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Amazon Web Hosting Company Is now Hosting DNS Service !

Amazon Web Hosting Company Is now Hosting DNS Service !

Jan 28, 2011
Web hosting company has announced that Amazon would have access to the Domain Name System (DNS) services, the game will give the DNS hosting as well. Thus, Route 53 will become part of the web hosting, pay-as-you-go DNS hosting service, which pays the amount of DNS issues can be resolved. DNS is the term used when the domain name has been translated into a numeric IP address. Compared with other traditional DNS server that contains the zone file, Route 53 has some differences. It supports the traditional types of records, including records IPv4 and IPv6, and can be displayed in the web services hosted in the cloud providers and traditional single server. The service is likely to encourage users who want a backup DNS server to a remote network, taking into account that large sites usually prefer to monitor the Internet a vital service. However, after the controversial case, Wikileaks, the ability Amazon DNS hosting provider can be called into question for many, especially sites that
"Devil shell" coded by Underground Devil, member "Team Nuts" !

"Devil shell" coded by Underground Devil, member "Team Nuts" !

Jan 28, 2011
" Devil shell " coded by Underground Devil , member " Team Nuts " ! Shell Username :  ugdevil Shell Password : 1234567 Download shell :   https://hacknuts.com/shell.rar Rar password : hacknuts
Twitter Worm Redirects Users !!

Twitter Worm Redirects Users !!

Jan 28, 2011
Kaspersky Lab, a leading solutions for secure content and threat management, warns users about a new worm that exploits rapid Twitter Google goo.gl shortened links. Shortened URLs are easy and popularly used in the micro-blogging which limits the length of messages to users of services like Twitter. However, the shortcut links for the serious security threat, because the text on a shortened URL is relatively obscure and a user does not know what it contains before ending up in an infected site. Hackers manage to successfully attract the unwary to use their malicious links truncated. A recently discovered worm Twitter redirect chain pushes users to a website that provides AV thugs called "Safety Shield". After several referrals, a user is taken to the page related to the distribution rogue AV. The page uses techniques eclipse code that includes an implementation of RSA in JavaScript. Kaspersky Lab has found thousands of Twitter messages continue to propagate the worm. Ka
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Unpacking 2024's SaaS Threat Predictions

Unpacking 2024's SaaS Threat Predictions

Jun 05, 2024SaaS Security / Artificial Intelligence
Early in 2024, Wing Security released its State of SaaS Security report , offering surprising insights into emerging threats and best practices in the SaaS domain. Now, halfway through the year, several SaaS threat predictions from the report have already proven accurate. Fortunately, SaaS Security Posture Management (SSPM) solutions have prioritized mitigation capabilities to address many of these issues, ensuring security teams have the necessary tools to face these challenges head-on. In this article, we will revisit our predictions from earlier in the year, showcase real-world examples of these threats in action, and offer practical tips and best practices to help you prevent such incidents in the future. It's also worth noting the overall trend of an increasing frequency of breaches in today's dynamic SaaS landscape, leading organizations to demand timely threat alerts as a vital capability. Industry regulations with upcoming compliance deadlines are demanding similar time-sens
Pak Cyber Army Site Hacked by TriCk ( TeaMp0isoN )

Pak Cyber Army Site Hacked by TriCk ( TeaMp0isoN )

Jan 27, 2011
Pak Cyber Army Site Hacked by TriCk ( TeaMp0isoN ) TeaMp0isoN  Hack Pakistan cyber army website ie.  https://pakcyberarmy.net Its a ' Name Server Hijack ' Hack, After that PCA site is down ! Zone-H mirror : https://zone-h.org/mirror/id/12973192 News Source : TeamPoison
Fedora Web Site Hacked, But the Servers Undamaged !

Fedora Web Site Hacked, But the Servers Undamaged !

Jan 27, 2011
An attacker who had credentials and the use of taxpayer Fedora Fedora server, but the project leaders say the assailants apparently managed to compromise any software or servers. An attacker has attempted to compromise the servers for the Fedora Project, the community version of Red Hat Enterprise Linux, but no damage or code servers, according to an e-mail sent to the Fedora mailing list on January 25 . In the statement, "a security incident on Fedora infrastructure" right Fedora Project manager Jared Smith revealed that the login and password Fedora contributor was stolen and used to access systems on January 22. It was a factor against those who had the right to run the code packages for Fedora SCM, build and manage to make updates to the Fedora packages, according to Smith. Donor had no sysadmin or Release Engineering teams, and had only limited rights fedorapeople.org wrote. Fedora Infrastructure team is investigating the incident and was unable to conclude that
Site of AT&T-iPad hackers is hacked !!

Site of AT&T-iPad hackers is hacked !!

Jan 27, 2011
Web site, a hacker group, whose members are accused of crimes committed after the hole in the exposed customers to AT & T iPad website last year, has been hacked today. At least a couple of hours, obscenity message loads to the site Goatse Security said: "I took the liberty to expose a gaping hole ... As you are self-grow group [profanity drafted], I also contacted the media that this case receives the coverage it deserves. "In cracking this site, send specially crafted requests to the server with my browser card false identity to that of an iPad. Please note that although not played great role in this crack _WAS_ poetic in many ways. Goatsec also gave me the same warning given to AT & T. .. not at all, to repair his hole. User Accounts have been removed, and passwords changed, "it said. This message gave "props" of the FBI and some of the hackers and made disparaging references to AT & T and Apple, for example. Previously CNET contacted by
Hacker held for blackmailing girl !

