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Google Cloud Resolves Privilege Escalation Flaw Impacting Kubernetes Service

Google Cloud Resolves Privilege Escalation Flaw Impacting Kubernetes Service

Dec 28, 2023 Cloud Security / Data Protection
Google Cloud has addressed a medium-severity security flaw in its platform that could be abused by an attacker who already has access to a Kubernetes cluster to escalate their privileges. "An attacker who has compromised the  Fluent Bit  logging container could combine that access with high privileges required by  Anthos Service Mesh  (on clusters that have enabled it) to escalate privileges in the cluster," the company  said  as part of an advisory released on December 14, 2023. Palo Alto Networks Unit 42, which discovered and reported the shortcoming, said adversaries could weaponize it to carry out "data theft, deploy malicious pods, and disrupt the cluster's operations." There is no evidence that the issue has been exploited in the wild. It has been addressed in the following versions of Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE) and Anthos Service Mesh (ASM) - 1.25.16-gke.1020000 1.26.10-gke.1235000 1.27.7-gke.1293000 1.28.4-gke.1083000 1.17.8-asm.8 1.18.
British LAPSUS$ Teen Members Sentenced for High-Profile Attacks

British LAPSUS$ Teen Members Sentenced for High-Profile Attacks

Dec 24, 2023 Cyber Crime / Data Breach
Two British teens part of the LAPSUS$ cyber crime and extortion gang have been sentenced for their roles in orchestrating a string of high-profile attacks against a number of companies. Arion Kurtaj, an 18-year-old from Oxford, has been sentenced to an indefinite hospital order due to his intent to get back to cybercrime "as soon as possible," BBC  reported . Kurtaj, who is autistic, was deemed unfit to stand trial. Another LAPSUS$ member, a 17-year-old unnamed minor, was sentenced to an 18-month-long Youth Rehabilitation Order, including a three-month intensive supervision and surveillance requirement. He was found guilty of two counts of fraud, two Computer Misuse Act offenses, and one count of blackmail. Both defendants  were initially arrested in January 2022, and then released under investigation. They were re-arrested in March 2022. While Kurtaj was later granted bail, he continued to attack various companies until he was arrested again in September. The attack sp
How to Increase Engagement with Your Cybersecurity Clients Through vCISO Reporting

How to Increase Engagement with Your Cybersecurity Clients Through vCISO Reporting

Jul 22, 2024vCISO / Business Security
As a vCISO, you are responsible for your client's cybersecurity strategy and risk governance. This incorporates multiple disciplines, from research to execution to reporting. Recently, we published a comprehensive playbook for vCISOs, "Your First 100 Days as a vCISO – 5 Steps to Success" , which covers all the phases entailed in launching a successful vCISO engagement, along with recommended actions to take, and step-by-step examples.  Following the success of the playbook and the requests that have come in from the MSP/MSSP community, we decided to drill down into specific parts of vCISO reporting and provide more color and examples. In this article, we focus on how to create compelling narratives within a report, which has a significant impact on the overall MSP/MSSP value proposition.  This article brings the highlights of a recent guided workshop we held, covering what makes a successful report and how it can be used to enhance engagement with your cyber security clients.
Rogue WordPress Plugin Exposes E-Commerce Sites to Credit Card Theft

Rogue WordPress Plugin Exposes E-Commerce Sites to Credit Card Theft

Dec 22, 2023 Skimming / Web Security
Threat hunters have discovered a rogue WordPress plugin that's capable of creating bogus administrator users and injecting malicious JavaScript code to steal credit card information. The skimming activity is part of a  Magecart campaign  targeting e-commerce websites, according to Sucuri. "As with many other malicious or fake WordPress plugins it contains some deceptive information at the top of the file to give it a veneer of legitimacy," security researcher Ben Martin  said . "In this case, comments claim the code to be 'WordPress Cache Addons.'" Malicious plugins typically find their way to WordPress sites via either a  compromised admin user  or the  exploitation of security flaws  in another plugin already installed on the site. Post installation, the plugin replicates itself to the  mu-plugins  (or must-use plugins) directory so that it's automatically enabled and conceals its presence from the admin panel. "Since the only way to re
cyber security

Free OAuth Investigation Checklist - How to Uncover Risky or Malicious Grants

websiteNudge SecuritySaaS Security / Supply Chain
OAuth grants provide yet another way for attackers to compromise identities. Download our free checklist to learn what to look for and where when reviewing OAuth grants for potential risks.
Cost of a Data Breach Report 2023: Insights, Mitigators and Best Practices

