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Category — leaked the database
Team Ghostshell leaks 1.6 million accounts under #ProjectWhiteFox

Team Ghostshell leaks 1.6 million accounts under #ProjectWhiteFox

Dec 10, 2012
Team Ghostshell a Hacktivists group of hackers, who before was in news for hacking Major Universities Around The Globe and leaked 120,000 records, are once again hit major organisations and expose around 1.6 million accounts  Hacker name the project as #ProjectWhiteFox , means " Freedom of Information " . These leaked 1.6 millions user accounts belongs to aerospace, nanotechnology, banking, law, education, government, military, all kinds of wacky companies & corporations working for the department of defense, airlines and more. In a Pastebin Note hackers mention, " How we went from 'cyber-criminals' to 'hacktivists' to 'e-terrorists' to 'bad actors' to blacklisted. #ProjectHellFire got the US wary of us, at that time we still wasn't sure if GhostShell had gotten X'd, but when the second release of #ProjectWestWind came out, you guys got so hyped about it that we knew it had started to unfold. " Hacked
Acer Domains Defaced and 20k Credentials leaked

Acer Domains Defaced and 20k Credentials leaked

Dec 02, 2012
While Exploring Zone-H , today we found that Turkish Ajan Hacker Group hacked into few Acer Indian domains and Deface the sites.  Hacker also dump the complete data of 20,000 users and upload the file on a file sharing website . 6 sub domains are reported to be hacked 24 hours before and having deface page their at the time of writing. Deface Page shows that, Hacker performed the hack to show their protest against bombing by Israel on Gaza. Hacked Sites https://acn.acer.co.in/index.html https://adn.acer.co.in/index.html https://aln.acer.co.in/index.html https://asn.acer.co.in/index.html https://humanet.acer.co.in/index.html https://select.acer.co.in/index.html Mirrors of Hacks: https://www.zone-h.org/mirror/id/18681361 https://www.zone-h.org/mirror/id/18681333 https://www.zone-h.org/mirror/id/18681316 https://www.zone-h.org/mirror/id/18681313 https://www.zone-h.org/mirror/id/18681314 https://www.zone-h.org/mirror/id/18681315
Shining a Light on Shadow Apps: The Invisible Gateway to SaaS Data Breaches

Shining a Light on Shadow Apps: The Invisible Gateway to SaaS Data Breaches

Sep 10, 2024SaaS Security / Risk Management
Shadow apps, a segment of Shadow IT, are SaaS applications purchased without the knowledge of the security team. While these applications may be legitimate, they operate within the blind spots of the corporate security team and expose the company to attackers.  Shadow apps may include instances of software that the company is already using. For example, a dev team may onboard their own instance of GitHub to keep their work separate from other developers. They might justify the purchase by noting that GitHub is an approved application, as it is already in use by other teams. However, since the new instance is used outside of the security team's view, it lacks governance. It may store sensitive corporate data and not have essential protections like MFA enabled, SSO enforced, or it could suffer from weak access controls. These misconfigurations can easily lead to risks like stolen source code and other issues. Types of Shadow Apps  Shadow apps can be categorized based on their interac
Anonymous leaks personal information of 5000 Israeli officials

Anonymous leaks personal information of 5000 Israeli officials

Nov 19, 2012
Internet hacktivist group Anonymous has declared cyberwar on Israel, posting personal data of five thousand Israeli officials online. " It has come to our attention that the Israeli government has ignored repeated warnings about the abuse of human rights, shutting down the internet in Israel and mistreating its own citizens and those of its neighboring countries ," the hackers wrote in a statement. The document contains names, email addresses and ID numbers apparently belonging to Israeli officials. The group also said " Israeli Gov. this is/will turn into a cyberwar. " Earlier, the group hacked over 700 hundred Israeli websites, including the Bank of Jerusalem, the Israeli Defence Ministry, the IDF blog, the President's official website and many others. The Israel's finance minister has acknowledged the recent wave of attacks, saying the government is now waging a war on a "second front."
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Hacker hacked into Adobe servers and dump data of 150000 users

