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Category — hidden objects games
Hacker exposes 40,000 Credit Cards from Digital Playground
'The New York Iron Works' police supplier Hacked by Anonymous

'The New York Iron Works' police supplier Hacked by Anonymous

Mar 10, 2012
' The New York Iron Works ' police supplier Hacked by Anonymous Anonymous Hackers with the Antisec movement have attacked the site of a company that sells equipment to US law enforcers such as the police. Members of Anonymous recently hacked the official site for law enforcement equipment supplier New York Iron Works . Defaced page include the message, " To our fallen brothers Your work has not been forgotten, your skills and teachings has spawn another generation of an elite squander. Like the knights at the round table, we have shared may common interests but let us not forget the game we play. AntiSec is still alive and well ,". The leaked data includes usernames, clear-text passwords and email addresses. The message posted to the New York Ironwork's homepage called the attack a " tribute to Jeremy Hammond ," the LulzSec member arrested in Chicago on Monday and one of the men responsible for the attack on the intelligence firm Stratfor on December 25 last year....
RDP: a Double-Edged Sword for IT Teams – Essential Yet Exploitable

RDP: a Double-Edged Sword for IT Teams – Essential Yet Exploitable

Feb 28, 2025Network Security / Endpoint Security
Remote Desktop Protocol (RDP) is an amazing technology developed by Microsoft that lets you access and control another computer over a network. It's like having your office computer with you wherever you go. For businesses, this means IT staff can manage systems remotely, and employees can work from home or anywhere, making RDP a true game-changer in today's work environment. But here's the catch: because RDP is accessible over the internet, it's also a prime target for unethical hackers. If someone gains unauthorized access, they could potentially take over your system. That's why it's so important to secure RDP properly. Why IT Teams Depend on RDP, Despite the Risks More than 50 percent of Kaseya's small and medium-sized businesses (SMBs) and Managed Service Providers (MSPs) customers use RDP for daily operations due to its efficiency and flexibility: Reduces Costs and Downtime – IT teams can resolve technical issues remotely, eliminating travel expenses and delays. Supports B...
Iran Cyber Army in Action, Azerbaijani TV Down !

Iran Cyber Army in Action, Azerbaijani TV Down !

Feb 24, 2012
Iran Cyber Army in Action, Azerbaijani TV Down ! As we reported Yesterday that Azerbaijan Arrests a Iranian terror group and in response Iranian Hackers hits many Azerbaijan Sites like, Azerbaijan airlines (https://azerbaijanairlines.org/) and National Olympic Committee Of Azerbaijan (https://noc-aze.org) . Today Iran Cyber Army also come into Action for supporting Iran and deface the Azerbaijan State Television & Radio Company, AzTV websites also. A message in English from the hackers popped up in place of the AzTV website when it was opened." Life is Game"Game OVER..!!! ", the message read and was signed " the Iranian Cyber Army ".The website has already been restored. The attacks came a month after anti-Israeli hackers broke into the sites of several ministries and the governing party, leaving messages calling the Azerbaijani authorities "servants of the Jews". Relations between the two countries are tense at present.Iran has accused Baku of helping...
cyber security

Red Report 2025: Analyzing the Top ATT&CK Techniques Used by 93% of Malware

websitePicus SecurityThreat Detection / Adversary Simulation
Discover the Top 10 MITRE ATT&CK® techniques behind 93% of attacks and learn how to defend against them.
Tor Bridge Relay to Bypass Internet Censorship

Tor Bridge Relay to Bypass Internet Censorship

Feb 15, 2012
Internet users in dozens of countries around the world where governments tend to look askance at freedom and civil liberties have come to rely on the Tor network for dependable, anonymous access to the Web. But those governments and some popular websites have caught on to the game and begun to make it more difficult for users to connect to the Tor network. If you live in an area with little or no Internet censorship, you may want to run a Tor relay or a Tor bridge relay to help other Tor users access an uncensored Internet.The Tor network relies on volunteers to donate bandwidth. The more people run relays, the faster and more secure the Tor network will be. To help people using Tor bypass Internet censorship, set up a bridge relay rather than an ordinary relay. Now, new version of the software include a feature that enables users to connect to one of several " bridges ," or Tor relays whose IP addresses aren't listed in the Tor directory. Bridges to Tor is a step forwa...
ProCredit Bank Georgia hacked by RetnOHacK

