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Category — Defacements
jQuery Official Blog Hacked — Stay Calm, Library is Safe!

jQuery Official Blog Hacked — Stay Calm, Library is Safe!

Oct 26, 2017
The official blog of jQuery—most popular JavaScript library used by millions of websites—has been hacked by some unknown hackers, using the pseudonym "str0ng" and "n3tr1x." jQuery's blog website ( blog.jquery.com ) runs on WordPress—the world's most popular content management system (CMS) used by millions of websites. While there is no evidence yet if the server (code.jquery.com) that host jQuery file was also compromised, The Hacker News took a screenshot (as shown above) and can confirm that the hackers merely published a simple blog post to deface the website. The defaced blog post URL — https://blog.jquery.com/2017/10/26/hacked/ (now removed). Since the above-mentioned blog post was published under the name of Leah Silber, a core member of jQuery team, it seems hackers were able to make their post live by compromising Silber's account—probably by reusing her password leaked in a previous data breach. If not, the hackers might have gained...
 #OpSyria : Teamr00t Hack Syrian Government Sites

#OpSyria : Teamr00t Hack Syrian Government Sites

Dec 02, 2012
The Syrian government is almost certainly responsible for a blackout Thursday that shut down virtually all Internet service in the country. However, The Syrian government blamed the outage in internet service and mobile coverage in some areas on the armed groups' sabotage acts against cellular broadcast centers. Hacker with name Teamr00t has hacked and defaced Syrian government and showed their support for the people of Syria against President Bashaar Al-Assad's latest actions in shutting down the internet. Deface message President Bashaar Al-Assad You have taken a step too far in shutting down the internet so the outside world cannot see the horrific crimes you are committing upon your own people and this will not be tolerated by the world watching! The Syrian people have the right to freedom of speech, the right to live a normal happy life and the right to have access to the internet to connect with the rest of the world. By shutting down the internet you have denied you...
Don't Overlook These 6 Critical Okta Security Configurations

Don't Overlook These 6 Critical Okta Security Configurations

Feb 10, 2025Identity Security / Data Protection
Given Okta's role as a critical part of identity infrastructure, strengthening Okta security is essential. This article covers six key Okta security settings that provide a strong starting point, along with recommendations for implementing continuous monitoring of your Okta security posture. With over 18,000 customers, Okta serves as the cornerstone of identity governance and security for organizations worldwide. However, this prominence has made it a prime target for cybercriminals who seek access to valuable corporate identities, applications, and sensitive data. Recently, Okta warned its customers of an increase in phishing social engineering attempts to impersonate Okta support personnel. Given Okta's role as a critical part of identity infrastructure, strengthening Okta security is essential. This article covers six key Okta security settings that provide a strong starting point, along with how continuous monitoring of your Okta security posture helps you avoid miscon...
#opIsrael - Hackers hit Israel with mass Cyber Attack over Gaza

#opIsrael - Hackers hit Israel with mass Cyber Attack over Gaza

Nov 19, 2012
Protesting against attacks taking place on Gaza, Anonymous hackers attempts to hack most of the Israel websites in the past few days. " government and private websites are under siege from hackers, who have mounted 44 million cyberattacks in less than a week" , the government said. Today Pakistani   Hackers also deface Israeli Bing , MSN, Skype, Live and other big sites and In counter-attack  Israeli Hackers Leak Credit Card  Data from Palestine ISP website. Finance Minister Yuval Steinitz said just one hacking attempt was successful on a site he did not want to name, but it was up and running after 10 minutes of downtime. Israel said that it generally experiences a few hundred hacking attempts per day. The attacks are reportedly coming from around the world. Defence force sites have been the hardest hit, while the president's site has been hit 10-million times, the foreign ministry seven-million times and the prime minister three-million times. ...
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UNESCO Etxea website hacked by #NullCrew

