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Google Play Store increases Android APK Size Limit from 50MB to 100MB

Google Play Store increases Android APK Size Limit from 50MB to 100MB

Sep 30, 2015
Google is doubling the maximum APK file size on the Play Store from 50 MB to 100 MB . That means... Android app developers can now build higher quality Apps and Games that users love. Of course, for an end user it may affect the overall app performance and installation time, as well as mobile data connectivity. Google Wants Developers to Create Richer Apps By increasing file size limit from 50 MB to 100 MB, Google wants to encourage developers for creating richer apps and games , as well as help avoid the need for downloading additional files after the initial APK download. There are two primary purposes of setting a cap for APKs. The limit ensures: Developers write code efficiently and keep an eye on the overall size of their app Users don't have to wait too long to download an app or game from the Play Store However,  Expansion Files are still there to help developers build apps that exceed the 100MB barrier , but the aim to increase the base lim
KILLER! Unpatched WinRAR Vulnerability Puts 500 Million Users At Risk

KILLER! Unpatched WinRAR Vulnerability Puts 500 Million Users At Risk

Sep 30, 2015
Beware Windows Users! A new dangerous unpatched Zero-day Vulnerability has been detected in the latest version of WinRAR affects over millions of users worldwide. According to Mohammad Reza Espargham , a security researcher at Vulnerability-Lab , the stable version of WinRAR 5.21 for Windows computers is vulnerable to Remote Code Execution (RCE) flaw. WinRAR is one of the most popular utility program used to compress and decompress files with more than 500 Million installations worldwide. The WinRAR RCE vulnerability lie under the ' High Severity ' block, and scores 9 on CVSS ( Common Vulnerability Scoring System ). HOW WINRAR VULNERABILITY WORKS? Let's take a look at its actions. The vulnerability can be used by any attacker smartly to insert a malicious HTML code inside the " Text to display in SFX window " section when the user is creating a new SFX file. WinRAR SFX is an executable compressed file type containing one or more file
New Botnet Hunts for Linux — Launching 20 DDoS Attacks/Day at 150Gbps

New Botnet Hunts for Linux — Launching 20 DDoS Attacks/Day at 150Gbps

Sep 30, 2015
A network of compromised Linux servers has grown so powerful that it can blow large websites off the Internet by launching crippling Distributed Denial-of-service (DDoS ) attacks of over 150 gigabits per second (Gbps). The distributed denial-of-service network, dubbed XOR DDoS Botnet , targets over 20 websites per day , according to an advisory published by content delivery firm Akamai Technologies. Over 90 percent of the XOR DDoS targets are located in Asia, and the most frequent targets are the gaming sector and educational institutions. XOR creator is supposed to be from China, citing the fact that the IP addresses of all Command and Control (C&C) servers of XOR are located in Asia, where most of the infected Linux machines also reside. How XOR DDoS Botnet infects Linux System? Unlike other DDoS botnets , the XOR DDoS botnet infects Linux machines via embedded devices such as network routers and then brute forces a machine's SSH service to gain ro
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Unpacking 2024's SaaS Threat Predictions

Unpacking 2024's SaaS Threat Predictions

Jun 05, 2024SaaS Security / Artificial Intelligence
Early in 2024, Wing Security released its State of SaaS Security report , offering surprising insights into emerging threats and best practices in the SaaS domain. Now, halfway through the year, several SaaS threat predictions from the report have already proven accurate. Fortunately, SaaS Security Posture Management (SSPM) solutions have prioritized mitigation capabilities to address many of these issues, ensuring security teams have the necessary tools to face these challenges head-on. In this article, we will revisit our predictions from earlier in the year, showcase real-world examples of these threats in action, and offer practical tips and best practices to help you prevent such incidents in the future. It's also worth noting the overall trend of an increasing frequency of breaches in today's dynamic SaaS landscape, leading organizations to demand timely threat alerts as a vital capability. Industry regulations with upcoming compliance deadlines are demanding similar time-sens
Microsoft Chooses Ubuntu Linux for their Cloud-based Azure HDInsight Big Data Solution

Microsoft Chooses Ubuntu Linux for their Cloud-based Azure HDInsight Big Data Solution

Sep 30, 2015
Earlier this month, Microsoft surprised us all with the announcement that they built a Linux kernel-based operating system, Azure Cloud Switch (ACS) , for developing software products for Network Devices. Now, Microsoft just announced that they have selected Ubuntu as the operating system for their Cloud-based Big Data services. Yes, Microsoft needs Linux. To expand its Azure Data Lake project, that makes Big Data processing and Analytics simpler and more accessible, Microsoft has partnered with Hortonworks and Canonical to launch " Azure HDInsight " for Linux users. Azure HDInsight is a Hadoop-based Big Data solution powered by Cloud that is now also available for Ubuntu, along with Windows OS. By offering both Windows and Linux clusters, Microsoft's fulfills its aim to enhance its own cross-platform aspirations that will accelerate a move towards Hybrid Cloud Computing . " The collaboration between Microsoft and Canonical to create the option to run Azur
Breaking: Edward Snowden Joins Twitter & Only Follows ‘NSA’

