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Category — password security
Modernization of Authentication: Webinar on MFA, Passwords, and the Shift to Passwordless

Modernization of Authentication: Webinar on MFA, Passwords, and the Shift to Passwordless

Oct 07, 2024 Password Security / Data Security
The interest in passwordless authentication has increased due to the rise of hybrid work environments and widespread digitization. This has led to a greater need for reliable data security and user-friendly interfaces. Without these measures, organizations are at risk of experiencing data breaches, leaks, and significant financial losses.  While traditional password-based systems offer protection, they are susceptible to security threats like phishing and identity theft which drives the consideration of going passwordless. Additionally, users often have difficulty remembering multiple passwords, which further jeopardizes security as they tend to reuse the same one for accessing multiple business systems and devices. However, passwordless methods such as biometrics, smartcards, and multi-factor authentication prioritize both data security and user satisfaction. Nevertheless, not all passwordless authentication systems are the same and exhibit their own challenges.  The need for depe
Meta Fined €91 Million for Storing Millions of Facebook and Instagram Passwords in Plaintext

Meta Fined €91 Million for Storing Millions of Facebook and Instagram Passwords in Plaintext

Sep 30, 2024 GDPR / Data Privacy
The Irish Data Protection Commission (DPC) has fined Meta €91 million ($101.56 million) as part of a probe into a security lapse in March 2019, when the company disclosed that it had mistakenly stored users' passwords in plaintext in its systems. The investigation, launched by the DPC the next month, found that the social media giant violated four different articles under the European Union's General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). To that end, the DPC faulted Meta for failing to promptly notify the DPC of the data breach, document personal data breaches concerning the storage of user passwords in plaintext, and utilize proper technical measures to ensure the confidentiality of users' passwords. Meta originally revealed that the privacy transgression led to the exposure of a subset of users' Facebook passwords in plaintext, although it noted that there was no evidence it was improperly accessed or abused internally. According to Krebs on Security , some of
The Secret Weakness Execs Are Overlooking: Non-Human Identities

The Secret Weakness Execs Are Overlooking: Non-Human Identities

Oct 03, 2024Enterprise Security / Cloud Security
For years, securing a company's systems was synonymous with securing its "perimeter." There was what was safe "inside" and the unsafe outside world. We built sturdy firewalls and deployed sophisticated detection systems, confident that keeping the barbarians outside the walls kept our data and systems safe. The problem is that we no longer operate within the confines of physical on-prem installations and controlled networks. Data and applications now reside in distributed cloud environments and data centers, accessed by users and devices connecting from anywhere on the planet. The walls have crumbled, and the perimeter has dissolved, opening the door to a new battlefield: identity . Identity is at the center of what the industry has praised as the new gold standard of enterprise security: "zero trust." In this paradigm, explicit trust becomes mandatory for any interactions between systems, and no implicit trust shall subsist. Every access request, regardless of its origin,
Why 'Never Expire' Passwords Can Be a Risky Decision

Why 'Never Expire' Passwords Can Be a Risky Decision

Sep 23, 2024 Password Management / Data Breach
Password resets can be frustrating for end users. Nobody likes being interrupted by the 'time to change your password' notification – and they like it even less when the new passwords they create are rejected by their organization's password policy. IT teams share the pain, with resetting passwords via service desk tickets and support calls being an everyday burden. Despite this, it's commonly accepted that all passwords should expire after a set period of time.  Why is this the case? Do you need password expiries at all? Explore the reason expiries exist and why setting passwords to 'never expire' might save some headaches, but not be the best idea for cybersecurity.  Why do we have password expiries? The traditional 90-day password reset policy stems from the need to protect against brute-force attacks . Organizations typically store passwords as hashes, which are scrambled versions of the actual passwords created using cryptographic hash functions (CHFs). When a user enters thei
cyber security

The State of SaaS Security 2024 Report

websiteAppOmniSaaS Security / Data Security
Learn the latest SaaS security trends and discover how to boost your cyber resilience. Get your free…
How to Augment Your Password Security with EASM

How to Augment Your Password Security with EASM

Aug 14, 2024 Password Security / Cyber Security
Simply relying on traditional password security measures is no longer sufficient. When it comes to protecting your organization from credential-based attacks, it is essential to lock down the basics first. Securing your Active Directory should be a priority – it is like making sure a house has a locked front door before investing in a high-end alarm system. Once the fundamentals are covered, look at how integrating external attack surface management (EASM) can significantly augment your password security, offering a robust shield against potential cyber threats and breaches.  First Secure Your Active Directory IT administrators should not just adhere to the minimum password policy standards by including complexity mandates. To enhance Active Directory security, they should enforce a policy that prohibits users from generating feeble passwords and incorporate a tool to detect and block the use of compromised passwords. passwords and adding a solution that can check for the use of co
Prevent Account Takeover with Better Password Security