UNESCO Etxea website hacked by #NullCrew

Nov 06, 2012
Hacking group #NullCrew deface UNESCO Etxea website (unescoetxea.org), which is an internationally oriented NGOs working for the culture of peace, sustainable human development and human rights, at local and global levels. Deface page reads, " Welcome to the new front page of unesco etxea You have been targeted by NullCrew, as part of the FuckTheSystem movement. We have began the war, once again; but this time, good-luck even coming close to winning. " " The united nations, just a bunch of corrupt nations; united by one source of power.. And for that reason, we have came back; to repeat the process. Enjoy the candy. " After watching the data dumped on deface page including the kernel version of server and wordpress database configuration file we can judge that, hacker is able to upload the php shell on website of UNESCO Etxea and he deface the web page. #NullCrew today also hack  UK Ministry of Defence and dump database...
National Telecommunications Commission website defaced

National Telecommunications Commission website defaced

Nov 01, 2012
Another Halloween hack, National Telecommunications Commission (NTC) was hacked Thursday noon, showed a pop-up message saying " Sh4d0wFiend_h4x0r and Wizkidl33t were here! " and would later redirect to another page (ntc.gov.ph/halloween) displaying the hacker's message - " hello and welcome: presented by Wizkidl33t and Sh4d0wFiend_h4x0r " Futher one click, a new page loads with the message " Welcome to the world of Halloween, in a moment you will see a couple of scary and entertainment media, this is not about a government issues this is for Halloween special click proceed to go to the next page ." The hacker group has claimed responsibility for the hacking of several government websites protesting the passage of the Cybercrime Prevention Act in the Philippines.
Euromillions lottery French Site defaced By Muslim Hackers

Euromillions lottery French Site defaced By Muslim Hackers

Oct 29, 2012
A group has hacked the French website for the EuroMillions lottery (https://euromillions.fr/) with warnings denouncing gambling as the work of the devil. A group going by name " Moroccanghosts ", posted the message in Arabic and French  - " Oh you believers. Wine, games of chance, statues all augur impurity and are the work of the devil. " It exhorted people to quit gambling, saying it was used by the devil along with alcohol to " sow hatred between yourselves and turn you away from God and prayer ". The company behind the site, Francaise des Jeux, took the passage down and the site was unavailable from last 12 hours later, but now Euromillions.fr  redirects to https://www.fdj.fr , the secure website of the firm that runs the Euromillions lottery in France. The Twitter user Moroccanghosts appeared to threaten that other gambling sites could be next. So there may be more attacks. France has a population of 65 million, including an estimated four million Mu...
Oracle website saying - "Hello World" , is it a Hack ?

Oracle website saying - "Hello World" , is it a Hack ?

Oct 13, 2012
This afternoon I just got a ping from one of my Friend that Oracle website compromised. Its hard to believe that ORACLE can be compromised ? So lets explore that what going on: Oracle.com , Website Oracle Corporation ,  ( an American multinational computer technology corporation that specializes in developing and marketing computer hardware systems and enterprise software products – particularly database management systems ) homepage showing just " HELLO WORLD " text on page. I tried to open it via mobile, it redirect me to mobile version at  Oracle.mobi , Yes its working fine as normal. Then we start moving on Twitter to find out whats going on, Lots of people tweeting about this and everyone seems to be confused that IS IT A HACK ? or the site is Under Maintenance ? Okay, Next I move to ORACLE twitter accounts @Oracle @OracleDatabase to find out either they have tweeted about this Strange update or ...
300000 Confidential records breached at Florida college

300000 Confidential records breached at Florida college

Oct 11, 2012
Computer hackers broke into a Florida college's computer system and stole the confidential information of nearly 300,000 students statewide and the school's president. State and college officials said a breach that at first involved employees at Northwest Florida State College was much larger than suspected and now potentially involves student records from across the state. More than 3,000 employee records and 76,000 student records containing personal identification information were also stolen, including names, Social Security numbers, birthdates, ethnicity and gender for any student statewide who was eligible for Florida's popular Bright Futures scholarships for the 2005-06 and 2006-07 school years. The breach occurred sometime between late May and late September. The school notified the public on Monday. It was discovered during an internal review from Oct. 1 through Oct. 5. The school's president, Ty Handy, was among the employees victimized, the schoo...
TinKode sentenced by a Romanian court and $120000 Fine