Breaking: Edward Snowden Joins Twitter & Only Follows 'NSA'

Sep 29, 2015
Whistleblower Edward Snowden just joined Twitter, and his first tweet seems to be directed at the US National Security Agency (NSA) . Yes, the world's most popular whistleblower and data privacy advocate has finally joined Twitter just two hours ago, and his first tweet came, " Can you hear me now? " Snowden has gained more than 260,000 followers in just less than two hours, but he is currently following only one account: @NSAGov , the official Twitter account for the National Security Agency. Twitter has verified Snowden's Twitter account ( @Snowden ), and his Twitter bio provides a short summary of his prolonged situation. Snowden's Twitter bio reads, "I used to work for the government. Now I work for the public. Director at @FreedomofPress." Snowden is listed as director of Freedom of the Press, a foundation dedicated to ensuring transparency in journalism in adverse situations. The former NSA contractor Edward Snowden sought asylum in
Microsoft Responds To Windows 10 Spying Concerns, But It will Still Collect Your Data

Microsoft Responds To Windows 10 Spying Concerns, But It will Still Collect Your Data

Sep 29, 2015
After a number of controversial data mining features and privacy invasions within Microsoft's newest operating system, Microsoft finally broke the ice, almost two months since the launch of Windows 10. Microsoft has finally responded to the growing privacy concerns around its new operating system to regain the trust of the users who are concerned about their online privacy related to Windows 10. In a blog post published Monday, Windows chief Terry Myerson describes three ways in which Windows 10 collects and uses its users data – although he did admit that the OS does regularly phone home by default. 1. Data used for Safety and Reliability Data This data includes anonymous device ID, device type and crash logs. It does not contain any content or files from your computer that directly identifies you. What else? Myerson claims that everything Microsoft collects is " encrypted in transit to [its] servers and then stored in secure facilities. " The
Pirate Bay co-founder Gottfrid Svartholm, aka Anakata, Released from Prison

Pirate Bay co-founder Gottfrid Svartholm, aka Anakata, Released from Prison

Sep 29, 2015
Gottfrid Svartholm Warg , the co-founder of the notorious file-sharing website The Pirate Bay , has been released from a Sweden prison following three years behind bars for hacking and copyright offenses. Yes, Svartholm Warg, also known as Anakata , is a free man again. Svartholm was convicted on both Swedish copyright offences and Danish hacking conspiracy connected to The Pirate Bay. The news comes just a few months after the third and last founder of Pirate Bay Fredrik Neij (also known as  TiAMO ) was released from a Swedish prison after serving his 10-month prison sentence. Svartholm has not yet made any public statements following his release from a Swedish prison on Saturday. His release was reported by Swedish newspaper Dagens Nyheter . However, the release was confirmed by Warg's mother Kristina Svartholm on Twitter . "Yes, #anakata is free now. No more need to call for #freeanakata. Thank you everyone for your important support during thes
I Support Digital India, But I haven't Changed My Facebook Profile Picture. Here's Why...

I Support Digital India, But I haven't Changed My Facebook Profile Picture. Here's Why...

Sep 28, 2015
DIGITAL INDIA – A Flagship Programme of the Government of India with a vision to transform India into a digitally empowered society as well as a knowledge economy. Yes, I am a proud Indian, and I support Digital India too, but I am absolutely not supporting Facebook's Internet.org Project. Yesterday, Facebook's CEO Mark Zuckerberg and Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi met at Facebook's Headquarter. The Historic meeting between PM Modi and Zuckerberg went great. Hours after this event, Facebook launched a tool that allows you to change your Facebook profile picture to a Tricolor shade of Indian Flag, just like few months back 30 Millions Facebook users had changed their Profile picture with Rainbow color to support "Gay Marriages." The Latest Tool with URL https://fb.com/supportdigitalindia is to support the "Digital India" campaign by the PM Modi Government. Ever since Zuckerberg changed his Facebook profile picture to an Indian
Quantum Teleportation — Scientists Teleported Quantum Data over 60 Miles

Quantum Teleportation — Scientists Teleported Quantum Data over 60 Miles

Sep 28, 2015
We are just one step closer to creating a Harry Potter or ' Star Trek '-style Transporter. However, When we talk about Teleportation, we don't typically mean Teleporting any matter from one place to another as in the Science-fiction Movies. Rather, Teleportation involves capturing the essential information about something — its " quantum state ", to recreate it exactly someplace else. A month ago, The Hacker News had reported the battle between Quantum computers and Encryption . Now, with the development of technology, the NIST Scientists have set a new record in the field of " Quantum Teleportation ", as they successfully Teleported a small amount of data ( called 'qubit' ) inside light particles over a distance of 60 miles ( 100 km ) through a network of optical fiber. Teleportation enables transfer of ' Quantum state ' of a Photon to another Photon in the same state residing remotely at a far-off distance. This Record being farthest than t
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