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Category — free arrest record
20-year-old Anonymous Hacker arrested by Bulgarian Police

20-year-old Anonymous Hacker arrested by Bulgarian Police

Jun 22, 2012
20-year-old Anonymous Hacker arrested by Bulgarian Police Bulgarian police authorities have arrested an alleged member of the loosely associated Anonymous hacktivist group. The 20-year-old suspect has allegedly attacked the website of Prophon, a Bulgarian music licensing company. The reason - Mitko was against paying for music and movies, like to draw at will from the network. The attack he made on February 5, 2012 as able to penetrate into account the site administrator. Following the intervention of Mitko, entering the address www.prophon.org is appeared a message that "Anonymous" seize the site. " PROPHON Hello, We are Anonymous. We learned that you are greedy and another 12 organizations have signed an open letter in support of the so-called. Agreement ACTA. This is unacceptable and this angered us. You are first, not last. This should be a lesson to all who support ACTA. We are Anonymous. We are legion. We do not forgive. We will not forget. Expect us , "the...
Hacker charged for hacking into U.S. Energy Department

Hacker charged for hacking into U.S. Energy Department

Jun 20, 2012
Hacker charged for hacking into U.S. Energy Department Andrew James Miller, a 23-year-old resident of Devon, Pennsylvania, was arrested on Thursday and charged with one count of conspiracy, two counts of computer fraud, and one count of access device fraud, according to a statement issued by the Justice Department's Criminal Division. According to the indictment, between 2008 and 2011, Miller and others allegedly remotely hacked into computer networks belonging to RNK Telecommunications Inc., a Massachusetts company; Crispin Porter and Bogusky Inc., a Colorado advertising agency; the University of Massachusetts; the U.S. Department of Energy; and other institutions and companies. The indictment alleges that when Miller hacked into the computers, he obtained other users' access credentials to the compromised computers. He and his co-conspirators then allegedly sold access to these computer networks as well as other access credentials. After gaining unauthorized access to these...
Protecting Your Software Supply Chain: Assessing the Risks Before Deployment

Protecting Your Software Supply Chain: Assessing the Risks Before Deployment

Feb 11, 2025Software Security / Threat Intelligence
Imagine you're considering a new car for your family. Before making a purchase, you evaluate its safety ratings, fuel efficiency, and reliability. You might even take it for a test drive to ensure it meets your needs. The same approach should be applied to software and hardware products before integrating them into an organization's environment. Just as you wouldn't buy a car without knowing its safety features, you shouldn't deploy software without understanding the risks it introduces. The Rising Threat of Supply Chain Attacks Cybercriminals have recognized that instead of attacking an organization head-on, they can infiltrate through the software supply chain—like slipping counterfeit parts into an assembly line. According to the 2024 Sonatype State of the Software Supply Chain report , attackers are infiltrating open-source ecosystems at an alarming rate, with over 512,847 malicious packages detected last year alone—a 156% increase from the previous year. Traditional sec...
LulzSec hacker - Brit Ryan Cleary charged for Sony and Fox hacks

LulzSec hacker - Brit Ryan Cleary charged for Sony and Fox hacks

Jun 15, 2012
LulzSec hacker - Brit Ryan Cleary charged for Sony and Fox hacks A 20-year-old Briton suspected of links to the hacking group Lulz Security is accused of cracking into websites for a Fox reality TV show, a venerable news show and other sites to deface them or steal personal information, federal prosecutors said Wednesday. Ryan Cleary, 20, reportedly had ties to the well-known branch of Anonymous called LulzSec before he was arrested in London last June (although the hacktivist group denies his involvement with it). U.S. federal prosecutors said today that he worked to take down, deface, and steal personal information from Web sites. In a separate and similar case filed against Cleary in the United Kingdom in 2011, he faces allegations that he and others hacked a law enforcement agency, the Serious Organized Crime Agency, and various British music sites - all while he was still a teenager. Commenting on Tuesday's indictment, FBI spokesperson Laura Eimiller said, "Cleary is a skilled ...
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UGNazi hackers attack on CloudFlare via a flaw in Google