Cost of a Data Breach Report 2023: Insights, Mitigators and Best Practices

Dec 21, 2023 DevSecOps / Data Security
John Hanley of IBM Security shares 4 key findings from the highly acclaimed annual Cost of a Data Breach Report 2023 What is the IBM Cost of a Data Breach Report? The IBM Cost of a Data Breach Report is an annual report that provides organizations with quantifiable information about the financial impacts of breaches. With this data, they can make data driven decisions about how they implement security in their organization. The report is conducted by the Ponemon Institute and sponsored, analyzed, and published by IBM Security. In 2023, the 18th year the report was published, the report analyzed 553 breaches across 16 countries and 17 industries. According to Etay Maor, Senior Director of Security Strategy at  Cato Networks , "We tend to talk a lot about security issues and solutions. This report puts a number behind threats and solutions and provides a lot of information to support claims of how a threat actor, a solution or a process impacts you financially." Key Finding #1: The
Remote Encryption Attacks Surge: How One Vulnerable Device Can Spell Disaster

Remote Encryption Attacks Surge: How One Vulnerable Device Can Spell Disaster

Dec 20, 2023 Network Security / Data Breach
Ransomware groups are increasingly switching to remote encryption in their attacks, marking a new escalation in tactics adopted by financially motivated actors to ensure the success of their campaigns. "Companies can have thousands of computers connected to their network, and with remote ransomware, all it takes is one underprotected device to compromise the entire network," Mark Loman, vice president of threat research at Sophos,  said .  "Attackers know this, so they hunt for that one' weak spot' — and most companies have at least one. Remote encryption is going to stay a perennial problem for defenders." Remote encryption  (aka remote ransomware), as the name implies, occurs when a compromised endpoint is used to encrypt data on other devices on the same network. In October 2023, Microsoft  revealed  that around 60% of ransomware attacks now involve malicious remote encryption in an effort to minimize their footprint, with more than 80% of all compr
FBI Takes Down BlackCat Ransomware, Releases Free Decryption Tool

FBI Takes Down BlackCat Ransomware, Releases Free Decryption Tool

Dec 19, 2023 Ransomware / Cybercrime
The U.S. Justice Department (DoJ) has officially  announced  the disruption of the BlackCat ransomware operation and released a decryption tool that more than 500 affected victims can use to regain access to files locked by the malware. Court documents show that the U.S. Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) enlisted the help of a confidential human source (CHS) to act as an affiliate for the BlackCat group and gain access to a web panel used for managing the gang's victims, in what's a case of hacking the hackers. The confiscation effort involved collaboration and assistance from multiple law enforcement agencies from the U.S., Germany, Denmark, Australia, the U.K., Spain, Switzerland, and Austria. BlackCat , also called ALPHV, GOLD BLAZER, and Noberus,  first emerged  in December 2021 and has since gone on to be the second most prolific ransomware-as-a-service variant in the world after LockBit. It's also the first Rust-language-based ransomware strain spotted in the
Behind the Scenes of Matveev's Ransomware Empire: Tactics and Team

Behind the Scenes of Matveev's Ransomware Empire: Tactics and Team

Dec 19, 2023 Ransomware / Russian Hackers
Cybersecurity researchers have shed light on the inner workings of the ransomware operation led by Mikhail Pavlovich Matveev, a Russian national who was  indicted by the U.S. government  earlier this year for his alleged role in launching thousands of attacks across the world. Matveev, who resides in Saint Petersburg and is known by the aliases Wazawaka, m1x, Boriselcin, Uhodiransomwar, Orange, and waza, is alleged to have played a crucial part in the development and deployment of LockBit, Babuk, and Hive ransomware variants since at least June 2020. "Wazawaka and his team members prominently exhibit an insatiable greed for ransom payments, demonstrating a significant disregard for ethical values in their cyber operations," Swiss cybersecurity firm PRODAFT  said  in a comprehensive analysis shared with The Hacker News. "Employing tactics that involve intimidation through threats to leak sensitive files, engaging in dishonest practices, and persisting in retaining fil
Are We Ready to Give Up on Security Awareness Training?

Are We Ready to Give Up on Security Awareness Training?

Dec 19, 2023 Cybersecurity Training / IT Security
Some of you have already started budgeting for 2024 and allocating funds to security areas within your organization. It is safe to say that employee security awareness training is one of the expenditure items, too. However, its effectiveness is an open question with people still engaging in insecure behaviors at the workplace. Besides, social engineering remains one of the most prevalent attacks, followed by a successful data breach.  Microsoft found  that a popular form of video-based training reduces phish-clicking behavior by about 3%, at best. This number has been stable over the years, says Microsoft, while phishing attacks are increasing yearly.  Regardless, organizations have faith in training and tend to increase their security investments in employee training after attacks. It comes second in the priority list for 51% of organizations, right after incident response planning and testing, according to the IBM Security  "Cost of the Data Breach Report 2023" .  So, wh
Top 7 Trends Shaping SaaS Security in 2024

