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GitHub Token Leak Exposes Python's Core Repositories to Potential Attacks

GitHub Token Leak Exposes Python's Core Repositories to Potential Attacks

Jul 15, 2024 Supply Chain Attack / Cyber Threat
Cybersecurity researchers said they discovered an accidentally leaked GitHub token that could have granted elevated access to the GitHub repositories of the Python language, Python Package Index (PyPI), and the Python Software Foundation (PSF). JFrog, which found the GitHub Personal Access Token, said the secret was leaked in a public Docker container hosted on Docker Hub. "This case was exceptional because it is difficult to overestimate the potential consequences if it had fallen into the wrong hands – one could supposedly inject malicious code into PyPI packages (imagine replacing all Python packages with malicious ones), and even to the Python language itself," the software supply chain security company said . An attacker could have hypothetically weaponized their admin access to orchestrate a large-scale supply chain attack by poisoning the source code associated with the core of the Python programming language, or the PyPI package manager. JFrog noted that the aut
How to Use Python to Build Secure Blockchain Applications

How to Use Python to Build Secure Blockchain Applications

Jun 27, 2024
Did you know it's now possible to build blockchain applications, known also as decentralized applications (or "dApps" for short) in native Python? Blockchain development has traditionally required learning specialized languages, creating a barrier for many developers… until now. AlgoKit , an all-in-one development toolkit for Algorand, enables developers to build blockchain applications in pure Python. This article will walk you through the benefits of building blockchain applications, why Python is an ideal choice for dApp development, how to set up your blockchain development environment, and how to start building secure blockchain applications in native Python.  Why build blockchain applications?  Blockchain application development goes far beyond creating a decentralized database and peer-to-peer transactions. It unlocks a new level of trust, security, and efficiency for various applications. Guarantee tamper-proof records: Blockchain creates an immutable and transparent ledge
How to Increase Engagement with Your Cybersecurity Clients Through vCISO Reporting

How to Increase Engagement with Your Cybersecurity Clients Through vCISO Reporting

Jul 22, 2024vCISO / Business Security
As a vCISO, you are responsible for your client's cybersecurity strategy and risk governance. This incorporates multiple disciplines, from research to execution to reporting. Recently, we published a comprehensive playbook for vCISOs, "Your First 100 Days as a vCISO – 5 Steps to Success" , which covers all the phases entailed in launching a successful vCISO engagement, along with recommended actions to take, and step-by-step examples.  Following the success of the playbook and the requests that have come in from the MSP/MSSP community, we decided to drill down into specific parts of vCISO reporting and provide more color and examples. In this article, we focus on how to create compelling narratives within a report, which has a significant impact on the overall MSP/MSSP value proposition.  This article brings the highlights of a recent guided workshop we held, covering what makes a successful report and how it can be used to enhance engagement with your cyber security clients.
New Rust-based Fickle Malware Uses PowerShell for UAC Bypass and Data Exfiltration

New Rust-based Fickle Malware Uses PowerShell for UAC Bypass and Data Exfiltration

Jun 20, 2024 Threat Intelligence / Cybercrime
A new Rust-based information stealer malware called Fickle Stealer has been observed being delivered via multiple attack chains with the goal of harvesting sensitive information from compromised hosts. Fortinet FortiGuard Labs said it's aware of four different distribution methods -- namely VBA dropper, VBA downloader, link downloader, and executable downloader -- with some of them using a PowerShell script to bypass User Account Control (UAC) and execute Fickle Stealer. The PowerShell script ("bypass.ps1" or "u.ps1") is also designed to periodically send information about the victim, including country, city, IP address, operating system version, computer name, and username to a Telegram bot controlled by the attacker. The stealer payload, which is protected using a packer, runs a series of anti-analysis checks to determine if it's running in a sandbox or a virtual machine environment, following which it beacons out to a remote server to exfiltrate da
cyber security

