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Blogger.com vulnerability, Gaining Administrative Privileges on any Account !

Blogger.com vulnerability, Gaining Administrative Privileges on any Account !

Mar 13, 2011
Blogger.com vulnerability, Gaining Administrative Privileges on any Account ! In the last 2 months, Nir.Goldshlager  participated in Google reward program and found some High, Serious vulnerabilities. The vulnerability that  Nir.Goldshlager  want to share first, Is a critical vulnerability in Blogger (Google Service). That vulnerability could be used by an attacker to get administrator privilege over any blogger account (Permission Issue). Here are the details regarding the issue in Blogger service, Nir.Goldshlager found a HTTP Parameter Pollution vulnerability in Blogger that allow an attacker to add himself as an administrator on the victim's blogger account, Technical details: Here are the steps for getting admin control permissions over any blogger accounts. 1.) The attacker Use the invite author options in blogger (add authors): Vulnerability location: POST /add-authors.do HTTP/1.1 Request: security_token=attackertoken&blog...
Password reset Vulnerability in Facebook Employees Secure Files Transfer service

Password reset Vulnerability in Facebook Employees Secure Files Transfer service

Jan 07, 2013
Many be many of you are not aware about this, but Facebook having a Secure Files Transfer service for their Employees at https://files.fb.com  and Hacker reported a very critical password reset vulnerability. Nir Goldshlager , a researcher told ' The Hacker News ' that how he defeat Facebook 's Secure Files Transfer service and help Facebook by reporting them about this issue in a responsible non-disclosure way till patch. After analyzing the site, he found that the script Facebook is using is actually " Accellion Secure File Sharing Service " script and so next he download the demo version of service from Accellion website and explore the source codes and file locations. He found that, there is a user registration page also available in source, that was also on files.fb.com. Unfortunately Facebook had removed the Sign up option (link) from homepage, but forget to remove the registration page from its actual location i.e (/courier...
Navigating the Future: Key IT Vulnerability Management Trends

Navigating the Future: Key IT Vulnerability Management Trends 

Feb 11, 2025Vulnerability / Threat Detection
As the cybersecurity landscape continues to evolve, proactive vulnerability management has become a critical priority for managed service providers (MSPs) and IT teams. Recent trends indicate that organizations increasingly prioritize more frequent IT security vulnerability assessments to identify and address potential security flaws. Staying informed on these trends can help MSPs and IT teams remain one step ahead of potential cyber-risks. The Kaseya Cybersecurity Survey Report 2024 navigates this new frontier of cyber challenges. The data is clear: Organizations are becoming increasingly reliant on vulnerability assessments and plan to prioritize these investments in 2025. Companies are increasing the frequency of vulnerability assessments  In 2024, 24% of respondents said they conduct vulnerability assessments more than four times per year, up from 15% in 2023. This shift highlights a growing recognition of the need for continuous monitoring and quick response to emerging t...
Facebook OAuth flaw allows gaining full control over any Facebook account

Facebook OAuth flaw allows gaining full control over any Facebook account

Feb 21, 2013
Facebook OAuth is used to communicate between Applications & Facebook users, to grant additional permissions to your favorite apps. To make this possible, users have to ' allow or accept ' the application request so that app can access your account information with required permissions. As a normal Facebook user we always think that it is better than entering your Facebook credentials, we can  just allow specific permissions to an app in order to make it work with your account. Today whitehat Hacker ' Nir Goldshlager ' reported ' The Hacker News ' that he discovered a very critical vulnerability in Facebook's OAuth system, that allowed him to get full control over any Facebook account easily even without ' allow or accept ' options. For this purpose he hunt the flaw in a very mannered way i.e Step 1) Understanding the OAuth URL Step 2) Finding a way to use custom parameters in URL Step 3) Bypassing OAuth ' Allow '...
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Millions of WordPress and Drupal Websites Vulnerable to DoS Attack

Millions of WordPress and Drupal Websites Vulnerable to DoS Attack

Aug 07, 2014
Users running the website on a self-hosted WordPress or on Drupal are strongly recommended to update their websites to the latest version immediately. A moderately critical vulnerability was discovered in the way Drupal and WordPress implement XMLRPC, which can lead an attacker to disable your website via a method known as Denial of Service (DoS) . VULNERABILITY RESULTS IN DoS ATTACK The latest update of WordPress 3.9.2 mainly addresses an issue in the PHP's XML processor that could be exploited to trigger a DoS (denial of service) attack . The vulnerability affects all previous versions of WordPress. The XML vulnerability was first reported by Nir Goldshlager , a security researcher from Salesforce.com's product security team, that impacts both the popular website platforms. The issue was later fixed by Michael Adams and Andrew Nacin of the WordPress security team and David Rothstein of the Drupal security team. ATTACK MAKES YOUR WEBSITE COMPLETELY INACCES...
Facebook hacking accounts using another OAuth vulnerability

Facebook hacking accounts using another OAuth vulnerability

Mar 13, 2013
Remember the last OAuth Flaw in Facebook , that allow an attacker to hijack any account without victim's interaction with any Facebook Application, was reported by white hat Hacker ' Nir Goldshlager '. After that Facebook security team fixed that issue using some minor changes. Yesterday Goldshlager once again pwn Facebook OAuth mechanism by bypassing all those minor changes done by Facebook Team. He explains the complete Saga of hunting Facebook  bug in a blog post. As explained in last report on The hacker News , OAuth URL contains two parameters i.e.  redirect_uri &   next , and using Regex Protection (%23xxx!,%23/xxx,/) Facebook team tried to secure that after last patch. In recent discovered technique hacker found that next parameter allow  facebook.facebook.com domain as a valid option and multiple hash signs is now enough to bypass Regex Protection. He use facebook.com/l.php ...
URL Redirection flaw in Facebook apps push OAuth vulnerability again in action

