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Category — Voice Of Hackers
Anonymous Hackers not responsible for attack on Dahabshiil

Anonymous Hackers not responsible for attack on Dahabshiil

Jul 22, 2012
There was an incident that a group claiming to be the cyber hacker or hacktivist group Anonymous has threatened Dahabshiil an international funds transfer company and the leading bank in Somalia, but the international funds transfer company based in the Middle East, says Anonymous was not responsible for the attack on its banking systems. According to the report, The group alleged it was the hacktivist group Anonymous, and threatened to destroy Dahabshiil within two months if the company did not stop what the group alleged as supporting terrorist organizations and terrorists in Somalia and across the world. A group claiming to be Anonymous published thousands of account numbers, names and details online. The hackers claimed it had installed " cyber bombs " within financial institutions around the world and threatened to trigger them if the Dahabshiil did not confess within two months. In the statement the Anonymous group released, the group alleged that it was investig...
WebSploit Toolkit 1.6 Released

WebSploit Toolkit 1.6 Released

Apr 28, 2012
WebSploit Is An Open Source Project For Scan And Analysis Remote System From Vulnerability Description : [+]Autopwn - Used From Metasploit For Scan and Exploit Target Service [+]wmap - Scan,Crawler Target Used From Metasploit wmap plugin [+]format infector - inject reverse & bind payload into file format [+]phpmyadmin - Search Target phpmyadmin login page [+]lfi - Scan,Bypass local file inclusion Vulnerability & can be bypass some WAF [+]apache users - search server username directory (if use from apache webserver) [+]Dir Bruter - brute target directory with wordlist [+]admin finder - search admin & login page of target [+]MLITM Attack - Man Left In The Middle, XSS Phishing Attacks [+]MITM - Man In The Middle Attack [+]Java Applet Attack - Java Signed Applet Attack [+]MFOD Attack Vector - Middle Finger Of Doom Attack Vector [+]USB Infection Attack - Create Executable Backdoor For Infect USB For Windows Download WebSploit Toolkit V.1.6
Farewell to the Fallen: The Cybersecurity Stars We Lost Last Year

Farewell to the Fallen: The Cybersecurity Stars We Lost Last Year

Jan 07, 2025Cybersecurity / Endpoint Security
It's time once again to pay our respects to the once-famous cybersecurity solutions whose usefulness died in the past year. The cybercriminal world collectively mourns the loss of these solutions and the easy access they provide to victim organizations. These solutions, though celebrated in their prime, succumbed to the twin forces of time and advancing threats. Much like a tribute to celebrities lost in the past year, this article will look back at a few of cybersecurity's brightest stars that went dark in the past year.  1. Legacy Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) Cause of Death: Compromised by sophisticated phishing, man-in-the-middle (MitM), SIM-swapping, and MFA prompt bombing attacks. The superstar of access security for more than twenty years, legacy MFA solutions enjoyed broad adoption followed by almost-universal responsibility for cybersecurity failures leading to successful ransomware attacks. These outdated solutions relied heavily on SMS or email-based codes o...
Facebook strengthens security with AntiVirus Marketplace

Facebook strengthens security with AntiVirus Marketplace

Apr 26, 2012
Facebook strengthens security with AntiVirus Marketplace Facebook has launched Anti-Virus Marketplace  , a new portal to protect the social network's users.Members are being encouraged to download anti-malware programs which they can use at no cost for six months. Facebook is strengthening its security controls in an attempt to protect its 900 million users from spam and malicious content.Facebook said Wednesday that it will work with Microsoft Corp. and with computer security firms Trend Micro Inc., Sophos, Symantec Corp. and Intel Corp.'s McAfee to provide safeguards on Facebook. " The Antivirus Marketplace was developed with industry partners to enhance protection for people on Facebook ," Facebook wrote in a blog post . " This program will help us provide even better protections to those using Facebook, no matter where they are on the web. " Facebook's security push comes as social networks become an increasingly popular target for spammers and ...
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Fuck CISPA - Stop censoring Internet !

Fuck CISPA - Stop censoring Internet !

Apr 21, 2012
Fuck CISPA - Stop censoring Internet ! -  By:    Patti Galle, Executive Editor The Cyber Intelligence Sharing and Protection Act (CISPA) H.R. 3532 is a new bill being introduced in Congress that is gunning to blast the ongoing cyber attacks that have occurred since internet users figured out the keyboard could be an effective weapon. If passed through Congress, the bill would allow the government access to personal correspondence of any person of their choosing. Once again, we are being fucked by those nosey neighbors in our government. You should be very mad and very afraid because CISPA is far worse than SOPA and PIPA in its effects on the internet. The wording of this bill is mumbo jumbo, vague and broad. Reading through the nonsense, basically the act would allow Congress to circumvent existing exemptions to online privacy laws, and would allow the monitoring and censorship of any user of the internet. Peeping Toms will be wetting their pants. The real kicker (in ...
#OpTrialAtHome : Anonymous Plans 7 April Attack on British government

