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Two Zero-Day Exploits Found After Someone Uploaded 'Unarmed' PoC to VirusTotal

Two Zero-Day Exploits Found After Someone Uploaded 'Unarmed' PoC to VirusTotal

Jul 02, 2018
Security researchers at Microsoft have unveiled details of two critical and important zero-day vulnerabilities that had recently been discovered after someone uploaded a malicious PDF file to VirusTotal, and get patched before being used in the wild . In late March, researchers at ESET found a malicious PDF file on VirusTotal, which they shared with the security team at Microsoft "as a potential exploit for an unknown Windows kernel vulnerability." After analyzing the malicious PDF file, the Microsoft team found that the same file includes two different zero-day exploits—one for Adobe Acrobat and Reader, and the other targeting Microsoft Windows. Since the patches for both the vulnerabilities were released in the second week of May, Microsoft released details of both the vulnerabilities today, after giving users enough time to update their vulnerable operating systems and Adobe software. According to the researchers, the malicious PDF including both the zero-days e
Warning! Update Mozilla Firefox to Patch Critical File Stealing Vulnerability

Warning! Update Mozilla Firefox to Patch Critical File Stealing Vulnerability

Aug 07, 2015
Earlier this week, Mozilla Security researcher Cody Crews discovered a malicious advertisement on a Russian news site that steals local files from a system and upload them to a Ukrainian server without the user ever knowing. The malicious advertisement was exploiting a serious vulnerability in Firefox's PDF Viewer and the JavaScript context in order to inject a script capable of searching sensitive files on user's local file systems . Mozilla versions of Firefox that do not contain the PDF Viewer, such as Firefox for Android, are not affected by the " Same origin violation and local file stealing via PDF reader " vulnerability. The exploit does not execute any arbitrary code but injects a JavaScript payload into the local file context, allowing the script to search for and upload potentially user's sensitive local files. All an attacker need to do is load the page with this exploit and sit back and relax. The exploit will silently steal files in t
Why SaaS Security is Suddenly Hot: Racing to Defend and Comply

Why SaaS Security is Suddenly Hot: Racing to Defend and Comply

Jun 13, 2024SaaS Security / Shadow IT
Recent supply chain cyber-attacks are prompting cyber security regulations in the financial sector to tighten compliance requirements, and other industries are expected to follow. Many companies still don't have efficient methods to manage related time-sensitive SaaS security and compliance tasks. Free SaaS risk assessment tools are an easy and practical way to bring visibility and initial control to SaaS sprawl and Shadow AI. These tools now offer incremental upgrades , helping security professionals meet their company budget or maturity level.  Regulatory pressure, SaaS and AI proliferation, and increased risk of breaches or data leaks through 3rd party apps, make SaaS security one of the hottest areas for practitioners to learn and adopt. New regulations will require robust third-party SaaS risk lifecycle management that begins with SaaS service discovery and third-party risk management (TPRM) and ends with the requirement from CISOs to report incidents in their supply chain
Chinese Hackers Had Access to a U.S. Hacking Tool Years Before It Was Leaked Online

Chinese Hackers Had Access to a U.S. Hacking Tool Years Before It Was Leaked Online

Feb 22, 2021
On August 13, 2016, a hacking unit calling itself " The Shadow Brokers " announced that it had stolen malware tools and exploits used by the Equation Group, a sophisticated threat actor believed to be affiliated to the Tailored Access Operations (TAO) unit of the U.S.  National Security Agency  (NSA). Although  the group  has since signed off following the unprecedented disclosures, new "conclusive" evidence unearthed by Check Point Research shows that this was not an isolated incident, and that other threat actors may have had access to some of the same tools before they were published. The previously undocumented cyber-theft took place more than two years prior to the Shadow Brokers episode, the American-Israeli cybersecurity company said in an exhaustive report published today, resulting in U.S.-developed cyber tools reaching the hands of a Chinese advanced persistent threat which then repurposed them in order to strike American targets. "The caught-in-
cyber security