Top 7 Trends Shaping SaaS Security in 2024

Dec 18, 2023 SaaS Security / Data Protection
Over the past few years, SaaS has developed into the backbone of corporate IT. Service businesses, such as medical practices, law firms, and financial services firms, are almost entirely SaaS based. Non-service businesses, including manufacturers and retailers, have about 70% of their software in the cloud.  These applications contain a wealth of data, from minimally sensitive general corporate information to highly sensitive intellectual property, customer records, and employee data. Threat actors have noted this shift, and are actively working to breach apps to access the data. Here are the top trends influencing the state of SaaS Security for 2024 — and what you can do about it.  Democratization of SaaS  SaaS apps have transformed the way organizations purchase and use software. Business units purchase and onboard the SaaS tools that best fit their needs. While this is empowering for business units that have long been frustrated by delays in procuring and onboarding software, i
China's MIIT Introduces Color-Coded Action Plan for Data Security Incidents

China's MIIT Introduces Color-Coded Action Plan for Data Security Incidents

Dec 16, 2023 Cyber Security / Incident Response
China's Ministry of Industry and Information Technology (MIIT) on Friday  unveiled draft proposals  detailing its plans to tackle data security events in the country using a color-coded system. The effort is designed to "improve the comprehensive response capacity for data security incidents, to ensure timely and effective control, mitigation and elimination of hazards and losses caused by data security incidents, to protect the lawful rights and interests of individuals and organizations, and to safeguard national security and public interests," the department said. The 25-page document encompasses all incidents in which data has been illegally accessed, leaked, destroyed, or tampered with, categorizing them into four hierarchical tiers based on the scope and the degree of harm caused -  Red:  Level I ("especially significant"), which applies to widespread shutdowns, substantial loss of business processing capability, interruptions arising due to serious a
New KV-Botnet Targeting Cisco, DrayTek, and Fortinet Devices for Stealthy Attacks

New KV-Botnet Targeting Cisco, DrayTek, and Fortinet Devices for Stealthy Attacks

Dec 15, 2023 Botnet / Advanced Persistent Threat
A new botnet consisting of firewalls and routers from Cisco, DrayTek, Fortinet, and NETGEAR is being used as a covert data transfer network for advanced persistent threat actors, including the China-linked threat actor called  Volt Typhoon . Dubbed  KV-botnet  by the Black Lotus Labs team at Lumen Technologies, the malicious network is an amalgamation of two complementary activity clusters that have been active since at least February 2022. "The campaign infects devices at the edge of networks, a segment that has emerged as a soft spot in the defensive array of many enterprises, compounded by the shift to remote work in recent years," the company  said . The two clusters – codenamed KV and JDY – are said to be distinct yet working in tandem to facilitate access to high-profile victims as well as establish covert infrastructure. Telemetry data suggests that the botnet is commandeered from IP addresses based in China. While the bots part of JDY engages in broader scanning
New Hacker Group 'GambleForce' Tageting APAC Firms Using SQL Injection Attacks

New Hacker Group 'GambleForce' Tageting APAC Firms Using SQL Injection Attacks

Dec 14, 2023 Vulnerability / Data Breach
A previously unknown hacker outfit called  GambleForce  has been attributed to a series of SQL injection attacks against companies primarily in the Asia-Pacific (APAC) region since at least September 2023. "GambleForce uses a set of basic yet very effective techniques, including SQL injections and the exploitation of vulnerable website content management systems (CMS) to steal sensitive information, such as user credentials," Singapore-headquartered Group-IB  said  in a report shared with The Hacker News. The group is estimated to have targeted 24 organizations in the gambling, government, retail, and travel sectors across Australia, Brazil, China, India, Indonesia, the Philippines, South Korea, and Thailand. Six of these attacks were successful. The modus operandi of GambleForce is its exclusive reliance on open-source tools like dirsearch , sqlmap , tinyproxy , and redis-rogue-getshell at different stages of the attacks with the ultimate goal of exfiltrating sensitive
Unveiling the Cyber Threats to Healthcare: Beyond the Myths

Unveiling the Cyber Threats to Healthcare: Beyond the Myths

Dec 12, 2023 Data Security / Healthcare,
Let's begin with a thought-provoking question: among a credit card number, a social security number, and an Electronic Health Record (EHR),  which commands the highest price on a dark web forum?   Surprisingly, it's the EHR, and the difference is stark: according to a  study , EHRs can sell for up to $1,000 each, compared to a mere $5 for a credit card number and $1 for a social security number. The reason is simple: while a credit card can be canceled, your personal data can't. This significant value disparity underscores why the healthcare industry remains a prime target for cybercriminals. The sector's rich repository of sensitive data presents a lucrative opportunity for profit-driven attackers. For 12 years running, healthcare has faced the highest average costs per breach compared to any other sector.  Exceeding an average of $10 million per breach , it surpasses even the financial sector, which incurs an average cost of around $6 million. The severity of this iss
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