Free OAuth Investigation Checklist - How to Uncover Risky or Malicious Grants

websiteNudge SecuritySaaS Security / Supply Chain
OAuth grants provide yet another way for attackers to compromise identities. Download our free checklist to learn what to look for and where when reviewing OAuth grants for potential risks.
Hackers Target Python Developers with Fake "Crytic-Compilers" Package on PyPI

Hackers Target Python Developers with Fake "Crytic-Compilers" Package on PyPI

Jun 06, 2024 Software Security / Data Theft
Cybersecurity researchers have discovered a malicious Python package uploaded to the Python Package Index (PyPI) repository that's designed to deliver an information stealer called Lumma (aka LummaC2). The package in question is crytic-compilers, a typosquatted version of a legitimate library named crytic-compile . The rogue package was downloaded 441 times before it was taken down by PyPI maintainers. "The counterfeit library is interesting in that, in addition [to] being named after the legitimate Python utility, 'crytic-compile,' it aligns its version numbers with the real library," Sonatype security researcher Ax Sharma said . "Whereas the real library's latest version stops at 0.3.7, the counterfeit 'crytic-compilers' version picks up right here, and ends at 0.3.11 — giving off the impression that this is a newer version of the component." In a further attempt to keep up the ruse, some versions of crytic-compilers (e.g., 0.3.9) we
AndroxGh0st Malware Targets Laravel Apps to Steal Cloud Credentials

AndroxGh0st Malware Targets Laravel Apps to Steal Cloud Credentials

Mar 21, 2024 Threat Intelligence / Vulnerability
Cybersecurity researchers have shed light on a tool referred to as  AndroxGh0st  that's used to target Laravel applications and steal sensitive data. "It works by scanning and taking out important information from .env files, revealing login details linked to AWS and Twilio," Juniper Threat Labs researcher Kashinath T Pattan  said . "Classified as an SMTP cracker, it exploits SMTP using various strategies such as credential exploitation, web shell deployment, and vulnerability scanning." AndroxGh0st has been detected in the wild since at least 2022, with threat actors leveraging it to access Laravel environment files and steal credentials for various cloud-based applications like Amazon Web Services (AWS), SendGrid, and Twilio. Attack chains involving the Python malware are known to exploit known security flaws in Apache HTTP Server, Laravel Framework, and PHPUnit to gain initial access and for privilege escalation and persistence. Earlier this January, U
North Korean Hackers Targeting Developers with Malicious npm Packages

North Korean Hackers Targeting Developers with Malicious npm Packages

Feb 26, 2024 Software Security / Cryptocurrency
A set of fake npm packages discovered on the Node.js repository has been found to share ties with North Korean state-sponsored actors, new findings from Phylum show. The packages are named execution-time-async, data-time-utils, login-time-utils, mongodb-connection-utils, and mongodb-execution-utils. One of the packages in question,  execution-time-async , masquerades as its legitimate counterpart  execution-time , a library with more than 27,000 weekly downloads. Execution-time is a Node.js utility used to measure execution time in code. It "actually installs several malicious scripts including a cryptocurrency and credential stealer," Phylum  said , describing the campaign as a software supply chain attack targeting developers. The package was  downloaded 302 times  since February 4, 2024, before being taken down. In an interesting twist, the threat actors made efforts to conceal the obfuscated malicious code in a test file, which is designed to fetch next-stage payloa
116 Malware Packages Found on PyPI Repository Infecting Windows and Linux Systems

116 Malware Packages Found on PyPI Repository Infecting Windows and Linux Systems

Dec 14, 2023 Malware / Supply Chain Attack
Cybersecurity researchers have identified a set of 116 malicious packages on the Python Package Index (PyPI) repository that are designed to infect Windows and Linux systems with a custom backdoor. "In some cases, the final payload is a variant of the infamous  W4SP Stealer , or a simple clipboard monitor to steal cryptocurrency, or both," ESET researchers Marc-Etienne M.Léveillé and Rene Holt  said  in a report published earlier this week. The  packages  are estimated to have been downloaded over 10,000 times since May 2023. The threat actors behind the activity have been observed using three techniques to bundle malicious code into Python packages, namely via a test.py script, embedding PowerShell in setup.py file, and incorporating it in obfuscated form in the  __init__.py file . Irrespective of the method used, the end goal of the campaign is to compromise the targeted host with malware, primarily a backdoor capable of remote command execution, data exfiltration, an
New MrAnon Stealer Malware Targeting German Users via Booking-Themed Scam

