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WebSploit Toolkit 1.6 Released

WebSploit Toolkit 1.6 Released

Apr 28, 2012
WebSploit Is An Open Source Project For Scan And Analysis Remote System From Vulnerability Description : [+]Autopwn - Used From Metasploit For Scan and Exploit Target Service [+]wmap - Scan,Crawler Target Used From Metasploit wmap plugin [+]format infector - inject reverse & bind payload into file format [+]phpmyadmin - Search Target phpmyadmin login page [+]lfi - Scan,Bypass local file inclusion Vulnerability & can be bypass some WAF [+]apache users - search server username directory (if use from apache webserver) [+]Dir Bruter - brute target directory with wordlist [+]admin finder - search admin & login page of target [+]MLITM Attack - Man Left In The Middle, XSS Phishing Attacks [+]MITM - Man In The Middle Attack [+]Java Applet Attack - Java Signed Applet Attack [+]MFOD Attack Vector - Middle Finger Of Doom Attack Vector [+]USB Infection Attack - Create Executable Backdoor For Infect USB For Windows Download WebSploit Toolkit V.1.6
Permanent Reverse TCP Backdoor for IPhone and IPad

Permanent Reverse TCP Backdoor for IPhone and IPad

Apr 26, 2012
Security Expert from Coresec explains the use of a Permanent Reverse TCP Backdoor " sbd-1.36 " for IPhone and IPad developed by Michel Blomgren. sbd is a Netcat-clone, designed to be portable and offer strong encryption. It runs on Unix-like operating systems and on Microsoft Win32. sbd features AES-128-CBC + HMAC-SHA1 encryption (by Christophe Devine), program execution (-e option), choosing source port, continuous reconnection with delay, and some other nice features. Only TCP/IP communication is supported. Steps to pwn the Iphone: 1. Install packages iphone-gcc using " apt-get install iphone-gcc " & make " apt-get install make " 2. Download sbd backdoor to the device using Wget from here  & Untar - " tar -zxvf sbd-1.36.tar.gz " 3.) Sbd configuration before the compilation, See details here . 4.) Compilation process - " make darwin " 5. Configuration to RunAtLoad using LaunchDaemons (for permanent access) 6. Gaining acces...
Navigating the Future: Key IT Vulnerability Management Trends

Navigating the Future: Key IT Vulnerability Management Trends 

Feb 11, 2025Vulnerability / Threat Detection
As the cybersecurity landscape continues to evolve, proactive vulnerability management has become a critical priority for managed service providers (MSPs) and IT teams. Recent trends indicate that organizations increasingly prioritize more frequent IT security vulnerability assessments to identify and address potential security flaws. Staying informed on these trends can help MSPs and IT teams remain one step ahead of potential cyber-risks. The Kaseya Cybersecurity Survey Report 2024 navigates this new frontier of cyber challenges. The data is clear: Organizations are becoming increasingly reliant on vulnerability assessments and plan to prioritize these investments in 2025. Companies are increasing the frequency of vulnerability assessments  In 2024, 24% of respondents said they conduct vulnerability assessments more than four times per year, up from 15% in 2023. This shift highlights a growing recognition of the need for continuous monitoring and quick response to emerging t...
Penetration Testers Get Ready - BackBox Linux 2.05 released !

Penetration Testers Get Ready - BackBox Linux 2.05 released !

Apr 26, 2012
The BackBox team has announce the release 2.05 of BackBox Linux. The new release include features such as Ubuntu 11.04, Linux Kernel 2.6.38 and Xfce 4.8.0. BackBox is a Linux distribution based on Ubuntu. It has been developed to perform penetration tests and security assessments. Designed to be fast, easy to use and provide a minimal yet complete desktop environment, thanks to its own software repositories, always being updated to the latest stable version of the most used and best known ethical hacking tools. What's new System upgrade Bug corrections Performance boost Improved start menu Improved WiFi driver (compat-wireless aircrack patched) New Hacking tools: creepy, fern-wifi-cracker, joomscan, pyrit, reaver, xplico, etc. Updated tools: crunch, fimap, hydra, magictree, metasploit, set, sipvicious, skipfish, w3af, weevely, wireshark, wirouterkeyrec, wpscan, zaproxy, theharvester, xsser, etc. Download Backbox 2.05
cyber security

