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Category — keylogger
Nearly 2000 WordPress Websites Infected with a Keylogger

Nearly 2000 WordPress Websites Infected with a Keylogger

Jan 29, 2018
More than 2,000 WordPress websites have once again been found infected with a piece of crypto-mining malware that not only steals the resources of visitors' computers to mine digital currencies but also logs visitors' every keystroke. Security researchers at Sucuri discovered a malicious campaign that infects WordPress websites with a malicious script that delivers an in-browser cryptocurrency miner from CoinHive and a keylogger. Coinhive is a popular browser-based service that offers website owners to embed a JavaScript to utilise CPUs power of their website visitors in an effort to mine the Monero cryptocurrency. Sucuri researchers said the threat actors behind this new campaign is the same one who infected more than 5,400 Wordpress websites last month since both campaigns used keylogger/cryptocurrency malware called cloudflare[.]solutions. Spotted in April last year, Cloudflare[.]solutions is cryptocurrency mining malware and is not at all related to network ...
Beware! Undetectable CrossRAT malware targets Windows, MacOS, and Linux systems

Beware! Undetectable CrossRAT malware targets Windows, MacOS, and Linux systems

Jan 25, 2018
Are you using Linux or Mac OS? If you think your system is not prone to viruses, then you should read this. Wide-range of cybercriminals are now using a new piece of 'undetectable' spying malware that targets Windows, macOS, Solaris and Linux systems. Just last week we published a detailed article on the report from EFF/Lookout that revealed a new advanced persistent threat (APT) group, called Dark Caracal , engaged in global mobile espionage campaigns. Although the report revealed about the group's successful large-scale hacking operations against mobile phones rather than computers, it also shed light on a new piece of cross-platform malware called CrossRAT (version 0.1), which is believed to be developed by, or for, the Dark Caracal group. CrossRAT is a cross-platform remote access Trojan that can target all four popular desktop operating systems, Windows, Solaris, Linux, and macOS, enabling remote attackers to manipulate the file system, take screenshots, ru...
Protecting Your Software Supply Chain: Assessing the Risks Before Deployment

Protecting Your Software Supply Chain: Assessing the Risks Before Deployment

Feb 11, 2025Software Security / Threat Intelligence
Imagine you're considering a new car for your family. Before making a purchase, you evaluate its safety ratings, fuel efficiency, and reliability. You might even take it for a test drive to ensure it meets your needs. The same approach should be applied to software and hardware products before integrating them into an organization's environment. Just as you wouldn't buy a car without knowing its safety features, you shouldn't deploy software without understanding the risks it introduces. The Rising Threat of Supply Chain Attacks Cybercriminals have recognized that instead of attacking an organization head-on, they can infiltrate through the software supply chain—like slipping counterfeit parts into an assembly line. According to the 2024 Sonatype State of the Software Supply Chain report , attackers are infiltrating open-source ecosystems at an alarming rate, with over 512,847 malicious packages detected last year alone—a 156% increase from the previous year. Traditional sec...
Pre-Installed Keylogger Found On Over 460 HP Laptop Models

Pre-Installed Keylogger Found On Over 460 HP Laptop Models

Dec 09, 2017
HP has an awful history of 'accidentally' leaving keyloggers onto its customers' laptops. At least two times this year, HP laptops were caught with pre-installed keylogger or spyware applications. I was following a tweet made by a security researcher claiming to have found a built-in keylogger in several HP laptops, and now he went public with his findings. A security researcher who goes by the name of ZwClose discovered a keylogger in several Hewlett-Packard (HP) laptops that could allow hackers to record your every keystroke and steal sensitive data, including passwords, account information, and credit card details. The Keylogger was found embedded in the SynTP.sys file, a part of Synaptics touchpad driver that ships with HP notebook computers, leaving more than 460 HP Notebook models vulnerable to hackers. Although the keylogger component is disabled by default, hackers can make use of available open source tools for bypassing User Account Control (UAC) to...
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Over 400 Popular Sites Record Your Every Keystroke and Mouse Movement

