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Rise in website Defacement attacks by Hackers around the World

Rise in website Defacement attacks by Hackers around the World

Nov 05, 2013
Last week we noticed a rise in cyber attacks particularly - website Defacement attacks on many governments and organizations of different countries by the hackers around the world. Targeted countries include Singapore, Mexico, Philippines, Australia, Egypt, United States, Syria and many more. Out of all these targets, most controversial were Philippines and Australia, hacked by Activist group Anonymous. Last Sunday, Anonymous hackers from Indonesia defaced hundreds of websites belonging to the Australian Government , saying the action was in response to reports of spying by Australia. The websites, defaced with a message reading " Stop Spying on Indonesia ". We have shared the list of all targeted website on a pastebin note . In a separate incident, Anonymous hackers defaced more than 38 Philippine Government websites, and called on the public to support an anti-corruption protest " Million Mask March " at the Batasang Pambansa on November 5. " The government,
CryptoLocker developer launches Decryption Service website; 10 Bitcoins for Decryption Keys

CryptoLocker developer launches Decryption Service website; 10 Bitcoins for Decryption Keys

Nov 03, 2013
There's an extraordinary malware making rock-n-roll over the Internet and if you are one of the unlucky folks to cross its path, then it could make your computer unusable and you have to pay a few hundred Dollars to retrieve your important data back. We have warned our readers in many  previous articles about a nasty piece of Ransomware malware called ' CryptoLocker ', which is targeting computers running the Microsoft Windows operating system. The CryptoLocker  Ransomware encrypts the files on a victim's computer and issues an ultimatum - Pay up or lose your data . Users who are getting infected with CryptoLocker can see a message informing them that their computer is locked up and their files encrypted. It then asks them to make a ransom payment, which typically ranges between $100 and $700 or 2 Bitcoins , to get their files back. Just yesterday I noticed on a forum that the criminals behind the CryptoLocker malware has recently launched a dedicated  Cry
Google Chrome adds automatic malware blocking for suspicious downloads

Google Chrome adds automatic malware blocking for suspicious downloads

Nov 02, 2013
Today Malware is a very real threat, and if you're not careful about what you download and install, you could end up with a serious problem. But now Google will be trying their very best to block malware from installing itself on your computer on your behalf. Google has developed a security feature for Chrome that lets the browser detect and stop malware downloads. The feature has been added to Chrome Canary, the latest version of the browser which is available to download in beta form now. All you'll see is a notification like the one below, which you can then dismiss: " These malicious programs disguise themselves so you won't know they're there and they may change your homepage or inject ads into the sites you browse. Worse, they block your ability to change your settings back and make themselves hard to uninstall, keeping you trapped in an undesired state. " wrote Linus Upson, a Google vice president, in a blog post . Google is implementing
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Cybersecurity CPEs: Unraveling the What, Why & How

Cybersecurity CPEs: Unraveling the What, Why & How

Jun 10, 2024Cybersecurity / Exposure Management
Staying Sharp: Cybersecurity CPEs Explained Perhaps even more so than in other professional domains, cybersecurity professionals constantly face new threats. To ensure you stay on top of your game, many certification programs require earning Continuing Professional Education (CPE) credits. CPEs are essentially units of measurement used to quantify the time and effort professionals spend on maintaining and enhancing skills and knowledge in the field of cybersecurity, and they act as points that demonstrate a commitment to staying current. CPEs are best understood in terms of other professions: just like medical, legal and even CPA certifications require continuing education to stay up-to-date on advancements and industry changes, cybersecurity professionals need CPEs to stay informed about the latest hacking tactics and defense strategies. CPE credits are crucial for maintaining certifications issued by various cybersecurity credentialing organizations, such as (ISC)², ISACA, and C
Another Master Key vulnerability discovered in Android 4.3

Another Master Key vulnerability discovered in Android 4.3

Nov 02, 2013
Earlier this year, in the month of July it was first discovered that 99% of Android devices are vulnerable to a flaw called " Android Master Key vulnerability " that allow hackers to modify any legitimate and digitally signed application in order to transform it into a Trojan program that can be used to steal data or take control of the device.  The vulnerability was also responsibly disclosed to Google back in February by Bluebox and but the company did not fix the issue even with Android 4.3 Jelly Bean. Later, Google has also modified its Play Store's app entry process so that apps that have been modified using such exploit are blocked and can no longer be distributed via Play. Then after a few days, in the last week of July this year,  Android Security Squad , the China -based group also uncovered a second Android master key vulnerability similar to the first one. Security researcher  Jay Freeman has  discovered  yet another Master Key vulnerability in A
Finland's Ministry of Foreign Affairs networks hit by sophisticated Malware attack

Finland's Ministry of Foreign Affairs networks hit by sophisticated Malware attack

Nov 01, 2013
Finnish commercial broadcaster MTV3 reports that the Finnish Ministry of Foreign Affair networks has been targeted in a four-year-long cyber espionage operation. Finland's foreign minister said, " I can confirm there has been a severe and large hacking in the ministry's data network ," A large scale spying attack   targeted the communications between Finland and the European Union using  a malware , similar to, and more sophisticated than Red October . The breach was uncovered during the early part of this year. MTV3 also mentioned that the breach was not discovered by the Finns themselves, but from a foreign tip-off reported to CERT.FI. Further the Finnish authorities kept the information under wraps for continuing the forensics. There are indications that information with the lowest level security classification has been compromised, he said. In January, 2013, we had reported about Red October Cyber-espionage operation that targeted th
China is planting spying microchips in Electric Iron and kettles that can scan Wi-Fi devices to serve malware

China is planting spying microchips in Electric Iron and kettles that can scan Wi-Fi devices to serve malware

Nov 01, 2013
We have discussed many times in our stories the network of Intelligent devices , their capabilities and the possibilities that cyber criminals could exploit them for illegal activities. Hidden chips are used by cyber criminals and state-sponsored hackers to infiltrate company networks and organizations for various purposes, to send out spam or for cyber espionage . The fact has happened in Russia, the State-owned channel Rossiya 24 has showed the images of an electric iron included in a batch of Chinese imports where the operators find a chip used for spying the environment surround. China is planting Microchips practically in every electrical device, as recently it has been discovered that the  electric iron  and kettles were modified with this technique to launch spam attacks. The Microchips were equipped with a little microphone and according to the correspondent the component were mostly being used to serve malware and the chips in fact are able to connect any co
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