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Hackers Stole Customers' Credit Cards from 103 Checkers and Rally's Restaurants

Hackers Stole Customers' Credit Cards from 103 Checkers and Rally's Restaurants

May 31, 2019
If you have swiped your payment card at the popular Checkers and Rally's drive-through restaurant chains in past 2-3 years, you should immediately request your bank to block your card and notify it if you notice any suspicious transaction. Checkers, one of the largest drive-through restaurant chains in the United States, disclosed a massive long-running data breach yesterday that affected an unknown number of customers at 103 of its Checkers and Rally's locations—nearly 15% of its restaurants. The impacted restaurants [ name, addresses and exposure dates ] reside in 20 states, including Florida, California, Michigan, New York, Nevada, New Jersey, Florida, Georgia, Ohio, Illinois, Indiana, Delaware, Kentucky, Louisiana, Alabama, North Carolina, Pennsylvania, Tennessee, West Virginia and Virginia. After becoming aware of a "data security issue involving malware" at some Checkers and Rally's locations, the company launched an extensive investigation which r
Hackers Infect 50,000 MS-SQL and PHPMyAdmin Servers with Rootkit Malware

Hackers Infect 50,000 MS-SQL and PHPMyAdmin Servers with Rootkit Malware

May 29, 2019
Cyber Security researchers at Guardicore Labs today published a detailed report on a widespread cryptojacking campaign attacking Windows MS-SQL and PHPMyAdmin servers worldwide. Dubbed Nansh0u , the malicious campaign is reportedly being carried out by an APT-style Chinese hacking group who has already infected nearly 50,000 servers and are installing a sophisticated kernel-mode rootkit on compromised systems to prevent the malware from being terminated. The campaign, which dates back to February 26 but was first detected in early-April, has been found delivering 20 different payload versions hosted on various hosting providers. The attack relies on the brute-forcing technique after finding publicly accessible Windows MS-SQL and PHPMyAdmin servers using a simple port scanner. Upon successful login authentication with administrative privileges, attackers execute a sequence of MS-SQL commands on the compromised system to download malicious payload from a remote file server and
Top 5 Last-Minute Memorial Day Deals at THN Store → Get 60% Extra OFF

Top 5 Last-Minute Memorial Day Deals at THN Store → Get 60% Extra OFF

May 29, 2019
Memorial Day has come and gone, but you still have time to land some of the best deals on some of the best apps and tech training bundles around. Whether you're looking for a world-class VPN or want to begin a career as a high-paid ethical hacker or IT pro, this list of ultra-discounted apps and course bundles has you covered. Ethical Hacking A to Z Training Bundle MSRP: $1273 - Sale Price: $39 — Memorial Day Sale Price: $15.60 with coupon code WEEKEND60 Although it may sound counterintuitive, the only person who can stop a hacker is another hacker. Known as ethical or "white hat" hackers, these intrepid cyber warriors are in high-demand throughout countless industries, and this training will teach you how to join their ranks through 8 courses and over 45 hours of instruction. The Complete 2019 CompTIA Certification Training Bundle MSRP: $3433 - Sale Price: $69 — Memorial Day Sale Price: $27.60 with coupon code WEEKEND60 There's never been a bet
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Cybersecurity CPEs: Unraveling the What, Why & How

Cybersecurity CPEs: Unraveling the What, Why & How

Jun 10, 2024Cybersecurity / Exposure Management
Staying Sharp: Cybersecurity CPEs Explained Perhaps even more so than in other professional domains, cybersecurity professionals constantly face new threats. To ensure you stay on top of your game, many certification programs require earning Continuing Professional Education (CPE) credits. CPEs are essentially units of measurement used to quantify the time and effort professionals spend on maintaining and enhancing skills and knowledge in the field of cybersecurity, and they act as points that demonstrate a commitment to staying current. CPEs are best understood in terms of other professions: just like medical, legal and even CPA certifications require continuing education to stay up-to-date on advancements and industry changes, cybersecurity professionals need CPEs to stay informed about the latest hacking tactics and defense strategies. CPE credits are crucial for maintaining certifications issued by various cybersecurity credentialing organizations, such as (ISC)², ISACA, and C
Flipboard Database Hacked — Users' Account Information Exposed

