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Want to Hire a Hacker? Check Out Hacker's List Website

Want to Hire a Hacker? Check Out Hacker's List Website

Jan 19, 2015
Want to hack someone's Facebook account? or Gmail account? or break into somebody's network? But don't have hacking skills to do so. There's no need to worry at all. A new service is out there for you guys where you can search for professional hackers and hire them to accomplish any hacking task. Dubbed Hacker's List , a new service that offers to connect customers and "professional" hackers for hire. The service would made any tech-illiterate person capable to break into his boss' email address. This really sounds like something that happens mostly in movies. As if I'm hiring a hacker to accomplish crimes for me. " Hiring a hacker shouldn't be a difficult process, we believe that finding a trustworthy professional hacker for hire should be a worry free and painless experience, " reads a description on the website. " At Hacker's List we want to provide you with the best opportunity to find your ideal hacker and for professional hackers
Chinese Spies Stole Australia’s New F-35 Lightning-II fighter Jet Design, Snowden Reveals

Chinese Spies Stole Australia's New F-35 Lightning-II fighter Jet Design, Snowden Reveals

Jan 19, 2015
The latest document release by Edward Snowden revealed the industrial-scale cyber-espionage operation of China to learn the secrets of Australia's next front-line fighter aircraft – the US-built F-35 Joint Strike Fighter (JSF) . Chinese spies stole " many terabytes of data " about the design of Australia's Lockheed Martin F-35 Lightning II JSF, according to top secret documents disclosed by former US National Security Agency intelligence contractor Edward Snowden to German magazine Der Spiegel . Chinese spies allegedly stole as much as 50 terabytes of data, including the details of the fighter's radar systems, engine schematics, "aft deck heating contour maps," designs to cool exhaust gases and the method the jet uses to track targets. So far, the F-35 Lightning II JSF is the most expensive defence project in the US history. The fighter aircraft, manufactured by US-based Lockheed Martin, was developed at a cost of around $400 billion (£230 billion). Beijin
Why Regulated Industries are Turning to Military-Grade Cyber Defenses

Why Regulated Industries are Turning to Military-Grade Cyber Defenses

Jun 14, 2024Cybersecurity / Regulatory Compliance
As cyber threats loom large and data breaches continue to pose increasingly significant risks. Organizations and industries that handle sensitive information and valuable assets make prime targets for cybercriminals seeking financial gain or strategic advantage.  Which is why many highly regulated sectors, from finance to utilities, are turning to military-grade cyber defenses to safeguard their operations. Regulatory Pressures Impacting Cyber Decisions Industries such as finance, healthcare, and government are subject to strict regulatory standards, governing data privacy, security, and compliance. Non-compliance with these regulations can result in severe penalties, legal repercussions, and damage to reputation. To meet regulatory requirements and mitigate the ever-increasing risk, organizations are shifting to adopt more robust cybersecurity measures. Understanding the Increase of Threats Attacks on regulated industries have increased dramatically over the past 5 years, with o
Verizon FiOS app vulnerability Exposes 5 MILLION Customers' Email Addresses

Verizon FiOS app vulnerability Exposes 5 MILLION Customers' Email Addresses

Jan 19, 2015
A critical vulnerability discovered in Verizon 's FiOS mobile application allowed an attacker to access the email account of any Verizon customer with relative ease, leaving almost five million user accounts of Verizon's FiOS application at risk. The FiOS API flaw was discovered by XDA senior software developer Randy Westergren on January 14, 2015, when he found that it was possible to not only read the contents of other users' inboxes, but also send message on their behalf. The issue was discovered while analyzing traffic generated by the Android version of My FiOS , which is used for account management, email and scheduling video recordings. Westergren took time to put together a proof-of-concept showing serious cause for concern, and then reported it to Verizon. The telecom giant acknowledged the researcher of the notification the same day and issued a fix on Friday, just two days after the vulnerability was disclosed. That's precisely how it shou
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UK Police Arrested Second Hacker Over PlayStation and Xbox DDoS attacks

UK Police Arrested Second Hacker Over PlayStation and Xbox DDoS attacks

Jan 17, 2015
A UK man linked to the notorious hacking group, Lizard Squad , that claimed responsibility for knocking Sony's PlayStation Network and Microsoft's Xbox Live offline on Christmas Day has been arrested by the United Kingdom police. Lizard Squad launched simultaneous Distributed Denial-of-Service ( DDoS ) attacks against the largest online gaming networks, Xbox Live and PlayStation Network, on Dec. 25, 2014. Then offered to sell its own Lizard-branded DDoS-for-hire tool called Lizard Stresser . SECOND ARREST As part of an investigation, the UK Regional Organised Crime Unit, in collaboration with the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), have arrested an 18 year old teenager in Southport, near Liverpool, UK on Friday morning, and seized his electronic and digital devices as well. So far, this is the second arrest made in connection to the attack after Thames Valley Police arrested a 22-year old , named Vinnie Omari , also believed to have been an alleged member of Liz
Google vs. Microsoft — Google reveals Third unpatched Zero-Day Vulnerability in Windows

