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U.K. and U.S. Sanction 7 Russians for TrickBot, Ryuk, and Conti Ransomware Attacks

U.K. and U.S. Sanction 7 Russians for TrickBot, Ryuk, and Conti Ransomware Attacks

Feb 10, 2023 Ransomware / Endpoint Security
In a first-of-its-kind coordinated action, the U.K. and U.S. governments on Thursday levied sanctions against seven Russian nationals for their affiliation to the TrickBot, Ryuk, and Conti cybercrime operation. The individuals  designated  under sanctions are Vitaly Kovalev (aka Alex Konor, Bentley, or Bergen), Maksim Mikhailov (aka Baget), Valentin Karyagin (aka Globus), Mikhail Iskritskiy (aka Tropa), Dmitry Pleshevskiy (aka Iseldor), Ivan Vakhromeyev (aka Mushroom), and Valery Sedletski (aka Strix). "Current members of the TrickBot group are associated with Russian Intelligence Services," the U.S. Treasury Department  noted . "The TrickBot group's preparations in 2020 aligned them to Russian state objectives and targeting previously conducted by Russian Intelligence Services." TrickBot, which is attributed to a threat actor named ITG23, Gold Blackburn, and Wizard Spider, emerged in 2016 as a derivative of the Dyre banking trojan and evolved into a  highly
Telegram Offers Premium Subscription in Exchange for Using Your Number to Send OTPs

Telegram Offers Premium Subscription in Exchange for Using Your Number to Send OTPs

Mar 28, 2024 Technology / Data Privacy
In June 2017, a  study  of more than 3,000 Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) students  published  by the National Bureau for Economic Research (NBER) found that 98% of them were willing to give away their friends' email addresses in exchange for free pizza. "Whereas people say they care about privacy, they are willing to relinquish private data quite easily when incentivized to do so," the research said, pointing out a what's called the privacy paradox. Now, nearly seven years later, Telegram has introduced a new feature that gives some users a free  premium membership  in exchange for allowing the popular messaging app to use their phone numbers as a relay for sending one-time passwords (OTPs) to other users who are attempting to sign in to the platform. The feature, called Peer-to-Peer Login (P2PL), is currently being tested in selected countries for Android users of Telegram. It was first spotted by  tginfo  in February 2024 (via  @AssembleDebug ). A
Researchers Warn of Increase in Phishing Attacks Using Decentralized IPFS Network

Researchers Warn of Increase in Phishing Attacks Using Decentralized IPFS Network

Jul 29, 2022
The decentralized file system solution known as IPFS is becoming the new "hotbed" for hosting phishing sites, researchers have warned. Cybersecurity firm Trustwave SpiderLabs, which disclosed specifics of the spam campaigns, said it identified no less than 3,000 emails containing IPFS phishing URLs as an attack vector in the last three months. IPFS , short for InterPlanetary File System, is a peer-to-peer (P2P) network to store and share files and data using cryptographic hashes, instead of URLs or filenames, as is observed in a traditional client-server approach. Each hash forms the basis for a unique content identifier ( CID ). The idea is to create a resilient distributed file system that allows data to be stored across multiple computers. This would allow information to be accessed without having to rely on third parties such as cloud storage providers, effectively making it resistant to censorship. "Taking down phishing content stored on IPFS can be difficult
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Cybersecurity CPEs: Unraveling the What, Why & How

Cybersecurity CPEs: Unraveling the What, Why & How

Jun 10, 2024Cybersecurity / Exposure Management
Staying Sharp: Cybersecurity CPEs Explained Perhaps even more so than in other professional domains, cybersecurity professionals constantly face new threats. To ensure you stay on top of your game, many certification programs require earning Continuing Professional Education (CPE) credits. CPEs are essentially units of measurement used to quantify the time and effort professionals spend on maintaining and enhancing skills and knowledge in the field of cybersecurity, and they act as points that demonstrate a commitment to staying current. CPEs are best understood in terms of other professions: just like medical, legal and even CPA certifications require continuing education to stay up-to-date on advancements and industry changes, cybersecurity professionals need CPEs to stay informed about the latest hacking tactics and defense strategies. CPE credits are crucial for maintaining certifications issued by various cybersecurity credentialing organizations, such as (ISC)², ISACA, and C
To Protect Your Devices, A Hacker Wants to Hack You Before Someone Else Does

To Protect Your Devices, A Hacker Wants to Hack You Before Someone Else Does

Apr 19, 2017
It should be noted that hacking a system for unauthorised access that does not belong to you is an illegal practice, no matter what's the actual intention behind it. Now I am pointing out this because reportedly someone, who has been labeled as a 'vigilante hacker' by media, is hacking into vulnerable 'Internet of Things' devices in order to supposedly secure them. This is not the first time when any hacker has shown vigilance, as we have seen lots of previous incidents in which hackers have used malware to compromise thousands of devices, but instead of hacking them, they forced owners to make them secure. Dubbed Hajime , the latest IoT botnet malware, used by the hacker, has already infected at least 10,000 home routers, Internet-connected cameras, and other smart devices. But reportedly, it's an attempt to wrestle their control from Mirai and other malicious threats. Mirai is an IoT botnet that threatened the Internet last year with record-sett
Uroburos Rootkit: Most sophisticated 3-year-old Russian Cyber Espionage Campaign

