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Spotify Hacked, Urges Android Users to Upgrade app and Change Password

Spotify Hacked, Urges Android Users to Upgrade app and Change Password

May 27, 2014
Today, the popular Music streaming service Spotify said the company has suffered a Data breach and warned users of its Android app to upgrade it in the wake of a potential data breach in their servers. Spotify is a commercial music streaming service launched in October 2008 by Swedish start-up Spotify AB and is freely available for Android and iOS devices as well as for desktop computers with more than 40 million active users, out of which about 10 million users are its paid subscribers. It offers offline listening and ad-free playback are also available for Premium subscribers of the service. The company announced that a hacker had allegedly broken into its systems and gained unauthorized access to the internal company data. So far only one of its users' accounts has been accessed in the data breach, but the company believes that there is no harm to the financial information, payment details or password of the affected user. " Our evidence shows that only one Spot
WordPress Cookie Flaw Lets Hackers Hijack Your Account

WordPress Cookie Flaw Lets Hackers Hijack Your Account

May 27, 2014
Do you own a blog on WordPress.com website? If Yes, then you should take some extra cautious while signing into your Wordpress account from the next time when connected to public Wi-Fi, because it can be hacked without your knowledge, even if you have enabled two-factor authentication. Yan Zhu , a researcher at the Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF) noticed that the blogs hosted on WordPress are sending user authentication cookies in plain text, rather than encrypting it. So, it can be easily hijacked by even a Script-Kiddie looking to steal information. HIJACKING  AUTHENTICATION COOKIES When Wordpress users log into their account, WordPress.com servers set a web cookie with name " wordpress_logged_in " into the users' browser, Yan Zhu explained in a blog post. He noticed that this authentication cookie being sent over clear HTTP, in a very insecure manner. One can grab HTTP cookies from the same Wi-Fi Network by using some specialized tools, such as F
Developers Raise Bounty of $17,600 for First to Root Samsung Galaxy S5

Developers Raise Bounty of $17,600 for First to Root Samsung Galaxy S5

May 27, 2014
It has been months ago since the release of Samsung's latest Smartphone, Galaxy S5 and we have seen a portion of International units receive root, but a couple of the carrier variants including the developer edition of Samsung Galaxy S5 for Verizon and At&T hasn't been in the list, sadly. The Interesting part is that till now no hacker has found a way out to gain the root-rights of the Verizon as well as AT&T version of the Samsung Galaxy S5. Now, the Verizon and AT&T users who own Samsung Galaxy S5 are reportedly itching to get Android rooting technique for their devices, so that they can do tons of things such as customizations, patching apps, installing third-party ROMs etc. This situation is something unacceptable to the developers and Galaxy S5 users, and finally the senior members of XDA developers in collaboration with the group of Verizon and AT&T customers have started a Crowd funded Bounty program for achieving the root on Verizon and AT&
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Unpacking 2024's SaaS Threat Predictions

Unpacking 2024's SaaS Threat Predictions

Jun 05, 2024SaaS Security / Artificial Intelligence
Early in 2024, Wing Security released its State of SaaS Security report , offering surprising insights into emerging threats and best practices in the SaaS domain. Now, halfway through the year, several SaaS threat predictions from the report have already proven accurate. Fortunately, SaaS Security Posture Management (SSPM) solutions have prioritized mitigation capabilities to address many of these issues, ensuring security teams have the necessary tools to face these challenges head-on. In this article, we will revisit our predictions from earlier in the year, showcase real-world examples of these threats in action, and offer practical tips and best practices to help you prevent such incidents in the future. It's also worth noting the overall trend of an increasing frequency of breaches in today's dynamic SaaS landscape, leading organizations to demand timely threat alerts as a vital capability. Industry regulations with upcoming compliance deadlines are demanding similar time-sens
Apple Devices Hacked by 'Oleg Pliss', held to Ransom

Apple Devices Hacked by 'Oleg Pliss', held to Ransom

May 27, 2014
From last few years Ransomware malwares are targeting Windows users Worldwide and experts predicted that it was just a matter of time until ransomware would hit mobile devices and other Desktop operating systems like Mac, iOS, Android etc. A Few weeks back we reported about a Ransomware malware campaign which is targeting Android mobile users. Such Malware first try to trick users into downloading it and then demanding payment to restore user control of the device. This morning reports came out that cybercriminals have targeted a large number of users of Apple's iCloud connected devices with a sophisticated Ransomware in Australia. The owners of iPhone , Mac and iPads are finding their devices locked remotely through iCloud and a message originating in Apple's find my device service that states " Device hacked by Oleg Pliss ". One user wrote on Apple Support Forum, " I went to check my phone and there was a message on the screen (it's
Registry Hack: Get Windows XP Security Updates until 2019

