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Category — Pakistan Hackers
45 Indian Websites hacked By Shadow008

45 Indian Websites hacked By Shadow008

Aug 15, 2011
45 Indian Websites hacked By Shadow008 One more Pakistani Hacker Shadow008 from " Pakistan Cyber Army "defaces 45 Indian Websites as listed here . Today 100's of Indian Government , Education and Corporate websites was also Hacked By ZCompany Hacking Crew.
100's of Indian Government, Education and Corporate websites Hacked By ZCompany Hacking Crew

100's of Indian Government, Education and Corporate websites Hacked By ZCompany Hacking Crew

Aug 15, 2011
100's of Indian Government, Education and Corporate websites Hacked By ZCompany Hacking Crew One of the Famous Pakistani hackers Group " ZCompany Hacking Crew " Once again Hit Large number of Indian websites and Deface. Hacked Websites and Their Mirrors of Hack are listed Here . These are  Indian Government, Education and Corporate websites. The Hack is done for the event of Indian and Pakistan independence day. Both Countries Hack Cyber war from last few years. Message and Reason of Hack mentioned by Hackers " This message is not for Indian government but common Indian people who dont know what their government hides. For those of your politicians who boast of Kashmir being an integral part of India read your own law books:" Indian Penal Code(Act No. 45 of 1860) CHAPTER-II SEC 18: "India".- "India" means the territory of India excluding the State of Jammu and Kashmir."The 15th of August is special for you because you got freedom on this day yet you shou...
Don't Overlook These 6 Critical Okta Security Configurations

Don't Overlook These 6 Critical Okta Security Configurations

Feb 10, 2025Identity Security / Data Protection
Given Okta's role as a critical part of identity infrastructure, strengthening Okta security is essential. This article covers six key Okta security settings that provide a strong starting point, along with recommendations for implementing continuous monitoring of your Okta security posture. With over 18,000 customers, Okta serves as the cornerstone of identity governance and security for organizations worldwide. However, this prominence has made it a prime target for cybercriminals who seek access to valuable corporate identities, applications, and sensitive data. Recently, Okta warned its customers of an increase in phishing social engineering attempts to impersonate Okta support personnel. Given Okta's role as a critical part of identity infrastructure, strengthening Okta security is essential. This article covers six key Okta security settings that provide a strong starting point, along with how continuous monitoring of your Okta security posture helps you avoid miscon...
BlackBerry blog site hacked by TriCk – TeaMp0isoN against London riots

BlackBerry blog site hacked by TriCk – TeaMp0isoN against London riots

Aug 09, 2011
BlackBerry blog site hacked by TriCk – TeaMp0isoN against London riots Hacking crew team TriCk – TeaMp0isoN today hack and deface the blog website of BlackBerry against London riots, One of the leading Mobile Company. They post a message also on homepage, as given below . Also There were calls on Tuesday to shut down the BlackBerry Messenger service which is thought to have helped mobilise looters in the riots in London. Mirror of Hack can be seen here . Message posted by TeaMp0isoN on Blog site : This hack is a response to this statement by RIM: "We feel for those impacted by this weekend's riots in London. We have engaged with the authorities to assist in any way we can. As in all markets around the world Where BlackBerry is available, we cooperate with local telecommunications operators, law enforcement and regulatory officials. Similar to other technology providers in the UK we comply with The Regulation of Investigatory Powers Act and co-operate fully with the Home ...
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TeaMp0isoN : NASA forum is Vulnerable SQL injection, Admin Hacked !

TeaMp0isoN : NASA forum is Vulnerable SQL injection, Admin Hacked !

Aug 08, 2011
TeaMp0isoN : NASA forum is Vulnerable SQL injection, Admin Hacked ! TeaMp0isoN Hackers crew today Reveal on twitter that the discussion forum on NASA website at  https://worldwind35.arc.nasa.gov/forum/ is Vulnerable to SQL injection. The discussion Forum script is Powered by Vbulletin. According to hacker, He use Vbulletin 4.0.x => 4.1.3 (messagegroupid) SQL injection Vulnerability Exploit for hacking the Database of Forum . Hacker also expose the Login details of Admin of website on Pastie .
Pakistani Matrimonial Website 'PakRishta' defaced by Cyb3r R3b3li@nZ

Pakistani Matrimonial Website 'PakRishta' defaced by Cyb3r R3b3li@nZ

Aug 07, 2011
Pakistani Matrimonial Website ' PakRishta ' defaced by Cyb3r R3b3li@nZ Pakistani Matrimonial Website ' PakRishta.com ' defaced by Hacker name " Cyb3r R3b3li@nZ " . Hacker said " This site is just hacked to inform the admin to remove the file uploading vulnerabilities in the profile picture uploading. This vulnerability allow the attacker to upload any malicious file on the server. " Mirror of hack :  https://zone-h.org/mirror/id/14581926 Submitted By: F@si Wolf
30 China Government Sites Hacked By Hitcher

