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Is Telegram Really Secure? — 4 Major Privacy Issues Raised by Researcher

Is Telegram Really Secure? — 4 Major Privacy Issues Raised by Researcher

Nov 19, 2015
The terrorist groups are encouraging its followers to use Telegram to make their propaganda invisible from law enforcement, but some security experts believe that Telegram may not be as secure as jihadi advocates may like to believe. Telegram is an end-to-end encrypted messaging service that has been adopted by a lot more people than ISIS — as of last year, the company claimed more than 50 Million Telegram users sending 1 Billion messages per day. Terrorists love Telegram because it not only provides an encrypted Secret Chat feature that lets its users broadcast messages to unlimited subscribers but also offers self-destructing message allowing users to set their messages to self-destruct itself after a certain period. Is Telegram Really Secure? In a blog post published Wednesday, the security researcher known as " the Grugq " pointed out several issues with Telegram that might obstruct terrorists from using it.  Here's the list of issues with
Telegram — Secret Messaging app — Shuts Down 78 ISIS Channels

Telegram — Secret Messaging app — Shuts Down 78 ISIS Channels

Nov 19, 2015
The terrorist groups affiliated with the Islamic State have an extensive presence not only on social media accounts but also on the popular end-to-end encrypted messaging app Telegram through which they communicate with their followers and spread terror propaganda materials. Telegram has always been terrorist's favorite, but ISIS had been using the app since October, when Telegram introduced an end-to-end encrypted Secret Chat feature that lets users broadcast messages to an unlimited number of subscribers. Moreover, Telegram also provides self-destructing message feature that allows users to set their messages to self-destruct itself after a certain period of time. But, the Good News is: The nonprofit organization that runs Telegram has blocked around 78 ISIS-affiliated channels that the terrorists used to: Communicate with their members Spread propaganda Recruit foreign supporters Plan operations Radicalize young people "We were disturbed to learn that Telegram
Hey ISIS! Check Out How 'Idiot' Anonymous Hackers Can Disrupt your Online Propaganda

Hey ISIS! Check Out How 'Idiot' Anonymous Hackers Can Disrupt your Online Propaganda

Nov 18, 2015
The online Hacktivist group Anonymous declared War against the Islamic State militant group (ISIS) that claimed responsibility for the horrific terrorist attacks that rocked Paris last week. In response to the Anonymous' warning of launching their "biggest operation ever" against the terrorist group, ISIS militants called Anonymous – "IDIOTS" . It seems like Anonymous has taken ISIS response very seriously and the group has started carrying out their attacks against the terror organisation. Anonymous First 'Cyber Attack' on ISIS Soon after its war declaration, Anonymous claimed to have taken down more than 5,500 pro-ISIS Twitter accounts in #OpParis (Operation Paris). In the past, hackers and organizations associated with Anonymous brought down websites allegedly connected with ISIS and claimed to have taken down thousands of ISIS accounts, disrupting their social media recruitment efforts. Also Read: Would Encryption Backdoor S
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Unpacking 2024's SaaS Threat Predictions

Unpacking 2024's SaaS Threat Predictions

Jun 05, 2024SaaS Security / Artificial Intelligence
Early in 2024, Wing Security released its State of SaaS Security report , offering surprising insights into emerging threats and best practices in the SaaS domain. Now, halfway through the year, several SaaS threat predictions from the report have already proven accurate. Fortunately, SaaS Security Posture Management (SSPM) solutions have prioritized mitigation capabilities to address many of these issues, ensuring security teams have the necessary tools to face these challenges head-on. In this article, we will revisit our predictions from earlier in the year, showcase real-world examples of these threats in action, and offer practical tips and best practices to help you prevent such incidents in the future. It's also worth noting the overall trend of an increasing frequency of breaches in today's dynamic SaaS landscape, leading organizations to demand timely threat alerts as a vital capability. Industry regulations with upcoming compliance deadlines are demanding similar time-sens
Google’s $85 Chromebit Lets You Turn Any Monitor or TV into a Computer

Google's $85 Chromebit Lets You Turn Any Monitor or TV into a Computer

Nov 18, 2015
Google and Asus are finally ready to release their new micro Chrome OS computer called the Chromebit — that retails at a great price, just $85. That is quite cheap for what is essentially a portable computer that you can take anywhere in your pocket. Also Read:   CHIP — The World's First $9 Computer . Announced back in March, the Chromebit is a fully featured Computer-on-a-Stick that plugs into TV or any screen and turns it into what Google calls a " full-fledged Chrome OS-based computer. " All you need to do is: Plug the Chromebit into any HDMI port Hook up the power cable, a Bluetooth keyboard and a mouse Your instant computer is ready It has a smarter clinch on the business end so that you can easily plug the Chromebit into practically any HDMI port without the need for any extension cable. Also Read:   Mouse Box — An Entire Computer inside a Mouse . Despite its low price of just $85, the Chromebit offers you a complete Chrome OS experience,
ISIS Calls Anonymous "IDIOTS" and Issues 5 Lame Tips for its Members to Avoid Getting Hacked

ISIS Calls Anonymous "IDIOTS" and Issues 5 Lame Tips for its Members to Avoid Getting Hacked

Nov 17, 2015
The Anonymous Hacking group on Sunday declared Total War against the ISIS , the Islamic State terror organization that claimed responsibility for the Paris attacks on Friday that killed 129 people and hundreds more injured. In a sinister video posted on YouTube, the Cyber Hacktivists said they will launch their " biggest operation ever " with the warning that " Anonymous from all over the world will hunt you down." Also Read:   Would Encryption Backdoor Stop Paris-like Terror Attacks? Now, The Islamic State militant group (ISIS) has released a statement, responding to Anonymous's declaration of total war. They (ISIS) called Anonymous – IDIOTS , … and issued some anti-hacking tips to pro-ISIS supporters to protect against cyber attacks. The message from ISIS to Anonymous came through one of the ISIS-affiliated official channels, dubbed ELITE SECTION of IS , on the messaging app Telegram . The message read: " The #Anonymous hackers threatened in a new video r
Would Encryption Backdoor Stop Paris-like Terror Attacks?