Over 400 Popular Sites Record Your Every Keystroke and Mouse Movement

Nov 22, 2017
How many times it has happened to you when you look for something online and the next moment you find its advertisement on almost every other web page or social media site you visit? Web-tracking is not new. Most of the websites log its users' online activities, but a recent study from Princeton University has suggested that hundreds of sites record your every move online, including your searches, scrolling behavior, keystrokes and every movement. Researchers from Princeton University's Centre for Information Technology Policy (CITP) analyzed the Alexa top 50,000 websites in the world and found that 482 sites, many of which are high profile, are using a new web-tracking technique to track every move of their users. Dubbed " Session Replay ," the technique is used even by most popular websites, including The Guardian, Reuters, Samsung, Al-Jazeera, VK, Adobe, Microsoft, and WordPress, to record every single movement a visitor does while navigating a web page,...
Built-in Keylogger Found in MantisTek GK2 Keyboards—Sends Data to China

Built-in Keylogger Found in MantisTek GK2 Keyboards—Sends Data to China

Nov 07, 2017
"The right keyboard can make all the difference between a victory and a defeat in a video game battlefield." If you are a gamer, you can relate to the above quote. But what if your winning weapon betrays you? The popular 104-key Mantistek GK2 Mechanical Gaming Keyboard that costs around €49.66 has allegedly been caught silently recording everything you type on your keyboard and sending them to a server maintained by the Alibaba Group. This built-in keylogger in Mantistek GK2 Mechanical Gaming Keyboard was noticed by a few owners who headed on to an online forum to share this issue. According to Tom's Hardware , MantisTek keyboards utilise 'Cloud Driver' software, maybe for collecting analytic information, but has been caught sending sensitive information to servers tied to Alibaba. After analysing more closely, Tom's Hardware team found that Mantistek keyboard does not include a full-fledged keylogger. Instead, it captures how many times a key ...
FormBook—Cheap Password Stealing Malware Used In Targeted Attacks

FormBook—Cheap Password Stealing Malware Used In Targeted Attacks

Oct 05, 2017
It seems sophisticated hackers have changed the way they conduct targeted cyber operations—instead of investing in zero-days and developing their malware; some hacking groups have now started using ready-made malware just like script kiddies. Possibly, this could be a smart move for state-sponsored hackers to avoid being attributed easily. Security researchers from multiple security firms, including Arbor Networks and FireEye , independently discovered a series of malware campaigns primarily targeting aerospace, defence contractors and manufacturing sectors in various countries, including the United States, Thailand, South Korea and India. What's common? All these attack campaigns, conducted by various hacking groups, eventually install same information and password stealer malware—dubbed FormBook —on the targeted systems. FormBook is nothing but a " malware-as-as-service ," which is an affordable piece of data-stealing and form-grabbing malware that has been ...
Dangerous Mobile Banking Trojan Gets 'Keylogger' to Steal Everything

Dangerous Mobile Banking Trojan Gets 'Keylogger' to Steal Everything

Aug 01, 2017
Cyber criminals are becoming more adept, innovative, and stealthy with each passing day. They have now shifted from traditional to more clandestine techniques that come with limitless attack vectors and are harder to detect. Security researchers have discovered that one of the most dangerous Android banking Trojan families has now been modified to add a keylogger to its recent strain, giving attackers yet another way to steal victims sensitive data. Kaspersky Lab's Senior malware analyst Roman Unuchek spotted a new variant of the well-known Android banking Trojan, dubbed Svpeng , in the mid of last month with a new keylogger feature, which takes advantage of Android's Accessibility Services. Trojan Exploits 'Accessibility Services' to Add Keylogger Yes, the keylogger added in the new version of Svpeng takes advantage of Accessibility Services — an Android feature that provides users alternative ways to interact with their smartphone devices. This change makes...
Beware! Built-in Keylogger Discovered In Several HP Laptop Models