Google vs. Microsoft — Google reveals Third unpatched Zero-Day Vulnerability in Windows

Jan 16, 2015
Microsoft has heavily criticized Google and its 90-days security disclosure policy after the firm publicly revealed two zero-day vulnerabilities in Microsoft's Windows 8.1 operating system one after one just days before Microsoft planned to issue a patch to kill the bugs. But, seemingly Google don't give a damn thought. Once again, Google has publicly disclosed a new serious vulnerability in Windows 7 and Windows 8.1 before Microsoft has been able to produce a patch, leaving users of both the operating systems exposed to hackers until next month, when the company plans to deliver a fix. DISCLOSURE OF UNPATCHED BUGS, GOOD OR BAD? Google's tight 90-days disclosure policy seems to be a good move for all software vendors to patch their products before they get exploited by the hackers and cybercriminals. But at the same time, disclosing all critical bugs along with its technical details in the widely used operating system like Windows 7 and 8 doesn't appears to be a righ
Microsoft Ends Windows 7 Mainstream Support

Microsoft Ends Windows 7 Mainstream Support

Jan 16, 2015
On January 13, 2015, Microsoft's mainstream support for Windows 7 Service Pack (SP) 1 ended, which means the end of free Windows 7's " mainstream support " period, with the operating system now entering "extended support." Many people are still running the aging Windows XP as well as Windows 7. Microsoft already ended its support for Windows XP officially about a year ago on April 8, 2014, and now the company found Windows 7 an old and cranky OS. END OF MAINSTREAM SUPPORT FOR WINDOWS 7 BUT NO WORRIES UNTIL 2020 However, it doesn't mean that the tech giant is going to automatically stop or break your operating system, but it does mean that the company will no longer offer free help and support in case you have any problem with your Windows 7 software. No new features will be added either. Windows 7 is still supported by the company and will continue to receive security updates for at least another five years, i.e. until Jan. 14, 2020. By
New Cryptowall 3.0 Ransomware Communicates over I2P Anonymous Network

New Cryptowall 3.0 Ransomware Communicates over I2P Anonymous Network

Jan 15, 2015
We have seen a series of Ransomware tended to be simple with dogged determinations to extort money from victims. But with the exponential rise in the samples of Ransomware last year, we saw more subtle in design, including " Cryptolocker " that was taken down along with the " Gameover ZeuS " botnet last June. As a result, another improved ransomware packages have sprung up to replace it — CryptoWall . Ransomware is an emerging threat in the evolution of cybercriminals techniques to part you from your money. Typically, the malicious software either lock victim's computer system or encrypt the documents and files on it, in order to extort money from the victims. Since last year, criminals have generated an estimated US$1 million profits. Now, the infamous Cryptowall ransomware is back with the newest and improved version of the file-encrypting ransomware program, which has been spotted compromising victims by researchers early this week, security research
Peerio — End-to-End Encrypted Secure Messenger and File Sharing App

Peerio — End-to-End Encrypted Secure Messenger and File Sharing App

Jan 15, 2015
On one end, where governments of countries like U.K is criticizing end-to-end encryption and considering to ban the encrypted communication apps like Snapchat, CryptoCat, WhatsApp and Apple's iMessage. On the other hand, the Internet community has come up with a new and rather more secure encrypted communication app. Dubbed Peerio , an " encrypted productivity suite " designed to offer much more usable alternative to PGP email and file encryption, so that every individual user and business can encrypt everything from Instant Messages to online file storage. Peerio, released on Wednesday, is designed by 24-year-old Nadim Kobeissi – the creator of the end-to-end encrypted group messaging app Cryptocat and the encrypted file-sharing app MiniLock . " With Peerio everything you share or communicate with your team is secured with state-of-the-art encryption , and it's as easy as using Gmail. You don't need to learn to use it, " Kobeissi told Wired. &quo
Instagram Patches flaw that Makes Private Photos Visible