Hacker hacked into Adobe servers and dump data of 150000 users

Nov 14, 2012
This morning I received the news of new attacks against Adobe, an Egyptian Hacker named ViruS_HimA hacked into Adobe servers and leaked private data. The hacker claims to have violated Adobe servers gaining full access and dumping the entire database with more of 150,000 emails and hashed passwords of Adobe employees and customers/partner of the firm such as US Military, USAF, Google, Nasa DHL and many other companies. The leaked file contains a list of for each account the following information: Firstname Lastname Title Phone Email Company Username Password hash The hacker declare that his intent was far from to destroy the business of the company, that's why he posted data leaked related only to Adobe, and belonging the domains "*.mil" and ".gov". Which is the motivation of the attack? The attack hasn't a politic motivation, ViruS_HimA desire to demonstrate that despite Adobe is one of the most important company in IT l
Guadeloupe National Domain registrar hacked, Twitter & Google domain credentials leaked

Guadeloupe National Domain registrar hacked, Twitter & Google domain credentials leaked

Nov 10, 2012
Guadeloupe is a Caribbean island located in the Leeward Islands, in the Lesser Antilles. Today a hacker going by name "UR0B0R0X" claimed to hack into the " Network Information Center Guadeloupe " (nic.gp), which is Guadeloupe National Domain registrar having control over domains of big companies like Google.gp, Paypal.gp, twitter.gp, Yahoo.gp,  and many more. Hacker claimed to hack server of  nic.gp and leak credentials (encrypted) of 1271 Guadeloupe domains and user accounts including usernames, email addresses and phone numbers from server as shown via a  paste-bin note . and complete database uploaded on a  file sharing  site.
Anonymous hack 30000 accounts and Social Security Numbers from 'Telecom Italy'

Anonymous hack 30000 accounts and Social Security Numbers from 'Telecom Italy'

Nov 05, 2012
" Please don't mind, its 5th of November " slogan for today ! Anonymous Hackers hacked into " Telecom Italy " (www.telecomitalia.it) and dump Social Security Number, Social Insurance Number, 30000 credentials and lots of vulnerabilities exposed. In a blog post hackers said," Telecom Italy boasts 3000 XSS error and vulnerabilities that allow third parties to access the "htaccess" and other sensitive data. Anonymous will not publish sensitive information of individual users. This one can define a simple notice to show that you do not have appropriate security measures. In fact it is very simple appropriated credentials and social security numbers ." 3000 Cross site scripting ? wow its a huge number ! Hackers upload some paste regrading the hack as given below: 1.) Social Security Number and Social Insurance Number : Link 1 2.)  Some Credentials (sample only) : Link 2 In credentials disclosure we notice an interesti
ImageShack Server and Symantec Database hacked and Dumped

ImageShack Server and Symantec Database hacked and Dumped

Nov 04, 2012
Hackers hack into ImageShack server and expose all the files online, moreover Antivirus Company Symantec's portal also hacked by them and complete database of all 1000's of researchers dumped in a pastebin File. One of the hacker behind this hack avilable on twitter at  @ Doxbin . Hacker expose content of few most important files of the server, like /etc/passwd ,  /etc/shadow , Content list of ImageShack Web directory (/home/image/www) and many more. Hacker claimed to use some zero day vulnerability in order to get into the server. Whereas in  Symantec case, hackers leak complete database from online portal. Database information includes Phone numbers, email, domain, password, Name, Username etc. According to Hackers write up that exploit unknown zero-day bug of ZPanel used by Symantec to get into server. In same operation, hackers target  CrytoCC website (https://kerpia.cryto.net/) also, which is a portal for independent developers. Its possibly a huge hack o
GhostShell leaks 2.5 million Russian government accounts as #ProjectBlackstar

GhostShell leaks 2.5 million Russian government accounts as #ProjectBlackstar

Nov 03, 2012
Team GhostShell hackers group who was responsible for the recent leak of some millions of records from top universities around the world once again strike back. As the part of " Project Blackstar " Hacking group GhostShell Declares War On Russia and leaks 2.5 millions of accounts belong to  governmental, educational, academical, political, law enforcement, telecom, research institutes, medical facilities, large corporations in such fields as energy, petroleum, banks, dealerships and many more. This set of hacks is spread out across 301 links, many of which simply contain raw dump files uploaded to GitHub and mirrored on paste sites like Slexy.org and PasteSite.com. The files include IP addresses, names, logins, email addresses, passwords, phone numbers, and even addresses. " The average citizen is forced to live an isolated life from the rest of the world imposed by it's politicians and leaders. A way of thinking outdated for well over 100 years now, " Team GhostShell mem
Anonymous leaks Classified Documents from Greek Finance Ministry server