UGNazi hackers attack on CloudFlare via a flaw in Google

Jun 04, 2012
UGNazi hackers attack on CloudFlare via a flaw in Google After the FBI arrested Cosmo, the alleged leader of the UGNazi hacking group, the hackers attacked CloudFlare via a flaw in Google's two-factor authentication system. The CloudFlare hack allowed UGNazi to change the DNS for 4chan, so visitors to the site were redirected to a UGNazis Twitter account. Hackers were able to infiltrate the personal Gmail account of CloudFlare CEO Matthew Prince. "The attack was the result a compromise of Google's account security procedures that allowed the hacker to eventually access to my CloudFlare.com email addresses, which runs on Google Apps," CloudFare's CEO Matthew Prince shared . According to the statement on Pastebin , the hackers are not sorry for attacking 4chan.  4chan.org is the playground that allows pedophiles to share their "collections" and the disgusting bronies to hang out. The site is loosely monitored and child porn threads are allowed to ...
New Jersey mayor arrested for hacking recall website

New Jersey mayor arrested for hacking recall website

May 30, 2012
New Jersey mayor arrested for hacking recall website The FBI last week arrested the mayor of the northern New Jersey town of West New York, together with his son, on charges of hacking into a website and a related email account that called for the mayor's recall. Felix Roque, 55, the mayor of West New York, N.J., was arrested with his son, Joseph Roque, 22. They were released on $100,000 personal bond after neither entered a plea. According to the criminal complaint filed against Felix Roque and his son, on 2 February 2012 the two men began to conspire to hack into and disable a website called www.recallroque.com. Joseph Roque then allegedly performed a password reset for the Go Daddy account used to administer recallroque.com. This allowed him to cancel the domain name and effectively disable the website, the FBI agent said in the affidavit. The conspiracy and unauthorised computer access charges each carry a maximum possible sentence of five years in prison and a fine of u...
17 year old Teenager arrested over TeamPoison hacking attacks

17 year old Teenager arrested over TeamPoison hacking attacks

May 12, 2012
17 year old Teenager arrested over TeamPoison hacking attacks A teenage boy has been arrested on suspicion of being a member of "TeamPoison", a computer hacking group that has claimed responsibility for 1,400 offences including an attack on the phone system of Scotland Yard's counter-terrorism unit last month. These include attacks on the United Nations, the UK Anti-Terrorist Hotline, MI6 and RIM, as well as politicians including Nicolas Sarkozy and Tony Blair. The boy, who police suspect used the hacker nickname 'MLT' and was a spokesman for TeamPoison, was interviewed at a local police station on offences under the Computer Misuse Act on Wednesday. The arrest is part of an ongoing investigation by the Police Central e-Crime Unit (PCeU) division of the Metropolitan Police into various hacking gangs who have made headlines in the last year or so. TeamPoison's highest-profile attack was mounted against Scotland Yard's counter-terror hotline last month, has als...
UK's Serious Organised Crime Agency's website taken offline after DDoS attack

UK's Serious Organised Crime Agency's website taken offline after DDoS attack

May 03, 2012
UK's Serious Organised Crime Agency 's website taken offline after DDoS attack The Serious Organised Crime Agency's website was temporarily shut down today after a cyber attack.It was the victim of a scam known as distributed denial of service (DDOS) whereby an internet address is flooded with bogus traffic, effectively making it unreachable. It is the second time in a year that the website has fallen victim to hackers." We elected to take the website offline temporarily at about 10:00 pm (2100 GMT) last night ," a SOCA spokesman said. SOCA was the first target of the AntiSec campaign launched back in June by Anonymous and LulzSec. Soon after, 19-year-old Ryan Cleary was arrested and charged with allegedly playing a role in the DDoS attack that took down the SOCA Web site. Since then, the site was seemingly operating as expected. A Twitter news feed that claims links to the Anonymous hacking collective publicised the DDoS on Thursday, but did not claim respon...
Julian Assange and Bradley Manning are Vested in Vision !

Julian Assange and Bradley Manning are Vested in Vision !

