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SQL Injection Vulnerability in Google Lab Database System

SQL Injection Vulnerability in Google Lab Database System

Jun 30, 2011
SQL Injection Vulnerability in Google Lab Database System Very Big & Critical Vulnerability detected in Google Lab System. Vendor is already reported by hackers, But they don't take positive step in this case, so finally hackers exposed  the vulnerability in public by  Bangladesh Cyber Army Admin - Shadman Tanjim on their Forum . Google Lab Website has SQL Injection Vulnerability and Dangerous thing is this Vulnerability is Exploitable. Hackers are able to get Tables, columns and data from Database. Google Lab Database has his own customize DB system. But Interesting things is their database system is Similar as Ms Access database. In this case Ms Access SQL Injection System is Also Work on Google Lab Database system. Statement By Hacker : I already contact with Google Corporation but they don't give positive response, I think this is their big fault,  and will suffer for that. But if they give Positive response then this will be very good for them. Thanks a Ton!!! Shadma
MasterCard downed by ISP, not Anonymous hackers

MasterCard downed by ISP, not Anonymous hackers

Jun 30, 2011
MasterCard downed by ISP, not Anonymous hackers Two days before Anonymous declare that MasterCard again down by Ddos attack in support of Wikileaks & Anonymous via twitter . It was shortly after MasterCard went down that someone on Twitter, known as ibomhacktivist, promoted " MasterCard.com DOWN!!! ", adding the site was down for messing with WikiLeaks and Anonymous. But in actual, MasterCard.com was offline, and shortly after the outage was noticed by the public, someone on Twitter claimed credit. In a statement, MasterCard blamed the outage on an ISP issue, without discounting that they were attacked upstream. " MasterCard's corporate, public-facing Website experienced intermittent service disruption, due to a telecommunications/Internet Service Provider outage that impacted multiple users. It is important to note that no cardholder data has been impacted and that cardholders can continue to use their cards securely. We are continuing to monitor the situation c
Indonesian and Australian police launched Cyber Crime Investigation Center

Indonesian and Australian police launched Cyber Crime Investigation Center

Jun 30, 2011
Indonesian and Australian police launched Cyber Crime Investigation Center Indonesian and Australian police officially launched a joint project called the Cyber Crime Investigation Center. The center was officiated by Indonesian National Police chief Gen. Timur Pradopo and Australian Federal Police chief Comr. Tony Negus at the National Police Headquarters in Jakarta on Thursday. Timur said the center had been planned since six months ago. " Today, we launch the center, which will be equipped with tools needed to carry out cyber crime investigation ," Timur said, adding that its communication technology equipment was being provided by the Australian government." Of course, this [center] will improve our capacity to detect and [investigate cyber] crimes, particularly transnational crimes ," he said. Negus said the center would allow the Indonesian National Police to deal with technology and IT-related crimes. He added that the Australian police force was looki
cyber security

Managing SaaS Security: What's Your Maturity Level?

websiteAdaptive ShieldSaaS Security / Identity Security
Find out how your security team compares to other organizations in the new SaaS Security Survey report.
How to Build Your Autonomous SOC Strategy

How to Build Your Autonomous SOC Strategy

May 30, 2024Endpoint Security / Threat Detection
Security leaders are in a tricky position trying to discern how much new AI-driven cybersecurity tools could actually benefit a security operations center (SOC). The hype about generative AI is still everywhere, but security teams have to live in reality. They face constantly incoming alerts from endpoint security platforms, SIEM tools, and phishing emails reported by internal users. Security teams also face an acute talent shortage.  In this guide, we'll lay out practical steps organizations can take to automate more of their processes and build an autonomous SOC strategy . This should address the acute talent shortage in security teams, by employing artificial intelligence and machine learning with a variety of techniques, these systems simulate the decision-making and investigative processes of human analysts. First, we'll define objectives for an autonomous SOC strategy and then consider key processes that could be automated. Next, we'll consider different AI and automation
OpenSSH 3.5p1 Remote Root Exploit for FreeBSD

