#OpRobinHood : Thousands of United Nation logins leaked by TeaMp0isoN
Nov 29, 2011
#OpRobinHood : Thousands of United Nation logins leaked by TeaMp0isoN Online 'hactivist' collective Anonymous and hackers Team Poison have joined forces for a new group effort known as 'Operation Robin Hood', that plans to target banks in an effort to give money back to the people. TeaMp0isoN today hack United nation website (www.undp.org) and leak 1000's of Login usernames, Passwords and Emails . Leaked accounts details are posted on pastebin , With a note include " The UN is a fraud! The bureaucratic head of NATO used to legitimise the Barbarism of Capitalist elite! " " How far you have come from the first address by Thomas Jefferson where 'peace, commerce and honestfriendship' were the Modis Operandi to one today where talk of 'eliminating 350,000 people a day'as outlined by Jacques Cousteau is a academic consideration. " They added. Operation Robin Hood Video Message : The music is overly dramatic, the text slamming on...