TinKode sentenced by a Romanian court and $120000 Fine

Oct 05, 2012
" Cernaianu Manole Razvan " akka TinKode , the Romanian behind attacks against NASA, Oracle, the Pentagon, and U.S. Army, was sentenced this week to a two-year suspended sentence, according to local media reports and was ordered to pay damages totalling more than US$120,000. He was arrested in January for his part in a number of attacks. According to Cernianu's case file summary on the Romanian Ministry of Justice Web portal, he was sentenced on September 26 and received six prison sentences of one or two years for separate computer-related offenses. The offenses included: gaining unauthorized access to a protected computer system; transferring data from a computer system without authorization; affecting the normal operation of a computer system by deleting, modifying or sending electronic data; creating, selling or distributing a devices or a computer program designed to be used in computer crimes; creating, selling or distributing a password or access cod...
5 Major Japanese universities websites hacked

5 Major Japanese universities websites hacked

Oct 05, 2012
A group of hackers identifying itself as " Ghost Shell " said that he has leaked some 120,000 pieces of information from 100 universities across the globe including Harvard University and the University of Cambridge.  Today reports says that Servers at the University of Tokyo and four other major universities in Japan have apparently been attacked by hackers, and same hacker release IDs and passwords from databases. Officials at the University of Tokyo confirmed that the e-mail addresses, names and telephone numbers of people who appear to be students and professors were leaked. The information was stored on four computer servers at the university. The university has closed the sites from which the information was stolen. Officials at Kyoto and Tohoku universities said they had not confirmed whether personal information had been leaked. The Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology has launched an investigation into the domestic cases following consul...
Thousands of sites defaced by Bangladeshi hackers to protest against movie "Innocence of Muslims"

Thousands of sites defaced by Bangladeshi hackers to protest against movie "Innocence of Muslims"

Oct 03, 2012
A new group of hackers, known as Bangladesh Hackers group called " 3xp1r3 cyber army "  has emerged from a collection of Arab countries and it looks like their call to cyber arms is based upon the controversial Nakoula Basseley film, Innocence of Muslims. They deface more than 1000 websites to show their protest against the movie. Hackers write message on deface page," Islam means Peace. We, the Muslims want peace all over the world. But you don't want to be stay in peace. Don't think us weak. We are more more and more stronger than you that you cannot imagine. By creating this video you have just insulted our "Islam" and our beloved Prophet Muhammad(s.a.w.) and break the peace between you and us. Now we are in your cyber space to destroy it. We will hit you until you stop hitting us and want marcy for your did. " Recently the six major American banks suffered denial-of-service attacks, in which  " Mrt. Izz ad-Din alQasssam Cyber Fighters  ...
Swedish authorities raid on PRQ prompts new cyber attack from Anonymous

Swedish authorities raid on PRQ prompts new cyber attack from Anonymous

Oct 03, 2012
Computer hackers claiming to be from the Anonymous network took over the official website of Sweden's National Board of Health and Welfare. The attacks come just days after police on Monday raided a Stockholm-based webhosting company, PRQ, and a video was posted on YouTube - allegedly made on behalf of the hacker group Anonymous - warning Swedish authorities of repercussions. Hacktivist network Anonymous has warned that Sweden's Riksbank will suffer a cyber-attack on Wednesday night.  " It's come to our attention that Swedish government raided PRQ servers in order to shut down numerous file sharing and torrent websites ," " This has gone too far. This is unacceptable. Anonymous says this stops right now. You don't fuck with The Internet… Today we hit their wallets hard. "  wrote the Anonymous group on 4chan. The Riksbank is taking the threat seriously: " We recognize this as a public threat against websites and we are always trying to keep the web as safe as pos...
Google Warning about New State Sponsored Attacks

