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BlackHole Exploit Kit 1.0.2 - Download !

BlackHole Exploit Kit 1.0.2 - Download !

May 23, 2011
BlackHole Exploit Kit 1.0.2 - Download ! First Public Release of  BlackHole Exploit Kit . BlackHole exploit kit is yet another in an ongoing wave of attack toolkits flooding the underground market. The kit first appeared on the crimeware market in September of 2010 and ever since then has quickly been gaining market share over its vast number of competitors. In fact, many antivirus vendors now claim that this is one of the most prevalent exploit kits used in the wild. Even Malware Domain List is showing quite a few domains infected with the BlackHole exploit kit. Black Market Cost : Users can purchase the annual license for $1500, semi-annual license for $1000, or just a quarterly license for $700. The license includes free software updates for the duration of the contract. For those malicious users with a commitment phobia the makers of the kit offer yet another solution. You can rent the kit (on the author's servers) for $50 for 24 hours, $200 for 1 week, $300 for 2 weeks, $
Chinese Hacker Publishes PoC for Remote iOS 12 Jailbreak On iPhone X

Chinese Hacker Publishes PoC for Remote iOS 12 Jailbreak On iPhone X

Jan 23, 2019
Here we have great news for all iPhone Jailbreak lovers and concerning one for the rest of iPhone users. A Chinese cybersecurity researcher has today revealed technical details of critical vulnerabilities in Apple Safari web browser and iOS that could allow a remote attacker to jailbreak and compromise victims' iPhoneX running iOS 12.1.2 and before versions. To do so, all an attacker needs to do is trick iPhoneX users into opening a specially crafted web page using Safari browser, that's it. However, finding flaws and creating a working exploit to carry out such attacks is not as easy as it may sound for every iOS hacker. Discovered by security researcher Qixun Zhao of Qihoo 360's Vulcan Team, the exploit takes advantage of two security vulnerabilities that were first demonstrated at TianfuCup hacking contest held in November last year and then was later responsibly reported to the Apple security team. Zhao today released some details of and a proof-of-concep
Why SaaS Security is Suddenly Hot: Racing to Defend and Comply

Why SaaS Security is Suddenly Hot: Racing to Defend and Comply

Jun 13, 2024SaaS Security / Shadow IT
Recent supply chain cyber-attacks are prompting cyber security regulations in the financial sector to tighten compliance requirements, and other industries are expected to follow. Many companies still don't have efficient methods to manage related time-sensitive SaaS security and compliance tasks. Free SaaS risk assessment tools are an easy and practical way to bring visibility and initial control to SaaS sprawl and Shadow AI. These tools now offer incremental upgrades , helping security professionals meet their company budget or maturity level.  Regulatory pressure, SaaS and AI proliferation, and increased risk of breaches or data leaks through 3rd party apps, make SaaS security one of the hottest areas for practitioners to learn and adopt. New regulations will require robust third-party SaaS risk lifecycle management that begins with SaaS service discovery and third-party risk management (TPRM) and ends with the requirement from CISOs to report incidents in their supply chain
Netflix Users Targeted by Microsoft Silverlight Exploits

Netflix Users Targeted by Microsoft Silverlight Exploits

May 21, 2014
Netflix, the world's largest Internet Video Subscription service with more than 35.7 million customers in U.S alone, that runs on the Microsoft Silverlight platform, has now become a popular target for cybercriminals, as public awareness of Java and Flash flaws is increasing. Silverlight is a Microsoft's plug-in for streaming media on browsers, similar to Adobe Flash Player , that handles multimedia contents on Microsoft Windows and Mac OS X Web Browsers, and is popularly known for being used in Netflix's streaming video service. But, Netflix isn't the only service that works on Silverlight, many other multimedia services supports Silverlight. Malware and Exploit Kit developers are targeting Silverlight users as they aren't aware of the increasing proliferation of malware for the platform. Silverlight vulnerabilities are mostly exploited using drive-by download attacks to compromise victim's computers with malware, especially through malicious ads. A recent
cyber security

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Zoho ManageEngine PoC Exploit to be Released Soon - Patch Before It's Too Late!

Zoho ManageEngine PoC Exploit to be Released Soon - Patch Before It's Too Late!

