Popular Self-Encrypting SSDs Let Attackers Decrypt Data

Nov 06, 2018
We all have something to hide, something to protect. But if you are also relying on self-encrypting drives for that, then you should read this news carefully. Security researchers have discovered multiple critical vulnerabilities in some of the popular self-encrypting solid state drives (SSD) that could allow an attacker to decrypt disk encryption and recover protected data without knowing the password for the disk. The researchers—Carlo Meijer and Bernard van Gastel—at Radboud University in the Netherlands reverse engineered the firmware several SSDs that offer hardware full-disk encryption to identify several issues and detailed their findings in a new paper ( PDF ) published Monday. "The analysis uncovers a pattern of critical issues across vendors. For multiple models, it is possible to bypass the encryption entirely, allowing for a complete recovery of the data without any knowledge of passwords or keys," the researchers say. The duo successfully tested their
Android Network Toolkit (ANTI) Review - Pentest at the push of a button

Android Network Toolkit (ANTI) Review - Pentest at the push of a button

Jan 23, 2012
This Post reviews the newly released ANTI3 version. We've received a platinum account of ANTI3, before its official release, and this is our review: Recently White-Hat Hacker, Itzhak "Zuk" Avraham , the founder of zImperium unveiled its new app in Blackhat / Defcon19, introducing a new concept where both home users and local IT can have the same tools to, at the push of a button, check for their security faults. The new zImperium product, named Android Network Toolkit (or in short - ANTI), allows professional penetration testers, ethical hackers, IT and home users to scan for security issues in their network. In a few simple clicks ANTI covers the most advanced attack vectors in order to check for vulnerabilities, even those that up until now could only be performed by top-notch penetration testers. This means that while you might think that you're safe because you have a firewall on, with ANTI you can check and prove it (or add it to your penetration testing repor
Three Ways To Supercharge Your Software Supply Chain Security

Three Ways To Supercharge Your Software Supply Chain Security

Jan 04, 2024 Ethical Hacking / Vulnerability Assessment
Section four of the " Executive Order on Improving the Nation's Cybersecurity " introduced a lot of people in tech to the concept of a "Software Supply Chain" and securing it. If you make software and ever hope to sell it to one or more federal agencies, you  have  to pay attention to this. Even if you never plan to sell to a government, understanding your Software Supply Chain and learning how to secure it will pay dividends in a stronger security footing and the benefits it provides. This article will look at three ways to supercharge your  Software Supply Chain Security . What is your Software Supply Chain? It's essentially everything that goes into building a piece of software: from the IDE in which the developer writes code, to the third-party dependencies, to the build systems and scripts, to the hardware and operating system on which it runs. Instabilities and vulnerabilities can be introduced, maliciously or not, from inception to deployment and even beyond.  1: Ke
Alert: Microsoft Releases Patch Updates for 5 New Zero-Day Vulnerabilities

Alert: Microsoft Releases Patch Updates for 5 New Zero-Day Vulnerabilities

Nov 15, 2023 Patch Tuesday / Zero-Day
Microsoft has released fixes to address  63 security bugs  in its software for the month of November 2023, including three vulnerabilities that have come under active exploitation in the wild. Of the 63 flaws, three are rated Critical, 56 are rated Important, and four are rated Moderate in severity. Two of them have been listed as publicly known at the time of the release. The updates are in addition to  more than 35 security shortcomings  addressed in its Chromium-based Edge browser since the release of Patch Tuesday updates for October 2023. The five zero-days that are of note are as follows - CVE-2023-36025  (CVSS score: 8.8) - Windows SmartScreen Security Feature Bypass Vulnerability CVE-2023-36033  (CVSS score: 7.8) - Windows DWM Core Library Elevation of Privilege Vulnerability CVE-2023-36036  (CVSS score: 7.8) - Windows Cloud Files Mini Filter Driver Elevation of Privilege Vulnerability CVE-2023-36038  (CVSS score: 8.2) - ASP.NET Core Denial of Service Vulnerability CV
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