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Category — Breached Password
Okta Warns of Credential Stuffing Attacks Targeting Customer Identity Cloud

Okta Warns of Credential Stuffing Attacks Targeting Customer Identity Cloud

May 30, 2024 Credential Stuffing / Incident Response
Okta is warning that a cross-origin authentication feature in Customer Identity Cloud (CIC) is susceptible to credential stuffing attacks orchestrated by threat actors. "We observed that the endpoints used to support the cross-origin authentication feature being attacked via credential stuffing for a number of our customers," the Identity and access management (IAM) services provider said . The suspicious activity commenced on April 15, 2024, with the company noting that it "proactively" informed customers that had the feature enabled. It did not disclose how many customers were impacted by the attacks. Credential stuffing is a type of cyber attack in which adversaries attempt to sign in to online services using an already available list of usernames and passwords obtained either from previous data breaches, or from phishing and malware campaigns. As recommended actions, users are being asked to review tenant logs for any signs of unexpected login events – ...
Are You Willing to Pay the High Cost of Compromised Credentials?

Are You Willing to Pay the High Cost of Compromised Credentials?

Sep 25, 2023 Password Security / Cybersecurity
Weak password policies leave organizations vulnerable to attacks. But are the standard password complexity requirements enough to secure them?  83% of compromised passwords  would satisfy the password complexity and length requirements of compliance standards. That's because bad actors already have access to billions of stolen credentials that can be used to compromise additional accounts by reusing those same credentials. To strengthen password security, organizations need to look beyond complexity requirements and block the use of compromised credentials. Need stolen credentials? There's a market for that Every time an organization gets breached or a subset of customers' credentials is stolen, there's a high possibility all those passwords end up for sale on the dark web. Remember the  Dropbox and LinkedIn hack  that resulted in 71 million and 117 million stolen passwords? There is an underground market that sells those credentials to hackers which they can then...
The Evolving Role of PAM in Cybersecurity Leadership Agendas for 2025

The Evolving Role of PAM in Cybersecurity Leadership Agendas for 2025

Feb 06, 2025AI Security / Cybersecurity
Privileged Access Management (PAM) has emerged as a cornerstone of modern cybersecurity strategies, shifting from a technical necessity to a critical pillar in leadership agendas. With the PAM market projected to reach $42.96 billion by 2037 (according to Research Nester), organizations invest heavily in PAM solutions. Why is PAM climbing the ranks of leadership priorities? While Gartner highlights key reasons such as enhanced security, regulatory compliance readiness, and insurance requirements, the impact of PAM extends across multiple strategic areas. PAM can help organizations enhance their overall operational efficiency and tackle many challenges they face today. To explore more about PAM's transformative impact on businesses, read The Cyber Guardian: PAM's Role in Shaping Leadership Agendas for 2025 by a renowned cybersecurity expert and former Gartner lead analyst Jonathan Care.  What cybersecurity challenges may organizations face in 2025? The cybersecurity landsca...
Why Ransomware in Education on the Rise and What That Means for 2023

Why Ransomware in Education on the Rise and What That Means for 2023

Oct 24, 2022
The breach of LA Unified School District (LAUSD) highlights the prevalence of password vulnerabilities, as criminal hackers continue to use breached credentials in increasingly frequent ransomware attacks on education. The Labor Day weekend breach of LAUSD brought significant  districtwide disruptions to access to email , computers, and applications. It's unclear what student or employee data the attackers exfiltrated. There is a significant trend in ransomware breaches in education, a highly vulnerable sector. The transitory nature of students leaves accounts and passwords vulnerable. The open environments schools create to foster student exploration and the relative naivete in the sector regarding cybersecurity invite attacks.  The breach at LAUSD and what happened afterward Four days post-breach, reports came that criminals had offered credentials for accounts inside the school district's network  for sale on the dark web  months before the attack. The stolen...
cyber security

Webinar: 5 Ways New AI Agents Can Automate Identity Attacks | Register Now

websitePush SecurityAI Agents / Identity Security
Learn how CUAs like OpenAI Operator can be used by attackers to automate account takeover and exploitation.
Why Holidays Put Your Company at Risk of Cyber Attack (And How to Take Precautions)

Why Holidays Put Your Company at Risk of Cyber Attack (And How to Take Precautions)

Dec 09, 2021
It is a time when many are thinking of their families and loved ones, time off work, and gift-giving – the holidays. However, while many have their minds outside the realm of work during the holiday season, often, this is when attackers plan their most sinister attacks.  So how can you take precautions to protect your organization during these times? Why holidays put your company at risk of cyberattack Attackers today do not have a soft spot for businesses and give companies a break at any time of the year, especially not during holidays. On the contrary, any time of the year where companies may be less prepared to fend off a cyberattack is an opportunity for successful compromise. As a result, the holidays put your company at a higher risk of cyberattack.  Most end-users do not think about cybersecurity when surfing the web or receiving emails with holiday deals during the season. As a result, many let their guard down to a certain degree and become preoccupied and dis...
Before and After a Pen Test: Steps to Get Through It

Before and After a Pen Test: Steps to Get Through It

Oct 21, 2021
An effective cybersecurity strategy can be challenging to implement correctly and often involves many layers of security. Part of a robust security strategy involves performing what is known as a penetration test (pen test). The penetration test helps to discover vulnerabilities and weaknesses in your security defenses before the bad guys discover these. They can also help validate remedial efforts and solutions put in place to overcome previously discovered security vulnerabilities.  Let's look more closely at the pen test. What is included in a penetration test? How are they performed, and by whom? What steps should be taken after a penetration test? What is a penetration test? 1 — Simulated cyberattack A penetration test is, for all practical purposes, a simulated cyberattack on your business. However, it is carried out by the "good guys." An outside resource often conducts a penetration test, whether a third-party security consulting company or another security entity. Sec...
How Companies Can Protect Themselves from Password Spraying Attacks

How Companies Can Protect Themselves from Password Spraying Attacks

Aug 12, 2021
Attackers are using many types of attacks to compromise business-critical data. These can include zero-day attacks, supply chain attacks, and others. However, one of the most common ways that hackers get into your environment is by compromising passwords. The password spraying attack is a special kind of password attack that can prove effective in compromising your environment. Let's look closer at the password spraying attack and how organizations can prevent it. Beware of compromised credentials Are compromised credentials dangerous to your environment? Yes! Compromised credentials allow an attacker to "walk in the front door" of your environment with legitimate credentials. They assume all the rights and permissions to systems, data, and resources the compromised account can access. The compromise of a privileged account is even worse. Privileged accounts are accounts that have high levels of access, such as an administrator user account. These types of accounts r...
How Does Your AD Password Policy Compare to NIST's Password Recommendations?

How Does Your AD Password Policy Compare to NIST's Password Recommendations?

Jan 07, 2021
End-user passwords are one of the weakest components of your overall security protocols. Most users tend to reuse passwords across work and personal accounts. They may also choose relatively weak passwords that satisfy company password policies but can be easily guessed or brute-forced. Your users may also inadvertently use  breached passwords  for their corporate account password. The  National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST)  has a cybersecurity framework that helps organizations address common cybersecurity pitfalls in their environment, including weak, reused, and breached passwords. This post will take a closer look at the NIST password guidelines and see how you can effectively audit your password policies to ensure these meet the standards recommended by NIST. NIST Password Guidelines and Best Practices Specific guidance around passwords is addressed within the chapter titled  Memorized Secret Verifiers . NIST has several recommendations...
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