Content Guidelines for Advertising

For a successful advertising campaign with The Hacker News, follow these submission guidelines:

How to Submit Deliverables? Send your advertising content to with all necessary files and documentation attached.

Deadline: Submit content for each activity five days before the scheduled date as per the Insertion Order. We strictly adhere to our advertising schedule, so late submissions will not be accommodated or rescheduled.

Standard Terms: No discrimination, explicit imagery, or promotion of dangerous behavior. Content must be original or properly licensed and comply with laws and advertising standards.

Advertising Types:

  1. Organic Article
  2. Homepage Newsfeed Placement
  3. Expert Insight Spotlight (Article / Video)
  4. THN Hosted Webinars
  5. Email Blast
  6. LinkedIn Newsletter
  7. Newsletter Native Placement
  8. Banner Advertising
  9. Expandable Native Ad
  10. Content Recommendation Native Placement
  11. Social Media Advertising

1. Organic Article

Content Guidelines

To maximize the effectiveness of your article submission, please adhere to the following guidelines:

Mandatory Requirements:

  • The article must be between 300 and 3,000 words in length.
  • The featured image should be 728x380 pixels in size.
  • Avoid mentioning competitors or making product comparisons.
  • You may include up to 15 images, each 728 pixels wide with a maximum height of 720 pixels.
  • Limit the number of links to advertiser-related landing pages to a maximum of three.
  • You can include additional links, but only to reputable sources to cite information.
  • Do not include any links to competing news publications.
  • The use of remarketing pixels is restricted to platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, or Google.
  • Content may provide a detailed walkthrough of products but must not be presented as a review on behalf of the publication.

Advisable Guidelines:

  • Aim for a headline that is between 50 and 100 characters long.
  • Ensure the content is original and not published elsewhere.
  • Maintain objectivity by writing in the third person.
  • Strategically position the call-to-action (CTA) in the article, one at the beginning, the second in the middle, and the last at the end for optimal visibility.

Additional Tips:

  • Structure your content with headers and bullet points to make it more scan-friendly for readers.
  • Use minimum additional external links to keep the reader focused on the primary call-to-action (CTA).
  • Article lengths vary based on purpose, complexity, and coverage. For articles focusing on current events, announcements, or lead generation, keep them concise and clear. Format them for easy scanning and emphasize the main call to action. Make technical reports, analyses, how-to guides, and product walkthroughs detailed and comprehensive.
  • When it comes to sponsored articles, branding choices impact audience engagement. Highlight your brand for recognition and buzz when running product walkthroughs or tutorials. Minimize branding for educational or valuable content to avoid bias. Heavy branding can distract from generating leads.

Check out the various content forms other vendors have published with us:

2. Homepage Newsfeed Placement

To blend in and perform well, ensure the placement looks natural and relevant to the target audience.

Newsfeed Native Placement

Mandatory Deliverables: headline, description, thumbnail, and landing page URL.

  • Headline Must be at most 80 characters in length.
  • Description Must communicate the message within 110 characters.
  • Thumbnail Required dimensions are 728x380 pixels.
  • Landing page URL Provide the URL for the associated landing page.

Recommended Best Practices:

  • Submit a minimum of two sets of deliverables per week to enhance engagement.
  • Choose eye-catching thumbnails with minimal text for higher user engagement.
  • Use descriptive headlines that compel action and provoke curiosity.
  • Brand recognition is important, but we strongly encourage you to minimize branding in the image or headline. Focus on engaging readers and driving them to your landing page. A more organic user experience leads to higher engagement and effective lead generation.

3. Expert Insight Spotlight (Article / Video)

Newsfeed Native Placement

To maximize the effectiveness of your article submission, please adhere to the following guidelines:

Mandatory Requirements:

  • Content for the expert insight section, whether in video or article form, should focus solely on discussing significant cybersecurity topics with deep analysis, helpful insights, or thoughtful comments. Aim for educational insights and information, avoiding product promotion or lead generation.
  • Deadline: Our weekly placements run from Monday to Monday. To guarantee a timely launch, all necessary materials need to be submitted at least two days before the scheduled launch date. If the submission deadline is missed, the slot will neither be rescheduled nor extended.
  • Provide author's name, job title, brief bio, and professional headshot, along with the company logo in transparent format.
  • Headline: 30-75 characters.
  • Deadline:

For Article Content (example)

  • Length: 300 to 5,000 words.
  • Avoid competitor mentions or product comparisons.
  • A few relevant images can be included.
  • Limit hyperlinks to advertiser-related landing pages to 3 maximum.
  • Submit final formatted content via Google Docs or Microsoft Word.