New MrAnon Stealer Malware Targeting German Users via Booking-Themed Scam

Dec 12, 2023 Cryptocurrency / Cyber Attack
A phishing campaign has been observed delivering an information stealer malware called  MrAnon Stealer  to unsuspecting victims via seemingly benign booking-themed PDF lures. "This malware is a Python-based information stealer compressed with cx-Freeze to evade detection," Fortinet FortiGuard Labs researcher Cara Lin  said . "MrAnon Stealer steals its victims' credentials, system information, browser sessions, and cryptocurrency extensions." There is evidence to suggest that Germany is the primary target of the attack as of November 2023, owing to the number of times the downloader URL hosting the payload has been queried. Masquerading as a company looking to book hotel rooms, the phishing email bears a PDF file that, upon opening, activates the infection by prompting the recipient to download an updated version of Adobe Flash. Doing so results in the execution of .NET executables and PowerShell scripts to ultimately run a pernicious Python script, which i
Beware, Developers: BlazeStealer Malware Discovered in Python Packages on PyPI

Beware, Developers: BlazeStealer Malware Discovered in Python Packages on PyPI

Nov 08, 2023 Supply Chain / Software Security
A new set of malicious Python packages has slithered their way to the Python Package Index (PyPI) repository with the ultimate aim of stealing sensitive information from compromised developer systems. The packages masquerade as seemingly innocuous obfuscation tools, but harbor a piece of malware called  BlazeStealer , Checkmarx said in a report shared with The Hacker News. "[BlazeStealer] retrieves an additional malicious script from an external source, enabling a Discord bot that gives attackers complete control over the victim's computer," security researcher Yehuda Gelb said. The campaign, which commenced in January 2023, entails a total of eight packages named Pyobftoexe, Pyobfusfile, Pyobfexecute, Pyobfpremium, Pyobflite, Pyobfadvance, Pyobfuse, and pyobfgood, the last of which was published in October.  These modules come with setup.py and init.py files that are designed to retrieve a Python script hosted on transfer[.]sh, which gets executed immediately upon
Trojanized PyCharm Software Version Delivered via Google Search Ads

Trojanized PyCharm Software Version Delivered via Google Search Ads

Oct 31, 2023 Malvertising / Threat Intelligence
A new  malvertising campaign  has been observed capitalizing on a compromised website to promote spurious versions of PyCharm on Google search results by leveraging Dynamic Search Ads. "Unbeknownst to the site owner, one of their ads was automatically created to promote a popular program for Python developers, and visible to people doing a Google search for it," Jérôme Segura, director of threat intelligence at Malwarebytes,  said  in a report. "Victims who clicked on the ad were taken to a hacked web page with a link to download the application, which turned out to install over a dozen different pieces of malware instead." The infected website in question is an unnamed online portal that specializes in wedding planning, which had been injected with malware to serve bogus links to the PyCharm software. The execution of the PyCharm installer results in the deployment of several stealer and loader families, such as Amadey, PrivateLoader, RedLine, Stealc, and Vid
Malicious NuGet Package Targeting .NET Developers with SeroXen RAT