Uroburos Rootkit: Most sophisticated 3-year-old Russian Cyber Espionage Campaign

Mar 05, 2014
The Continuous Growth of spyware, their existence, and the criminals who produce & spread them are increasing tremendously. It's difficult to recognize spyware as it is becoming more complex and sophisticated with time, so is spreading most rapidly as an Internet threat. Recently, The security researchers have unearthed a very complex and sophisticated piece of malware that was designed to steal confidential data and has ability able to capture network traffic. The Researchers at the German security company G Data Software , refer the malware as Uroburos , named after an ancient symbol depicting a serpent or dragon eating its own tail, and in correspondence with a string ( Ur0bUr()sGotyOu# ) lurking deep in the malware's code.  The researchers claimed that the malware may have been active for as long as three years before being discovered and appears to have been created by Russian developers. Uroburos is a rootkit designed to steal data from secure facilit
US Sanctions Cryptocurrency Exchange SUEX for Aiding Ransomware Gangs

US Sanctions Cryptocurrency Exchange SUEX for Aiding Ransomware Gangs

Sep 22, 2021
The U.S. Treasury Department on Tuesday imposed sanctions on Russian cryptocurrency exchange Suex for helping facilitate and launder transactions from at least eight ransomware variants as part of the government's efforts to crack down on a surge in ransomware incidents and make it difficult for bad actors to profit from such attacks using digital currencies. "Virtual currency exchanges such as SUEX are critical to the profitability of ransomware attacks, which help fund additional cybercriminal activity," the department  said  in a press release. "Analysis of known SUEX transactions shows that over 40% of SUEX's known transaction history is associated with illicit actors. SUEX is being designated pursuant to  Executive Order 13694 , as amended, for providing material support to the threat posed by criminal ransomware actors." According to blockchain analytics firm  Chainalysis , SUEX is legally registered in the Czech Republic and operates out of office
Kinsing Hacker Group Exploits More Flaws to Expand Botnet for Cryptojacking

Kinsing Hacker Group Exploits More Flaws to Expand Botnet for Cryptojacking

May 17, 2024 Cryptojacking / Malware
The cryptojacking group known as  Kinsing  has demonstrated an ability to continuously evolve and adapt, proving to be a persistent threat by swiftly integrating newly disclosed vulnerabilities to the exploit arsenal and expand its botnet. The  findings  come from cloud security firm Aqua, which described the threat actor as actively orchestrating illicit cryptocurrency mining campaigns since 2019. Kinsing (aka  H2Miner ), a name given to both the malware and the adversary behind it, has consistently expanded its toolkit with new exploits to enroll infected systems in a crypto-mining botnet. It was  first documented  by TrustedSec in January 2020. In recent years, campaigns involving the Golang-based malware have weaponized  various flaws  in  Apache ActiveMQ ,  Apache Log4j ,  Apache NiFi ,  Apache Tomcat ,  Atlassian Confluence ,  Citrix ,  Liferay Portal ,  Linux ,  Openfire ,  Oracle WebLogic Server , and  SaltStack  to breach vulnerable systems. Other methods have also invol
Variant of Zeusbot/Spyeye Botnet uses p2p network model

Variant of Zeusbot/Spyeye Botnet uses p2p network model

Feb 23, 2012
Variant of Zeusbot/Spyeye Botnet uses p2p network model Cybercriminals are using a modified version of the Zeusbot/Spyeye, which is using a peer-to-peer (P2P) network architecture, rather than a simple bot to command-and-control (C&C) server system, making the botnet much harder to take down, Symantec warned. ZeuS is very popular in the cybercriminal world because it's capable of stealing a wide variety of information, documents and login credentials from infected systems. For many years it was the weapon of choice for most fraudsters targeting online banking systems.The Trojan's source code was published on Internet underground forums last year, paving the way for many third-party modifications and improvements. Previously, P2P was used to communicate between bots any change in the C&C server's URL. Other techniques have also been used, such as programmatically determining the URLs to be used on particular dates in the event that a bot loses contact completely
Chrome Flaw Allows Sites to Secretly Record Audio/Video Without Indication

Chrome Flaw Allows Sites to Secretly Record Audio/Video Without Indication

May 30, 2017
What if your laptop is listening to everything that is being said during your phone calls or other people near your laptop and even recording video of your surrounding without your knowledge? Sounds really scary! Isn't it? But this scenario is not only possible but is hell easy to accomplish. A UX design flaw in the Google's Chrome browser could allow malicious websites to record audio or video without alerting the user or giving any visual indication that the user is being spied on. AOL developer Ran Bar-Zik reported the vulnerability to Google on April 10, 2017, but the tech giant declined to consider this vulnerability a valid security issue, which means that there is no official patch on the way. How Browsers Works With Camera & Microphone Before jumping onto vulnerability details, you first need to know that web browser based audio-video communication relies on WebRTC (Web Real-Time Communications) protocol – a collection of communications protocols th
FBI issues alert over two new malware linked to Hidden Cobra hackers