For Video Content (example)

  • Author will receive a link from our team for video recording via browser or submission of a pre-recorded version.
  • Video length: Up to 20 minutes.
  • Video summary: Text-based summary on the dedicated page, maximum 150 words, with up to 2 hyperlinks.
  • Avoid mentioning competitors or making product comparisons.

4. THN Hosted Webinars


Choose a webinar topic that promises engagement and must be knowledgeable.

  1. For the registration page (check previous webinars here) preparation, submit a detailed abstract of the webinar to the publisher 50 days before the event. Include a brief introduction and speaker(s) headshots formatted as shown in the screenshot example.
  2. For effective webinar promotion, the advertiser must submit the content for a promotional article—typically a more detailed version (example) of the abstract—at least five days before its scheduled publication.
  3. Once the registration page is live, CISO James Azar, a publisher-provided moderator, will work with the advertiser to schedule two meetings – one for the webinar rehearsal and one for the actual recording. He will send separate links for each. The recording must be completed at least 5 days before the broadcast date.
  4. The advertiser coordinates guest appearances during the recording session, following the moderator's guidelines. A preparatory meeting between the moderator and guests should be scheduled at least one week before the event for thorough preparation.
  5. If you wish to include a poll on the webinar broadcast page to engage participants, please provide the details at least one week before the scheduled broadcast.
  6. Provide an email address to receive questions from webinar participants. The advertiser can reply directly at their convenience without involving the publisher.

5. Email Blast (e-Blasts)

Our email template is simple yet attention-grabbing. It highlights your offers, events, webinars, or resource downloads with a powerful call to action, free from distractions.

Dedicated Email Marketing

To promote your content effectively, follow these submission guidelines for our email campaigns:

Mandatory Deliverables:

  • Subject Line Keep it concise, descriptive, and engaging, under 50 characters, for maximum visibility in email clients.
  • Preheader Text Make it compelling, with 50 to 100 characters.
  • Main Body Content To make your content engaging, start with a rectangular featured image up to 1200 x 700 pixels. Provide a clear and concise description of your offer or event in 150-400 words. Highlight key benefits or features using bullet points or short paragraphs for easy readability.
  • Call to Action (CTA) You can include a maximum of 3 links: one hyperlink for the featured image, one text link in content, and a concise CTA button (20 characters max).

Recommended Best Practices:

  • The subject line should not be clickbait but can create a sense of urgency to encourage prompt email opening.
  • Avoid spammy words like "free," "help," "percent off," and "reminder" to prevent triggering spam filters.
  • Use the featured image as a call-to-action (CTA). Add buttons or text on the image that prompts users to take action, such as "Download Now" or "Learn More."

6. LinkedIn Newsletter

The LinkedIn Newsletter feature is a combination of a LinkedIn Article and a dedicated eBlast, where LinkedIn as a platform takes care of emailing the article content as an eBlast to all subscribers at their registered email addresses.

Dedicated Email Marketing

Mandatory Deliverables:

  • Headline / Subject Line — Keep it concise, descriptive, and engaging, under 50 characters, for maximum visibility in email clients.
  • Main Body Content — To make your content engaging, start with a rectangular featured image up to 1200 x 700 pixels. Provide a clear and concise description of your offer or event in 150-400 words. Highlight key benefits or features using bullet points or short paragraphs for easy readability.
  • Call to Action (CTA) — You can include a maximum of 2 links: one text link in the content, and the second as a bold CTA button at the end of the content.

7. Newsletter Native Placement

Your content, strategically designed to blend with organic news updates, will be featured as the third article in the newsletter, directing users to your landing page.