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ProxyLogon PoC Exploit Released; Likely to Fuel More Disruptive Cyber Attacks

ProxyLogon PoC Exploit Released; Likely to Fuel More Disruptive Cyber Attacks

Mar 11, 2021
The U.S. Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) and the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) on Wednesday issued a joint advisory warning of active exploitation of vulnerabilities in Microsoft Exchange on-premises products by nation-state actors and cybercriminals. "CISA and FBI assess that adversaries could exploit these vulnerabilities to compromise networks, steal information, encrypt data for ransom, or even execute a destructive attack," the agencies  said . "Adversaries may also sell access to compromised networks on the dark web." The attacks have primarily targeted local governments, academic institutions, non-governmental organizations, and business entities in various industry sectors, including agriculture, biotechnology, aerospace, defense, legal services, power utilities, and pharmaceutical, which the agencies say are in line with previous activity conducted by Chinese cyber actors. Tens of thousands of entities, including the  Eur
Google Researcher Publishes PoC Exploit for Apple iPhone Wi-Fi Chip Hack

Google Researcher Publishes PoC Exploit for Apple iPhone Wi-Fi Chip Hack

Sep 27, 2017
You have now another good reason to update your iPhone to newly released iOS 11—a security vulnerability in iOS 10 and earlier now has a working exploit publicly available. Gal Beniamini, a security researcher with Google Project Zero, has discovered a security vulnerability (CVE-2017-11120) in Apple's iPhone and other devices that use Broadcom Wi-Fi chips and is hell easy to exploit. This flaw is similar to the one Beniamini discovered in the Broadcom WiFi SoC (Software-on-Chip) back in April, and BroadPwn vulnerability disclosed by an Exodus Intelligence researcher Nitay Artenstein, earlier this summer. All flaws allow a remote takeover of smartphones over local Wi-Fi networks. The newly discovered vulnerability, which Apple fixed with its major iOS update released on September 19, could allow hackers to take control over the victim's iPhone remotely. All they need is the iPhone's MAC address or network-port ID. And since obtaining the MAC address of a connec
Malicious Advertisements Found on Java.com, Other High-Profile Sites

Malicious Advertisements Found on Java.com, Other High-Profile Sites

Aug 29, 2014
A New York-based online ad network company AppNexus, that provides a platform specializing in real-time online advertising, has again been spotted as the origin of a recent "malvertising" campaign that makes use of the Angler Exploit Kit to redirect visitors to malicious websites hosting the Asprox malware. AppNexus servers process 16 billion ad buys per day, making it the biggest reach on the open web after Google. Back in May, AppNexus was serving malicious ads targeting Microsoft's Silverlight platform. The world's largest Internet Video Subscription service Netflix runs on Silverlight, and because of its popularity, hackers have been loading exploit kits with Silverlight. As part of this campaign, users of several high-profile websites including Java.com, Deviantart.com, TMZ.com, Photobucket.com, IBTimes.com, eBay.ie, Kapaza.be and TVgids.nl , last week were redirected to websites serving malicious advertisements that infected visitors by installing botnet ma
Critical PHPMailer Flaw leaves Millions of Websites Vulnerable to Remote Exploit

Critical PHPMailer Flaw leaves Millions of Websites Vulnerable to Remote Exploit

Dec 26, 2016
A critical vulnerability has been discovered in PHPMailer , which is one of the most popular open source PHP libraries to send emails used by more than 9 Million users worldwide. Millions of PHP websites and popular open source web applications, including WordPress, Drupal, 1CRM, SugarCRM, Yii, and Joomla comes with PHPMailer library for sending emails using a variety of methods, including SMTP to their users. Discovered by Polish security researcher Dawid Golunski of Legal Hackers , the critical vulnerability ( CVE-2016-10033 ) allows an attacker to remotely execute arbitrary code in the context of the web server and compromise the target web application. "To exploit the vulnerability an attacker could target common website components such as contact/feedback forms, registration forms, password email resets and others that send out emails with the help of a vulnerable version of the PHPMailer class," Golunski writes in the advisory published today. Golunski respo
Zerodium Offers $100,000 for Flash Zero-Day Exploit that Bypasses Mitigations