Instagram Patches flaw that Makes Private Photos Visible

Jan 14, 2015
Your Instagram is not as Private as You Think. Millions of private Instagram photos may have been exposed publicly on the web until the company patched a privacy hole this weekend. Instagram team was unaware of a security vulnerability from long time which allowed anyone with access to an image's URL to view the photo, even those shared by users whose accounts are set to "private." In other words, If a private user shares an Instagram post with another service, such as Twitter or Facebook as part of the upload process, that shared photo will remain viewable to the public despite its privacy settings. The flaw was first reported by  David Yanofsky  at Quartz and Instagram acknowledged the issue last week before patching the flaw. In a statement to Quartz, an Instagram representative said: ' If you choose to share a specific piece of content from your account publicly, that link remains public but the account itself is still private, ' The Instagram vulnera
Data Loss Prevention – Log & Event Manager

Data Loss Prevention – Log & Event Manager

Jan 14, 2015
In today's world your network is subject to a multitude of vulnerabilities and potential intrusions and it seems like we see or hear of a new attack weekly. A data breach is arguably the most costly and damaging of these attacks and while loss of data is painful the residual impact of the breach is even more costly. The loss or leakage of sensitive data can result in serious damage to an organization, including: Loss of intellectual property Loss of copyrighted information Compliance violations Damage to corporate reputation/brand Loss of customer loyalty Loss of future business opportunities Lawsuits and ongoing litigation Financial and criminal penalties To help you protect sensitive data and reduce the risk of data loss, we recommend using a Security Information and Event Management ( SIEM ) technology such as SolarWinds® Log & Event Manager . If you're not familiar with Log & Event Manager (LEM), it's a comprehensive SIEM product, packaged in an ea
Got a Smartphone with Android 4.3 or earlier? No WebView Vulnerability Patch for You

Got a Smartphone with Android 4.3 or earlier? No WebView Vulnerability Patch for You

Jan 14, 2015
Owning a smartphone running Android 4.3 Jelly Bean or an earlier versions of Android operating system ?? Then you are at a great risk, and may be this will never end. Yes, you heard right. If you are also one of millions of users still running Android 4.3 Jelly Bean or earlier versions of the operating system, you will not get any security updates for WebView as Google has decided to end support for older versions of Android WebView – a default web browser on Android devices. WebView is the core component used to render web pages on an Android device, but it was replaced on Android 4.4 KitKat with a more recent Chromium-based version of WebView that is also used in the Chrome web browser. Just a day after Google publicized a bug in Windows 8.1 before Microsoft could do anything about it, Tod Beardsley, a security analyst from Rapid7 who oversees the Metasploit project, discovered a serious bug in the WebView component of Android 4.3 and earlier that possibly left m
Google Discloses Another Unpatched Windows 8.1 Vulnerability

Google Discloses Another Unpatched Windows 8.1 Vulnerability

Jan 14, 2015
Google has once again released the details of a new privilege escalation bug in Microsoft's Windows 8.1 operating system before Microsoft planned to patch the bug, triggering a new quarrel between the two tech giants. This is second time in less than a month when the Google's security research team known as Project Zero released details of the vulnerability in Microsoft's operating system, following its 90-day public disclosure deadline policy. Google Project Zero team routinely finds vulnerabilities in different products from different companies. The vulnerabilities then get reported to the affected software vendors and if they do not patch the flaws in 90 days, Google automatically makes the vulnerability along with its details public. DISCLOSURE OF TWO SECURITY HOLES IN LESS THAN A MONTH Two weeks back, Google Project Zero team disclosed details of an elevation of privilege (EoP) vulnerability  affecting Windows 8.1 that may have allowed hackers to modify cont
Corel Software DLL Hijacking Vulnerability Allows Hackers to Execute Malicious Code

Corel Software DLL Hijacking Vulnerability Allows Hackers to Execute Malicious Code

Jan 14, 2015
Security researchers have disclosed local zero day DLL hijacking vulnerabilities in several applications developed by Corel Software that could allow an attacker to execute arbitrary commands on victims' computer, potentially affecting more than 100 million users. The security holes were publicly disclosed by Marcos Accossatto from a vulnerability research firm Core Security after the vendor didn't respond to his private disclosure about the flaws. Corel develops wide range of products including graphics, photo, video and other media editing programs. According to the researcher, when a media file associated with one of the vulnerable Corel products is opened, the product also loads a specifically named DLL (Dynamic Link Library) file into memory if it's located in the same directory as the opened media file. These DLL files contain executable code which could allow an attacker to install malware on victims' computers by inserting malicious DLLs into the
KeySweeper — Arduino-based Keylogger for Wireless Keyboards

