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New Brute-Force Botnet Targeting Over 1.5 Million RDP Servers Worldwide

New Brute-Force Botnet Targeting Over 1.5 Million RDP Servers Worldwide

Jun 07, 2019
Security researchers have discovered an ongoing sophisticated botnet campaign that is currently brute-forcing more than 1.5 million publicly accessible Windows RDP servers on the Internet. Dubbed GoldBrute , the botnet scheme has been designed in a way to escalate gradually by adding every new cracked system to its network, forcing them to further find new available RDP servers and then brute force them. To fly under the radar of security tools and malware analysts, attackers behind this campaign command each infected machine to target millions of servers with a unique set of username and password combination so that a targeted server receives brute force attempts from different IP addresses. The campaign, discovered  by Renato Marinho at Morphus Labs, works as shown in the illustrated image, and its modus operandi has been explained in the following steps: Step 1 — After successfully brute-forcing an RDP server, the attacker installs a JAVA-based GoldBrute botnet malware
CompTIA Certification Training — Get Online Courses @ 95% OFF

CompTIA Certification Training — Get Online Courses @ 95% OFF

Jun 06, 2019
The Information Technology industry has seen exponential growth over the years. It is essential for everyone to earn cybersecurity certification if you want to be a part of this growing industry. Organizations always prefer employees with strong internationally-recognized professional certifications. It proofs your skills, knowledge, and gives more credibility to advance your career. IT Certification training not only helps you cover new areas but also enables you to reinforce the skills you already have. There are a vast number of cybersecurity courses and training programs in the market, but CompTIA certifications are among the most trusted credentials in the IT industry. CompTIA certifications help you build a solid foundation of essentials knowledge and skills to stay ahead in an IT career. CompTIA is a global provider of IT Certifications that offers a wide range of popular certifications, such as A+, Network+, Cloud+, Linux+, and Security+ certifications. CompTI
Cryptocurrency Firm Itself Hacked Its Customers to Protect Their Funds From Hackers

Cryptocurrency Firm Itself Hacked Its Customers to Protect Their Funds From Hackers

Jun 06, 2019
Are you using Komodo's Agama Wallet to store your KMD and BTC cryptocurrencies? Were your funds also unauthorisedly transferred overnight to a new address? If yes, don't worry, it's probably safe, and if you are lucky, you will get your funds back. Here's what exactly happened… Komodo, a cryptocurrency project and developer of Agama wallet, adopted a surprisingly unique way to protect its customers' funds. The company hacked its customers and unauthorisedly transferred nearly 8 million KMD and 96 Bitcoins from their cryptocurrency wallets to a new address owned by the company. Why? To secure funds of its customers from hackers. This may sound weird, but it's true. Komodo recently learned about a malicious open source, third-party JavaScript library that the company was using in its Agama Wallet app. The library, named "electron-native-notify," two months ago received a update from its anonymous author who included a secret backdoo
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Unpacking 2024's SaaS Threat Predictions

Unpacking 2024's SaaS Threat Predictions

Jun 05, 2024SaaS Security / Artificial Intelligence
Early in 2024, Wing Security released its State of SaaS Security report , offering surprising insights into emerging threats and best practices in the SaaS domain. Now, halfway through the year, several SaaS threat predictions from the report have already proven accurate. Fortunately, SaaS Security Posture Management (SSPM) solutions have prioritized mitigation capabilities to address many of these issues, ensuring security teams have the necessary tools to face these challenges head-on. In this article, we will revisit our predictions from earlier in the year, showcase real-world examples of these threats in action, and offer practical tips and best practices to help you prevent such incidents in the future. It's also worth noting the overall trend of an increasing frequency of breaches in today's dynamic SaaS landscape, leading organizations to demand timely threat alerts as a vital capability. Industry regulations with upcoming compliance deadlines are demanding similar time-sens
Critical Flaws Found in Widely Used IPTV Software for Online Streaming Services

Critical Flaws Found in Widely Used IPTV Software for Online Streaming Services

Jun 06, 2019
Security researchers have discovered multiple critical vulnerabilities in a popular IPTV middleware platform that is currently being used by more than a thousand regional and international online media streaming services to manage their millions of subscribers. Discovered by security researchers at CheckPoint , the vulnerabilities reside in the administrative panel of Ministra TV platform, which if exploited, could allow attackers to bypass authentication and extract subscribers' database, including their financial details. Besides this, the flaws could also allow attackers to replace broadcast and steam any content of their choice on the TV screens of all affected customer networks. Ministra TV platform, previously known as Stalker Portal, is a software written in PHP that works as a middleware platform for media streaming services for managing Internet Protocol television (IPTV), video-on-demand (VOD) and over-the-top (OTT) content, licenses and their subscribers. Deve
Unpatched Bug Let Attackers Bypass Windows Lock Screen On RDP Sessions

Unpatched Bug Let Attackers Bypass Windows Lock Screen On RDP Sessions

Jun 04, 2019
A security researcher today revealed details of a newly unpatched vulnerability in Microsoft Windows Remote Desktop Protocol (RDP). Tracked as CVE-2019-9510 , the reported vulnerability could allow client-side attackers to bypass the lock screen on remote desktop (RD) sessions. Discovered by Joe Tammariello of Carnegie Mellon University Software Engineering Institute (SEI), the flaw exists when Microsoft Windows Remote Desktop feature requires clients to authenticate with Network Level Authentication (NLA), a feature that Microsoft recently recommended as a workaround against the critical BlueKeep RDP vulnerability . According to Will Dormann, a vulnerability analyst at the CERT/CC, if a network anomaly triggers a temporary RDP disconnect while a client was already connected to the server but the login screen is locked, then "upon reconnection the RDP session will be restored to an unlocked state, regardless of how the remote system was left." "Starting with W
Firefox Web Browser Now Blocks Third-Party Tracking Cookies By Default

Firefox Web Browser Now Blocks Third-Party Tracking Cookies By Default

Jun 04, 2019
As promised, Mozilla has finally enabled "Enhanced Tracking Protection" feature on its Firefox browser by default, which from now onwards would automatically block all third-party tracking cookies that allow advertisers and websites to track you across the web. Tracking cookies, also known as third-party cookies, allows advertisers to monitor your online behavior and interests, using which they display relevant advertisements, content, and promotions on the websites you visit. Which makes sense as no one likes to waste time in watching advertisements and offers that are not of one's interest. However, since tracking cookies gather way more information without requiring users' explicit permissions and there is no control over how companies would use it, the technique also poses a massive threat to users' online privacy. To limit this extensive tracking, Mozilla included the "Enhanced Tracking Protection" option as an experimental feature in Octo
Apple Launches Privacy-Focused 'Sign in with Apple ID' Feature at WWDC 2019

Apple Launches Privacy-Focused 'Sign in with Apple ID' Feature at WWDC 2019

Jun 03, 2019
Just like 'login with Google,' 'login with Facebook,' Twitter, LinkedIn or any other social media site, you would now be able to quickly sign-up and log into third-party websites and apps using your Apple ID. What's the difference? Well, Apple claims that signing-in with Apple ID would protect users' privacy by not disclosing their actual email addresses to the 3rd-party services and also limiting personal information to the minimum necessary data. While announcing 'Sign in with Apple' today at WWDC, the company revealed that the feature has been designed to randomly generate a new unique email address for each different service a user sign-up with, and will forward all emails to your primary email ID, internally. "It [randomly generate emails] is a smart jab against spam: Not only will you be able to turn off spammy email more easily, but you'll also be able to see who exactly is sharing and selling your email widely when that random a
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