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websitePush SecurityAI Agents / Identity Security
Watch how Computer-Using Agents can be used by attackers to automate account takeover and exploitation.
Plown : Security scanner for Plone CMS

Plown : Security scanner for Plone CMS

Apr 24, 2012
Plown : Security scanner for Plone CMS Despite the fact that Plone is one of the most secure CMS, even the most secure system can be penetrated due to misconfigurations, use of weak passwords and if the admins never apply the patches released. Plown has been developed during penetration tests on Plone sites and was used to ease the discovery of usernames and passwords, plus expose known Plone vulnerabilities that might exist on a system. What Plown does Username enumeration Multithreading password cracking.You can specify the login url (if different that login_form) and the number of threads (16 default) Known vulnerability enumeration, based on urls/objects exposed. If found vulnerable, the tool informs about the vulnerability and the url of the patch Version enumeration is planned, based on md5 hashes of static content (css, js) We hope that plown can act as an assistant to system administrators to strengthen their Plone sites. Download Code (written on python)  or visi...
Advance Ethical Hacking and Cyber Security Boot Camp at Delhi, India

Advance Ethical Hacking and Cyber Security Boot Camp at Delhi, India

Apr 21, 2012
Have you ever wondered how Hackers or Black Hats hack into a computer system ? Our Hacker Boot Camp training session will teach you how this can be done. You will be shown the techniques, tools and methods that the hacker uses. This insight will help you understand how to better protect your IT architecture and identify the vectors of attack that hackers use. The Hacker News organising an Advance Ethical Hacking and Cyber Security Boot Camp at Delhi, India. All of our instructors are experts in their field and maintain respected reputations within the security community. CCSN is a revolutionary new certification in the field of information security training program for amateurs and professionals to help you gain the skills you need to become an expert in the field of information security. This specialized certification assures potential employers and customers that you have a level of advanced knowledge to detect and offer support for some of the most advanced secur...
zDefender - Enterprise smartphone IDS/IPS released by Zimperium

zDefender - Enterprise smartphone IDS/IPS released by Zimperium

Apr 20, 2012
zDefender - Enterprise smartphone IDS/IPS released by Zimperium Do you recall the security firm Zimperium which came out with ANTI , the killer Android app that allowed even the clueless to hack and pwn like a pentester? Zimperium, an Israeli security start up founded by Zuk Avraham, a world-renowned hacker and security researcher, has debuted its latest product, the zDefender at DEMO in Santa Clara, California. Called zDefender , this product can detect malicious attacks and take proactive measures to reduce threats via automatic preventive traffic filters and a remote management console. With the onslaught of mobile malware, everyone should have antivirus up and running immediately after purchasing a smartphone. You'd think you were protected from various attacks like man in the middle (MITM) attacks ? At DEMO Spring 2012 , Zuk planted 2 Routers, providing 3 Access points, which have claimed about 3,000 mobile device victims so far. zDefender is able to do this by us...
winAUTOPWN v3.0 Released - System vulnerability exploitation Framework

winAUTOPWN v3.0 Released - System vulnerability exploitation Framework

Apr 18, 2012
winAUTOPWN v3.0 Released - System vulnerability exploitation Framework The improved GUI extension - WINAUTOPWN ACTIVE SYSTEMS TRANSGRESSOR GUI [ C4 - WAST ] is a Systems and Network Exploitation Framework built on the famous winAUTOPWN as a backend.  C4 - WAST gives users the freedom to select individual exploits and use them. BSDAUTOPWN has been compiled, like always for various flavours and has been upgraded to version 1.8 alongwith all applicable exploits which have been added in this release. Included this time is the bsd_install.sh, which will set chmod on all applicable BSD compiled binaries. WINAUTOPWN requires PERL,PHP,PYTHON,RUBY and its dependencies alongwith a few others' too for smooth working of exploits included in it. winAUTOPWN and bsdAUTOPWN are available at https://winautopwn.co.nr
Rootdabitch version 0.1 - Multithreaded Linux root password Bruteforcer