30 China Government Sites Hacked By Hitcher

Aug 02, 2011
30 China Government Sites Hacked By Hitcher Pakistani Hacker with code name " Hitcher " today hit 30 China Government websites as listed below : Hacker deface all these domains and Mirror of every defacement is available  here .  In past,  LUMS University Database was also Hacked By Hitcher.
ZCompany Pakistani Hackers deface big Indian Websites

ZCompany Pakistani Hackers deface big Indian Websites

Jul 31, 2011
ZCompany Pakistani Hackers deface big Indian Websites Pakistani Hackers - ZCompany Hacking Crew again hit some big Indian Websites and Deface them. Hacked Sites: Indian Testing Board (ITB) is the International Software Testing Qualifications Board (ISTQB) : https://www.istqb.in/ https://payment.istqb.in/ Alpha Capital provides Multi Family Office ,Management , Private Wealth Management , Family Office , Private Banking , Financial Advisor https://alphacapital.in/ Asia's Largest Collection of Antique Carpets in Delhi and India. https://antiquecarpet.in/ https://www.bookswagon.com/ Indian National Science Academy, INSA, National Science, Indian Science, Fellowship, FNA, international Science https://insaindia.org/index.php https://www.indiapedia.org/ CPAI endeavors to put forth new & innovative ideas for smooth functioning and the growth of the commodity market operations https://commoindia.com/ Department of Financial Studies : University of Delhi, South Camp...
BSNL System Hacked by Pakistan Cyber Army - Users info at risk

BSNL System Hacked by Pakistan Cyber Army - Users info at risk

Jul 26, 2011
BSNL System Hacked by Pakistan Cyber Army - Users info at risk Pakistan Cyber Army claims to hack the BSNL (Bharat Sanchar Nigam Ltd.- India's No. 1 Telecommunications Company)10,000 User information like name, email, phone number and location & BSNL's internal working of VPN ,detail of circuits and as well as more technical details. More Screenshots: Source: Email from PCA
English Defence League Facebook Page Deleted & Members Mobile Numbers Leaked

English Defence League Facebook Page Deleted & Members Mobile Numbers Leaked

Jul 24, 2011
English Defence League Facebook Page Deleted & Members Mobile Numbers Leaked TeaMp0isoN Hacking Crew Hack and Delete Official Facebook page of English Defence League was on  https://www.facebook.com/English.Defence.League.EDL  . Also  TeaMp0isoN Leaks the Phone numbers of Members of  English Defence League  via a pastie link . Screenshot of the Numbers are shown below :
Pakcyberarmy database hacked and Leaked by Indian Hacker - Lucky

Pakcyberarmy database hacked and Leaked by Indian Hacker - Lucky

Jul 23, 2011
Pakcyberarmy database hacked and Leaked by Indian Hacker - Lucky Indian Hacker - Lucky (Indishell) crack the 1500+ user's passwords from Pakcyberarmy.net database.  Pakcyberarmy.net is the hub of most of the Pakistani hackers. Indian hacker group " Indishell " leader " Lucky "  leaks all info via a excel file available for download here . " Most of the Users/Hackers used the same passwords to their emails and what ever u wanna do do it spam, play , abuse or what ever you feel like its all yours " According to Lucky. The password List is available : https://www.multiupload.com/ERWJ33UPI2 Archive password - proud_to_be_indian Format - HASH : PASSWORD
8 Court Cases against Sarah Palin Leaked By TeaMp0isoN

8 Court Cases against Sarah Palin Leaked By TeaMp0isoN

Jul 21, 2011
8 Court Cases against Sarah Palin Leaked By TeaMp0isoN TeaMp0isoN Hackers leaks today the 8 Court Cases against Sarah Palin. The Documents are Leaked via MediaFire Link. The Archive contain Following Files, as shown.  There are 8 total Court cases , which are against Sarah Palin.
Association Of American Feed Control Officials (AAFCO) Hacked by ZHC

Association Of American Feed Control Officials (AAFCO) Hacked by ZHC

Jul 20, 2011
Association Of American Feed Control Officials (AAFCO) Hacked by  ZHC The Offocial Website of Association Of American Feed Control Officials (AAFCO) Hacked By ZHC TOSHIRO & ZHC MONGOOSE - ZCompany Hacking Crew - [ZHC] . Hacked Domains are  https://www.aafco.org/ and https://www.petfood.aafco.org/  . The Deface pages contain some message related to Their Protest Regarding PALESTINE. Mirrors of Hack available at  https://www.zone-h.com/mirror/id/14445813 and https://www.zone-h.com/mirror/id/14445892
Israel Web Hosting Server Hacked For Palestine By Dr T

Israel Web Hosting Server Hacked For Palestine By Dr T

Jul 18, 2011
Israel Web Hosting Server Hacked For Palestine By Dr T Israel Web Hosting Server Rooted Via Server Intrusion and all Domains on Server are Mass Defaced For Palestine By Dr Torjan and Code5 named hackers.  Hacked Websites List is available at :  https://pastebin.com/WvQmSSKh  .
Jawahar Knowledge Center website Hacked & Databse leaked by PCA