#OpTrialAtHome : Anonymous Plans 7 April Attack on British government

Apr 05, 2012
Anonymous Plans 7 April Attack on British government UK hackers linked to the Anonymous group are encouraging supporters to attack the Home Office website this Saturday (7 April) in protest at the extradition of three UK citizens to the US. Called #OpTrialAtHome , the hacktivist group @AnonOpUK posted a warning on its Twitter page that an attack on the Home Office was planned for Saturday, 7 April. An associated photo/poster shows images of Gary McKinnon, Richard O'Dwyer and Christopher Tappin. McKinnon and O'Dwyer are awaiting extradition from the UK to the US. Tappin's extradition was effected on 24 February when he was flown to El Paso, Texas. Supporters have been encouraged to launch denial-of-service attacks on the Home Office's IP address, which Anonymous has revealed. Those not savvy enough to launch automated attacks on the site could contribute to the effect by simply visiting the site in large numbers. Julian Assange, the editor-in-chief and founder of WikiLeaks, ...
[POC] Buffer Overflow Vulnerability in GOM Media Player v. 2.1.37

[POC] Buffer Overflow Vulnerability in GOM Media Player v. 2.1.37

Mar 11, 2012
Buffer Overflow Vulnerability in GOM Media Player v. 2.1.37 Ucha Gobejishvili (longrifle0x)  from The Vulnerability Laboratory Research Team  discover Buffer Overflow Vulnerability in GOM Media Player v. 2.1.37. GOM Player (Gretech Online Movie Player) is a 32/64-bit media player for Microsoft Windows, distributed by the Gretech Corporation of South Korea. A buffer overflow occurs when a program or process tries to store more data in a buffer (temporary data storage area) than it was intended to hold. Since buffers are created to contain a finite amount of data, the extra information - which has to go somewhere - can overflow into adjacent buffers, corrupting or overwriting the valid data held in them. Although it may occur accidentally through programming error, buffer overflow is an increasingly common type of security attack on data integrity. In this case, The vulnerability can be exploited by local or remote attackers and Vulnerable module is GomU+0x125cb7. ...


Mar 08, 2012
THE " TRUTH " SIMMERS THE POT OF SABU By:  Patti Galle, Editor  THN. As I look at my guy fawkes mask and reflect on the recent arrest of several lulzsec members, I have a wrenching feeling in my gut to tell the "truth." Gather around anonymous , lulzsec , FBI, passionate supporters, liberal haters, and people without a clue. I have something to tell you and although the truth may hurt, it is time to find that wrenching in your own gut and step up. Today all focus is on sabu and his taboo relationship with the FBI that caused the arrest of: Ryan ackroyd a.k.a. Kayla, lol, lolsoon jake davis a.k.a. Topiary, atopiary darren martyn a.k.a. Pwnsauce, raepsauce, networkkitten donncha o'cearrbhail a.k.a. Palladium Jeremy hammond a.k.a. Anarchaos, sup_g, burn, yohoho, pow As should yours, my heart goes out to these brave men and their families as they work their way through the corrupt and ill focused justice system for leading the only movement existing in our mis-shapened world...
Microsoft Store India got hacked in India !

Microsoft Store India got hacked in India !

Feb 12, 2012
Microsoft Store India got hacked in India ! Today, Hackers from group EvilShadow  successfully hack and deface the website of  Microsoft Store India ( https://www.microsoftstore.co.in ) . But Hacker upload his deface page at location  https://www.microsoftstore.co.in/evil.html . Hacker revealed that user passwords were saved in plain text as shown below:
Woohooo! After #SopaBlackout, Congress Postpones Action on #SOPA, #PIPA

Woohooo! After #SopaBlackout, Congress Postpones Action on #SOPA, #PIPA

Jan 20, 2012
Woohooo! After #SopaBlackout , Congress Postpones Action on #SOPA, #PIPA A big hurrah to you!!!!! We've won for now SOPA and PIPA were dropped by Congress today. The votes we've been scrambling to mobilize against have been cancelled. When the entire Internet gets angry, Congress takes notice. Both the House and the Senate on Friday backed away from a pair of controversial anti-piracy bills, tossing them into limbo and throwing doubt on their future viability. Google Inc. said today it collected more than 7 million signatures from the U.S. for its online petition to Congress during an Internet protest against anti- piracy legislation backed by Hollywood. Visitors to Google, the world's most popular search engine, were greeted yesterday by a black box covering the company's familiar icon, and a message that read " Tell Congress: Please don't censor the Web! " The message linked to a page outlining Google's opposition and an option to join a petition urging Congress to reject the l...
#SOPA - The Hacker News say “NO WAY”

#SOPA - The Hacker News say "NO WAY"

Jan 19, 2012
#SOPA - The Hacker News say " NO WAY " Get mad and take action as you read how your internet privacy and freedoms are about to be taken away in our editor Patti Galle 's article on SOPA…….coming to your personal rights soon. The Stop Online Piracy Act (SOPA), or H.R. 3261, is a bill that was introduced on October 26, 2011 in the United States House of Representatives, by right-wing Texas Republican, Representative Lamar Smith and twelve initial co-sponsors. The Stop Online Piracy Act dramatically broadens the capacity of United States law enforcement and copyright holders to fight online trafficking in copyrighted intellectual property and counterfeit goods. Proponents of bill H.R. 3261 state SOPA protects the intellectual property market and related industry, jobs and revenue, and is essential to reinforce and strengthen enforcement of copyright laws particularly against foreign websites. Opponents of the bill forcefully deem that the bill infringes on First Amendment rights, is e...
SOPA in US and Censorship in India: A cocktail to destroy Internet Freedom !

