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'Dark Mail Alliance', Future of surveillance proof email technology

'Dark Mail Alliance', Future of surveillance proof email technology

Oct 31, 2013
Yesterday I learned about  ' Dark Mail Alliance ', where  Lavabit , reportedly an email provider for NSA leaker Edward Snowden and Silent Circle comes together to create a surveillance-proof email technology. Ladar Levison at Lavabit and Silent Circle CEO Mike Janke, Founders of two e-mail services that recently shut down amid government efforts to nab encryption keys, as well as the larger revelations regarding the NSA's surveillance efforts. The newly developed technology has been designed to look just like ordinary email, with an interface that includes all the usual folders i.e. inbox, sent mail, and drafts. But where it differs is that it applies peer-to-peer encryption not only to the body of the digital missive, but also to its metadata (To:, From: and Subject fields) that third parties are most likely to collect. The encryption, based on a Silent Circle instant messaging protocol called SCIMP and the secret keys generated to encrypt the communic
Incredible! Someone Just Hacked 10,000 Routers to Make them More Secure

Incredible! Someone Just Hacked 10,000 Routers to Make them More Secure

Oct 05, 2015
Has anyone ever heard about a " Vigilante-style Hacker ," who hacks every possible system to make them more Secure? No. It's not funny, neither a movie story: Reportedly, someone is hacking thousands unprotected Wi-Fi routers everywhere and apparently forcing owners to make them more Secure. Security firm Symantec has discovered a new malware, dubbed " Linux.Wifatch " a.k.a " Ifwatch ," infected more than 10,000 vulnerable ' Internet of Things ' devices, and spreading quickly. However, Linux.Wifatch not only removes malicious backdoor but also encourages users to update their weak passwords. How Does Linux.Wifatch Work? Once a device is infected, the Linux.Wifatch malware connects to a peer-to-peer network that is being used to distribute threat updates. Linux.Wifatch's code does not deploy any payload for malicious activities, such as to carry out DDoS attacks , rather it detects and remediates the known
Hackers Distributing Password Cracking Tool for PLCs and HMIs to Target Industrial Systems

Hackers Distributing Password Cracking Tool for PLCs and HMIs to Target Industrial Systems

Jul 18, 2022
Industrial engineers and operators are the target of a new campaign that leverages password cracking software to seize control of Programmable Logic Controllers (PLCs) and co-opt the machines to a botnet. The software "exploited a vulnerability in the firmware which allowed it to retrieve the password on command," Dragos security researcher Sam Hanson  said . "Further, the software was a malware dropper, infecting the machine with the Sality malware and turning the host into a peer in Sality's peer-to-peer botnet." The industrial cybersecurity firm said the password retrieval exploit embedded in the malware dropper is designed to recover the credential associated with Automation Direct  DirectLOGIC 06 PLC . The exploit, tracked as CVE-2022-2003 (CVSS score: 7.7), has been described as a case of cleartext transmission of sensitive data that could lead to information disclosure and unauthorized changes. The issue was  addressed  in firmware Version 2.72 rele
cyber security

Managing SaaS Security: What's Your Maturity Level?

websiteAdaptive ShieldSaaS Security / Identity Security
Find out how your security team compares to other organizations in the new SaaS Security Survey report.
4-Step Approach to Mapping and Securing Your Organization's Most Critical Assets

4-Step Approach to Mapping and Securing Your Organization's Most Critical Assets

May 28, 2024Threat Exposure Management
You're probably familiar with the term "critical assets". These are the technology assets within your company's IT infrastructure that are essential to the functioning of your organization. If anything happens to these assets, such as application servers, databases, or privileged identities, the ramifications to your security posture can be severe.  But is every technology asset considered a critical asset? Moreover, is every technology asset considered a  business -critical asset? How much do we really know about the risks to our  business -critical assets?  Business-critical assets are the underlying technology assets of your business in general – and we all know that technology is just one of the 3 essential pillars needed for a successful business operation. In order to have complete cybersecurity governance, organizations should consider: 1) Technology, 2) Business processes, and 3) Key People. When these 3 pillars come together, organizations can begin to understand the
Mozi IoT Botnet Now Also Targets Netgear, Huawei, and ZTE Network Gateways

Mozi IoT Botnet Now Also Targets Netgear, Huawei, and ZTE Network Gateways

Aug 20, 2021
Mozi, a peer-to-peer (P2P) botnet known to target IoT devices, has gained new capabilities that allow it to achieve persistence on network gateways manufactured by Netgear, Huawei, and ZTE, according to latest findings. "Network gateways are a particularly juicy target for adversaries because they are ideal as initial access points to corporate networks," researchers at Microsoft Security Threat Intelligence Center and Section 52 at Azure Defender for IoT  said  in a technical write-up. "By infecting routers, they can perform man-in-the-middle (MITM) attacks—via HTTP hijacking and DNS spoofing—to compromise endpoints and deploy ransomware or cause safety incidents in OT facilities." First  documented  by Netlab 360 in December 2019, Mozi has a history of infecting routers and digital video recorders in order to assemble them into an IoT botnet, which could be abused for launching distributed denial-of-service (DDoS) attacks, data exfiltration, and payload execut
RIP Aaron Swartz, A legendary Internet Activist