Jan 17, 2023 Cyber Threat / Vulnerability
Users of Zoho ManageEngine are being urged to patch their instances against a critical security vulnerability ahead of the release of a proof-of-concept ( PoC ) exploit code. The issue in question is  CVE-2022-47966 , an unauthenticated remote code execution vulnerability affecting several products due to the use of an outdated third-party dependency, Apache Santuario. "This vulnerability allows an unauthenticated adversary to execute arbitrary code," Zoho  warned  in an advisory issued late last year, noting that it affects all ManageEngine setups that have the SAML single sign-on (SSO) feature enabled, or had it enabled in the past. Horizon3.ai has now released Indicators of Compromise (IOCs) associated with the flaw, stating that it was able to successfully reproduce the exploit against ManageEngine ServiceDesk Plus and ManageEngine Endpoint Central products. "The vulnerability is easy to exploit and a good candidate for attackers to 'spray and pray' acr
Unpatched VirtualBox Zero-Day Vulnerability and Exploit Released Online

Unpatched VirtualBox Zero-Day Vulnerability and Exploit Released Online

Nov 08, 2018
An independent exploit developer and vulnerability researcher has publicly disclosed a zero-day vulnerability in VirtualBox —a popular open source virtualization software developed by Oracle—that could allow a malicious program to escape virtual machine (guest OS) and execute code on the operating system of the host machine. The vulnerability occurs due to memory corruption issues and affects Intel PRO / 1000 MT Desktop (82540EM) network card (E1000) when the network mode is set to NAT (Network Address Translation). The flaw is independent of the type of operating system being used by the virtual and host machines because it resides in a shared code base. VirtualBox Zero-Day Exploit and Demo Video Released Sergey Zelenyuk published Wednesday a detailed technical explanation of the zero-day flaw on GitHub, which affects all current versions (5.2.20 and prior) of VirtualBox software and is present on the default Virtual Machine (VM) configuration. According to Zelenyuk, t
Hacking Team Flash Zero-Day Linked to Cyber Attacks on South Korea and Japan

Hacking Team Flash Zero-Day Linked to Cyber Attacks on South Korea and Japan

Jul 09, 2015
The corporate data leaked in the recent cyber attack on the infamous surveillance software firm Hacking Team has revealed that the Adobe Flash zero-day (CVE-2015-5119) exploit has already been added to several exploit kits. Security researchers at Trend Micro have discovered evidences of the Adobe Flash zero-day (CVE-2015-5119) exploit being used in a number of exploit kits before the vulnerability was publicly revealed in this week's data breach on the spyware company. The successful exploitation of the zero-day Flash vulnerability could cause a system crash, potentially allowing an attacker to take full control of the affected system. Adobe Flash Zero-Day Targeted Japan and Korea According to the researchers, the zero-day exploit, about which the rest of the world got access on Monday, was apparently used in limited cyber attacks on South Korea and Japan . "In late June, [Trend Micro] learned that a user in Korea was the attempted target of various
Pinterest Exploit exposes user information of 70 Million accounts

Pinterest Exploit exposes user information of 70 Million accounts

Aug 26, 2013
Security researcher Dan Melamed has found a serious Pinterest Exploit that exposed user's information of over 70 Million accounts. The security researcher Dan Melamed has found a Critical Pinterest Exploit that compromised the privacy of over 70 Million Users, the flaw allows hackers to view the email address of any user on Pinterest. Pinterest is a very popular social media, over 70 million users including high profile figures and brands that ordinary use it, such a flaw could have a serious impact on their privacy. Dan has found the way to access to the information belonging to the owner of the Access token, as the researcher has shown it is possible to display them visiting the following URL. https://api.pinterest.com/v3/users/me/?access_token= MTQzMTYwMjozNTcxOTE5NTE2MDQyNjcxNzc6MnwxMzc3MDY4ODMyOjAtLTE2 ZWJjNDg4NzYxYTFmZWIwZmU0ODcxYzc3ZWUyN2E2YTdhOWNlN2I= Substituting the " /me/ " part of the link with the username of another Pinterest user it
Cisco Exploit Leaked in NSA Hack Modifies to Target Latest Version of Firewalls

