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Hacking Facebook account | Breaking Cybersecurity News | The Hacker News

Category — Hacking Facebook account
Change this Facebook Privacy Setting That Could Allow Hackers to Steal Your Identity

Change this Facebook Privacy Setting That Could Allow Hackers to Steal Your Identity

Aug 13, 2015
Facebook User: Who Can Find Me...? Hacker: Yes, I CAN!! A Security Researcher claimed " digi-crims could easily scan the population of an entire country to find targets ". Reza Moaiandin , technical director at Salt Agency, has figured out a way to exploit an important Facebook feature to gather personal data belonging to the users. Facebook Privacy Setting That Makes Your Identity Vulnerable If you pay attention to the security settings in your Facebook profile, you will find a privacy setting that says ' Who can look me up? ', or " Who can look you up using the phone number you provided? " which has been set to ' Everyone ' by default. This configuration allows you to search anyone just by entering his or her phone number; as a result, the search box in Facebook will display the profile of that person. But, Can you imagine, How Cybercriminals can take advantage of this crucial privacy blunder? By exploiting this default feature with a sim...
Do You also want to Hack Facebook Account of your Girlfriend?

Do You also want to Hack Facebook Account of your Girlfriend?

Jun 13, 2015
We at The Hacker News get a lot of requests via emails and messages from people who want to hack into someone else's Facebook account or Gmail account or break into somebody's network. However, 80 to 90 percent requests we receive every day are from people who want to hack into their girlfriend, boyfriend, wife, or husband's Facebook account in order to read their private conversations and reveal their secret relationships, if any. Even though we strongly deny any such requests because accessing someone else's account without their knowledge or permission is a crime… ...but there are demands from people – those cheated by their love, betrayal of trust, driven by greed or revenge – to break into the Facebook accounts of other people. So, what about Hiring a Hacker? As money could buy everything, a service received a lot of popularity earlier this year – even featured on the front page of the New York Times – claims to connect these needy people to professional ...
Watch Out For These 8 Cloud Security Shifts in 2025

Watch Out For These 8 Cloud Security Shifts in 2025

Feb 04, 2025Threat Detection / Cloud Security
As cloud security evolves in 2025 and beyond, organizations must adapt to both new and evolving realities, including the increasing reliance on cloud infrastructure for AI-driven workflows and the vast quantities of data being migrated to the cloud. But there are other developments that could impact your organizations and drive the need for an even more robust security strategy. Let's take a look… #1: Increased Threat Landscape Encourages Market Consolidation Cyberattacks targeting cloud environments are becoming more sophisticated, emphasizing the need for security solutions that go beyond detection. Organizations will need proactive defense mechanisms to prevent risks from reaching production. Because of this need, the market will favor vendors offering comprehensive, end-to-end security platforms that streamline risk mitigation and enhance operational efficiency. #2: Cloud Security Unifies with SOC Priorities Security operations centers (SOC) and cloud security functions are c...
Beware! Facebook UnfriendAlert Software Steals Your Account Password

Beware! Facebook UnfriendAlert Software Steals Your Account Password

Jun 06, 2015
Today everybody wants to know — Who visited my Facebook profile?, Who unfriended me from the Facebook Friend list?, Who saw my Facebook posts?, and many other features that isn't provided by Facebook by default. So most Facebook users try to find out a software and fall victim to one that promises to accomplish their desired task. Hackers make use of this weakness and often design malicious programs in order to victimize broad audience. Following I am going to disclose the realities behind one such software designed cleverly to trick Facebook users to make them believe it is genuine. UnfriendAlert , a free application that notifies you whenever someone removes you from the Facebook friend list, has been found collecting its users' Facebook credentials. UnfriendAlert Stealing your Facebook Credentials: Security researchers at Malwarebytes have warned users of the UnfriendAlert app saying that the notorious app asks users to login with their Facebook ...
cyber security

Webinar: 5 Ways New AI Agents Can Automate Identity Attacks | Register Now

websitePush SecurityAI Agents / Identity Security
Watch how Computer-Using Agents can be used by attackers to automate account takeover and exploitation.
The Great... Great... Firewall of China Hijacks Facebook Connect Plugin

