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WikiLeaks nominated for Nobel Peace Prize,Truth is the most powerful weapon against Injustice ! !

WikiLeaks nominated for Nobel Peace Prize,Truth is the most powerful weapon against Injustice ! !

Feb 03, 2011
A Norwegian politician said he called Wikileaks for the Nobel Peace, referring to the site's contribution to "democracy and freedom" around the world. Nominations for the price of peace is closed Tuesdays. Any beneficiary legislator, academic or award in the world can nominate anyone for the price, according to the website of the Prize. Storting parliament Snorre Valen Wikileaks said on condition that contributed to "draw a map of the freedom of information." "Xiabao Liu was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize last year, fought for human rights, democracy and freedom of expression in China," Valen wrote on his blog. "Similarly, Wikileaks took part in the battle those same values throughout the world, exposing (among many other things), corruption, war crimes and torture." Wikileaks is a site that publishes documents concerning its business and neglect of the government. Critics have accused of endangering national security, while the defen
Hackers Shut Down Egyptian Government Sites !

Hackers Shut Down Egyptian Government Sites !

Feb 03, 2011
The online accumulation Anonymous said Wednesday that it had bedridden the Egyptian government's Web sites in abutment of the antigovernment protests. Anonymous, a about authentic accumulation of hackers from all over the world, aggregate about 500 supporters in online forums and acclimatedcomputer application accoutrement to accompany bottomward the sites of the Ministry of Information and President Hosni Mubarak's National Democratic Party, said Gregg Housh, a affiliate of the accumulation who disavows any actionable action himself. The sites were bare Wednesday afternoon. The attacks, Mr. Housh said, are allotment of a added attack that Anonymous has army in abutment of the antigovernment protests that accept confused the Arab world. Aftermost month, the accumulation shut bottomward the Web sites of the Tunisian government and banal barter in abutment of the insurgence that affected the country's dictator, Zine el-Abidine Ben Ali, to flee. Mr. Housh said that the accumulation
Bing caught copying search results from Google !

Bing caught copying search results from Google !

Feb 02, 2011
In a case of Internet espionage that makes the antics of double agent Cold War operatives seem like frivolous child play, Bing has been caught stealing search results from Google with its Bing toolbar and IE8's Suggested Sites feature. Google first suspected foul play in May 2010. By October 2010, with Bing results beginning to look uncannily like Google's, it knew something had to be done about it -- and so, in true, nerdtastic style, Google set up a sting to prove that Microsoft was actually behind the wholesale mimicry of Google's search results.   One of Google's 'sting' queries A few days later, the same result on Bing Google injected "synthetic" results into its search engine -- fake queries and results that no real user or engine would ever generate. Then, on D-Day, December 17, about 20 Google engineers were asked to run the test queries with Internet Explorer 8, Bing Bar and Suggested Sites. By December 31, some of these fake results beg
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Unpacking 2024's SaaS Threat Predictions

Unpacking 2024's SaaS Threat Predictions

Jun 05, 2024SaaS Security / Artificial Intelligence
Early in 2024, Wing Security released its State of SaaS Security report , offering surprising insights into emerging threats and best practices in the SaaS domain. Now, halfway through the year, several SaaS threat predictions from the report have already proven accurate. Fortunately, SaaS Security Posture Management (SSPM) solutions have prioritized mitigation capabilities to address many of these issues, ensuring security teams have the necessary tools to face these challenges head-on. In this article, we will revisit our predictions from earlier in the year, showcase real-world examples of these threats in action, and offer practical tips and best practices to help you prevent such incidents in the future. It's also worth noting the overall trend of an increasing frequency of breaches in today's dynamic SaaS landscape, leading organizations to demand timely threat alerts as a vital capability. Industry regulations with upcoming compliance deadlines are demanding similar time-sens
Get Free CEH V7 Training via EC-Council to 375 selected professionals around the world !

Get Free CEH V7 Training via EC-Council to 375 selected professionals around the world !

Feb 02, 2011
How to get FREE CEH V7 Training? EC-Council is going to be selecting 125 information security professionals from all over the world to be part of the inaugural CEH V7 launch for FREE ! That's right, you heard it right. It is Absolutely Free ! You can be one of the 125 Information Security Professionals who would be granted FREE Seats for the upcoming Launch Class of CEH v7. All you need is register at https://eccouncil.wufoo.com/forms/ceh-v7/. In 50 words, tell us why you should be selected ( Tip : Tell you the certifications you hold, the job you do, the company you work for and how this class will benefit you) Only the BEST would be selected, so make sure your application stands out from the crowd. As only 125 profesionals from all over the world will qualify, make your application early! Applications are open until 12 p.m. EST, on the 6th of February, 2011. All successful candidates shall be notified by February 14th, 2011. Benefits: The winners are entitled to other benef
Indian Army blames Facebook for Violence in Kashmir !

Indian Army blames Facebook for Violence in Kashmir !

Feb 02, 2011
The Indian Army believes that arch amusing networking armpit Facebook has played a key role in annoying abandon in Jammu & Kashmir. According to the Army, Facebook and some added amusing networking sites are actuality acclimated to advance abrogating attack adjoin the Army and added aegis agencies. S A Hasnain, General Officer Commanding of the Srinagar-based 15 Corps bidding his apropos while acclamation the mediapersons at an Army action at Khanabal in South Kashmir. The acceleration of amusing media has already brought anarchy in abounding countries, including Egypt. The Army believes that these amusing media sites may afflict the accord and accord in the basin in future.
Breaking News : Google offers "speak-to-tweet" Account to Egyptians !

