38 Bangladeshi Government sites Defaced by Indian Hackers
Feb 11, 2012
38 Bangladesh Government sites Defaced by Indian Hackers Indians hacking Group " Indishell " took down 38 Bangladeshi government websites on Saturday, including ministry of the ministries are communications, youth and sports, primary and mass education , Trading Corporation of Bangladesh. The Deface page include the name of hackers - Love the Risk, Amal Landhe, Lnx Root, Silent Killer . In the hacked pages, between two eyes resembling Indian flags, the hackers wrote, "We have an EYE on you. Indishell is non other that Indian Cyber Army Hacking group, who already deface most of the Pakistani Govt sites in Past. Most of the Hacker Sites either Restored or Hosting Suspended by Providers, or Under maintenance. The Complete list of Hacked Sites and Mirrors of All hacks are listed below. Hacked Sites: https://www.www.moef.gov.bd/ https://www.mincom.gov.bd/ https://www.cga.gov.bd/ https://www.bdlaws.minlaw.gov.bd/ https://www.mopme.gov.bd/ https://www.rdcd.gov.bd/ http: