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Category — Credit Card Fraud
Web.com Hacked! Credit Card information of 93,000 Customers Compromised

Web.com Hacked! Credit Card information of 93,000 Customers Compromised

Aug 20, 2015
Web.com, a Florida-based web hosting company with up to 3.3 Million customers, has suffered a data breach and may have compromised personal information and credit card data belonging to 93,000 of its clients . The company on Tuesday confirmed that some unknown hackers had breached one of its computer systems on August 13, 2015, and accessed personal information of nearly 93,000 customers. Web.com, with the goal to help small businesses succeed online, uncovered the unauthorized activity as part of its ongoing security monitoring and shutdown process. The stolen information includes: Credit Card information Actual Names associated with the payment cards Residential Addresses No other information belonging to customers, such as Social Security numbers , Verification Codes for the exposed credit cards, was affected by the data breach, according to the company. "The security of our customer information is a high priority for Web.com," Web.com CEO and Chairman David L. Brow...
Let's Take a Selfie to Shop Online With MasterCard

Let's Take a Selfie to Shop Online With MasterCard

Jul 03, 2015
Difficulty in remembering complicated Passwords? Forget Passwords and Fingerprints now – and get ready to authenticate your online purchases with your SELFIES . MasterCard is experimenting a new app that would let you make online purchases by taking a selfie rather than typing a password, moving a step forward in the mobile payments evolution. This experimental ID Check security system uses the front camera of your mobile phone and "facial recognition" technology to get your payment done with a quick shot of your face. And MasterCard thinks this generation people will love it. " The new generation, which is into selfies...I think they will find it cool, " MasterCard President of Enterprise Safety and Security Ajay Bhalla told CNNMoney. " They'll embrace it ." How this new feature works? MasterCard will provide you a new mobile app to download in order to use the feature. After you make an online payment, the new app will...
What Is Attack Surface Management?

What Is Attack Surface Management?

Feb 03, 2025Attack Surface Management
Attack surfaces are growing faster than security teams can keep up – to stay ahead, you need to know what's exposed and where attackers are most likely to strike. With cloud adoption dramatically increasing the ease of exposing new systems and services to the internet, prioritizing threats and managing your attack surface from an attacker's perspective has never been more important. In this guide, we look at why attack surfaces are growing and how to monitor and manage them properly with  tools like Intruder . Let's dive in. What is your attack surface? First, it's important to understand what we mean when we talk about an attack surface. An attack surface is the sum of your digital assets that are 'reachable' by an attacker – whether they are secure or vulnerable, known or unknown, in active use or not. You can also have both internal and external attack surfaces - imagine for example a malicious email attachment landing in a colleague's inbox, vs a new FTP server being...
How Apple Pay Can Be Hacked to Steal Your Credit Card Details

How Apple Pay Can Be Hacked to Steal Your Credit Card Details

Jun 05, 2015
Today anywhere you go, you will come across Free or Public WiFi hotspots -- it makes our travel easier when we stuck without a data connection. Isn't it? But, I think you'll agree with me when I say: This Free WiFi hotspot service could bring you in trouble, as it could be a bait set up by hackers or cyber criminals to get access to devices that connects to the free network. This is why mobile device manufacturers provide an option in their phone settings so that the device do not automatically connects to any unknown hotspot and asks the owner for approval every time it comes across a compatible WiFi. Hackers can grab your Credit Card Data. Here's How? Recently, security researchers from mobile security company ' Wandera ' have alerted Apple users about a potential security flaw in iOS mobile operating system that could be exploited by hackers to set up a rogue WiFi spot and then fool users into giving up their personal information, including credit card details. The l...
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Hacker Who Stole Money From Bill Gates Arrested in Philippines

Hacker Who Stole Money From Bill Gates Arrested in Philippines

Apr 13, 2015
What if you get into the bank account of the World's most richest person? Maybe it could be difficult for you as well as I. But not for this guy… ... Konstantin Simeonov Kavrakov , a Bulgarian hacker, who hacked into the ATM and stole thousands of dollars from the bank account of Microsoft mogul Bill Gates with fake ATM cards arrested in Philippines, according to the Philippine National Police. The 31-year-old man was arrested red-handed by the Philippine National Police while he was withdrawing cash from an ATM using fake cards. He had stolen tens of thousands of dollars from many victims by hacking into the automated teller machines (ATMs). In 2011, Kavrakov got arrested and was jailed in Paraguay for hacking into the Bill Gates' account in The Philippines' densely-populated Quezon City and stealing thousands of dollars. Since then Kavrakov was on the hit list of many countries police. During the arrest, the police recovered seven cloned credit card...
Beware of Skimming Devices Installed on the ATM Vestibule Doors