The Great... Great... Firewall of China Hijacks Facebook Connect Plugin

Apr 29, 2015
From past few days, Internet Users in China are dealing with a weird redirection of traffic nationwide while accessing any website that makes use of connect.facebook.net resource. Great Firewall of China , which is infamous for the Internet censorship by Chinese government, believes to be intercepting the JavaScript module used by Facebook Connect Login, which is meant to allow third-party websites to authorize users through Facebook infrastructure. Chinese Internet users are complaining that when they visit any website that contain " Login with Facebook " or " Connect with Facebook " buttons (which is being used by a vast number of sites), they automatically redirect to unrelated websites. The two websites to which the traffic is being redirected: wpkg.org — A website for open source automated software deployment, upgrade, and removal program for Windows. ptraveler.com — A personal travel blog authored by a young couple of Poland. "Th...
Facebook Vulnerability Leaks Users' Private Photos

Facebook Vulnerability Leaks Users' Private Photos

Mar 19, 2015
If you have enabled automatic Facebook Photo Sync feature on your iPhone, iPad or Android devices, then Beware ! Hackers can steal your personal photographs without your knowledge. In 2012, the social network giant introduced Facebook Photo Sync feature for iPhone, iPad and Android devices which, if opt-in, allows Facebook to automatically sync all your photos saved on your mobile device with your Facebook account. The photos that you have synced from your phone are automatically uploaded in the background to a private Facebook album, which is not visible to any of your Facebook friends or other Facebook users. However, you may can choose then to share photos from the album on your Facebook timeline or send them as a message to a friend. A bug bounty hunter, Laxman Muthiyah , discovered a critical flaw in the Facebook Photo Sync feature and Facebook API that could allow any third-party app to access your personal photos from the hidden Facebook Photo Sync album. It...
Hacking Facebook Account with 'Reconnect' Tool

Hacking Facebook Account with 'Reconnect' Tool

Mar 11, 2015
" Signup or Login with Facebook " ?? You might think twice before doing that next time. A security researcher has discovered a critical flaw that allows hackers take over Facebook accounts on websites that leverage ' Login with Facebook ' feature. The vulnerability doesn't grant hackers access to your actual Facebook password, but it does allow them to access your accounts using Facebook application developed by third-party websites such as Bit.ly , Mashable , Vimeo , About.me , Stumbleupon , Angel.co and possibly many more. FLAW EXPLOITS THREE CSRFs PROTECTION Egor Homakov , a researcher with pentesting company Sakurity, made the social network giant aware of the bug a year ago, but the company refused to fix the vulnerability because doing so would have ruined compatibility of Facebook with a vast number of websites over the Internet. The critical flaw abuses the lack of CSRF ( Cross-Site Request Forgery ) protection for three different proce...
Facebook Employees can Access your Account without Password

Facebook Employees can Access your Account without Password

Feb 28, 2015
Do you know that your Facebook account can be accessed by Facebook engineers and that too without entering your account credentials? Recent details provided by the social network giant show who can access your Facebook account and when. No doubt, Facebook and other big tech companies including Google, Apple and Yahoo! are trying to keep their data out of reach from law enforcement and spies agencies by adopting encrypted communication and end-to-end encryption solutions in near future, but right now they have access to your personal data, and at least few of their employees can access it with one click. Earlier this week, director at the record label Anjunabeats, Paavo Siljamäki , brought attention to this issue by posting a very interesting story on his Facebook wall. During his visit to Facebook office in LA, a Facebook engineer logged into his Facebook account after his permission, but the strange part — they did it without asking him for the password. ACCESS WITHOUT...
Facebook Legacy Contact — Control What Happens to Your Account When You Die

Facebook Legacy Contact — Control What Happens to Your Account When You Die

Feb 13, 2015
When I Die, I'd like someone to keep updating my Facebook Status, just to Freak people out, because who knew I'd have WiFi signal up there. Jokes apart, Facebook has fulfilled my this wish as well. The social networking giant is giving its users control over what happens to their Facebook accounts when they die. Until now, Facebook allowed people to turn the profiles of their loved one into "memorialized" accounts after Facebook verifies that person has died, meaning the account could be viewed but not be managed or edited. But Facebook is now adding a new option that users can select prior to their death: ' Legacy Contact '. " Until now, when someone passed away, we offered a basic memorialized account which was viewable, but could not be managed by anyone, " the Facebook team wrote in a blog post . " By talking to people who have experienced loss, we realized there is more we can do to support those who are grieving and those who wa...
Facebook Vulnerability Allows Hacker to Delete Any Photo Album