RIP Aaron Swartz, A legendary Internet Activist

Jan 13, 2013
Aaron Swartz has committed suicide on January 11, 2013 in New York City.  I have long been fought if you write something about this extraordinary boy, but not dedicate a tribute would be a shame. Aaron Swartz has decided to leave a huge void in the IT scenario.  For me, as the entire world he is a legend, a guy that has profoundly changed our daily work. Aaron Swartz is an eclectic persona; he is an hacker and active activist, co-founder of social news website Reddit and founder of the group Demand Progress. The EFF in a blog post states: " Aaron did more than almost anyone to make the Internet a thriving ecosystem for open knowledge, and to keep it that way. His contributions were numerous, and some of them were indispensable. When we asked him in late 2010 for help in stopping COICA, the predecessor to the SOPA and PIPA Internet blacklist bills, he founded an organization called Demand Progress, which mobilized over a million online activists and proved to be an inval
Several Cyber Attacks Observed Leveraging IPFS Decentralized Network

Several Cyber Attacks Observed Leveraging IPFS Decentralized Network

Nov 09, 2022
A number of phishing campaigns are leveraging the decentralized InterPlanetary Filesystem (IPFS) network to host malware, phishing kit infrastructure, and facilitate other attacks. "Multiple malware families are currently being hosted within IPFS and retrieved during the initial stages of malware attacks," Cisco Talos researcher Edmund Brumaghin said in an analysis shared with The Hacker News. The research mirrors similar findings from Trustwave SpiderLabs in July 2022, which  found  more than 3,000 emails containing IPFS phishing URLs as an attack vector, calling IPFS the new "hotbed" for hosting phishing sites. IPFS as a technology is both resilient to censorship and takedowns, making it a double-edged sword. Underlying it is a peer-to-peer (P2P) network which replicates content across all participating nodes so that even if a file is removed from one machine, requests for the resource can still be served via other systems. This also makes it ripe for abuse
Tor Anonymizing network overload caused by Mevade Botnet

Tor Anonymizing network overload caused by Mevade Botnet

Sep 08, 2013
Recently, Tor Project Director - Roger Dingledine described a sudden increase in Tor users on the Tor Network after the events related to disclosure of the PRISM surveillance program, Since August 19, 2013, there has been an impressive growth in the number of Tor users. At first, No one knew who or what is responsible for this spontaneous growth of Tor users, but Security researchers at Fox-IT firm found evidence that the spike in Tor traffic is caused by a Mevade Botnet, that hides its Command-and-Control server in the anonymizing network. The security firm documented the presence of the Mevade malware architecture based on the anonymizing network, " The malware uses a command and control connectivity via Tor .Onion links using HTTP. While some bots continue to operate using the standard HTTP connectivity, some versions of the malware use a peer-to-peer network to communicate (KAD based). " " Typically, it is fairly clear what the purpose of malw
U.S. Takes Down IPStorm Botnet, Russian-Moldovan Mastermind Pleads Guilty

U.S. Takes Down IPStorm Botnet, Russian-Moldovan Mastermind Pleads Guilty

Nov 15, 2023 Cyber Crime / Network Security
The U.S. government on Tuesday announced the takedown of the IPStorm botnet proxy network and its infrastructure, as the Russian and Moldovan national behind the operation pleaded guilty. "The botnet infrastructure had infected Windows systems then further expanded to infect Linux, Mac, and Android devices, victimizing computers and other electronic devices around the world, including in Asia, Europe, North America and South America," the Department of Justice (DoJ)  said  in a press statement. Sergei Makinin, who developed and deployed the malicious software to infiltrate thousands of internet-connected devices from June 2019 through December 2022, faces a maximum of 30 years in prison. The Golang-based botnet malware, prior to its dismantling,  turned the infected devices into proxies  as part of a for-profit scheme, which was then offered to other customers via proxx[.]io and proxx[.]net. "IPStorm is a botnet that abuses a legitimate peer-to-peer (p2p) network c
Telegram Messenger Adds AI-powered Encrypted Voice Calls

Telegram Messenger Adds AI-powered Encrypted Voice Calls

Mar 31, 2017
Joining the line with rival chat apps WhatsApp, Viber, Facebook Messenger, and Signal, the Telegram instant messaging service has finally rolled out a much-awaited feature for the new beta versions of its Android app: Voice Calling . And what's interesting? Your calls will be secured by Emojis, and quality will be better using Artificial Intelligence. No doubt the company brought the audio calling feature quite late, but it's likely because of its focus on security — the voice calls on Telegram are by default based on the same end-to-end encryption methods as its Secret Chat mode to help users make secure calls. Unlike Signal or WhatsApp, Telegram does not support end-to-end encryption by default; instead, it offers a 'Secret Chat' mode, which users have to enable manually, to completely secure their chats from prying eyes. However, the voice calling feature in Telegram supports end-to-end encryption by default, enabling users to secure their chats in a way
Mozilla to Provide WebRTC-based Free Firefox To Firefox Voice and Video Calling feature