Apr 17, 2012
Julian Assange and Bradley Manning are Vested in Vision ! Two significant events will take place this week and cyber activists need to take note and pay attention. This will be your training on how to unfold the growing revolution that is spinning our world on a new and courageous path. First, Julian Assange has completed filming twelve episodes of his forthcoming show, " The World Tomorrow ". The first episode will be aired on RT and released online on Tuesday 17 April 2012, with other networks to follow. " The World Tomorrow " is a collection of twelve interviews featuring an eclectic range of guests, who are stamping their mark on the future: politicians, revolutionaries, intellectuals, artists and visionaries. The second event, Nobel Peace Prize nominee, and political prisoner Bradley Manning's next appearance in court will take place April 24-26 at Ft. Meade, MD. Bradley Manning was arrested in May 2010 in Iraq on suspicion of having passed classified material to the whis...
Two from Team Poison arrested in MI6 hotline phone hack

Two from Team Poison arrested in MI6 hotline phone hack

Apr 13, 2012
Two from Team Poison arrested in MI6 hotline phone hack Police in the UK have arrested two teens as part of an investigation into illegal recordings of conversations on Scotland Yard’s anti-terror hotline, which were later posted on Youtube . Two teenage boys aged 16 and 17 years have been arrested in the West Midlands in connection with an investigation into reports that hackers accessed Scotland Yard's anti-terror hotline. The hackers claimed to have carried out the cyber-attack in response to the alleged detention of innocent people on terrorism charges and the recent ruling to deport a number of terror suspects to the United States.  In the recording of the conversation, two people are heard discussing an earlier alleged attack in which a group calling themselves TeamPoison ( TeaMp0isoN ) apparently jammed the hotline by bombarding it with calls from computers . " We are confident the communication systems have not been breached and remain, as they always have been, s...
Anonymous vs Britain's Home Office - Operation Trial At Home

Anonymous vs Britain's Home Office - Operation Trial At Home

Apr 09, 2012
Anonymous vs Britain's Home Office - Operation Trial At Home As announced during last days Anonymous has launched a Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) against several UK government websites. A massive recruiting campaign is started on social media, a call to arm to protest the extradition of U.K. citizens to the United States. The Operation named " Operation Trial At Home ," fight the European Arrest Warrant (EAW) that could lead to the extradition of three accused criminals by the U.K.'s Home Office, the government department responsible for domestic security. Anonymous has provided Home Office's IP address in its announcement to the supporters, Scheduling for April 7 the a DDoS ( with denial-of-service) attacks against the Home Office's website. During the week I wrote and article on the intent of the famous group of hacktivist and on the possible reasons of the action. The attacks have mainly two motives: to protest against the extradition of Gary McKinnon, Christopher H...
LulzSec hacker pleads guilty in Sony breach

LulzSec hacker pleads guilty in Sony breach

Apr 06, 2012
LulzSec hacker pleads guilty in Sony breach Accused LulzSec hacker Cody Kretsinger pleaded guilty today in a federal court in Los Angeles, California, to felony charges associated with the breach of Sony Pictures Entertainment that occurred in mid-2011. The hacker had previously pleaded not guilty.Kretsinger was arrested last September, months before the recent raid on the "leaders" of the group. The hacker had been charged with conspiracy and the unauthorized impairment of a protected computer and pleaded not guilty at the time for both counts. The indictment accused Kretsinger and co-conspirators of stealing confidential information from Sony Pictures' computer systems and distributing the material on LulzSec's website before trumpeting the attack on Twitter. The breach caused more than $600,000 in damages, according to court papers. He and other LulzSec hackers, including those known as "Sabu" and "Topiary," stole the personal information...
#OpTrialAtHome : Anonymous Plans 7 April Attack on British government

#OpTrialAtHome : Anonymous Plans 7 April Attack on British government

Apr 05, 2012
Anonymous Plans 7 April Attack on British government UK hackers linked to the Anonymous group are encouraging supporters to attack the Home Office website this Saturday (7 April) in protest at the extradition of three UK citizens to the US. Called #OpTrialAtHome , the hacktivist group @AnonOpUK posted a warning on its Twitter page that an attack on the Home Office was planned for Saturday, 7 April. An associated photo/poster shows images of Gary McKinnon, Richard O'Dwyer and Christopher Tappin. McKinnon and O'Dwyer are awaiting extradition from the UK to the US. Tappin's extradition was effected on 24 February when he was flown to El Paso, Texas. Supporters have been encouraged to launch denial-of-service attacks on the Home Office's IP address, which Anonymous has revealed. Those not savvy enough to launch automated attacks on the site could contribute to the effect by simply visiting the site in large numbers. Julian Assange, the editor-in-chief and founder of WikiLeaks, ...
Lulzsec 'Ryan Cleary' Again in Jail for breaking his bail conditions