Google Warning about New State Sponsored Attacks

Oct 03, 2012
" Warning: We believe state-sponsored attackers may be attempting to compromise your account or computer ." From last 3 months Google users were surprised to see this unusual notification at the top of their Gmail inbox, Google home page or Chrome browser. These warnings are not being shown because Google's internal systems have been compromised or because of a particular attack. " The company said that since it started alerting users to malicious probably state-sponsored activity on their computers in June, it has picked up thousands more instances of cyberattacks than it anticipated. "  NYtimes said. Google will now start sending out these messages to tens of thousands more people, as its methods for detecting suspicious activity have improved. Mike Wiacek, a manager on Google's information security team, said that since then, Google has improved its knowledge on attack methods and the groups behind them, and has started pushing out new alerts on Tuesday - ...
Internet freedom : Anonymous Brings Philippines Government Sites Offline

Internet freedom : Anonymous Brings Philippines Government Sites Offline

Oct 03, 2012
Hacker groups that are against the controversial Cybercrime Prevention Law for its effect on the country's freedom of expression defaced 11 more government websites since 11 p.m. Monday A message which said, " Hacked by M4N1L4 PR1D3, PHILIPPINE CYBER ARMY AND -=TheFamilyPride=- ," appeared on the homepage of PNP's Police Community Relations Group (PCRG). "Private X" and "Anonymous Philippines" hacked websites of the Department of Interior and Local Government, the One-Stop Information Shop for Technologies in the Philippines of the Department of Science and Technology, National Telecommunications Commission (NTC), Philippine Nuclear Institute, Intellectual Property Office of the Philippines, Tourism website of the City of San Fernando, Optical Media Board, Pilipinas Anti-Piracy Team, Department of Health's Smoke Free Philippines, Marina Industry Authority and the Maritime Training Council. The Twitter account of the Department of Social Welfare and Services was ...
Bharatiya Janata Party website defaced by Anonymous Hackers

Bharatiya Janata Party website defaced by Anonymous Hackers

Sep 19, 2012
Hackers from Indian Anonymous Group hacked Bharatiya Janata Party's website, BJP.org , last night, and defaced it. They post a set of messages with pictures, reflecting the group's condemnation of recent events including the government's approval of 51% FDI in multi-brand retail, diesel price hike, corruption, the cartoon controversy, and the Kudankulam Power Project, among others. Hackers also asked people to stand up and participate in the #OccupyIndiaground protest, which according to the message starts 23rd September 2012 (this Sunday) 3pm at India Gate, Delhi, Freedom Park, Bangalore, Marine Beach, Chennai, Park Street Crossing, Kolkata, MG Road, Pune and Subhash Park, Kochi. Defaced domains are: https://bjp.org https://bjpmp.org.in/ The group also posted a YouTube video with a message from anonymous: Video Saying that the group's been observing the deteriorating condition of free speech in India, and the government's attempts to block social media. Last month, Anonymous ...
Reliance Net Connect website Defaced by Hackers

Reliance Net Connect website Defaced by Hackers

Sep 13, 2012
Reliance Net Connect , a venture of Reliance Communications , one of the leading CDMA & GSM Service providers in India website was Defaced by Hackers two days back. No reason mentioned by hackers but on deface page, Hackers wrote " Hacked by Dr-FreaK and Napsters Cr3w ". Defaced site link -  https://reliancenetconnect.co.in , but at the time of writing this post, site has been successfully  restored by company. But you can see mirror of hack on Zone-H . In june 2012 due to Internet Censorship in India Reliance Communications blocks various sites, against to which Anonymous Hackers hacked their servers Reliance Communications in such a way that users trying to access Facebook, Twitter, Google, Gmail and Yahoo were greeted messages. Also in July 2012  Reliance Communications was successfully breached by another hacker with just information disclosure bug.
Ankit Fadia site again Hacked and Suspended by Hosting provider