Cisco Exploit Leaked in NSA Hack Modifies to Target Latest Version of Firewalls

Aug 24, 2016
Recently released NSA exploit from " The Shadow Brokers " leak that affects older versions of Cisco System firewalls can work against newer models as well. Dubbed ExtraBacon , the exploit was restricted to versions 8.4.(4) and earlier versions of Cisco's Adaptive Security Appliance (ASA) – a line of firewalls designed to protect corporate, government networks and data centers. However, the exploit has now been expanded to 9.2.(4) after researchers from Hungary-based security consultancy SilentSignal were able to modify the code of ExtraBacon to make it work on a much newer version of Cisco's ASA software. Both Cisco and Fortinet have confirmed their firewalls are affected by exploits listed in the Shadow Brokers cache that contained a set of " cyber weapons " stolen from the Equation Group . The Equation Group is an elite hacking group tied to the NSA's offensive Tailored Access Operations (TAO) and linked to the previous infamous Regin and S
Hackers are using Nuclear Exploit Kit to Spread Cryptowall 4.0 Ransomware

Hackers are using Nuclear Exploit Kit to Spread Cryptowall 4.0 Ransomware

Nov 26, 2015
Beware Internet Users! Cryptowall 4.0 – the newest version of the world's worst Ransomware – has surfaced in the Nuclear exploit kit , one of the most potent exploit kits available in the underground market for hacking into computers. Ransomware threat has emerged as one of the biggest threats to internet users in recent times. Typically, a Ransomware malware encrypts all files on victim's computer with a strong cryptographic algorithm, then demand a ransom to be paid in Bitcoin (range between $200 and $10,000). Cryptowall is currently among the most widespread and sophisticated family of Ransomware backed by a very robust back-end infrastructure. Also Read: Anyone can Now Create their Own Ransomware using This Hacking ToolKit The recent report dated back to last month suggested that the authors of Cryptowall 3.0 ransomware virus have managed to raise more than $325 Million in revenue in the past year alone. With the debut of Cryptowall 4.0 at the beg
Internet Explorer zero-day exploit targets U.S. nuke researchers

Internet Explorer zero-day exploit targets U.S. nuke researchers

May 06, 2013
Security researchers revealed that series of " Watering Hole " has been conducted exploiting a IE8 zero-day vulnerability to target U.S. Government experts working on nuclear weapons research. The news is not surprising but it is very concerning, the principal targets of the attacks are various groups of research such as the components of U.S. Department of Labor and the U.S. Department of Energy, the news has been confirmed by principal security firms and by Microsoft corporate. The flaw has been used in a series of "watering hole" attacks, let's remind that "Watering Hole" is a technique of attack realized compromising legitimate websites using a " drive-by " exploit. The attackers restrict their audience to a individuals interested to specific content proposed by targeted website, in this way when the victim visits the page a backdoor Trojan is installed on his computer. The website compromised to exploit the IE8 zero-day is the Dep
Bad Rabbit Ransomware Uses Leaked 'EternalRomance' NSA Exploit to Spread

Bad Rabbit Ransomware Uses Leaked 'EternalRomance' NSA Exploit to Spread

Oct 27, 2017
A new widespread ransomware worm, known as " Bad Rabbit ," that hit over 200 major organisations, primarily in Russia and Ukraine this week leverages a stolen NSA exploit released by the Shadow Brokers this April to spread across victims' networks. Earlier it was reported that this week's crypto-ransomware outbreak did not use any National Security Agency-developed exploits, neither EternalRomance nor EternalBlue , but a recent report from Cisco's Talos Security Intelligence revealed that the Bad Rabbit ransomware did use EternalRomance exploit. NotPetya ransomware (also known as ExPetr and Nyetya) that infected tens of thousands of systems back in June also leveraged the EternalRomance exploit , along with another NSA's leaked Windows hacking exploit EternalBlue, which was used in the WannaCry ransomware outbreak. Bad Rabbit Uses EternalRomance SMB RCE Exploit Bad Rabbit does not use EternalBlue but does leverage EternalRomance RCE exploit to spread
New Drammer Android Hack lets Apps take Full control (root) of your Phone

New Drammer Android Hack lets Apps take Full control (root) of your Phone

Oct 24, 2016
Earlier last year, security researchers from Google's Project Zero outlined a way to hijack the computers running Linux by abusing a design flaw in the memory and gaining higher kernel privileges on the system. Now, the same previously found designing weakness has been exploited to gain unfettered "root" access to millions of Android smartphones, allowing potentially anyone to take control of affected devices. Researchers in the VUSec Lab at Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam have discovered a vulnerability that targets a device's dynamic random access memory (DRAM) using an attack called Rowhammer . Although we are already aware of the Rowhammer attack , this is the very first time when researchers have successfully used this attack to target mobile devices. What is DRAM Rowhammer Attack? The Rowhammer attack against mobile devices is equally dangerous because it potentially puts all critical data on millions of Android phones at risk, at least until a secu
FBI Used Firefox Exploit to Shutdown Illegal Site Running on Tor Network