Jawahar Knowledge Center website Hacked & Databse leaked by PCA

Jul 15, 2011
Jawahar Knowledge Center website Hacked & Databse leaked by PCA Pakistan Cyber Army (PCA) admin Shak hack the website of Jawahar Knowledge Center ( https://www.ieg.gov.in/ ) . They Release the Database backup, which is available for Download at   https://www.multiupload.com/IFLRXDT53W  .  The database includes the password, surname, name, designation, address, phone, useremail, collegecode,dateofreg, gender, districtid, hallticketno, question, answer, alternate mail of Members.
Songs.pk hacked by Indishell Against Mumbai blasts

Songs.pk hacked by Indishell Against Mumbai blasts

Jul 15, 2011
Songs.pk hacked by Indishell Against Mumbai blasts Patriotic Indian Hackers " Indishell " / Indian Cyber Army finally Strike to the Biggest Pirated Music Download Website of Bollywood Albums run by Pakistan crew. The hack is perform against the  Mumbai blasts - Wednesday 13 July 2011. Pakistan issues a condemnation after three attacks blamed on terrorists strike Mumbai, targeting the city's Opera House district, its Zaveri bazaar and the central Dadar area. Indian hackers Hack the Songs.pk and add there deface page with a message at  https://songs.pk/usersonline/usersonline.php  . Message By Indishell " Pray for all the innocent victims of Mumbai attack ..This is a small answer from All Indians.. Remember we are Together..You can just kill innocent people .. Women & Childrens..But There is no Future for you.. We are coming with huge speed..Corruption will be under control.. Every Indian will have Money n Power..Then there will be no one to Save you...
National Assembly of Pakistan database hacked by V0iD

National Assembly of Pakistan database hacked by V0iD

Jul 12, 2011
National Assembly of Pakistan database hacked by V0iD Another new hacker "V0iD" come in action ! He hack the website and database of National Assembly of Pakistan at  https://www.na.gov.pk  . The hacked database info is leaked at  https://pastebin.com/bAgnnG9F  . Hacker leaks the username / passwords of 7 admin accounts and phone numbers of 13 accounts.
ISI Chief - Ahmed Shuja Pasha Email ID hacked by Indian Hacker

ISI Chief - Ahmed Shuja Pasha Email ID hacked by Indian Hacker

Jul 09, 2011
ISI Chief - Ahmed Shuja Pasha Email ID hacked by Indian Hacker An Indian Hacker " creatrix " Claim to hack into the email id of ISI Chief Ahmed Shuja Pasha's .The Directorate for Inter-Services Intelligence (more commonly known as Inter-Services Intelligence or simply by its initials ISI), is Pakistan's premier intelligence agency, responsible for providing critical national security intelligence assessment to the Government of Pakistan. The ISI is the largest of the three intelligence service agencies of Pakistan, the others being the Intelligence Bureau (IB) and Military Intelligence (MI). Hacker provide some screenshots of Inbox and Documents . Proof of Hack and some Documents :
808 Indian Websites Hacked By ZHC MongOse & ZHC Toshiro

808 Indian Websites Hacked By ZHC MongOse & ZHC Toshiro

Jul 09, 2011
808 Indian Websites Hacked By ZHC MongOse & ZHC Toshiro ZHC TOSHIRO & ZHC MONGOOSE from ZHC(ZCompany Hacking Crew) defaced more that 808 Indian Websites to deliver the message Regarding their Protest in Kashmir. Check here for message and Hacked sites list. There are most of Corporate websites in hacked site list.
Anonymous & Lulzsec Personal Information leaked by TeaMp0isoN

Anonymous & Lulzsec Personal Information leaked by TeaMp0isoN

Jul 06, 2011
Anonymous & Lulzsec Personal Information leaked by TeaMp0isoN TeaMp0isoN claim to expose the personal details of Anonymous & Lulzsec via a tweet . They posted a pastie link  which contains the details of various Lulzsec members and Anonymous.  The file include following data : *= *= *= *= *= *= *= *= *= *= *= *= *= *= *= *= *= *= *= *= *= *= *= *= *= *= *= *= *= *= *= *= *= *= *= *= *= *= *= *= *= *= *= *= *= *= *= *= *= *= *= *= *= *= *= *= *= *= *= *= *= *= *= *= *= *= *= *= *= *= *= *= *= *= *= *= *= *= *= *= *= *= *= *= *= *= *= *= *= *= *= *= ######## ######## ### ## ## ######## ##### #### ###### ####### ## ## ## ## ## ## ### ### ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ### ## ## ## ## ## #### #### ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## #### ## ## ###### ## ## ## ### ## ######## ## ## ## ###### ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ######### ## ## ##...
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