Lulzsec 'Ryan Cleary' Again in Jail for breaking his bail conditions

Apr 01, 2012
Lulzsec Ryan Cleary Again in Jail for breaking his bail conditions The lawyer for a 19-year-old Briton Ryan Cleary suspected of links to the hacking group Lulz Security says her client's back behind bars for breaching his bail conditions. Mr Cleary, is accused of being a member of the hacktivist group LulzSec as it carried out a series of attacks on targets including the UK's Serious Organised Crime Agency, the CIA and News International. Cleary, who was never an official LulzSec member but ran an Internet Relay Chat that the group used to communicate, had apparently been trading e-mails with Hector Xavier Monsegur, a.k.a. Sabu, the recently outed LulzSec mastermind turned FBI informant. That was a direct violation of his bail agreement, which dictated that Cleary was to have no access to the Internet whatsoever. The Metropolitan Police said Cleary was rearrested on March 5, a day before the FBI disclosed that Monsegur, better known as Sabu, had been secretly working as...
Why Hackers Can't take down DNS root servers ?

Why Hackers Can't take down DNS root servers ?

Mar 30, 2012
Why Hackers Can't take down DNS root servers ? Interpol Chief Ronald Noble on Friday warned that a group of hackers might try to shut down internet service tomorrow. The hacking group, Anonymous, is protesting against several reasons including the crash of Wall Street and irresponsible leaders. There are 13 DNS servers that host the core databases for translating IP addresses. Anonymous hackers have announced " Operation Global Blackout ", promising to cause an Internet-wide blackout by disabling the core DNS servers. Anonymous  Hackers wants to bombard those 13 servers with traffic using a distributed denial of service attack. If the servers get too overloaded, they'll crash and therefore be unable to fulfil DNS lookups rendering all domain names useless. But there are lots of Limitations in this type of attack : There are 13 Root Servers out there, It it not possible to shut down every of them. Even every root server is under control of various companies and they h...
Dominican Republic Police arrested 6 Anonymous hackers

Dominican Republic Police arrested 6 Anonymous hackers

Mar 27, 2012
Dominican Republic Police arrested 6 Anonymous hackers Dominican Republic Police has arrested six hackers , Milton Corniell David Jimenez (Zerohack), Juan Rafael Leonardo Acosta (Nmap), Cristian de la Rosa Jose de los Santos (Mot), Robert Reynoso Delgado (Frank-Ostia) linked to Anonymous and accused by the authorities of attacking websites of state and private companies. Public Prosecutor German Vasquez alleges the six hacked into government websites, including ones for the president and the education ministry. He says the suspects range in age between 17 and 23. The members of combat cyber crime unit made the arrest in an joint operating in the country early Sunday in the capital Santiago. Defense lawyer Carlos Guerrero denies the accusations and says the government has no evidence. The defendants are accused of cyber terrorism, which the prosecution defined as a new form of threats and vulnerabilities in the Internet. denunciations of the "hacks" to institutions DG Int...
17-year-old Hacker arrested for hacking into KPN mobile telecommunications

17-year-old Hacker arrested for hacking into KPN mobile telecommunications

Mar 27, 2012
17-year-old Hacker arrested for hacking into KPN mobile telecommunications A 17-year-old boy has been arrested for hacking into mobile telecommunications company KPN in the Netherlands. He has also been accused of other breaches in Japan, Korea, and Norway. The teenager was arrested last Tuesday in the Dutch town of Barendrecht, where police seized an encrypted computer, two laptops and other storage media including external hard drives, DVDs and USB sticks. The arrested teenager called himself "xS", "Yoshioka" and "Yui" online, is also suspected of breaching security of Tokohu University in Japan, as well as hacking computers at the Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST) and at Trondheim University in Norway. Last but not least, he reportedly ran a website used for selling stolen credit card data. KPN also noted the arrest is unrelated to a January hack which resulted in the company taking 2 million e-mail accounts offline as a pre...
Chinese hacker arrested for leaking 6 million logins from CSDN