Rootdabitch version 0.1 - Multithreaded Linux root password Bruteforcer

Apr 18, 2012
Rootdabitch version 0.1 - Multithreaded Linux root password Bruteforcer r00tw0rm hacker " th3breacher! "  release   Rootdabitch v0.1  ,which is a Multithreaded Linux/UNIX tool to brute-force cracking local root through su using sucrack. sucrack is a multithreaded Linux/UNIX tool for brute-force cracking local user accounts via su. The main feature of the Rootdabitch is that It's local brute forcer, using 10 passwords in 3 seconds. and works in background so you can leave it , when root is cracked it will email the user using /bin/mail . All for this, you need to have a php shell/reverse shell/ssh access to the target to run thistool and run it as a normal user, Upload this script into it and give it the execution permission and execute the script like:  ~ ./rootdabitch youremail@address.com If the password is cracked you will have a mail with the root password and the password will be stored into password.txt . Try it ! Download Rootdabitch 0.1
Forensic FOCA - Power of Metadata in digital forensics

Forensic FOCA - Power of Metadata in digital forensics

Apr 16, 2012
Forensic FOCA - Power of Metadata in digital forensics Most of the e ort in today's digital forensics community lies in the retrieval and analysis of existing information from computing systems.  Metadata is data about data. Metadata plays a number of important roles in computer forensics. It can provide corroborating information about the document data itself. It can reveal information that someone tried to hide, delete, or obscure. It can be used to automatically correlate documents from different sources. More simply, electronic information about a file but not seen on a printed copy of the file. It is embedded and provides additional information, including when and by whom it was created, accessed, or modified. Informatica64  release Forensic FOCA (Fingerprinting Organizations with Collected Archives) , tool for forensic analysts focused on the use of metadata files to generate a forensic case. Several other metadata extraction tools exist but FOCA is co...
[ Call for Articles ] The Hacker News Magazine - Hacktivism Special Edition - May 2012

[ Call for Articles ] The Hacker News Magazine - Hacktivism Special Edition - May 2012

Apr 13, 2012
[ Call for Articles ] The Hacker News Magazine - Hacktivism Special Edition - May 2012 A big shout out to all you cowboys and cowgirls who want to stir up some thoughtful reading and discussions by submitting to The Hacker News Magazine articles regarding Hacktivism . As you know, Hacktivism is the use of computers and computer networks as a means of protest to promote political ends. Given that, we'd love to have your articles to print in our May 2012 magazine . So, get to writing and wrangling.. CYBER WARFARE [ Download Here ] -  Last Month (April) The Hacker News turns over every leaf of the newest way world citizens are fighting wars and using their keyboards to destroy planet earth.  Join us as we explore this new frontier and let us know how you feel and what you have learned! If you enjoy our monthly publication, please spread the word! By sharing our free magazine with your family, friends, co-workers and other security experts, you're helping t...
Microsoft's April Security Update : Patch MS12-027 Now !

Microsoft's April Security Update : Patch MS12-027 Now !

Apr 13, 2012
This month Microsoft released a total of six new security bulletins, but one in particular deals with a zero-day vulnerability impacting virtually every Microsoft user, which is already being exploited in the wild. Four of the six security bulletins are rated as Critical by Microsoft, with the remaining two ranked as Important. The Critical security bulletins include a fix for Windows and the .NET framework, as well as the perennial favorite the cumulative update for Internet Explorer. The biggest deal, though, is MS12-027, which addresses a critical flaw in Windows Common Controls. One of the fixes is gaining the most attention though, even from Microsoft. " We list MS12-027 as our highest priority security update to deploy this month because we are aware of very limited, targeted attacks taking advantage of the CVE-2012-0158 vulnerability using specially crafted Office documents as an exploit vector ," said the firm in an apparently hastily written blog post. ...
Extreme GPU Bruteforcer - Crack passwords with 450 Million passwords/Sec Speed