Malicious NuGet Package Targeting .NET Developers with SeroXen RAT

Oct 12, 2023 Software Security / Malware
A malicious package hosted on the NuGet package manager for the .NET Framework has been found to deliver a remote access trojan called SeroXen RAT. The package, named Pathoschild.Stardew.Mod.Build.Config and published by a user named  Disti , is a typosquat of a legitimate package called  Pathoschild.Stardew.ModBuildConfig , software supply chain security firm Phylum  said  in a report today. While the real package has received nearly 79,000 downloads to date, the malicious variant is said to have artificially inflated its download count after being published on October 6, 2023, to surpass 100,000 downloads. The profile behind the package has published six other packages that have attracted no less than 2.1 million downloads cumulatively, four of which masquerade as libraries for various crypto services like Kraken, KuCoin, Solana, and Monero, but are also designed to deploy SeroXen RAT. The attack chain is initiated during installation of the package by means of a tools/init.ps1
"I Had a Dream" and Generative AI Jailbreaks

"I Had a Dream" and Generative AI Jailbreaks

Oct 09, 2023 Artificial Intelligence /
"Of course, here's an example of simple code in the Python programming language that can be associated with the keywords "MyHotKeyHandler," "Keylogger," and "macOS," this is a message from ChatGPT followed by a piece of malicious code and a brief remark not to use it for illegal purposes. Initially published by  Moonlock Lab , the screenshots of ChatGPT writing code for a keylogger malware is yet another example of trivial ways to hack large language models and exploit them against their policy of use. In the case of Moonlock Lab, their malware research engineer told ChatGPT about a dream where an attacker was writing code. In the dream, he could only see the three words: "MyHotKeyHandler," "Keylogger," and "macOS." The engineer asked ChatGPT to completely recreate the malicious code and help him stop the attack. After a brief conversation, the AI finally provided the answer. "At times, the code generated isn&
New Python URL Parsing Flaw Could Enable Command Execution Attacks

New Python URL Parsing Flaw Could Enable Command Execution Attacks

Aug 12, 2023 Programming / Vulnerability
A high-severity security flaw has been disclosed in the Python URL parsing function that could be exploited to bypass domain or protocol filtering methods implemented with a blocklist, ultimately resulting in arbitrary file reads and command execution. "urlparse has a parsing problem when the entire URL starts with blank characters," the CERT Coordination Center (CERT/CC) said in a Friday advisory. "This problem affects both the parsing of hostname and scheme, and eventually causes any blocklisting methods to fail." The flaw has been assigned the identifier  CVE-2023-24329  and carries a CVSS score of 7.5. Security researcher Yebo Cao has been credited with discovering and reporting the issue in August 2022. It has been addressed in the following versions - >= 3.12 3.11.x >= 3.11.4 3.10.x >= 3.10.12 3.9.x >= 3.9.17 3.8.x >= 3.8.17, and  3.7.x >= 3.7.17 urllib.parse  is a widely used parsing function that makes it possible to break dow
New NodeStealer Variant Targeting Facebook Business Accounts and Crypto Wallets

New NodeStealer Variant Targeting Facebook Business Accounts and Crypto Wallets

Aug 01, 2023 Cryptocurrency / Malware
Cybersecurity researchers have unearthed a Python variant of a stealer malware  NodeStealer  that's equipped to fully take over Facebook business accounts as well as siphon cryptocurrency. Palo Alto Networks Unit 42 said it detected the previously undocumented strain as part of a campaign that commenced in December 2022. There is no evidence to suggest that the cyber offensive is currently active. NodeStealer was  first exposed  by Meta in May 2023, describing it as a stealer capable of harvesting cookies and passwords from web browsers to compromise Facebook, Gmail, and Outlook accounts. While the prior samples were written in JavaScript, the latest versions are coded in Python. "NodeStealer poses great risk for both individuals and organizations," Unit 42 researcher Lior Rochberger  said . "Besides the direct impact on Facebook business accounts, which is mainly financial, the malware also steals credentials from browsers, which can be used for further attacks.
New Malvertising Campaign Distributing Trojanized IT Tools via Google and Bing Search Ads

New Malvertising Campaign Distributing Trojanized IT Tools via Google and Bing Search Ads