Would Encryption Backdoor Stop Paris-like Terror Attacks?

Nov 17, 2015
With 129 people killed in Paris terror attacks and dozens critically wounded, the law enforcement and intelligence officials are reviving their efforts to force companies to put some backdoors in encryption so that they can access your information. How did the Intelligence agencies fail to Intercept terrorist plans of these attacks? In the wake of the Paris terror attacks, Former CIA Director Michael Morell argued on TV that encrypted communication services may have aided the planning and plotting of the Paris attacks, blaming Edward Snowden and US companies for the attacks. Also Read:  NO, We Can't Blame Edward Snowden and Encryption for Terror Attacks With more Surveillance and Encryption backdoor, Is it possible that Friday's attacks could have been stopped before they began? Morell suggested that recalcitrant US companies should be forced to install government backdoors in their software and hand over encryption keys to the government, thinking that Encryption Backd
Paris Attacks — NO! We Can't Blame Edward Snowden and Encryption for Terror Attacks

Paris Attacks — NO! We Can't Blame Edward Snowden and Encryption for Terror Attacks

Nov 17, 2015
Terrorist groups are increasingly using high-grade, advanced end-to-end encryption technologies so that no law enforcement can catch them. The deadliest terror attacks in Paris that killed 129 people were the latest example of it. How did the Terrorists Communicate and Organize the Plot? The Paris terrorists almost certainly used difficult-to-crack encryption technologies to organize the plot – locking law enforcement out, FBI Director James B. Comey told Congress Wednesday. Also Read:   ISIS Calls Anonymous "IDIOTS" in response to their "Total war" Cyber Threat . The ISIS mastermind behind the Friday's Paris massacre is identified to be Abdelhamid Abaaoud , who is based in Syria. So to transmit his plans to the suicide bombers and gunmen, he would have made use of secure communication to keep law enforcement out. FBI's Comey believes ISIS is making use of popular social media platforms to reach out to potential recruits and smartphone messaging app
Hackers claim ISIS Militants linked to Paris Attacks had a Bitcoin Wallet worth $3 Million

Hackers claim ISIS Militants linked to Paris Attacks had a Bitcoin Wallet worth $3 Million

Nov 16, 2015
The world watched in horror as coordinate attacks in Paris Friday night killed more than 130 people and  left over 352 injured. Over 20 attackers have so far been part of the terrorist cell that planned the deadly Paris attacks, with seven suicide bombers dead, seven attackers under arrest and a total of six people on the run. Also Read:  NO, We Can't Blame Edward Snowden and Encryption for Terror Attacks . The attacks were carried out by Islamic State (ISIS) , who later claimed responsibility for targeting innocent people at 'soft' locations that lack police or military protection, including Bataclan concert venue where at least 89 people lost their lives. Following the bloody terror attacks, the hacktivist collective Anonymous declared war on the Islamic State ( IS, formerly ISIS/ISIL ) saying, " We will launch the biggest operation ever against you. " But the Question here is: From Where did the terrorist cell that planned the brutal terrorist attacks i
#ParisAttacks — Anonymous declares War on ISIS: 'We will Hunt you Down!'

#ParisAttacks — Anonymous declares War on ISIS: 'We will Hunt you Down!'

Nov 16, 2015
Following the bloody terror attacks in Paris where over 130 people were killed, the hacktivist collective Anonymous has declared total war against the Islamic State ( IS, formerly ISIS/ISIL ). Anonymous released a video message, posted in French, on YouTube Sunday announcing the beginning of #OpParis , a coordinated campaign to hunt down ISIS's social media channels and every single supporter of the jihadist group online. Also Read:  NO, We Can't Blame Edward Snowden and Encryption for Terror Attacks . The combat mission #OpParis was announced as revenge for the recent ISIS terror attacks that took place in Paris on Friday, November 13, 2015. Anonymous to ISIS: 'We will Hunt you Down!' Behind its signature Guy Fawkes mask, the group's spokesperson speaking in French said, "Anonymous from all over the world will hunt you down. Expect massive cyber attacks. War is declared. Get prepared." "You should know that we will find you, and we will not let yo
FBI denies paying $1 MILLION to Unmask Tor Users

FBI denies paying $1 MILLION to Unmask Tor Users

Nov 14, 2015
Just day before yesterday, the Tor Project Director Roger Dingledine accused the FBI of paying the Carnegie Mellon University (CMU) at least $1 Million to disclose the technique they had discovered to unmask Tor users and reveal their IP addresses. However, the Federal Bureau of Investigation has denied the claims. In a statement, the FBI spokeswoman said , "The allegation that we paid [CMU] $1 Million to hack into Tor is inaccurate." The Tor Project team discovered more than hundred new Tor relays that modified Tor protocol headers to track online people who were looking for Hidden Services , and the team believes that it belongs to the FBI in order to reveal the identity of Tor-masked IP addresses. One such IP address belongs to Brian Richard Farrell , an alleged Silk Road 2 lieutenant who was arrested in January 2014. The attack on Tor reportedly began in February 2014 and ran until July 2014, when the Tor Project discovered the flaw. Within few
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