KeySweeper — Arduino-based Keylogger for Wireless Keyboards

Jan 13, 2015
Security researcher has developed a cheap USB wall charger that is capable to eavesdrop on almost any   Microsoft   wireless  keyboard . MySpace mischief-maker Samy Kamkar has released a super-creepy keystroke logger for Microsoft wireless keyboards cunningly hidden in what appears to be a rather cheap, but functioning USB wall charger. The stealthy Arduino-based device, dubbed " KeySweeper ", looks and functions just like a generic USB mobile charger, but actually sniffs, decrypts, logs, and reports back all keystrokes from a Microsoft wireless keyboard. " KeySweeper is a stealthy Ardunio-based device camouflaged as a wall charger that wirelessly sniffs, decrypts, logs and reports-back all keystrokes from any Microsoft wireless keyboard in the vicinity," Kamkar said. The security researcher has also released instructions on how to build the USB wall charger online and surprisinglyits is cheap to build and quite capable. KeySweeper includes a web
Silk Road Reloaded Switches from Tor to I2P Anonymous Network

Silk Road Reloaded Switches from Tor to I2P Anonymous Network

Jan 13, 2015
Multiple successors of the original Silk Road have come and all have been taken offline in recent years, but aside from selling illegal goods and services, they all have had one thing in common – they've all relied on the Tor network. A new version of the anonymous online black market Silk Road, has re-appeared on the dark web, but this time the website doesn't rely on the now infamous Tor network and neither it deals in only Bitcoins. The new version of the notorious online black market, dubbed " Silk Road Reload​ed ", launched Sunday on the little-known " I2P " anonymous network, dealing with a range of cryptocurrencies including the meme-inspired Dogecoin. In short, apart from the name, there is no connection between the original Silk Road website and the newly launched Silk Road Reloaded . Silk Road Reloaded is only accessible by downloading the special software called I2P (Invisible Internet Project) , or by configuring your systems
UK Prime Minister wants to Ban Encrypted Messaging Apps

UK Prime Minister wants to Ban Encrypted Messaging Apps

Jan 13, 2015
The terrible terrorist attacks in France forced the British Prime Minister David Cameron to consider banning the popular encrypted online messaging apps like Snapchat , CryptoCat ,  WhatsApp and Apple's iMessage unless the companies don't give the UK government backdoor access to their encrypted communications. Speaking at a public event in the UK this morning, Cameron said that if he wins the next election and re-elected, he would seek to ban the encrypted communication apps as part of his plans for new surveillance powers in the wake of the Charlie Hebdo shootings in Paris . The British Prime Minister said the Paris terror attacks, including the one last week on satirical newspaper Charlie Hebdo, outlined the need for greater access on the encrypted communications. In his remarks, the attacks were aimed at messaging apps that encrypt messages to secure users' communications. " The attacks in Paris demonstrated the scale of the threat that we face and th
US Central Command Social Media Accounts Hacked by ISIS Supporters

US Central Command Social Media Accounts Hacked by ISIS Supporters

Jan 13, 2015
The official Twitter and YouTube accounts for the US military's Central Command ( CENTCOM ) that oversees operations in Central Asia and the Middle East were hacked on Monday by a hacker group claiming association with Islamic State militant group, also known as ISIS. The hacker group, appears to call itself " CyberCaliphate ", managed to gain access to the CENTCOM social accounts, and posted some screenshots of documents, allegedly internal CENTCOM documents, with links to what they described as leaked military files. Meanwhile, YouTube page related to the US military's Central Command was set to display propaganda videos in support of the terrorist group ISIS. On Twitter, the group posted a Pastebin message that declared " Pentagon networks hacked. AMERICAN SOLDIERS WE ARE COMING, WATCH YOUR BACK. ISIS. #CyberCaliphate . " Originally, a statement posted on pastebin shared by the compromised CENTCOM account reads: " US and its satelli
Microsoft Kills Public Patch Tuesday Advance Notifications; Now for Paid Members Only

Microsoft Kills Public Patch Tuesday Advance Notifications; Now for Paid Members Only

Jan 10, 2015
Microsoft began issuing Patch Tuesday updates publically in advance over ten years ago, but from next every second Tuesday of the Month, if you want to see what security patches Microsoft is going to issue, then you will have to pay for it. UPDATE ALERTS FOR PAID CUSTOMERS ONLY Yes right, Microsoft has decided to ditch its Advanced Notification Service (ANS) and will no longer be releasing a public blog post to preview what is to come on Patch Tuesday. Microsoft is facing fierce criticism by industry experts for its decision to make advanced security bulletin available only to those who pay a premium. Note: Only advance notifications are now paid, but security updates/patches are free. NO MORE "OUT-OF-BAND" PUBLIC SECURITY ALERTS In the post on the Microsoft Security Response Center blog , Chris Betz, senior director at Microsoft's security research arm, said: " more and more customers today are seeking to cut through the clutter and obtain s
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