Zerodium Offers $100,000 for Flash Zero-Day Exploit that Bypasses Mitigations

Jan 05, 2016
A well-known company popular for buying and selling zero-day vulnerabilities is now offering up to $100,000 for providing a working zero-day exploit for bypassing the Flash Player's Heap Isolation mitigation . Few months back, Adobe deployed Heap Isolation in Flash version 18.0.0209 with an aim at making the Use-After-Free (UAF) vulnerabilities more difficult for cybercriminals to exploit. Zerodium is a startup by the infamous French-based company Vupen that Buys and Sells zero-day exploits and vulnerabilities. Zerodium, which describes itself as " the premium zero-day acquisition platform ," recently paid $1 Million bounty to a hacker for submitting a remote browser-based iOS 9.1/9.2b Jailbreak (untethered) Exploit. What is "Isolated Heap" Mitigation Technique? The use-after-free vulnerability is a type of memory corruption flaw that can be exploited by Hackers to execute arbitrary code or even allows full remote code execution capab
Unknown Exploit Kit (Crimeware) leaked, Available for Download !

Unknown Exploit Kit (Crimeware) leaked, Available for Download !

May 21, 2011
Unknown Exploit Kit  (Crimeware) leaked, Available for Download ! Another New Exploit kit is now in Black Market called Unknown Exploit Kit or Mushroom Exploit Kit  . After The Public Release of Source code of ZeuS Botnet Version : , THN also provide  Crimepack 3.1.3 Exploit kit &   26 more Underground Hacking Exploit Kits  for Download and Research. Now  1st Public Release of Spanish version of   Unknown Exploit Kit is here... This kit offers the following exploits: MDAC, SpreadSheet, SnapShot, Aurora, CSSClip, IEPeers, PDF LibTiff, PDF GetIcon, PDF CollectEmail, JAVA, Shockwave, and AOL. Screenshots : Download Links : https://www.multiupload.com/6U6T4MB7SD Note : The Public Release of these kits are only for Educational and Research Purpose Only. May this help Antivirus and Security Companies to Analyse and develop advance Security wares. Thanks.
Hackers Actively Exploiting Widely-Used Social Share Plugin for WordPress

Hackers Actively Exploiting Widely-Used Social Share Plugin for WordPress

Apr 23, 2019
Hackers have been found exploiting a pair of critical security vulnerabilities in one of the popular social media sharing plugins to take control over WordPress websites that are still running a vulnerable version of the plugin. The vulnerable plugin in question is Social Warfare which is a popular and widely deployed WordPress plugin with more than 900,000 downloads. It is used to add social share buttons to a WordPress website or blog. Late last month, maintainers of Social Warfare for WordPress released an updated version 3.5.3 of their plugin to patch two security vulnerabilities—stored cross-site scripting (XSS) and remote code execution (RCE)—both tracked by a single identifier, i.e., CVE-2019-9978 . Hackers can exploit these vulnerabilities to run arbitrary PHP code and take complete control over websites and servers without authentication, and then use the compromised sites to perform digital coin mining or host malicious exploit code. However, the same day when Soc
Two-year-old vulnerability in JBoss Application Servers enables Remote Shell for Hackers

Two-year-old vulnerability in JBoss Application Servers enables Remote Shell for Hackers