Prevent Account Takeover with Better Password Security

Jun 06, 2024 Password Security / Dark Web
Tom works for a reputable financial institution. He has a long, complex password that would be near-impossible to guess. He's memorized it by heart, so he started using it for his social media accounts and on his personal devices too. Unbeknownst to Tom, one of these sites has had its password database compromised by hackers and put it up for sale on the dark web. Now threat actors are working hard to link these leaked credentials back to real-life individuals and their places of work. Before long, a threat actor will use Tom's legitimate email account to send a spear-phishing link to his CEO. This is a common account takeover scenario where malicious attackers gain unauthorized access to the organization's systems, putting critical information and operations at risk. It usually starts with compromised credentials. We'll run through why account takeover is so hard to stop once it starts and why strong password security is the best prevention.  Why are account takeover attacks so
Google Simplifies 2-Factor Authentication Setup (It's More Important Than Ever)

Google Simplifies 2-Factor Authentication Setup (It's More Important Than Ever)

May 07, 2024 Online Security / Data Breach
Google on Monday announced that it's simplifying the process of enabling two-factor authentication (2FA) for users with personal and Workspace accounts. Also called 2-Step Verification ( 2SV ), it aims to add an extra layer of security to users' accounts to prevent takeover attacks in case the passwords are stolen. The new change entails adding a second step method, such as an authenticator app or a hardware security key, before turning on 2FA, thus eliminating the need for using the less secure SMS-based authentication. "This is particularly helpful for organizations using Google Authenticator (or other equivalent time-based one-time password (TOTP) apps)," the company  said . "Previously, users had to enable 2SV with a phone number before being able to add Authenticator." Users with hardware security keys have two options to add them to their accounts, including by registering a FIDO1 credential on the hardware key or by assigning a passkey (i.e., a F
Key Lesson from Microsoft’s Password Spray Hack: Secure Every Account

Key Lesson from Microsoft's Password Spray Hack: Secure Every Account

Mar 25, 2024 Data Breach / Password Security
In January 2024, Microsoft discovered they'd been the  victim of a hack  orchestrated by Russian-state hackers Midnight Blizzard (sometimes known as Nobelium). The concerning detail about this case is how easy it was to breach the software giant. It wasn't a highly technical hack that exploited a zero-day vulnerability – the hackers used a simple password spray attack to take control of an old, inactive account. This serves as a stark reminder of the importance of password security and why organizations need to protect every user account.  Password spraying: A simple yet effective attack The hackers gained entry by using a  password spray attack in November 2023 , Password spraying is a relatively simple brute force technique that involves trying the same password against multiple accounts. By bombarding user accounts with known weak and compromised passwords, the attackers were able to gain access to a legacy non-production test account within the Microsoft system which provided th
4 Ways Hackers use Social Engineering to Bypass MFA

4 Ways Hackers use Social Engineering to Bypass MFA

Feb 12, 2024 Cyber Threat / Password Security
When it comes to access security, one recommendation stands out above the rest: multi-factor authentication (MFA). With passwords alone being simple work for hackers, MFA provides an essential layer of protection against breaches. However, it's important to remember that MFA isn't foolproof. It can be bypassed, and it often is.  If a password is compromised, there are several options available to hackers looking to circumvent the added protection of MFA. We'll explore four social engineering tactics hackers successfully use to breach MFA and emphasize the importance of having a strong password as part of a layered defense.  1. Adversary-in-the-middle (AITM) attacks AITM attacks involve deceiving users into believing they're logging into a genuine network, application, or website. But really, they're giving up their information to a fraudulent lookalike. This lets hackers intercept passwords and manipulate security measures, including MFA prompts. For instance, a spear-phish
NoaBot: Latest Mirai-Based Botnet Targeting SSH Servers for Crypto Mining

NoaBot: Latest Mirai-Based Botnet Targeting SSH Servers for Crypto Mining

Jan 10, 2024 Server Security / Cryptocurrency
A new Mirai-based botnet called  NoaBot  is being used by threat actors as part of a crypto mining campaign since the beginning of 2023. "The capabilities of the new botnet, NoaBot, include a wormable self-spreader and an SSH key backdoor to download and execute additional binaries or spread itself to new victims," Akamai security researcher Stiv Kupchik said in a report shared with The Hacker News. Mirai , which had its source code leaked in 2016, has been the progenitor of a number of botnets, the most recent being  InfectedSlurs , which is capable of mounting distributed denial-of-service (DDoS) attacks. There are indications that NoaBot could be linked to another botnet campaign involving a Rust-based malware family known as  P2PInfect , which recently received an update to target routers and IoT devices. This is based on the fact that threat actors have also experimented with dropping P2PInfect in place of NoaBot in recent attacks targeting SSH servers, indicating likely at
Microsoft Warns as Scattered Spider Expands from SIM Swaps to Ransomware