ProCredit Bank Georgia hacked by RetnOHacK

Feb 05, 2012
ProCredit Bank Georgia hacked by RetnOHacK #AntiSerbs Group of Hackers named - B!JemBeX, RetnOHacK, Weedh0aX, mR.Thg hack into ProCredit Bank of Georgia (procreditbank.ge) . They Deface the Administrator panel page located at  https://www.procreditbank.ge/admin/login.php  as shown in image attached. On Deface page Hacker said " This day have received that much time..when will you accept that you lose the fight ?in this game you do not have no chance to win..you always were and always will be losers remain losersMitrovica do not sell , Mitrovica is ours as alwaysWe do not want peace with you , because I hate slaves.Date of " 28 November " is approaching to unite all Albanians... ". Till now its unclear that Hacker damage anything else rather than site pages.
Call of Duty, Spider-Man and other 7 Largest Video Game Sites Hacked

Call of Duty, Spider-Man and other 7 Largest Video Game Sites Hacked

Feb 03, 2012
Call of Duty , Spider-Man and other 7 Largest Video Game Sites Hacked Today Turkish Hackers from group " GrayHatz " hack and Deface Call of Duty, Spider-Man and other 7 Largest Video Game Sites. Hacked Sites Include: - Call of Duty® Official Video Game Site : Link and Mirror - X-Men Origins: Wolverine Official Video Game Site :  Link  and  Mirror - Spider-Man: Edge of Time Official Game Website - Transformers: Fall of Cybertron Official Video Game Site : Link and Mirror - Prototype 2 Official Video Game Site : Link and Mirror - Infinity Ward Developer of Call of Duty : Link and Mirror - The Quantum Of Solace Game Official Video Game : Link and Mirror - DJ Hero 2 | Available Now Official Site : Link and Mirror - Guitar Hero Official Site : Link and Mirror
The Undead  “Corporations” by Patti Galle

The Undead "Corporations" by Patti Galle

Jan 18, 2012
The Undead  "Corporations" by Patti Galle  The Hacker News Editor " Patti Galle " share her views about Corporations in THN Magazine December Edition . We would like to share same article with our blog Readers. Enjoy the interesting read : Corporations are soulless entities possessing privileges and the rights of citizenship that actual people have; all the while not having to shoulder any of the natural responsibilities. Undead Corporations have concentrated the essence of avarice, rage and fury to form their corporate structure. And as these covetous Corporations have accumulated immeasurable wealth they have methodically utilized this wealth and power to procure, infiltrate, and seize control of the influential and powerful American government and many governments across the world vigorously fusing them into a globe-encompassing non-living aberration, now rightfully called or labeled as Corporatocracy. At present, on an ever escalating level, world governments ar...
Fake Angry Birds Game spreading Malware from Android Market

Fake Angry Birds Game spreading Malware from Android Market

Jan 16, 2012
Fake Angry Birds Game  spreading Malware from Android Market From last week premium rate SMS Trojans surfaced in the Android Market. Google has pulled 22 apps that are masquerading as legitimate versions of popular games like Angry Birds and Cut the Rope. Security researchers have discovered a way to bypass an Android smartphone owner's permissions and access private data stored on their smartphone. Avast Blog explain this as - For example, if someone tried to look for "Cut the rope free", this malicious application was in the fourth place in the search results. Apps published by the developer Miriada Production may look like well known Android games (Angry birds, Need for speed, World of Goo and others) and users could be easily confused.  The fake apps include "Cut the Rope", "Need for Speed", "Assassins Creed", "Where's My Water? ","Riptide GP", "Great Little War Game", "World of Goo", "Angry Bir...
FBI warning about Banking trojan "Gameover"

FBI warning about Banking trojan "Gameover"