Extreme GPU Bruteforcer - Crack passwords with 450 Million passwords/Sec Speed

Apr 12, 2012
Extreme GPU Bruteforcer - Crack passwords with 450 Million passwords/Sec Speed Extreme GPU Bruteforcer , developed by InsidePro is a program meant for the recovery of passwords from hashes of different types, utilizing the power of GPU which enables reaching truly extreme attack speed of approx 450 Millions passwords/Second . The software supports hashes of the following types: MySQL, DES, MD4, MD5, MD5(Unix), MD5(phpBB3), MD5(Wordpress), NTLM, Domain Cached Credentials, SHA-1, SHA-256, SHA-384, SHA-512 and many others. The software implements several unique attacks, including mask and hybrid dictionary attacks, which allow recovering even the strongest passwords incredibly fast. Utilizing the power of multiple graphics cards running simultaneously (supports up to 32 GPU), the software allows reaching incredible search speeds of billions of passwords per second! Type hashes average speed (Using NVIDIA GTS250): MD5 420 000 000 n / a MySQL 1.08 billion n / a MD4 605 000 000 n / ...
FlashBack Checker - Tool Detects Flashback Mac Malware

FlashBack Checker - Tool Detects Flashback Mac Malware

Apr 10, 2012
FlashBack Checker - Tool Detects Flashback Mac Malware A Mac developer has posted a tool that detects a Flashback malware infection on Apple's computers. Last week we posted about,  More than 600000 Macs system infected with Flashback Botnet . That's slightly more than 1 percent of all 45 million Macs in the world still a relatively small number, but a worrisome one for Mac users, as the tally of infected machines continues to grow. FlashBack Checker - 38KB tool was created by Juan Leon , a software engineer at Garmin International, the Kansas-based company best known for its GPS devices. When Flashback Checker is run, it displays "No signs of infection were found" or provides additional information if it does detect changes the malware has made to the Mac. According to Dr. Web, the Russian security company that was the first firm to quantify Flashback infections, nearly 2% of all Macs have been hit by the malware.  Dr. Web used a different technique to detect...
Joomscan 4.4.2012 Security Scanner - 623 Vulnerabilities Added

Joomscan 4.4.2012 Security Scanner - 623 Vulnerabilities Added

Apr 06, 2012
Joomscan 4.4.2012 Security Scanner - 623 Vulnerabilities Added Security Team Web-Center just released an updated for Joomscan Security Scanner. The new database Have vulnarbilities 623. Joomla! is probably the most widely-used CMS out there due to its flexibility, user friendlinesss, extensibility to name a few.So, watching its vulnerabilities and adding such vulnerabilities as KB to Joomla scanner takes ongoing activity.It will help web developers and web masters to help identify possible security weaknesses on their deployed Joomla! sites. Check for new updates with command: ./joomscan.pl or check ./joomscan.pl update . A regularly-updated signature-based scanner that can detect file inclusion, sql injection, command execution, XSS, DOS, directory traversal vulnerabilities of a target Joomla! web site. Download for Windows (141 KB) Download for Linux (150 KB)
"Reboot" - Upcoming latest Hacker Movie you should watch !

"Reboot" - Upcoming latest Hacker Movie you should watch !

Apr 05, 2012
" Reboot " - Upcoming latest Hacker Movie you should watch Rosa Entertainment and Jan-Ken-Po Pictures just announced that their cyberpunk thriller short film " Reboot " will launch with a Sneak Preview at DEFCON. Written and Directed by Joe Kawasaki, and Produced by Sidney Sherman, the film stars a bevy of hot up-and-coming actors including Emily Somers (Gabriele Muccino's upcoming "Playing the Field"), Travis Aaron Wade ("War of the Worlds"), Martin Copping (Australian series "Neighbours"), Sonalii Castillo ("NCIS"), and Janna Bossier (Slipnot's "Vermilion"). Set within a dystopian world that is a collision between technology and humanity, "Reboot" touches upon many of the current social and political concerns that arise from becoming more and more intertwined with the virtual. In contemporary Los Angeles, a young female hacker (Stat) awakens from unconsciousness to find an iPhone glued to her hand and a mysterious countdown ticking away on the display. Suffering fr...
Adobe releases open source malware classification tool

Adobe releases open source malware classification tool

Apr 05, 2012
Adobe releases open source malware classification tool Adobe Systems has released a malware classification tool in order to help security incident first responders, malware analysts and security researchers more easily identify malicious binary files. The ' Adobe Malware Classifier ' tool uses machine learning algorithms to classify Windows executable and dynamic link library (DLL) files as clean, malicious or unknown, Adobe security engineer Karthik Raman said in a recent blog post , Raman originally developed Malware Classifier for in-house use by Adobe's Product Security Incident Response (PSIRT) Team. When run, the tool extracts seven key attributes from every analyzed binary file and compares them to data obtained by running the J48, J48 Graft, PART, and Ridor machine-learning algorithms on a set of 100,000 malicious programs and 16,000 clean ones, Raman said. " Malware classification can be a difficult task for even experienced analysts, especially in the modern ...
Johnny - GUI for John the Ripper