Beware! Built-in Keylogger Discovered In Several HP Laptop Models

May 11, 2017
Do you own a Hewlett-Packard (HP) laptop? Yes? Just stop whatever you are doing and listen carefully: Your HP laptop may be silently recording everything you are typing on your keyboard. While examining Windows Active Domain infrastructures, security researchers from the Switzerland-based security firm Modzero have discovered a built-in keylogger in an HP audio driver that spy on your all keystrokes. In general, Keylogger is a program that records every keystroke by monitoring every key you have pressed on your keyboard. Usually, malware and trojans use this ability to steal your account information, credit card numbers, passwords, and other private data. HP computers come with Audio Chips developed by Conexant, a manufacturer of integrated circuits, who also develops drivers for its audio chips. Dubbed Conexant High-Definition (HD) Audio Driver, the driver helps the software to communicate with the hardware. Depending upon the computer model, HP also embeds some code i...
New MacOS Malware linked to Russian Hackers Can Steal Passwords & iPhone Backups

New MacOS Malware linked to Russian Hackers Can Steal Passwords & iPhone Backups

Feb 16, 2017
Security researchers have discovered a new Mac malware allegedly developed by APT28 Russian cyber espionage group who is believed to be responsible for 2016 presidential election hacking scandal. A new variant of the X-Agent spyware is now targeting Apple macOS system that has previously been used in cyber attacks against Windows, iOS, Android, and Linux devices. The malware is designed to steal web browser passwords, take screenshots of the display, detect system configurations, execute files and exfiltrate iPhone backups stored on the computer. The X-Agent malware is tied to Russian hacking group known as APT28 — also known as Fancy Bear, Sofacy, Sednit, and Pawn Storm — that has been operating since at least 2007 and is allegedly linked to the Russian government. "Our past analysis of samples known to be linked to APT28 group shows a number of similarities between the Sofacy/APT28/Sednit Xagent component for Windows/Linux and the Mac OS binary that currently forms...
Wi-Fi Signal Interference Can Leak Your Passwords and Keystrokes

Wi-Fi Signal Interference Can Leak Your Passwords and Keystrokes

Nov 14, 2016
Hackers can steal your sensitive information, such as your Passwords, PINs and Keystrokes, from your phone by observing changes in the wireless signal as you enter them into your smartphones. A group of researchers from the Shanghai Jaio Tong University, the University of South Florida and the University of Massachusetts at Boston have demonstrated a new technique that can reveal private information by analyzing the radio signal Interference, using just one rogue WiFi hotspot. Dubbed WindTalker, the attack sniffs a user's fingers movement on the phone's touchscreen or a computer's keyboard by reading the radio signal patterns called Channel State Information (CSI). CSI is part of the WiFi protocol which provides general information about the status of the WiFi signal. " WindTalker is motivated from the observation that keystrokes on mobile devices will lead to different hand coverage and the finger motions, which will introduce a unique interference to the mult...
KeySniffer Lets Hackers Steal Keystrokes from Wireless Keyboards

KeySniffer Lets Hackers Steal Keystrokes from Wireless Keyboards

Jul 27, 2016
Radio-based wireless keyboards and mice that use a special USB dongle to communicate with your PC can expose all your secrets – your passwords, credit card numbers and everything you type. Back in February, researchers from the Internet of things security firm Bastille Networks demonstrated how they could take control of wireless keyboards and mice from several top vendors using so-called MouseJack attacks. The latest findings by the same security firm are even worse. Researchers have discovered a new hacking technique that can allow hackers to take over your wireless keyboard and secretly record every key you press on it. Dubbed KeySniffer , the hack is death for millions of wireless, radio-based keyboards. The Cause: Lack of Encryption and Security Updates The KeySniffer vulnerability affects wireless keyboards from eight different hardware manufacturers that use cheap transceiver chips ( non-Bluetooth chips ) – a less secure, radio-based communication protocol. T...
Here's the Facebook Hacking Tool that Can Really Hack Accounts, But...

Here's the Facebook Hacking Tool that Can Really Hack Accounts, But...