Jan 09, 2012
FBI warning about Banking trojan " Gameover " Organized crooks have begun launching debilitating cyber attacks against banks and their customers as part of a smoke screen to prevent victims from noticing simultaneous high-dollar cyber heists. On Friday the FBI issued a warning about a banking trojan named Gameover. It's a new variant of Zeus, a user credential stealing malware that targets online bank users. Zeus has been around for years, and every now and then a new version with a new twist pops up. Gameover has also been implicated in Distributed-Denial-of-Service attacks that temporarily-disable bank websites to draw attention away from fraudulent transactions. Like another Zeus variant, Troj/BredoZp-GY, Gameover uses e-mail spam to propagate, and the safest way to keep Gameover away from your PC is to avoid links and file attachments that are contained in unfamiliar e-mail messages. Experts warn that any interaction with this fake NACHA link can infect your PC with...
Hackers selling cheap BOTNETs and DDOS on forums

Hackers selling cheap BOTNETs and DDOS on forums

Jan 06, 2012
Hackers selling cheap BOTNETs and DDOS on forums The Internet has revolutionized shopping around the world. Security researchers F-Secure reported recently in a post that hackers are Selling Cheap DDOS services on Various Forums. Hackers are offering services like distributed denial of service attacks (DDoS), which can be used to knock website offline in just 1 - 2 hours / 2$ per hour. They Posted a Youtube Video in which a young woman advertises DDoS services. " We are here to provide you a cheap professional ddos service.We can hit most large websites/forums game servers.We will test the website/server before accepting your money.Due to the nature of the business we dont offer refunds. " Offer said . There is another Interesting Hacker's Shop ! Moreover, for their assaults, the hackers chiefly utilize botnets, while ignorant operators of computers remain unaware that they've gotten contaminated with malware as also being controlled remotely. " Do you wan...
FreeDOS 1.1 released after being in development for several years

FreeDOS 1.1 released after being in development for several years

Jan 06, 2012
FreeDOS 1.1 released after being in development for several years FreeDOS 1.1 has been released after being in development for several years. FreeDOS is an opensource operating system aiming to provide the same (or better) functionality as Microsoft'sold MS-DOS. Right now the main use is running old games and software, but you might encounter it on somefreshly sold computers, motherboard setup CDs, BIOS flashing diskettes, embedded hardware and other uses. Bernd Blaauw has been hard at work, updating FreeDOS distribution to include the latest packages. Bernd writes: " In its current form this new distribution is best suited as a CD-ROM disk to install FreeDOS from onto harddisk. Sources are included. It might be considered as replacement for the current 'base-only' 1.0 distributions as created by Blair and Jeremy, however it's less functional as it's missing the Live Environment part (\FDOS directory on CD). " New Version include the FreeDOS 2040 ke...
Official Android Market host many Malware Games

Official Android Market host many Malware Games

Dec 24, 2011
Official Android Market  host many Malware Games F-Secure researchers recently found malware in the Android Market disguised as free versions of popular games. Disguising malware as a free version of a popular game (such as Cut the Rope and Assassin's Creed) seems to be a popular tactic that the bad guys are using to scam users of Google's Android Market app store. Overnight more malware appeared in Google's official app repository. The Trojanized games have been uploaded by a company calling itself Eldar Limited . This is the second time in two weeks malware disguised as free games has been uploaded to the Android Market. Google's app police managed to detect this fraud and quickly removed it from the Android Market. While the apps are still listed on AppBrain and AndroidZoom, the links will direct users back to the official Android Market where they have already been removed. " These have now been removed by Google, but their appearance in the official Android Market in...
Stratfor hacked by Anonymous Hackers for #AntiSec

Stratfor hacked by Anonymous Hackers for #AntiSec

Dec 24, 2011
Stratfor hacked by Anonymous Hackers for #AntiSec Stratfor who provides strategic intelligence on global business, economic, security and geopolitical affairs just now has been defaced by Anonymous Group of Hackers. Mirror of Hack is available here . Lulzsec Leader, SABU tweeted that " Over 90,000 Credit cards from LEA, journalists, intelligence community and whitehats leaked and used for over a million dollars in donations ". Private Clients List of Stratfor is also leaked on a Pastebin note. For all this clients have been exposed sensible information including credit cards (which supposedly have been used to make $1 million in "donations"), as well as over 200 GB of email correspondence. As a result of this incident the operation of Stratfor's servers and email have been suspended. Anonymous has now exposed two lists of credit card details belonging to people who have subscribed to STRATFOR services, the first one containing 3956 card details and the second one...
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