Hacker held for blackmailing girl !

Jan 27, 2011
Saudi police have arrested a man who used his computer skills to blackmail a local student at the University invading his laptop and seize private photos of her, a newspaper said Thursday. The gunman, 34, threatened the Saudi girl aged 23, was going to meet your photos on websites that if she goes with him. When she refused, he made his threat. He called his cell phone and his home and threatened to kidnap him if he rejects his demands, Alhiad language Arab newspaper said in a report in the central city of Mecca. "Then he said to his father, who informed the police. The police after a brief examination found the man and took him."
Government Sites, Military And Educational For Sale By Hackers !!

Government Sites, Military And Educational For Sale By Hackers !!

Jan 27, 2011
A hacker has a number of sites belonging to government agencies, military and educational for sale on internet forums. The discovery was made by Noa Bar-Yosef, a senior security strategist at security vendor Imperva. Bar-Yosef, wrote about it in the company's blog last Friday, noting that prices range from $ 33 from $ 499. In addition, personally identifiable information obtained by the infiltrators sites has also been sold for about $ 20 billion records. Although details of the written Imperva screenshots shown as evidence, security blogger Brian Krebs has published additional information indicating the websites that belong to the states of Utah and Michigan as available for sale, including the site belonging U.S. Communications Army-Electronics Command (CECOM), which is the cyber army unit. The heart of the matter is how web servers poorly supported or corrected may be vulnerable to attacks, regardless of their size (or size) of their own organization. I did a quick check, a
Mail & Guardian website down after hack attack !!

Mail & Guardian website down after hack attack !!

Jan 26, 2011
Cape Town - The  Mail & Guardian  website has been shut down over a hacking attack, the company announced on Wednesday. "The Mail & Guardian's website is under sustained attack by hackers. We are dealing with the problem, but to make absolutely sure that your security isn't compromised, we have decided to suspend the service temporarily," it announced on its website. More information will be released as it becomes available. In 2010, several government websites were hacked, including the website of the National Prosecuting Authority as well as ISP MWEB. "I don't think South African websites in particular are being targeted, but this one may be a particular group," HackingStats.com CEO Rian Visser told News24. "The big hackers weren't behind this attack," he added. Server attack Visser said that the Mail & Guardian website was hosted by an American server that was the subject of the attack. "M&G is hosted
Facebook Founder, Mark Zuckerberg's Facebook Fan Page Hacked !

Facebook Founder, Mark Zuckerberg's Facebook Fan Page Hacked !

Jan 26, 2011
It turns out even if you own the Internet, you're still susceptible to malicious hackers. Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg had to change Web addresses for his Facebook fan page late Tuesday night after a hacker appeared to gain access to the page and had the ability to write status messages on behalf of Facebook's chief. "Let the hacking begin: If facebook  [sic]  needs money, instead of going to the banks, why doesn't Facebook let its users invest in Facebook in a social way? Why not transform Facebook into a 'social business' the way Nobel Price  [sic]  winner Muhammad Yunus described it? https://bit.ly/fs6rT3 What do you think? #hackercup2011,"  The bit.ly link in the message points to  this Wikipedia page  about "social business," a concept developed primarily by Yunus, a Bangladeshi economist. A social business is a company that exists to achieve specific social objectives such as to overcome poverty or increase access to technology. Founders and
OpenDNS : Facebook Was The Most Blocked Site In 2010 !

OpenDNS : Facebook Was The Most Blocked Site In 2010 !

Jan 26, 2011
According to a new report (PDF) of the DNS provider OpenDNS and online safety, social networking site Facebook was the most secure site in 2010. In this context, means blocking OpenDNS customers specially configured DNS and security services to prevent their users to connect, probably beyond the interest of safety, to prevent people from wasting time at work, resources or through corporate or organizational inappropriately. But, Facebook ranked high on another list: it was the second most in white list, which means sites that are specifically exempted from the rules of safety or crash. "Overall, 2010 was just a social trend that is reflected in the data we see," said founder and CEO David Ulevitch OpenDNS said in a statement. "Facebook is both blocked most sites and most authoritative, reflecting the push / pull to allow social sites in schools and the workplace. " Open five most commonly found in blacklisting sites in 2010 were on Facebook, MySpace, YouTube, Do
Hackers get access to N.J. school data system !

Hackers get access to N.J. school data system !

Jan 26, 2011
4chan users online bulletin board has been able to access the online information system used by student school district in New Jersey after the administrator password of the school was registered last week 4chan. The trouble began last Tuesday, according to Plainfield Board of Education, which serves a small school district just west of Newark. It is when someone sends you a link to the login page and the name of the administrator ("admin") and password ("poopnugget) District Information System Genesis 4chan, forum popular, but anarchy is best known as the place where David Kernell posted information on the account of his previous burglary Alaska Governor Sarah Palin Yahoo e-mail. web-based software used in Genesis about 160 schools in New Jersey to manage student records and to communicate with students and parents. It is not clear how much damage was caused, but 4chan members began posting screenshots soon as they could mess with the school system. A screenshot s
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