Anonymous leaks Classified Documents from Greek Finance Ministry server

Oct 29, 2012
Collective hacking group Anonymous  leaks username-passwords  and classified documents from Greek Finance Ministry server. Just a few days before the Greek Parliament is scheduled to vote on a $17.45 billion spending cut and tax hike plan. Attack was carried out under anonymous operation named - #opGreece . The leaked documents include various classified data from e-mails that were exchanged between the Greek Ministry and envoys from international lenders negotiating more austerity measures and bailouts, to thousands of passwords of Greek individuals and evaluations of banks. " The cyber-attack was described as one of the most serious against Greek government networks " secnews.gr said in report .  The attackers claim that they wanted to expose the date on the state of Greek economy so that all Greeks know the truth and thus just days before the 13.5-billion-euro austerity package goes to Parliament for voting. " Citizens of Greece you are paying Banks and internation
Hacker dump database from US Government and Military websites

Hacker dump database from US Government and Military websites

Oct 27, 2012
Internet Activist and collective hacker group "NullCrew" released a huge dump of 7,000 names-passwords database from US Government websites and 2000 names-passwords database from Military websites. Hacker claimed to hack into five websites, including Montana's Official State Website, United Nations, Louisiana Department of Environmental Quality, Texas Juvenile Justice Department, Force Health Protection & Readiness, domains are -  unescoetxea.org , www.mt.gov , www.la.gov, www.texas.gov and fhpr.osd.mil respectiverly. Few days back two Nullcrew members,  null and 0rbit_g1rl claimed to perform the hack into above sites using few vulnerabilities such as " Unproperly sanitized code, leading to disclosure of all files on a server and Boolean blind SQL injection " and they threatened to release the database soon. Today in a announcement via Twitter, hacker leaked the Database including 2000 and more Military, Air Force and Army officials us
Anonymous hacks 20 million accounts to promote Operation Jubilee

Anonymous hacks 20 million accounts to promote Operation Jubilee

Oct 26, 2012
Anonymous hackers claimed that they compromise over 20 million user accounts worldwide this year to promote Operation Jubilee . Large community web sites were targeted to gain access to users' contact information. Many administrators denied that their databases were at risk while all their data was being downloaded. The reason for one of the largest hacking campaigns in history is to rally people to cancel debt and end the economic crisis. Earlier this month Operation Jubilee came into public view after defacing several popular police forums. Members of the police forums received e-mail inviting them to join the Operation. News of the defaces spread quickly with the help of social media platforms. Until these events, Operation Jubilee was virtually unknown to the general population. Unbeknownst to the public, large web sites were already being attacked for months. Operation Jubilee is a peaceful protest to take place on the 5th of November in front of Parliament in L
WikiLeaks releases hacked US military detention policies

WikiLeaks releases hacked US military detention policies

Oct 25, 2012
The whistleblowing website Wikileaks from tonight releasing more than 100 U.S. Defense Department files detailing military detention policies in camps in Iraq and at Guantanamo Bay in the years after the September 11 attacks on U.S. targets - " The Detainee Policies " In a statement , WikiLeaks criticized regulations it said had led to abuse and impunity and urged human rights activists to use the documents to research what it called policies of unaccountability . WikiLeaks says it plans to release the files in chronological order to paint a picture of the evolution of America's military detainee practices. WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange said: " The 'Detainee Policies' show the anatomy of the beast that is post-9/11 detention, the carving out of a dark space where law and rights do not apply, where persons can be detained without a trace at the convenience of the U.S. Department of Defense. It shows the excesses of the early days of war against an unknown
Anonymous Hackers leaks 1.35GB Italian State Police Data