SOPA in US and Censorship in India: A cocktail to destroy Internet Freedom !

Jan 19, 2012
SOPA in US and Censorship in India : A cocktail to destroy Internet Freedom ! As US senators mull over the SOPA(Stopping Online Piracy Act) and PIPA(Protecting Intellectual Property Act) bills, the world stands witness to a historic moment. Almost all big IT companies like Google, Wikipedia, Facebook, Mozilla, Godaddy, etc are speaking in one unanimous voice against SOPA and Internet Censorship. The draconian provisions of SOPA/PIPA are bound to create the deathbed of internet freedom and free speech, and if a careful reading of the proposed legislation is done, one realizes that it is likely to have the same impact on India. In the disguise of protecting copyrights and stopping piracy its completely clear that the US government is trying to assert its control over the free flow of information on internet which is some time uncomfortable to them. Giving power to Attorney General to direct search engines like Google to filter particular search results, or asking an ISP to manipulat...
The Undead  “Corporations” by Patti Galle

The Undead "Corporations" by Patti Galle

Jan 18, 2012
The Undead  "Corporations" by Patti Galle  The Hacker News Editor " Patti Galle " share her views about Corporations in THN Magazine December Edition . We would like to share same article with our blog Readers. Enjoy the interesting read : Corporations are soulless entities possessing privileges and the rights of citizenship that actual people have; all the while not having to shoulder any of the natural responsibilities. Undead Corporations have concentrated the essence of avarice, rage and fury to form their corporate structure. And as these covetous Corporations have accumulated immeasurable wealth they have methodically utilized this wealth and power to procure, infiltrate, and seize control of the influential and powerful American government and many governments across the world vigorously fusing them into a globe-encompassing non-living aberration, now rightfully called or labeled as Corporatocracy. At present, on an ever escalating level, world governments ar...
Homeland Security have eye on Journalists

Homeland Security have eye on Journalists

Jan 11, 2012
Homeland Security have eye on Journalists The Department of Homeland Security has declared its intention to gather personal data on journalists or others who might use " traditional and/or social media in real time to keep their audience situationally aware and informed ". Well, it'll be interesting to see the reaction of Obama's adoring White House press corps when they discover their activities are being tracked by the Department of Homeland Security. Under the National Operations Center (NOC)'s Media Monitoring Initiative that came out of DHS headquarters in November, Washington has the written permission to retain data on users of social media and online networking platforms. Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances. The department says ...
Hey @BarackObama ! Please don't extradite Gary McKinnon, CC : @Number10gov

Hey @BarackObama ! Please don't extradite Gary McKinnon, CC : @Number10gov

Jan 08, 2012
Hey @BarackObama ! Please don't extradite Gary McKinnon Gary McKinnon,  a Scottish systems administrator and hacker who has been accused of what one U.S. prosecutor claims is the " biggest military computer hack of all time " by hacking into the Pentagon, faces an ordeal of terrifying brutality if he is extradited to the United States. America wants to put him on trial, and if tried there he could face 60 years behind bars. Note : Request to Every Reader ! Please Re-Tweet/Share this article if you want to Support Gary McKinnon in the fight for justice. The mother Gary McKinnon has called for her son to stand trial in Britain claiming attempts to extradite him to the US have destroyed his life. He claims his motivation, drawn from a statement made before the Washington Press Club on 9 May 2001 by " The Disclosure Project ", was to find evidence of UFOs, antigravity technology, and the suppression of " free energy ", all of which he claims to have ...
The Hacker News Hacking Awards : Best of Year 2011

The Hacker News Hacking Awards : Best of Year 2011

Dec 31, 2011
The Hacker News Hacking Awards : Best of Year 2011 2011 has been labeled the " Year of the Hack " or " Epic #Fail 2011 ". Hacking has become much easier over the years, which is why 2011 had a lot of hacking for good and for bad. Hackers are coming up with tools as well as finding new methods for hacking faster then companies can increase their security.  Every year there are always forward advancements in the tools and programs that can be used by the hackers. At the end of year 2011 we decided to give " The Hacker News Awards 2011 ". The Hacker News Awards will be an annual awards ceremony celebrating the achievements and failures of security researchers and the Hacking community. The THN Award is judged by a panel of respected security researchers and Editors at The Hacker News. Year 2011 came to an end following Operation Payback and Antisec, which targeted companies refusing to accept payments to WikiLeak's, such as, Visa and Amazon. Those attacks were carrie...
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