Nov 21, 2013
Cyber security of many organizations being attacked at an extremely high rate this month, well another alarming cyber crime report become public today. A widely unpatched and two years old critical vulnerability in JBoss Application Server (AS) that enable an attacker to remotely get a shell on a vulnerable web server. JBoss Application Server is an open-source Java EE-based application server very popular, it was designed by JBoss, now a division of Red Hat. In late 2012, JBoss AS was named as " wildFly ", since disclosure of the exploit code many products running the affected JBoss Application Server have been impacted, including some security software. Tens of thousands of enterprise data center servers are vulnerable to this attack, with at least 500 actively compromised, according to the Imperva report. Many systems administrators have yet to properly configure their servers to mitigate the threat, and the number of potential targets has increased over
jQuery Official Website Compromised To Serve Malware

jQuery Official Website Compromised To Serve Malware

Sep 24, 2014
The official website of the popular cross-platform JavaScript library jQuery (jquery.com) has been compromised and redirecting its visitors to a third-party website hosting the RIG exploit kit , in order to distribute information-stealing malware. JQuery is a free and open source JavaScript library designed to simplify the client-side scripting of HTML. It is used to build AJAX applications and other dynamic content easily. The popular JavaScript library is used by 30 percent of websites, including 70 percent of the top 10,000 most visited websites. James Pleger , Director of Research at Risk management software company RiskIQ , reported yesterday that the attack against jQuery.com web servers launched for a short period of time on the afternoon of September 18th. So, the users who visited the website on September 18th may have infected their system with data-stealing malware by redirecting users to the website hosting RIG. Pleger urged those who visited the site durin
Experts Detail Multi-Million Dollar Licensing Model of Predator Spyware

Experts Detail Multi-Million Dollar Licensing Model of Predator Spyware

Dec 21, 2023 Zero-Day / Mobile Security
A new analysis of the sophisticated commercial spyware called Predator has revealed that its ability to persist between reboots is offered as an "add-on feature" and that it depends on the licensing options opted by a customer. "In 2021, Predator spyware couldn't survive a reboot on the infected Android system (it had it on iOS)," Cisco Talos researchers Mike Gentile, Asheer Malhotra, and Vitor Ventura  said  in a report shared with The Hacker News. "However, by April 2022, that capability was being offered to their customers." Predator is the product of a consortium called the Intellexa Alliance, which includes Cytrox (subsequently acquired by WiSpear), Nexa Technologies, and Senpai Technologies. Both Cytrox and Intellexa were  added  to the Entity List by the U.S. in July 2023 for "trafficking in cyber exploits used to gain access to information systems." The latest findings come more than six months after the cybersecurity vendor detai
DNSChanger Malware is Back! Hijacking Routers to Target Every Connected Device

DNSChanger Malware is Back! Hijacking Routers to Target Every Connected Device

Dec 17, 2016
Next time when you see an advertisement of your favorite pair of shoes on any website, even if it is legitimate, just DO NOT CLICK ON IT. …Because that advertising could infect you in such a way that not just your system, but every device connected to your network would get affected. A few days ago, we reported about a new exploit kit, dubbed Stegano , that hides malicious code in the pixels of banner advertisements rotating on several high profile news websites. Now, researchers have discovered that attackers are targeting online users with an exploit kit called DNSChanger that is being distributed via advertisements that hide malicious code in image data. Remember DNSChanger? Yes, the same malware that infected millions of computers across the world in 2012. DNSChanger works by changing DNS server entries in infected computers to point to malicious servers under the control of the attackers, rather than the DNS servers provided by any ISP or organization. So, wheneve
Taking the Risk-Based Approach to Vulnerability Patching

Taking the Risk-Based Approach to Vulnerability Patching

Jul 27, 2022
Software vulnerabilities are a major threat to organizations today. The cost of these threats is significant, both financially and in terms of reputation. Vulnerability management and patching can easily get out of hand when the number of vulnerabilities in your organization is in the hundreds of thousands of vulnerabilities and tracked in inefficient ways, such as using Excel spreadsheets or multiple reports, especially when many teams are involved in the organization. Even when a process for patching is in place, organizations still struggle to effectively patch vulnerabilities in their assets. This is generally because teams look at the severity of vulnerabilities and tend to apply patches to vulnerabilities in the following severity order: critical > high > medium > low > info. The following sections explain why this approach is flawed and how it can be improved. Why is Patching Difficult? While it is well known that vulnerability patching is extremely important, it
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