Breaking News : Google offers "speak-to-tweet" Account to Egyptians !

Feb 02, 2011
Google in aggregate with micro-blogging armpit Twitter has offered a fresh account for tweeting after an internet connection. The account "speak-to-tweet" allows Egyptian users to leave voice-mail bulletin that will be angry into tweets. According to a description on Google's blog, the account has been advised accurately for users in Egypt who are clumsy acquaint through internet with others due to advancing abandon in the country. The fresh account "speak-to-tweet" allows anyone to punch any three all-embracing numbers and leave articulation messages. The letters will be automatically beatific out as tweets with #egypt. The numbers are +16504194196 or +390662207294 or +97316199855 that will advice Egyptians to break in blow after internet connection.
Anonymous Hackers Providing Communication Tools For Egyptian People !

Anonymous Hackers Providing Communication Tools For Egyptian People !

Feb 02, 2011
"Internet not working, badge cars burning," beatific out one Egyptian. "Today marks a abundant day for Egypt," beatific out another. These letters weren't advancing from adaptable phones or computers, but from an abecedarian radio sending out Morse Code about amidst the anarchy in Egypt. The Egyptian government's efforts to absolute communications aural the country has triggered a beachcomber of activism from an all-embracing accumulation of chargeless accent activists on the Internet alleged Telecomix. Organizing application babble rooms, wikis, and collaborative autograph tools, this abundantly bearding accumulation has formed to acquaint Egyptians about their communications options while accepting admission letters from them. Telecomix has ahead formed on chargeless accent efforts in Tunisia, Iran, China and added countries who accept approved to abridge or block genitalia of the Internet. Egypt has been articular as a "top priority" for
Xtremeroot.net hacked by BoxHead (Belegit Network)

Xtremeroot.net hacked by BoxHead (Belegit Network)

Feb 02, 2011
Xtremeroot.net hacked by BoxHead (Belegit Network) Link :  www.xtremeroot.net/ofsec/ News Source : Ketan Singh
DHS Investing $40 Million for Cybersecurity Research !

DHS Investing $40 Million for Cybersecurity Research !

Feb 02, 2011
Insider threats, botnets and malware, and assay to abutment the Comprehensive Civic Cyber Initiative (CNCI) are amid areas of cybersecurity advance the Department of Homeland Aegis (DHS) will accomplish in budgetary year 2011. The DHS Science and Technology Homeland Aegis Advanced Assay Projects Bureau (HSARPA) is gluttonous proposals on 14 areas of cybersecurity assay it affairs to focus on this year, bristles of which will accord to the CNCI, a alternation of efforts to accommodate front-line aegis adjoin cybersecurity threats, according to a Broad Bureau Announcement acquaint on FedBizOpps.gov. The absolute amount of the accretion is $40 million. The DHS has been advance in cybersecurity for a brace of years through HSARPA, and this year shows the bureau absorption on both acceptable methods of aegis such ascomputer application assurance, enterprise-level aegis metrics, and arrangement resiliency, as able-bodied as added forward-thinking areas of assay such as authoritative aegi
US recruiting young cyber warriors !

US recruiting young cyber warriors !

Feb 02, 2011
The United States is attractive for the abutting bearing of cyber warriors. The US Cyber Challenge Cyber Foundations competition, kicked off this anniversary by the nonprofit Centermost for Internet Aegis , is out to acquisition 10,000 acceptance with the abeyant to become "top accoutrements in cybersecurity." "The charge to acquisition artistic solutions to attention our advice systems and agenda basement has never been greater," said centermost arch controlling William Pelgrin. "The Cyber Foundations antagonism will advice us tap into the amazing aptitude beyond our nation's schools to analyze those with a affection for aegis and a admiration to put their abilities to acceptable use," he continued. The antagonism consists of a alternation of timed quizzes to analysis aerial academy acceptance in computer science categories advised key to attention networks and systems. Top-scoring acceptance will get status, prizes, and introductions to gov
British antic Matt Lucas Twitter Hacked !

British antic Matt Lucas Twitter Hacked !

Feb 01, 2011
British antic MATT LUCAS has hit aback at accusations he has been autograph letters on Twitter.com while drunk, insisting his annual was afraid this anniversary (beg31Jan11). The Alice In Wonderland star's folio was adapted with several camp posts on Monday night (31Jan10), abrogation admirers assertive he had advantaged in booze afore hitting the web. The teetotal antic woke up on Tuesday (01Feb11) to acquisition a cord of replies from afraid followers and he appear an actor had taken ascendancy of his account. He writes, "Good morning all. Um, my Twitter annual was afraid aftermost night, so avoid any Tweets beatific because they didn't appear from me! "Thanks for your accusations that I was drunk. I'm teetotal. The aberration I fabricated was not logging out of my computer!"
FBI raids on 40 Anonymous hackers !

FBI raids on 40 Anonymous hackers !

Feb 01, 2011
The FBI would have conducted 40 raids yesterday and seized the computers of members of the loosely organized group of hackers known as Anonymous. Several members have posted their stories in online forums, including images of kicking in doors. The FBI has seized every computer in every house and other electronic devices such as game consoles and iPhones. The reports may be exaggerated, but the FBI has issued 40 orders in the case. The FBI was gathering evidence on the group's refusal of service attacks against Visa, MasterCard, PayPal and Amazon. The group has launched attacks in retaliation for actions against Wikileaks site, which has published thousands of documents from the United States filed in December. Denial of service attacks are frustrating for victims and may also cause real economic damage. They are also against the law and raids. But Anonyme allegedly political reasons in the raid. The group said in a press statement that the denial of service attacks have bee
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