Flipboard Database Hacked — Users' Account Information Exposed

May 29, 2019
Flipboard, a popular social sharing and news aggregator service used by over 150 million people, has disclosed that its databases containing account information of certain users have been hacked. According to a public note published yesterday by the company, unknown hackers managed to gain unauthorized access to its systems for nearly 10 months—between June 2, 2018, and March 23, 2019, and then again on April 21-22, 2019. The hackers then potentially downloaded database containing Flipboard users' real name, usernames, cryptographically (salted hash) protected passwords and email addresses, including digital tokens for users who linked their Flipboard account to a third-party social media service. According to a breach notification email sent out to affected users and seen by The Hacker News, the company has now reset passwords for all users as a precautionary measure, forcing users to create a new strong password for their accounts. "You can continue to use Flipb
Nearly 1 Million Computers Still Vulnerable to "Wormable" BlueKeep RDP Flaw

Nearly 1 Million Computers Still Vulnerable to "Wormable" BlueKeep RDP Flaw

May 28, 2019
Nearly 1 million Windows systems are still unpatched and have been found vulnerable to a recently disclosed critical, wormable, remote code execution vulnerability in the Windows Remote Desktop Protocol (RDP)—two weeks after Microsoft releases the security patch. If exploited, the vulnerability could allow an attacker to easily cause havoc around the world, potentially much worse than what WannaCry and NotPetya like wormable attacks did in 2017. Dubbed BlueKeep and tracked as CVE-2019-0708, the vulnerability affects Windows 2003, XP, Windows 7, Windows Server 2008 and 2008 R2 editions and could spread automatically on unprotected systems. The vulnerability could allow an unauthenticated, remote attacker to execute arbitrary code and take control of a targeted computer just by sending specially crafted requests to the device's Remote Desktop Service (RDS) via the RDP—without requiring any interaction from a user. Describing the BlueKeep vulnerability as being Wormable
U.S. Charges WikiLeaks' Julian Assange With Violating Espionage Act

U.S. Charges WikiLeaks' Julian Assange With Violating Espionage Act

May 24, 2019
The United States Justice Department has unveiled charges against WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange with 17 new counts on the alleged violation of the Espionage Act by publishing classified information through WikiLeaks website. If convicted for all counts, Assange could face a maximum sentence of 175 years in U.S. prison for his "alleged role in one of the largest compromises of classified information in the history of the United States." Assange was arrested last month in London after Ecuador abruptly withdrew his asylum and later sentenced to 50 weeks in U.K. prison for breaching his bail conditions in 2012. The 47-year-old is currently facing extradition to the United States for his role in publishing thousands of classified diplomatic and military documents on WikiLeaks in 2010 that embarrassed the U.S. governments across the world. Though the previous indictment charged Assange with just one count of helping former Army intelligence analyst Chelsea Manning c
5 Cybersecurity Tools Every Business Needs to Know

5 Cybersecurity Tools Every Business Needs to Know

May 23, 2019
Cybersecurity experts all echo the same thing – cyber attacks are going to get more rampant, and they will continue to pose severe threats against all technology users. Businesses, in particular, have become prime targets for cybercriminals due to the nature of data and information they process and store. 2018 saw a slew of data breaches targeting large enterprises that resulted in the theft of the personal and financial records of millions of customers. Falling victim to cyber attacks can deal with a major financial blow to businesses as the cost of dealing with an attack has risen to $1.1 million on the average. It can even be more devastating for small to medium-sized businesses. 60 percent of these smaller operations close within six months after failing to recover from cyber attacks. But aside from these monetary costs, companies can also lose credibility and their customers' confidence. Needless to say, businesses must improve the protection of their infrastructures
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