Anonymous Hackers leaks 1.35GB Italian State Police Data

Oct 25, 2012
Italian Anonymous hackers has released 1.35 Gigabyte data from the Italian State Police (Polizia di Stato). The Hack was announced on Monday via The Official Blog of Italy Anonymous . Data uploaded on torrent and available for download . The group has started a campaign named #AntiSecITA. " Anonymous group in Italy appears less active respect other countries, and this has misled those who have been victims of their attacks. Too much Italian security professionals consider the group as a disorganized collective unable to cause serious problems to the political reality of the country ."  Security Affairs  mention. Hacker upload some sample folder which contains assorted material from the archives, like details about wiretaps from Telecom Italia and confidential technical information about interception devices. Information taken from state police servers and portals include police reports, mobile phone numbers, personal email, information on salaries, and soft-porn pictures, 
Anonymous going to lauch wikileaks like project called TYLER

Anonymous going to lauch wikileaks like project called TYLER

Oct 23, 2012
International hacker group Anonymous is going to create a WikiLeaks competitor scandalous leak portal called Tyler,  for the publication of secret information from governments of various countries. One of the group's members, who specified that he is representing the collective, spoke about the TYLER project and the rift with WikiLeaks in an email interview with the Voice of Russia. They have scheduled this new project to December 21 this year. According to the hacker, who requested anonymity, the conflict between Anonymous and the website of Julian Assange revolves around the forced funding techniques and lack of transparency around money to WikiLeaks. So far Anonymous defends WikiLeaks and Assange personally and supported the mission of the site to share information, news and classified information with the public. They even helped to publish more than 2 million emails, known as the Syrian file. Since Assange has repeatedly threatened to close the WikiLeaks, hackers have decided
World Health Organization website hacked by NullCrew

World Health Organization website hacked by NullCrew

Oct 21, 2012
A well known hacking group " Nullcrew " once again most active hacking group right now. Dumping database from number of websites daily. Their latest target was World Health Organization (WHO) website. Well, World Health Organization website (who.int) need treatment now, because their admin panel credentials are leaked on internet by hacking crew. Hacker also disclose the Vulnerable link and Vulnerability type was Sql injection. SQL Injection is one of the many web attack mechanisms used by hackers to steal data from organizations. It is perhaps one of the most common application layer attack techniques used today. It is the type of attack that takes advantage of improper coding of your web applications that allows hacker to inject SQL commands into say a login form to allow them to gain access to the data held within your database. Web application security is much more challenging than infrastructure. The top Web application vulnerabilities occur and re-o
300000 Confidential records breached at Florida college

300000 Confidential records breached at Florida college

Oct 11, 2012
Computer hackers broke into a Florida college's computer system and stole the confidential information of nearly 300,000 students statewide and the school's president. State and college officials said a breach that at first involved employees at Northwest Florida State College was much larger than suspected and now potentially involves student records from across the state. More than 3,000 employee records and 76,000 student records containing personal identification information were also stolen, including names, Social Security numbers, birthdates, ethnicity and gender for any student statewide who was eligible for Florida's popular Bright Futures scholarships for the 2005-06 and 2006-07 school years. The breach occurred sometime between late May and late September. The school notified the public on Monday. It was discovered during an internal review from Oct. 1 through Oct. 5. The school's president, Ty Handy, was among the employees victimized, the schoo
IslamToday - Islamic magazine website Hacked

IslamToday - Islamic magazine website Hacked

Oct 10, 2012
Hacker going by name " VenomSec " hacked the website of one of the biggest Islamic magazine IslamToday  ( https://magazine.islamtoday.net/ ) is an online magazine which is operated from Riyadh, the capital of Saudi Arabia and He leaked the database of the site also on a note in Pastebin . At the time of writing this article, the website was online and working without any interruption. One of the Hacker  Blog mention that : However, the reason for attacking the magazine site was not mentioned anywhere but from the message left by the same hacker on his previous attackwas to " protest against the on going war in the country and the Middle East, they are against the war and the anti-Islamic movie that has has resulted in spreading hate against the west ".  In Past  VenomSec hack few more Islamic sites including the website of Afghan Islamic Press and the official website of Lahore High Court of Pakistan. 
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