Mozilla to Provide WebRTC-based Free Firefox To Firefox Voice and Video Calling feature

Jun 01, 2014
Mozilla is planning to provide a new feature that will allow free audio and video calls between its Firefox web browser , thereby ending the need of any third-party client service or plugin. Mozilla will soon release a new experimental version of Firefox Nightly , which will include an open source and Peer-to-peer communication protocol called WebRTC that enables Real-Time Communications (RTC) capabilities between two web browsers via simple Javascript APIs. NO PLUGINS REQUIRED WebRTC is not a web browser plugin, and its components run in the browser sandbox. Its components do not require separate installation or any separate process to run and it will receive its updates along with the web browser updates. " No plugins, no downloads. If you have a browser, a camera and a mic, you'll be able to make audio and video calls to anyone else with an enabled browser ." reads the blog post and when the camera or microphone are running, this is clearly shown by the Fire
Hajime ‘Vigilante Botnet’ Growing Rapidly; Hijacks 300,000 IoT Devices Worldwide

Hajime 'Vigilante Botnet' Growing Rapidly; Hijacks 300,000 IoT Devices Worldwide

Apr 27, 2017
Last week, we reported about a so-called 'vigilante hacker' who hacked into at least 10,000 vulnerable 'Internet of Things' devices, such as home routers and Internet-connected cameras, using a botnet malware in order to supposedly secure them. Now, that vigilante hacker has already trapped roughly 300,000 devices in an IoT botnet known as Hajime , according to a new report published Tuesday by Kaspersky Lab, and this number will rise with each day that passes by. The IoT botnet malware was emerged in October 2016, around the same time when the infamous Mirai botnet threatened the Internet last year with record-setting distributed denial-of-service (DDoS) attacks against the popular DNS provider Dyn. How the Hajime IoT Botnet Works Hajime botnet works much like Mirai by spreading itself via unsecured IoT devices that have open Telnet ports and uses default passwords and also uses the same list of username and password combinations that Mirai is programm
FritzFrog Returns with Log4Shell and PwnKit, Spreading Malware Inside Your Network

FritzFrog Returns with Log4Shell and PwnKit, Spreading Malware Inside Your Network

Feb 01, 2024 Cyber Attack / Botnet
The threat actor behind a peer-to-peer (P2P) botnet known as  FritzFrog  has made a return with a new variant that leverages the  Log4Shell vulnerability  to propagate internally within an already compromised network. "The vulnerability is exploited in a brute-force manner that attempts to target as many vulnerable Java applications as possible," web infrastructure and security company Akamai said in a report shared with The Hacker News. FritzFrog,  first documented  by Guardicore (now part of Akamai) in August 2020, is a Golang-based malware that primarily targets internet-facing servers with weak SSH credentials. It's known to be active since January 2020. It has  since evolved  to strike healthcare, education, and government sectors as well as improved its capabilities to ultimately deploy cryptocurrency miners on infected hosts, claiming more than 1,500 victims over the years. What's novel about the latest version is the use of the Log4Shell vulnerability a
Crafting Shields: Defending Minecraft Servers Against DDoS Attacks

Crafting Shields: Defending Minecraft Servers Against DDoS Attacks

Mar 26, 2024 Online Gaming / DDoS Protection
Minecraft, with over 500 million registered users and 166 million monthly players, faces significant risks from distributed denial-of-service (DDoS) attacks, threatening server functionality, player experience, and the game's reputation. Despite the prevalence of DDoS attacks on the game, the majority of incidents go unreported, leaving a gap in awareness and protection. This article explains what happens to a Minecraft server during a DDoS attack and how to protect against such attacks. For an in-depth version of the article,  check out this white paper . When Creepers Breach: What Happens When an Attack Is Successful When a Minecraft server is hit with a DDoS attack, players may have problems with logging in to servers, loading worlds, navigating biomes, using tools, and chatting. They can also experience general lags, disconnections, timeouts, or server crashes. These in-game disruptions can ruin the gaming experience for players while causing financial and reputational losses to
‘BitTorrent’ exploit could be used to stage massive cyber attacks !

'BitTorrent' exploit could be used to stage massive cyber attacks !

Jan 01, 2011
With the Federal Bureau of Investigations (FBI) treating successful cyber attacks by "Operation Payback" as criminal offenses, a new level of ambiguity is being introduced into the enforcement of cyber crime laws. The FBI was treating efforts by "Anonymous" and "4chan" as an "unauthorized and knowing transmission of code or commands resulting in intentional damage to a protected computer system," according to a search warrant affidavit published online Thursday. Not all distributed denial of service (DDoS) efforts are a crime. This is especially true when systems within the networks staging the attack are placed there voluntarily by their users, with thousands of willing individuals simply flooding a server by asking it to do what it's designed for: loading pages. Botnets of this nature have been compared to cyber "sit-ins": a computer-age echo of civil rights-era protests. However, a newly discovered software exploit in peer-to-pee
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