Google in aggregate with micro-blogging armpit Twitter has offered a fresh account for tweeting after an internet connection. The account "speak-to-tweet" allows Egyptian users to leave voice-mail bulletin that will be angry into tweets.
According to a description on Google's blog, the account has been advised accurately for users in Egypt who are clumsy acquaint through internet with others due to advancing abandon in the country.
The fresh account "speak-to-tweet" allows anyone to punch any three all-embracing numbers and leave articulation messages. The letters will be automatically beatific out as tweets with #egypt. The numbers are +16504194196 or +390662207294 or +97316199855 that will advice Egyptians to break in blow after internet connection.
According to a description on Google's blog, the account has been advised accurately for users in Egypt who are clumsy acquaint through internet with others due to advancing abandon in the country.
The fresh account "speak-to-tweet" allows anyone to punch any three all-embracing numbers and leave articulation messages. The letters will be automatically beatific out as tweets with #egypt. The numbers are +16504194196 or +390662207294 or +97316199855 that will advice Egyptians to break in blow after internet connection.