Microsoft Warns as Scattered Spider Expands from SIM Swaps to Ransomware

Oct 26, 2023 Cyber Threat / Social Engineering
The prolific threat actor known as  Scattered Spider  has been observed impersonating newly hired employees in targeted firms as a ploy to blend into normal on-hire processes and takeover accounts and breach organizations across the world. Microsoft, which disclosed the activities of the financially motivated hacking crew, described the adversary as "one of the most dangerous financial criminal groups," calling out its operational fluidity and its ability to incorporate SMS phishing, SIM swapping, and help desk fraud into its attack model. "Octo Tempest is a financially motivated collective of native English-speaking threat actors known for launching wide-ranging campaigns that prominently feature adversary-in-the-middle ( AiTM ) techniques, social engineering, and SIM swapping capabilities," the company  said . It's worth noting that the activity represented by  Octo Tempest  is tracked by other cybersecurity companies under various monikers, including 0kta
Take an Offensive Approach to Password Security by Continuously Monitoring for Breached Passwords

Take an Offensive Approach to Password Security by Continuously Monitoring for Breached Passwords

Oct 11, 2023 Password Security / Data Safety
Passwords are at the core of securing access to an organization's data. However, they also come with security vulnerabilities that stem from their inconvenience. With a growing list of credentials to keep track of, the average end-user can default to shortcuts. Instead of creating a strong and unique password for each account, they resort to easy-to-remember passwords, or use the same password for every account and application.  Password reuse is both common and risky.  65% of users  admit to reusing their credentials across multiple sites. Another analysis of identity exposures among employees of Fortune 1000 companies found a  64% password reuse rate  for exposed credentials. Pair these findings with the fact that a vast majority  (80%) of all data breaches  are sourced from lost or stolen passwords, and we have a serious problem. In short, a breached password from one system can be used to compromise another. So, what does this all mean for your organization?  The real risk o
Google Adopts Passkeys as Default Sign-in Method for All Users

Google Adopts Passkeys as Default Sign-in Method for All Users

Oct 10, 2023 Password Security / Technology
Google on Tuesday announced the ability for all users to set up passkeys by default, five months after it  rolled out support  for the FIDO Alliance-backed passwordless standard for Google Accounts on all platforms. "This means the next time you sign in to your account, you'll start seeing prompts to create and use passkeys, simplifying your future sign-ins," Google's Sriram Karra and Christiaan Brand  said . "It also means you'll see the ' skip password when possible ' option toggled on in your Google Account settings." Passkeys are a new form of authentication that entirely eliminate the need for usernames and passwords, or even provide any additional authentication factor. In other words, it's a passwordless login mechanism that leverages public-key cryptography to authenticate users' access to websites and apps, with the private key saved securely in the device and the public key stored in the server. Each passkey is unique and
Are You Willing to Pay the High Cost of Compromised Credentials?

Are You Willing to Pay the High Cost of Compromised Credentials?

Sep 25, 2023 Password Security / Cybersecurity
Weak password policies leave organizations vulnerable to attacks. But are the standard password complexity requirements enough to secure them?  83% of compromised passwords  would satisfy the password complexity and length requirements of compliance standards. That's because bad actors already have access to billions of stolen credentials that can be used to compromise additional accounts by reusing those same credentials. To strengthen password security, organizations need to look beyond complexity requirements and block the use of compromised credentials. Need stolen credentials? There's a market for that Every time an organization gets breached or a subset of customers' credentials is stolen, there's a high possibility all those passwords end up for sale on the dark web. Remember the  Dropbox and LinkedIn hack  that resulted in 71 million and 117 million stolen passwords? There is an underground market that sells those credentials to hackers which they can then use in cre
Key Cybersecurity Tools That Can Mitigate the Cost of a Breach

Key Cybersecurity Tools That Can Mitigate the Cost of a Breach

Sep 05, 2023 Data Breach / Password Security
IBM's 2023 installment of their annual " Cost of a Breach " report has thrown up some interesting trends. Of course, breaches being costly is no longer news at this stage! What's interesting is the difference in how organizations respond to threats and which technologies are helping reduce the costs associated with every IT team's nightmare scenario.  The average cost of a breach rose once again to $4.45 million, increasing 15% over the last three years. Costs associated with escalation and detection have rocketed up 42% during the same period. With that in mind, I was surprised to learn that only 51% of the breached entities surveyed by IBM decided to bolster their security investments, despite the rising financial consequences of dealing with a breach. Headline stats around breach costs are interesting – but can digging into these trends actually help you save money? Organizations want to know where to invest their security budget and which technologies offer the bes
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