URL Redirection flaw in Facebook apps push OAuth vulnerability again in action

Apr 04, 2013
In earlier posts, our Facebook hacker ' Nir Goldshlager ' exposed two serious Facebook oAuth Flaws. One, Hacking a Facebook account even without the user installing an application on their account and second, various ways to bypassing the regex protection in Facebook OAuth. This time, Nir illustrated a scenario attack  " what happens when a application is installed on the victim's account and how an attacker can manipulate it so easily " According to hacker, if the victim has an installed application like Skype or Dropbox, still hacker is able to take control over their accounts.  For this, an attacker required only a url redirection or cross site scripting  vulnerability on the Facebook owner app domain i.e in this scenario we are talking about skype facebook app. In many bug bounty programs URL redirection is not considered as an valid vulnerability for reward i.e Google Bug bounty Program. Nir also demonstrated...
Hacking Facebook users just from chat box using multiple vulnerabilities

Hacking Facebook users just from chat box using multiple vulnerabilities

Apr 17, 2013
Nir Goldshlager , Founder/CEO at Break Security known for finding serious flaws in Facebook once again on The Hacker News for  sharing his new finding i.e Stored Cross-site Scripting (XSS) in Facebook Chat, Check In and Facebook Messenger. Stored Cross-site Scripting ( XSS ) is the most dangerous type of Cross Site Scripting. Web applications where the injected code is permanently stored on the target servers, such as in a database, in a message forum, visitor log, comment field, etc 1.) Stored XSS In Facebook Chat: This vulnerability can be used to conduct a number of browser-based attacks including, Hijacking another user's browser, Capturing sensitive information viewed by application users, Malicious code is executed by the user's browser etc. When a user starts a new message within Facebook that has a link inside, a preview GUI shows up for that post. The GUI is used for presenting the link post using a parameter i.e  attachment[params][title]...
Another way to hack Facebook accounts using OAuth vulnerability

Another way to hack Facebook accounts using OAuth vulnerability

Apr 17, 2013
In recent few months White hat Hacker ,' Nir Goldshlager ' reported many critical bugs in Facebook OAuth  mechanism, that allowed an attacker to hijack any Facebook account without user's interaction.  Another hacker, ' Amine Cherrai ' reported a new Facebook OAuth flaw, whose exploitation is actually very similar to Nir Goldshlager 's findings but with a new un-patched way. Before reading further, I would like to suggest you to read following post to understand the basic exploitation mechanism: Facebook OAuth flaw allows gaining full control over any Facebook account Facebook hacking accounts using another OAuth vulnerability URL Redirection flaw in Facebook apps push OAuth vulnerability again in action Now, if you are aware about the vulnerability used against Facebook OAuth in  redirect_uri parameter in  the URL, there is another way that  Amine Cherrai found, to bypass the patch applied by F...
Hacking PayPal accounts to steal user Private data

Hacking PayPal accounts to steal user Private data

May 29, 2013
If you're making a lot of money and you want to keep records of your transactions, then using PayPal 's Reporting system you can effectively measure and manage your business. Nir Goldshlager , founder of Breaksec and Security Researcher reported  critical flaws in Paypal Reporting system that allowed him to steal private data of any PayPal account. Exploiting the  vulnerabilities  he discovered, allowed him to access the financial information of any PayPal user including victim's shipping address Email addresses, Phone Number, Item name, Item Amount, Full name, Transaction ID, Invoice ID,  Transaction, Subject, Account ID, Paypal Reference ID etc. He found that PayPal is using the Actuate Iportal Application (a third party app) to display customer reports, so Nir downloaded the trial version of this app for testing purpose from its official website. After going deeply through the source code of trial version, Nir located a file named get...
Hacking Instagram Accounts using OAuth vulnerability

Hacking Instagram Accounts using OAuth vulnerability

May 02, 2013
' Nir Goldshlager ' known as Facebook hacker and founder of Break Security  , who reported many critical bugs in Facebook OAuth mechanism in past few months, today disclose a critical  vulnerability in Instagram Oauth that allow an attacker to hack any account. Succesful hack allows attacker to access private photos, ability to delete victim's photos and to edit comments and also the ability to post new photos. Hacker explained that there are two ways to hack Instagram accounts using OAuth, first via Hijack Instagram accounts using the Instagram OAuth or Hijack Instagram accounts using the Facebook OAuth Dialog. During his bug hunting Nir found loopholes in Instagram's security parameters i.e redirect_uri , that allows  attacker to pass the access token to his own domain with mx as suffix i.e code straight to breaksec.com.mx . POC :  https://instagram.com/oauth/authorize/?client_id=33221863eec546659f2564dd71a8a38d&redirec...
Facebook Hacking, technique to Spoof the content of any Facebook App

Facebook Hacking, technique to Spoof the content of any Facebook App

May 16, 2013
There are many unpatched loopholes or flaws in Facebook website, that allow hackers to inject external links or images to a wall, hijacking any facebook account or bypassing your social privacy . Today we are going to report about another unfixed facebook app vulnerability that allow a hacker to spoof the content of any Facebook app  easily. Nir Goldshlager from Break Security today exposed another major flaw that allows hacker to wall post spoofed messages from trusted applications like Saavn, Candy Crush, Spotify, Pinterest, or really any other application on Facebook. In 2012 Facebook's method of publishing called stream.publish and the  Stream Publish Dialog looks like the following:  https://www.facebook.com/dialog/stream.publish?app_id=xxxx&redirect_uri=https://www.facebook.com/&action_links=&attachment=%7B%27media%27:%20[%7B%27type%27:%20%27flash%27,%27swfsrc%27:%27https://files.nirgoldshlager.com/goldshlager2.swf%27...
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