Facebook Vulnerability Allows Hacker to Delete Any Photo Album

Feb 12, 2015
A Serious vulnerability in Facebook has recently been reported that could allow anyone to delete your complete Facebook photo album without having authentication. Security Researcher Laxman Muthiyah told The Hacker News that the vulnerability actually resides in Facebook Graph API mechanism, which allows "a hacker to delete any photo album on Facebook . Any photo album owned by an user or a page or a group could be deleted." DELETING FACEBOOK PHOTO ALBUMS According to Facebook developers documentation, its not possible to delete albums using the Graph API, but Indian security researcher has found a way to delete not just his own, but also others Facebook photo albums within few seconds. " I decided to try it with Facebook for mobile access token because we can see delete option for all photo albums in Facebook mobile application isn't it? Yeah and also it uses the same Graph API ," he said. In general, Facebook Graph API requires an access tok...
Malware Poses as Flash Update Infects 110,000 Facebook Users within 2 Days

Malware Poses as Flash Update Infects 110,000 Facebook Users within 2 Days

Jan 31, 2015
Facebook users just Beware!! Don't click any porn links on Facebook. Foremost reason is that you have thousands of good porn sites out there, but there's an extra good reason right now. Rogue pornography links on the world's most popular social network have reportedly infected over 110,000 Facebook users with a malware Trojan in just two days and it is still on the rise, a security researcher warned Friday. The Facebook malware disguised as a Flash Player update and spreads itself by posting links to a pornographic video from the Facebook accounts of previously infected users. The malware generally tags as many as 20 friends of the infected user . "In the new technique, which we call it ' Magnet ,' the malware gets more visibility to potential victims by tagging the friends of the victim in the malicious post," said Mohammad Faghani, a senior consultant at PricewaterhouseCoopers, in a mailing list post to the Full Disclosure infosec hangout.  "A tag may...
Want to Hire a Hacker? Check Out Hacker's List Website

Want to Hire a Hacker? Check Out Hacker's List Website

Jan 19, 2015
Want to hack someone's Facebook account? or Gmail account? or break into somebody's network? But don't have hacking skills to do so. There's no need to worry at all. A new service is out there for you guys where you can search for professional hackers and hire them to accomplish any hacking task. Dubbed Hacker's List , a new service that offers to connect customers and "professional" hackers for hire. The service would made any tech-illiterate person capable to break into his boss' email address. This really sounds like something that happens mostly in movies. As if I'm hiring a hacker to accomplish crimes for me. " Hiring a hacker shouldn't be a difficult process, we believe that finding a trustworthy professional hacker for hire should be a worry free and painless experience, " reads a description on the website. " At Hacker's List we want to provide you with the best opportunity to find your ideal hacker and for professional hackers...
Hacking Facebook Accounts Using Android 'Same Origin Policy' Vulnerability

Hacking Facebook Accounts Using Android 'Same Origin Policy' Vulnerability

Dec 29, 2015
A serious security vulnerability has been discovered in the default web browser of the Android OS lower than 4.4 running on a large number of Android devices that allows an attacker to bypass the Same Origin Policy (SOP). The Android Same Origin Policy (SOP) vulnerability ( CVE-2014-6041 ) was first disclosed right at the beginning of September 2014 by an independent security researcher Rafay Baloch. He found that the AOSP (Android Open Source Platform) browser installed on Android 4.2.1 is vulnerable to Same Origin Policy (SOP) bypass bug that allows one website to steal data from another. Security researchers at Trend micro in collaboration with Facebook have discovered many cases of Facebook users being targeted by cyber attacks that actively attempt to exploit this particular flaw in the web browser because the Metasploit exploit code is publicly available, which made the exploitation of the vulnerability much easier. The Same Origin Policy is one of the guidin...
'Facebook To Begin Charging Users $2.99 / Month' — Totally BULLSHIT!

'Facebook To Begin Charging Users $2.99 / Month' — Totally BULLSHIT!

Sep 23, 2014
Facebook going to charge users per month?? Nobody expected such a news story this week, but it seems that Facebook will No longer be a Free Service, according to reports claimed by the National Report , " Facebook To Begin Charging Users $2.99/mo Starting November 1st ", which turns out fake. Thank God !! This new report is circulating via social media which claims that the social networking giant will begin charging charging $2.99 (€2.33) per month for each user starting November 1, 2014 in an effort to fight against the rising costs the company is facing. Of course, the claims are simply untrue. Facebook has not announced any such plans to begin charging its users a monthly fee for access to the regular site services that has more than 1.3 billion monthly users. NICELY FRAMED HOAX The report comes via the 'satirical' fake-news website , which is a complete Hoax, just like many similar ' Facebook to start charging ' hoaxes before it. But Wh...
Limitless Keylogger Optimized with AutoIT Infected thousands of Computers