Chinese hacker arrested for leaking 6 million logins from CSDN

Mar 26, 2012
In the biggest hacking case in China's Internet history, police have arrested a man suspected of leaking personal information about more than six million users. The suspect, surnamed Zeng , was nabbed in Wenzhou, east China's Zhejiang Province, on February 4 after an investigation into the case, Beijing News reported. Surnamed Zeng suspected of leaking personal information belonging to more than 6 million users of the China Software Developer Network (CSDN) . Zeng has been detained on charges of illegal acquisition of computer data. Police said the leaked information contained user IDs, passwords and e-mail addresses in clear text. The leak had a rippling effect on other websites, including online shopping, gaming, social networking and even financial service websites. Police noticed that most of the leaked data dated from July 2009 to July 2010, indicating the CSDN server was hacked before July 2010. Zeng caught the police's attention because he claimed in an online po...
Carberp Banking Trojan Scam - 8 Arrested in Russia

Carberp Banking Trojan Scam - 8 Arrested in Russia

Mar 22, 2012
Carberp Banking Trojan Scam - 8 Arrested in Russia 8 Men suspected of being involved in the Carberp phishing scam have been arrested in Russia. The men were arrested after a joint investigation by the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs (MVD) and Federal Security Service (FSB). According to the MVD, the investigation found that two brothers were the ringleaders of the gang, and developed a plan to steal money from the accounts of online banking customers. The eight suspects allegedly stole more than 60 million Rubles ($2 million) from 90 victims using the Carberp Trojan. Russian security firm who assisted with the investigation, pegged the stolen loot at 130 million Rubles ($4.5 million). Police confiscated computers, bank cards, notary equipment, fake documentation, and more than 7 million Rubles ($240,000) in cash during the raid. The gang used the Carberp and RDP-door Trojans to snare victims. Carberp is a well-known Trojan that was recently seen on Facebook as part ...
PS3 hacker Geohot arrested for possession of marijuana

PS3 hacker Geohot arrested for possession of marijuana

Mar 15, 2012
PS3 hacker Geohot arrested for possession of marijuana George 'GeoHot' Hotz, who you might know as "geohot" who made the Sony console's root key available last year, has been banged up for carrying drugs. He was traveling by car with friends on his way to the SXSW conference in Austin to give a talk titled " The Final Frontier of Reverse Engineering " when he had to stop at a border patrol checkpoint in Sierra Blanca, Texas. Department of Homeland Security officers were using dogs to decide if a vehicle warranted a search, and Hotz's car was barked at. Geohot holds a medical marijuana license in California (for those pesky headaches, clearly) and as such, was legally allowed to tote around a confectionary treat bag of THC-infused sweets. Sadly for Geohot, as he may or may not have noticed, he wasn't in California when a sheriff pulled a 1/4 oz. of Mary Jane from the glove box, alongside a pack of chocolates said to contain less than 1/8 oz. of the same Wa...
FBI actually leak Stratfor e-mails just to bust Julian Assange?

FBI actually leak Stratfor e-mails just to bust Julian Assange?

Mar 14, 2012
FBI actually leak Stratfor e-mails just to bust Julian Assange ? Internal emails disclosed by Anonymous and WikiLeaks suggest that Stratfor, a private intelligence firm working with the U.S. Justice Department. But The FBI turned a computer hacker to build its case against a group of people it alleges are responsible for a string of audacious attacks that captured the personal details of more than one million people. Hector Monsegur, known as Sabu, leader of the Anonymous affiliated hacking group LulzSec, was arrested by FBI agents in his New York apartment on Monday, June 7, 2011, at 10:15PM. On August 15, Monsegur pleaded guily to several counts of hacking and identity theft.  Seeing that Xavier 'Sabu' Monsegur had apparently been working for the FBI for the last couple of months, it isn't too far-fetched to think that the leaks of the Stratfor e-mails given to Wikileaks by Anonymous was nothing more than a tactic to entrap Wikileaks and build a case against Assange...
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