Registry Hack: Get Windows XP Security Updates until 2019

May 26, 2014
Microsoft ended its support for Windows XP officially more than a month ago on April 8, 2014 . This made a large number of users to switch to the latest version of Windows, but still a wide portion of users are using Microsoft oldest and most widely used operating system, despite not receiving security updates. While some companies and organizations who were not able to migrate their operating system's running Windows XP to another operating system before the support phase ended, are still receiving updates by paying Microsoft for the security patches and updates. Now a relatively simple method has emerged as a trick for the XP users which makes it possible to receive Windows XP security updates for the next five years i.e. until April 2019. It makes use of updates for Windows Embedded POSReady 2009 based on Windows XP Service Pack 3, because the security updates which are being released for POSReady 2009 are inevitably the same updates Microsoft would have rolled out
ProtonMail: 'NSA-Proof' End-to-End Encrypted Email Service

ProtonMail: 'NSA-Proof' End-to-End Encrypted Email Service

May 26, 2014
The Edward Snowden revelations triggered a large-scale movement worldwide towards deploying encryption across the Internet for secure services, which is something the government agencies like NSA and GCHQ have targeted repeatedly, as exemplified by abruptly shutting down Lavabit , a Texas-based Encrypted Email Service. In response, a group of young developers at the European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN) has launched a new email service which offers end-to-end encryption and securing communications that could put an end to government snooping and will keep away our personal data from prying eyes. PROTONMAIL - AN END-to-END ENCRYPTED EMAIL This new encrypted email service, called ProtonMail is a super-secure email service created in collaboration with the scientists from Harvard, the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and the European research lab CERN. ProtonMail offers a user-friendly experience with full "end-to-end" encryption . It encrypts the data on the browser
Spam Tweets 'US Government Trying to Shut Down Bitcoin' Spreading Malware

Spam Tweets 'US Government Trying to Shut Down Bitcoin' Spreading Malware

May 25, 2014
The Security Software company Malwarebytes has discovered a malicious scam spreading through rogue tweets by a number of fake Twitter accounts with a link to a story that says the United States Government is trying to ban cryptocurrency Bitcoin. " The majority of the accounts pushing these things are clearly fake, using gathered Twitter handles to launch the barrage of malicious spam at the Twitterverse, " wrote Adam Kujawa of Malwarebytes in a blog post on Thursday. In most cases, cybercriminals use to spread the malicious software via an email, but distribution of malware through social media is relatively new tantrum of cyber criminals, as more people are fond of social media platforms now a days. Adam discovered the scam and according to him the worst part of this new Twitter scam is that even without realizing the impact of this fake news, other Twitter users are retweeting from their accounts, making the malware scam more worse. The tweets contain links lead
Hacking Cable TV Networks to Broadcast Your Own Video Channel

Hacking Cable TV Networks to Broadcast Your Own Video Channel

May 25, 2014
I was watching my favorite show on the television and it was just half over when I saw something which was definitely not a part of the show I was watching. My television screen gone blank for a couple of seconds and then what I saw was totally unbelievable for my eyes. It was my friend ' Rahul Sasi ' on the television and I was still wondering that how did he interrupted in between a television show like happens in Sci-Fi movies, someone hijacks television or computer to deliver some kind of message or warning. Also like in some horror movies in which sometime ghostly images interrupts between the television and suddenly comes out. Oh my god! But, nothing happened like that in my case, my friend didn't came out. Just few minutes later I was again redirected to the same show I was watching, only a part of it I missed, but never mind I'll watch it on the YouTube later. I think you might be thinking as if I am kidding, but it's true. My friend Rahul Sasi is a well kn
Vulnerability in Yahoo Websites Allows Hackers to Delete Any Comment

Vulnerability in Yahoo Websites Allows Hackers to Delete Any Comment

May 24, 2014
Two months ago, we reported a critical vulnerability on the Yahoo Answers platform that allowed a hacker to delete all the posted thread and comments from Yahoo's Suggestion Board website. Recently, a similar vulnerability has been reported by another Egyptian security researcher ' Ahmed Aboul-Ela ', that allows him to delete any comment from all Yahoo Services, including Yahoo News , Yahoo Sports , Yahoo TV , Yahoo Music , Yahoo Weather, Yahoo Celebrity , Yahoo Voices and more. HOW TO DELETE ANY COMMENT When yahoo users comment on any article or post on any of the Yahoo services, they are allowed to delete their own comment anytime. But the reported vulnerability discovered by Ahmed allows them to delete all the comments, even if they are posted by others. To delete a comment, one can initiate the request by clicking on the delete button and once clicked, the page sends a POST request to the Yahoo server with some variables i.e. comment_id and content_id , where comm
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