FBI issues alert over two new malware linked to Hidden Cobra hackers

May 30, 2018
The US-CERT has released a joint technical alert from the DHS and the FBI, warning about two newly identified malware being used by the prolific North Korean APT hacking group known as Hidden Cobra. Hidden Cobra, often known as Lazarus Group and Guardians of Peace, is believed to be backed by the North Korean government and known to launch attacks against media organizations, aerospace, financial and critical infrastructure sectors across the world. The group was even associated with the WannaCry ransomware menace that last year shut down hospitals and businesses worldwide. It is reportedly also linked to the 2014 Sony Pictures hack , as well as the SWIFT Banking attack in 2016. Now, the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) and the FBI have uncovered two new pieces of malware that Hidden Cobra has been using since at least 2009 to target companies working in the media, aerospace, financial, and critical infrastructure sectors across the world. The malware Hidden Cobra is
Turla Updates Kazuar Backdoor with Advanced Anti-Analysis to Evade Detection

Turla Updates Kazuar Backdoor with Advanced Anti-Analysis to Evade Detection

Nov 01, 2023 Cyber Threat / Malware
The Russia-linked hacking crew known as Turla has been observed using an updated version of a known second-stage backdoor referred to as Kazuar. The new findings come from Palo Alto Networks Unit 42, which is tracking the adversary under its constellation-themed moniker  Pensive Ursa . "As the code of the upgraded revision of Kazuar reveals, the authors put special emphasis on Kazuar's ability to operate in stealth, evade detection and thwart analysis efforts," security researchers Daniel Frank and Tom Fakterman  said  in a technical report. "They do so using a variety of advanced anti-analysis techniques and by protecting the malware code with effective encryption and obfuscation practices." Pensive Ursa, active since at least 2004, is attributed to the Russian Federal Security Service (FSB). Earlier this July, the Computer Emergency Response Team of Ukraine (CERT-UA)  implicated  the threat group to attacks targeting the defense sector in Ukraine and East
U.S. Government Neutralizes Russia's Most Sophisticated Snake Cyber Espionage Tool

U.S. Government Neutralizes Russia's Most Sophisticated Snake Cyber Espionage Tool

May 10, 2023 Cyber Espionage / Cyber Attack
The U.S. government on Tuesday announced the court-authorized disruption of a global network compromised by an advanced malware strain known as  Snake  wielded by Russia's Federal Security Service (FSB). Snake, dubbed the "most sophisticated cyber espionage tool," is the handiwork of a Russian state-sponsored group called  Turla  (aka Iron Hunter, Secret Blizzard, SUMMIT, Uroburos, Venomous Bear, and Waterbug), which the U.S. government attributes to a unit within Center 16 of the FSB. The threat actor has a  track record  of heavily focusing on entities in Europe, the Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS), and countries affiliated with NATO, with recent activity expanding its footprint to incorporate Middle Eastern nations deemed a threat to countries supported by Russia in the region. "For nearly 20 years, this unit [...] has used versions of the Snake malware to steal sensitive documents from hundreds of computer systems in at least 50 countries, which have
27C3: GSM cell phones even easier to tap !

27C3: GSM cell phones even easier to tap !

Dec 31, 2011
At the 27th Chaos Communication Congress ( 27C3 ) hacker conference, security researchers demonstrated how open source software on a number of revamped, entry-level cell phones can decrypt and record mobile phone calls in the GSM network. Using a normal laptop and a homemade monitoring device, team leader Karsten Nohl of Berlin's  Security Research Labs  explained that GSM mobile communications can be decrypted in "around 20 seconds." He said his team was able to record and playback entire conversations in plain text. Last year, Nohl and his team showed how they managed to crack the A5/1 encryption algorithm used in GSM, in three months using 40 distributed computers. Since then, he says his team has considerably improved the rainbow tables needed for the attack; the tables are once again available from the BitTorrent peer-to-peer network. Nohl says he has also made a lot of progress with the other hardware and software needed for the attack. Furthermore, the scenario fo
Vigilante Hackers Aim to Hijack 200,000 Routers to Make Them More Secure

Vigilante Hackers Aim to Hijack 200,000 Routers to Make Them More Secure

Feb 10, 2016
The same "Vigilante-style Hacker," who previously hacked more than 10,000 routers to make them more secure, has once again made headlines by compromising more than 70,000 home routers and apparently forcing their owners to make them secure against flaws and weak passwords. Just like the infamous hacking group Lizard Squad , the group of white hat hackers, dubbed the White Team , is building up a sizeable botnet consisting of hundreds of thousands of home routers, but for a good purpose. Lizard Squad , the same group responsible for Sony PlayStation Network and Microsoft Xbox Live outages , uses their botnets to launch DDoS ( Distributed Denial of Service ) attacks against target websites to flood them with traffic and knock them offline. Hacking Routers to Make them More Secure Challenged by Lizard Squad's maliocus work, the White Team of vigilante hackers built their own peer-to-peer botnet that infects routers to close off vulnerabilities , such
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