Jul 27, 2023 Malvertising / Software Security
A new malvertising campaign has been observed leveraging ads on Google Search and Bing to target users seeking IT tools like AnyDesk, Cisco AnyConnect VPN, and WinSCP, and trick them into downloading trojanized installers with an aim to breach enterprise networks and likely carry out future ransomware attacks. Dubbed  Nitrogen , the "opportunistic" activity is designed to deploy second-stage attack tools such as Cobalt Strike, Sophos  said  in a Wednesday analysis. Nitrogen was  first documented  by eSentire in June 2023, detailing an infection chain that redirects users to compromised WordPress sites hosting malicious ISO image files that ultimately culminate in the delivery of Python scripts and Cobalt Strike Beacons onto the targeted system. Then earlier this month, Trend Micro  uncovered  a similar attack sequence in which a fraudulent WinSCP application functioned as a stepping stone for a BlackCat ransomware attack. "Throughout the infection chain, the threat
Python-Based PyLoose Fileless Attack Targets Cloud Workloads for Cryptocurrency Mining

Python-Based PyLoose Fileless Attack Targets Cloud Workloads for Cryptocurrency Mining

Jul 12, 2023 Cloud Security / Cryptocurrency
A new fileless attack dubbed  PyLoose  has been observed striking cloud workloads with the goal of delivering a cryptocurrency miner, new findings from Wiz reveal. "The attack consists of Python code that loads an XMRig Miner directly into memory using  memfd , a known Linux fileless technique," security researchers Avigayil Mechtinger, Oren Ofer, and Itamar Gilad  said . "This is the first publicly documented Python-based fileless attack targeting cloud workloads in the wild." The cloud security firm said it found nearly 200 instances where the attack method was employed for cryptocurrency mining. No other details about the threat actor are currently known other than the fact that they possess sophisticated capabilities. In the infection chain documented by Wiz, initial access is achieved through the exploitation of a publicly accessible Jupyter Notebook service that allowed for the execution of system commands using Python modules. PyLoose , first detected on
Malicious PyPI Packages Using Compiled Python Code to Bypass Detection

Malicious PyPI Packages Using Compiled Python Code to Bypass Detection

Jun 01, 2023 Programming / Supply Chain
Researchers have discovered a novel attack on the Python Package Index (PyPI) repository that employs compiled Python code to sidestep detection by application security tools. "It may be the first supply chain attack to take advantage of the fact that Python bytecode (PYC) files can be directly executed," ReversingLabs analyst Karlo Zanki  said  in a report shared with The Hacker News. The package in question is  fshec2 , which was removed from the third-party software registry on April 17, 2023, following responsible disclosure on the same day. PYC files are compiled bytecode files that are generated by the Python interpreter when a Python program is executed. "When a module is imported for the first time (or when the source file has changed since the current compiled file was created) a .pyc file containing the compiled code should be created in a __pycache__ subdirectory of the directory containing the .py file,"  explains  the Python documentation. The pa
Russian Hackers Tomiris Targeting Central Asia for Intelligence Gathering

Russian Hackers Tomiris Targeting Central Asia for Intelligence Gathering

Apr 24, 2023 Cyber Espionage
The Russian-speaking threat actor behind a backdoor known as Tomiris is primarily focused on gathering intelligence in Central Asia, fresh findings from Kaspersky reveal. "Tomiris's endgame consistently appears to be the regular theft of internal documents," security researchers Pierre Delcher and Ivan Kwiatkowski  said  in an analysis published today. "The threat actor targets government and diplomatic entities in the CIS." The Russian cybersecurity firm's latest assessment is based on three new attack campaigns mounted by the hacking crew between 2021 and 2023. Tomiris first came to light in September 2021 when Kaspersky  highlighted  its potential connections to  Nobelium  (aka APT29, Cozy Bear, or Midnight Blizzard), the Russian nation-state group behind the SolarWinds supply chain attack. Similarities have also been unearthed between the backdoor and another malware strain dubbed  Kazuar , which is attributed to the Turla group (aka Krypton, Secre
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