Feb 09, 2016
Yes, you heard me right. A newly discovered Facebook hacking tool actually has the capability to hack Facebook account, but YOURS , and not the one you desire to hack. How to Hack Facebook account? How to Hack my Girlfriends Facebook account? My boyfriend is cheating on me, How do I hack his Facebook Account? These are the queries that most of the Internet users search on Google. But Beware! If you come across any Facebook hacking tool that promises you to help you hack your friends Facebook accounts, you may end up downloading a hacking tool that could hack you, instead of them. Facebook  Hacking Tool that Can Really Hack, But Your Accounts Dubbed Remtasu , the tool is marketing itself as a Facebook hacking tool but actually is a Windows-based Trojan that has accelerated globally over the past year, and has now capability to disguise itself as an app for accessing people's Facebook account credentials. The tool contains a Keylogger that can captur...
Nemesis Bootkit — A New Stealthy Payment Card Malware

Nemesis Bootkit — A New Stealthy Payment Card Malware

Dec 08, 2015
Another day, another stunning Malware – this time targeting banks, payment card processors, and other financial services. Security researchers have uncovered a sophisticated payment card malware that executes before the operating system boots, making the malware very difficult to detect and much less remove. The malware in question is part of " Nemesis " – a malware suite that includes all software programs for capturing screens, transferring files, injecting processes, logging keystrokes, and carrying out other malicious activities on the infected computers. Nemesis malware family has been seen in the past, targeting banks, ATMs, financial transaction processing, credit unions, and financial business service companies. Nemesis Bootkit Malware – Reappears even after Re-installation of the OS The malware with bootkit functionality has been in operation since early this year and has the ability to modify the legitimate VBR ( Volume Boot Record ) that ma...
KeySweeper — Arduino-based Keylogger for Wireless Keyboards

KeySweeper — Arduino-based Keylogger for Wireless Keyboards

Jan 13, 2015
Security researcher has developed a cheap USB wall charger that is capable to eavesdrop on almost any   Microsoft   wireless  keyboard . MySpace mischief-maker Samy Kamkar has released a super-creepy keystroke logger for Microsoft wireless keyboards cunningly hidden in what appears to be a rather cheap, but functioning USB wall charger. The stealthy Arduino-based device, dubbed " KeySweeper ", looks and functions just like a generic USB mobile charger, but actually sniffs, decrypts, logs, and reports back all keystrokes from a Microsoft wireless keyboard. " KeySweeper is a stealthy Ardunio-based device camouflaged as a wall charger that wirelessly sniffs, decrypts, logs and reports-back all keystrokes from any Microsoft wireless keyboard in the vicinity," Kamkar said. The security researcher has also released instructions on how to build the USB wall charger online and surprisinglyits is cheap to build and quite capable. KeySweeper includes a web...
BadUSB Malware Code Released — Turn USB Drives Into Undetectable CyberWeapons

BadUSB Malware Code Released — Turn USB Drives Into Undetectable CyberWeapons

Oct 04, 2014
Once again USB has come up as a major threat to a vast number of users who use USB drives – including USB sticks and keyboards. Security researchers have released a bunch of hacking tools that can be used to convert USB drive into silent malware installer. This vulnerability has come about to be known as " BadUSB ", whose source code has been published by the researchers on the open source code hosting website Github , demanding manufacturers either to beef up protections for USB flash drive firmware and fix the problem or leave hundreds of millions of users vulnerable to the attack. The code released by researchers Adam Caudill and Brandon Wilson has capability to spread itself by hiding in the firmware meant to control the ways in which USB devices connect to computers. The hack utilizes the security flaw in the USB that allows an attacker to insert malicious code into their firmware. But Wait! What this means is that this critical vulnerability is now ava...
Windows 10 Preview Has A Keylogger to Watch Your Every Move

Windows 10 Preview Has A Keylogger to Watch Your Every Move

Oct 04, 2014
This week Microsoft announced the next version of its Operating system, dubbed WIndows 10, providing Windows 10 Technical Preview release under its " Insider Program " in order to collect feedback from users and help shape the final version of the operating system, but something really went WRONG! " Inside Microsoft's Insider Program you'll get all the latest Windows preview builds as soon as they're available. In return, we want to know what you think. You'll get an easy-to-use app to give us your feedback, which will help guide us along the way ." Microsoft website reads . Well, how many of you actually read the " Terms of Service " and " Privacy Policy " documents before downloading the Preview release of Windows 10? I guess none of you, because most computer users have habit of ignoring that lengthy paragraphs and simply click " I Agree " and then " next ", which is not at all a good practise. Also Read:   Deep Web Search Engines . ...
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