OpenSSH 3.5p1 Remote Root Exploit for FreeBSD

Jun 30, 2011
OpenSSH 3.5p1 Remote Root Exploit for FreeBSD OpenSSH 3.5p1 Remote Root Exploit for FreeBSD has been shared by kcope on twitter . The Released note is as given below : OpenSSH 3.5p1 Remote Root Exploit for FreeBSD Discovered and Exploited By Kingcope Year 2011 -- The last two days I have been investigating a vulnerability in OpenSSH affecting at least FreeBSD 4.9 and 4.11. These FreeBSD versions run OpenSSH 3.5p1 in the default install. The sshd banner for 4.11-RELEASE is "SSH-1.99-OpenSSH_3.5p1 FreeBSD-20060930". A working Remote Exploit which spawns a root shell remotely and previous to authentication was developed. The bug can be triggered both through ssh version 1 and ssh version 2 using a modified ssh client. During the investigation of the vulnerability it was found that the bug resides in the source code file "auth2-pam-freebsd.c". https://www.freebsd.org/cgi/cvsweb.cgi/src/crypto/openssh/Attic/auth2-pam-freebsd.c This file does not exist in Fre
Mobius Forensic Toolkit v0.5.8 Released

Mobius Forensic Toolkit v0.5.8 Released

Jun 30, 2011
Mobius Forensic Toolkit v0.5.8 Released Mobius Forensic Toolkit is a forensic framework written in Python/GTK that manages cases and case items, providing an abstract interface for developing extensions. Cases and item categories are defined using XML files for easy integration with other tool Change Log : The Hive (registry viewer) features three new reports:email accounts, TCP/IP interfaces, and computer descriptions. All registry reports can be exported as CSV and the user password report can be exported in a format suitable for John the Ripper as well. Minor improvements were made Installation As root, type: python setup.py install Usage Run mobius_bin.py. Download Here
TDSS rootkit infects 1.5 million US computers

TDSS rootkit infects 1.5 million US computers

Jun 30, 2011
TDSS rootkit infects 1.5 million US computers Millions of PCs around the world infected by the dangerous TDSS 'super-malware' rootkit as part of a campaign to build a giant new botnet. The report is presented by researchers from security firm Kaspersky Lab. TDSS also known as 'TDL' and sometimes by its infamous rootkit component, Alureon. It has grown into a multi-faceted malware nexus spinning out ever more complex and dangerous elements as it evolves. Kaspersky Lab researchers were able to penetrate three SQL-based command and control (C&C) servers used to control the activities of the malware's latest version, TDL-4, where they discovered the IP addresses of 4.5 million IP PCs infected by the malware in 2011 alone. Almost 1.5 million of these were in the US.If active, this number of compromised computers could make it one of the largest botnets in the world, with the US portion alone worth an estimated $250,000 (£155,000) to the underground economy. The researchers noti
FBI searches LulzSec suspect home in Hamilton, Ohio

FBI searches LulzSec suspect home in Hamilton, Ohio

Jun 30, 2011
FBI searches LulzSec suspect home in Hamilton, Ohio The investigation into the LulzSec hacking team continues, with news that FBI agents have searched a house in Hamilton, Ohio. FBI investigation believed to have been fuelled by interviews with Ryan Cleary, but did not lead to charges. Federal agents are said to have searched a teenager's home in Jackson Road, Hamilton on Monday 27 June, although no-one was charged after the search warrant was served. Ohio teenager was known within LulzSec as " m_nerva ", who leaked text logs of discussions between the group after they had hacked into the website of an FBI affiliate at the beginning of June. After that, m_nerva's case address was listed by LulzSec as being in Hamilton, Ohio  Last week FBI agents searched the house of a woman in Iowa and questioned her about links with the group. LulzSec said in a statement that it had six members, though it never stated their gender.
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