Johnny - GUI for John the Ripper

Apr 02, 2012
Johnny - GUI for John the Ripper Johnny is a GUI for John the Ripper. It was proposed by Shinnok. s release includes all things from development release plus nice tabbed panel for mode selection and some additional clean-ups. Basic functionality is supposed to work: password could be loaded from file and cracked with different options. The reasoning behind Johnny is simple but at the same time profound: Complexity through simplicity and non-intrusive expert and non-expert availability. Johnny is a GUI concept to John the Ripper written in C++ using the Qt framework, making it cross-platform on both Unix/Linux and Windows operating systems. It was programmed as a part of the Google Summer of Code 2012 and supports bother 32-bit and 64-bit architectures. The interface also leaves room for lots of new options, either future John options, as well as GUI specific options like, hash detection, dictionary editing and generation or interactive bruteforce charsets or rules creation and many ...
Cyber Warfare - The Hacker News Magazine April 2012 Edition | Issue 10

Cyber Warfare - The Hacker News Magazine April 2012 Edition | Issue 10

Apr 01, 2012
Cyber Warfare - The Hacker News Magazine April 2012 Edition Call it Cyber Warfare, Terrorism, Computer Mania this month The Hacker News turns over every leaf of the newest way world citizens are fighting wars and using their keyboards to destroy planet earth. Most call it Cyber Warfare and we are once again proud to have some fantastic writers like Pierluigi Paganini , Mourad Ben Lakhoua , Lee Ives , Paul F. Renda and Ahmed Sherif back with us to help educate all our readers about the impending cyber war crisis and what we can do about it. Pierluigi Paganini gives us a step by step technical understanding of the issue and Ahmed Sherif gives a fantastic look at SCADA, the workings and the take downs. Join us as we explore this new frontier and let us know how you feel and what you have learned! Download   (Cyber Warfare)   April Edition [7.05 Mb PDF] Want to Download All other Editions ? [ Click Here ]
NMAP Script to Check Presence of ms12-020 RDP vulnerability

NMAP Script to Check Presence of ms12-020 RDP vulnerability

Mar 29, 2012
NMAP Script to Check Presence of ms12-020 RDP vulnerability Yesterday   Sam Bowne was working on a NMAP script, which will be able to  Check Presence of ms12-020 RDP vulnerability on a machine via scan only. But unfortunately, it was less in success rate, Later  @ea_foundation joins  Sam Bowne  to develop a working Nmap script. Microsoft bulletin ms12-020 patches two vulnerabilities. CVE-2012-0152 which addresses a DoS vulnerability inside Terminal Server,and CVE-2012-0002 which fixes a vulnerability in Remote Desktop Protocol.Both are part of Remote Desktop Services. The hackers worked quickly on this particular vulnerability and we've already seen attempts to exploit the flaw which exists in a part of Windows called the Remote Desktop Protocol. Script works by checking for a CVE-2012-0152 vulnerability.Patched and unpatched system differ in the  results from whichwe can conclude if the service is vulnerable or not. Download Nmap Scri...
Anonymous Attacker Package by Maxpain

Anonymous Attacker Package by Maxpain

Mar 22, 2012
Anonymous Attacker Package by Maxpain " Maxpain " Hacker and Security Developer, Releases two tools in an Package called " Anonymous Attacker Package ". First one is - Anonymous external attack , allows you to execute udp flood web attack, into websites, this tool was made as external of LOIC, the following package contains : #Anonymous External Attack - A console application made in C# that allows you to flood the websites with anonymous style , and sending 4096 packets each second. The program delays some seconds for each packet that it makes, so it flood effectively without lagging your own connections. Cool for DDoS attacks. (213kb file) #Anonymous DNS Extractor - Extracts the dns and ip servers of the following website, Developer included this program, cause in the target ip of AEA - anonymous external attack you need to use an IP. (128kb file) Both of programs are really light and console applications, by giving you the ultimate experience web attack. ...
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