FBI Used Firefox Exploit to Shutdown Illegal Site Running on Tor Network

Aug 05, 2013
TOR is the dark side of the Internet, the so-called dark web, which provides a safe haven to privacy advocates but is also where drugs, assassins for hire and other weird and illegal activities can allegedly be traded. A claimed zero-day vulnerability in Firefox 17 was used by the FBI to identify some users of the privacy-protecting Tor anonymity network. The FBI did not compromise the TOR network itself and The complex multi-layers of encryption still stand. Instead the FBI compromised the TOR browser only using a zero-day JavaScript exploit and used this to implant a cookie which fingerprinted users through a specific external server. Eric Eoin Marques , 28 year-old man in Ireland believed to be behind Freedom Hosting , the biggest service provider for sites on the encrypted Tor network , is awaiting extradition on p*rno charges. It is understood the FBI had spent a year trying to locate Mr Marques. Marques was arrested on a Maryland warrant that includes charges
Google Researcher Releases iOS Exploit—Could Enable iOS 11 Jailbreak

Google Researcher Releases iOS Exploit—Could Enable iOS 11 Jailbreak

Dec 12, 2017
As promised last week , Google's Project Zero researcher Ian Beer now publicly disclosed an exploit that works on almost all 64-bit Apple devices running iOS 11.1.2 or earlier, which can be used to build an iOS jailbreak, allowing users to run apps from non-Apple sources. On Monday morning, Beer shared the details on the exploit, dubbed "tfp0," which leveraged double-free memory corruption vulnerabilities in the kernel, the core of the operating system. Here, " tfp0 " stands for " task for pid 0 " or the kernel task port—which gives users full control over the core of the operating system. The Project Zero researcher responsibly reported these vulnerabilities to Apple in October, which were patched by the company with the release of iOS 11.2 on 2nd December. While Beer says he has successfully tested his proof of concept exploit on the iPhone 6s and 7, and iPod Touch 6G, he believes that his exploit should work on all 64-bit Apple devices.
Hackers Use New Flash Zero-Day Exploit to Distribute FinFisher Spyware

Hackers Use New Flash Zero-Day Exploit to Distribute FinFisher Spyware

Oct 16, 2017
FinSpy —the infamous surveillance malware is back and infecting high-profile targets using a new Adobe Flash zero-day exploit delivered through Microsoft Office documents. Security researchers from Kaspersky Labs have discovered a new zero-day remote code execution vulnerability in Adobe Flash, which was being actively exploited in the wild by a group of advanced persistent threat actors, known as BlackOasis . The critical type confusion vulnerability, tracked as CVE-2017-11292 , could lead to code execution and affects Flash Player for major operating systems including Windows, Macintosh, Linux and Chrome OS. Researchers say BlackOasis is the same group of attackers which were also responsible for exploiting another zero-day vulnerability ( CVE-2017-8759 ) discovered by FireEye researchers in September 2017. Also, the final FinSpy payload in the current attacks exploiting Flash zero-day (CVE-2017-11292) shares the same command and control (C&C) server as the
Critical GHOST vulnerability affects most Linux Systems

Critical GHOST vulnerability affects most Linux Systems

Jan 28, 2015
A highly critical vulnerability has been unearthed in the GNU C Library (glibc) , a widely used component of most Linux distributions, that could allow attackers to execute malicious code on servers and remotely gain control of Linux machines. The vulnerability, dubbed " GHOST " and assigned CVE-2015-0235 , was discovered and disclosed by the security researchers from Redwood Shores, California-based security firm Qualys on Tuesday. CRITICAL AS HEARTBLEED AND SHELLSHOCK GHOST is considered to be critical because hackers could exploit it to silently gain complete control of a targeted Linux system without having any prior knowledge of system credentials (i.e. administrative passwords). Also Read:  Top Best Password Managers . The flaw represents an immense Internet threat, in some ways similar to the Heartbleed ,   Shellshock   and Poodle   bugs that came to light last year. WHY GHOST ? The vulnerability in the GNU C Library (glibc) is dubbed GHOST b
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