Ankit Fadia site again Hacked and Suspended by Hosting provider

Sep 11, 2012
Another Funny news, today India's most popular but Self Claimed Hacker - Ankit Fadia's website just got hacked by a 17 Year old kid Kul Verma. His official Website https://ankitfadia.in/ got hacked and seems like his Hosting Provider has suspended his website on noticing something not correct with his site. Hacker hacked by a kid, this Questions the capability of Mr. Ankit Fadia once again. We all know that, its not the 1st time Fadia's Website got hacked. In past several young hackers claim to hack and deface his Website. Hacker claim the responsibility on the Facebook Fanpage , says " 17 years old.Love to Hack " and statement " Come Catch if You Can ". If you want to see deface page, please have a look to the Mirror link .
Al Jazeera SMS service Hacked, Fake messages spread by Hackers

Al Jazeera SMS service Hacked, Fake messages spread by Hackers

Sep 09, 2012
Al-Jazeera says hackers have targeted the Qatar-based TV satellite channel for the second time in a week, sending out false news reports on its mobile sms service. Al Jazeera confirm the hack in a tweet ," We'd like to inform our subscribers that Aljazeera sms sevice is being compromised by pirates and they've sent fake news news with no basis " " The story claiming that the Prime Minister (Sheikh Hamad bin Jassem) has been the target of an assassination attempt in the royal palace is completely false and was a result of hacking of the service ," the channel said in breaking news. A pro-Damascus group known as the Syrian Electronic Army quickly claimed responsibility for the Sunday hack on Twitter.  Social networks, including Twitter, quoted Al-Jazeera's mobile service on Sunday as saying that Sheikh Hamad was targeted in an attack on the palace in Doha and that the wife of the emir, Sheikha Moza bint Nasser, was lightly wounded. Hackers posted a pro-Syrian stateme...
Al Jazeera News network website hacked by Pro-Assad hackers

Al Jazeera News network website hacked by Pro-Assad hackers

Sep 04, 2012
The official website of one of the biggest Arabic-language news network " Al Jazeera " got hacked just now by Pro-Assad hackers called " Al-Rashedon ". If your miss the deface page, please have a look to mirror of it Here . Deface page designed with Dark color as shown in image and have some message in Arabic language, in English its " In response to your attitude against Syria, ( Syrian people and Government ) and your support to the Terrorist & Armed Groups, and sharing Fake news, your site has been hacked and this is our response to you. ( Al Rashedon hakcker group .)" Hacking group " Al-Rashedon " can be the part of " Syrain Electronic Army ", But yet Syrian Hackers didn't claim anything about this hack on their facebook page or website. The Arabic used (and the language mistakes) indicates that the hackers may be people living abroad and not native Syrians, may be these hackers belongs to Iraq. Name " Rashedon ...
Sony Mobile website hacked by NullCrew

Sony Mobile website hacked by NullCrew

Sep 03, 2012
Another Cyber attack on Sony this year, Hacking group called " NullCrew " hack into one of the biggest site of Sony mobile website (www.sonymobile.com) and leak complete database on Internet. Nullcrew releasing their hack dumps from their official twitter account @OfficialNull. The dump of database released on Pastebin with a small note from Hackers as given below: Sony, we are dearly dissapointed in your security. This is just one of eight sony servers that we have control of. Maybe, just maybe considering IP addresses are available. Maybe, just maybe it's the fact that not even your customers can trust you. Or maybe, just maybe the fact that you can not do anything correct technologically Stats of Dump: 441 Members Username with Email Addresses  24 User names with Hashed password from Think_Users table  3 Admin user data from admin_user table Not just Sony, Nullcrew recently hack into Cambodia Army website and dump database. " Recently the co-founder ...
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