Content Guidelines

Mandatory Deliverables:

  • Headline Must be between 50-100 characters.
  • Description It should be at most 250 characters.
  • Image Required to be 728 x 380 pixels in size.
  • Landing page URL

Recommended Best Practices:

  • The image should be visually engaging to capture attention. Use minimum text that is large and readable even when scaled down as a thumbnail.
  • Brand recognition is important, but we strongly encourage you to minimize branding in the image or headline. Focus on engaging readers and driving them to your landing page. A more organic user experience leads to higher engagement and effective lead generation.

8. Banner Advertising

Display Advertising

Mandatory Deliverables:

  • Banner Image Desktop size: 728x90 pixels | Mobile size: 300x250 pixels | Accepted formats: JPG, JPEG, PNG, GIF.
  • Landing Page URL

Recommended Best Practices:

  • Rotation Creatives Advertisers can rotate up to three (3) different creatives in the same ad placement, each with a unique landing page URL.
  • Your banner ad should have a clear, concise, compelling CTA that tells users what to do.
  • Switch banner creative every 10-15 days to keep audience engaged and campaign fresh.

9. Expandable Native Ad

Expanded Native Ads seamlessly blend with the content, providing a natural and non-intrusive user experience. When users hover over the placement, it expands, revealing more information about your offerings, such as events, resources, blog posts, or any lead generation assets.

Expandable Native Ad

Mandatory Deliverables:

  • Headline — Must be between 40-60 characters.
  • Description — It should be at most 110 characters.
  • Image — Required to be 300 x 140 pixels in size.
  • Call to Action (CTA) — Button text, 20 characters max
  • Landing page URL

Recommended Best Practices:

  • The image should be visually engaging to capture attention. Use minimum text that is large and readable even when scaled down as a thumbnail.
  • Brand recognition is important, but we strongly encourage you to minimize branding in the image or headline. Focus on engaging readers and driving them to your landing page. A more organic user experience leads to higher engagement and effective lead generation.
  • Switch banner creative every 10-15 days to keep the audience engaged and campaign fresh.

10. Content Recommendation Native Placement

Strategically designed Content Recommendation Native Placement blends seamlessly with our environment to drive meaningful traffic to your landing page.

Native Content Recommendations

Mandatory Deliverables:

  • Headline — Must be between 40-60 characters.
  • Description — It should be at most 95 characters.
  • Image — Required to be 728 x 380 pixels in size.
  • Landing page URL

Recommended Best Practices:

  • The image should be visually engaging to capture attention. Use minimum text that is large and readable even when scaled down as a thumbnail.
  • Brand recognition is important, but we strongly encourage you to minimize branding in the image or headline. Focus on engaging readers and driving them to your landing page. A more organic user experience leads to higher engagement and effective lead generation.
  • Switch banner creative every 10-15 days to keep audience engaged and campaign fresh.

11. Social Media Advertising

Native Content Recommendations

When creating social media promotions, adhere to these guidelines. The publisher has the right to reject or modify content that doesn't align with their standards.

  • Keep content concise, aiming for posts of 280 characters or less.
  • Use eye-catching visuals to attract your target audience.
  • Know and follow social media platform rules.
  • Avoid controversial themes and maintain neutrality and respect.

12. Solution Spotlight Placement

Maximize the visibility of your cybersecurity solution to our readers by utilizing this effective, full-width, attention-grabbing placement.

Solution Spotlight Placement

Required deliverables include a logo, headline, tagline, description, key features, and two CTA buttons with landing page URLs.

  • The logo image should be 200x200 pixels and under 100 kb in size.
  • The combined length of the product and company names should not exceed 60 characters.
  • The tagline should be concise and accurately represent the product's category.
  • The description should be limited to 300 characters.
  • The list of key features should be concise, accurate, and limited to a maximum of 6 features.
  • Each key feature should not exceed 25 characters.
  • Both buttons can have custom call-to-actions and unique hyperlinks and button text should be short and within 20 characters.
  • Creative materials must be submitted to the publisher 5 days before the scheduled advertising slot.
  • Late submissions may not be considered for publication.