Beware of Skimming Devices Installed on the ATM Vestibule Doors

Mar 19, 2015
Despite anti-skimmer ATM Lobby access control system available in the market, we have seen a number of incidents in recent years where criminals used card skimmers at ATM doors. Few years back, cyber criminals started using card skimmers on the door of the ATM vestibule , where customers have to slide their credit or debit cards to gain access to the ATM. The typical ATM Skimming devices are used by fraudsters capture both magnetic stripe data contained on the back of a debit or credit card as well as the PIN number that is entered by the customer when using the ATM. In recent case discussed by Brian, cyber criminal installed the card skimming device on the ATM Lobby Card Access Control and a pinhole hidden camera pointed at the ATM's keyboard. Basically, it's an ATM skimmer that requires no modification to the ATM. The card skimmer hidden on the ATM door records the debit and credit card information , and the pinhole camera records the PIN number the ...
Visa Wants To Track Your Smartphone to Prevent Credit Card Fraud

Visa Wants To Track Your Smartphone to Prevent Credit Card Fraud

Feb 16, 2015
If you are a traveler and loves to travel then you must be annoyed of those calls you sometimes get from your bank when buying things far from home, and the most annoyed part is when the company won't approve the transaction as it fears your card was stolen. VISA MOBILE LOCATION CONFIRMATION APP The payment processing and credit card giant Visa has came forward to put an end to this problem by letting cardholders the chance to buy things wherever they are. The company plans to release a new location-based feature that will help cardholders to update their location via smartphone. Starting in April, the banks will include the software application, dubbed Visa Mobile Location Confirmation , in their smartphone apps. The app will use cardholders smartphone's ability to locate itself and verify that they're near where the card is being used. IN WAKE OF INCREASING CREDIT CARD FRAUD The idea behind this new move is to reduce the rising incidents of credit card fraud and fraud...
Quantum Encryption Makes Credit Cards Fraud-Proof

Quantum Encryption Makes Credit Cards Fraud-Proof

Dec 17, 2014
Credit card frauds are very common these days – today a data breach occurs in retailer's shop, online shopping site or banking site and at the next moment millions of cards appears in the underground black market – how simple is that for cyber criminals nowadays. But imagine if there is no possible way to hack credit cards and ID cards. Seems like next to impossible, but quantum cryptography ensures that stealing people's personal data will soon be very difficult for hackers and cyber thieves due to an extra layer of verification. SECURE FRAUD-PROOF CREDIT CARDS The research at the University of Twente in Enschede, Netherlands has suggested that " fraud-proof " credit cards are possible to develop using Quantum Physics that will protect users' financial and personal information from hackers. Security researchers describe this extra layer of verification as Quantum-Secure Authentication (QSA) of a " classical multiple-scattering key ." With the...
Globalization Fuels Cybercrime: A Threat to Australian Credit Card Holders

Globalization Fuels Cybercrime: A Threat to Australian Credit Card Holders

Dec 10, 2010
Globalization benefits consumers and businesses but also provides opportunities for organized crime. Many internet criminals join or form organized crime groups, motivated by economic, cultural, or technical reasons. Globally, individuals and mafia groups engage in illegal online activities, often aiming to become wealthy. Australia ranks among the top 10 countries targeted by cybercrime. Recently, Australian credit card holders' personal information was compromised and published on a website originating from Vietnam. Although this might seem like an isolated incident, such occurrences are part of a broader organized cybercrime effort. Cybercriminals sell thousands of pieces of stolen, misappropriated, and sometimes fake credit card information daily. Three primary packages are available: CC Dump: Information from the credit card's magnetic strip. A simple dump costs around US$0.10 (AU$0.09) when bought in large quantities. CC Full Info: Contains all details about a b...
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