Limitless Keylogger Optimized with AutoIT Infected thousands of Computers

Sep 23, 2014
A new surge of malware has been discovered which goes on to infect hundreds of thousands of computers worldwide and allegedly steals users' social and banking site credentials. Few days back, a list of 5 million combinations of Gmail addresses and passwords were leaked online. The search engine giant, Google said that Gmail credentials didn't come from the security breaches of its system, rather the credentials had been stolen by phishing campaigns and unauthorized access to user accounts. Just now, we come across another similar incident where cyber criminals are using a malware which has already compromised thousands of Windows users worldwide in an effort to steal their Social Media account, Online account and Banking account Credentials. A Greek Security Researcher recently discovered a malware sample via a spam campaign (caught in a corporate honeypot), targeting large number of computers users rapidly. He investigated and posted a detailed technical analyses of ...
Facebook Rolling Out Privacy Checkup for Users

Facebook Rolling Out Privacy Checkup for Users

Sep 06, 2014
Facebook has launched a new tool to help you better manage sharing your information and postings on the social network among your friends and the public at-large. The social networking giant on Thursday rolled out its "Privacy Checkup" tool that will help its more than 1.2 billion users to audit their privacy settings on Facebook to make sure they know with whom they are sharing their personal and very private details of their lives. " We know you come to Facebook to connect with friends, not with us. But we also know how important it is to be in control of what you share and who you share with, " wrote Facebook product manager Paddy Underwood. " You'll see the option to take Privacy Checkup when you visit Facebook in the coming days. Click 'Let's Do It!' to do the Checkup; it should only take a minute or two. " The expanded feature was originally announced by the network giant back in May. Facebook users would see a privacy checkup pop-up on their computers to ...
Warning — Facebook Color Changer App is Just a Scam, Infects 10000 Users

Warning — Facebook Color Changer App is Just a Scam, Infects 10000 Users

Aug 09, 2014
Scammers have again targeted more than one billion active users of the popular social networking giant Facebook, to infect as many victims as possible. This time, an old Facebook scam is back in action once again! Malicious Facebook "Color Changer" app has resurfaced again on the popular social networking site Facebook, this time compromising more than 10,000 people worldwide. The malicious app promises users to change the characteristic blue colour of Facebook's header and interface to one of nine other colours including pink, purple, green, yellow, orange and black, in order to infect users' phones and computers with malicious software. Researchers at China-based Internet company Cheetah Mobile have detected the " Facebook colour changer " that tricks Facebook users into downloading the app via a malicious phishing site. The phishing website targets users in two ways: First of all, it steals the users' Facebook Access Tokens by asking them ...
Facebook Self-XSS Scam Fools Users into Hacking Themselves

Facebook Self-XSS Scam Fools Users into Hacking Themselves

Jul 29, 2014
Scammers have again targeted more than one billion active users of the popular social networking giant Facebook, to infect as many victims as possible. Not by serving fake post, neither by providing malicious video link, instead this time scammers have used a new way of tricking Facebook users into injecting or placing malicious JavaScript or client-side code into their web browsers. This malicious code could allow an attacker to gain access to victims' accounts, thereby using it for fraud, to send spams, and promoting further attacks by posting the scam on timeline to victims' friends. This technique is known as Self Cross-site Scripting or Self XSS. Self-XSS (Self Cross-Site Scripting) scam is a combination of social engineering and a browser vulnerability , basically designed to trick Facebook users' into providing access to their account. Once an attacker or scammer gets access to users' Facebook account, they can even post and comment on things on users' behalf. ...
Facebook Takes Down Bitcoin Stealing Botnet that Infected 250,000 Computers

Facebook Takes Down Bitcoin Stealing Botnet that Infected 250,000 Computers

Jul 09, 2014
Once again Facebook is on The Hacker News ! This time not for any scam or surveillance, but for a different reason.  The social networking giant has managed to take down a Greek botnet that used Facebook to spread malware and infected 250,000 computers to mine crypto-currencies, steal bitcoins, email passwords and banking details. Facebook is always one of the favourite weapon of cyber criminals, cyber thieves and scammers due to its popularity among other social media platforms. This social networking platform, with more than one billion active users, provides special opportunities for people to connect and share information, as well as also serves a great platform for malware developers and scammers. The botnet, dubbed as Lecpetex , was around from December 2013 to last month and compromised around 50,000 Facebook accounts at its peak, under which users would receive spam Facebook messages that would typically like "lol" with a zip archive attachment . O...
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