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Category — Malware Detection
Experts Uncover New Evasive SquidLoader Malware Targeting Chinese Organizations

Experts Uncover New Evasive SquidLoader Malware Targeting Chinese Organizations

Jun 20, 2024 Malware / Cyber Attack
Cybersecurity researchers have uncovered a new evasive malware loader named SquidLoader that spreads via phishing campaigns targeting Chinese organizations. AT&T LevelBlue Labs, which first observed the malware in late April 2024, said it incorporates features that are designed to thwart static and dynamic analysis and ultimately evade detection. Attack chains leverage phishing emails that come with attachments that masquerade as Microsoft Word documents, but, in reality, are binaries that pave the way for the execution of the malware, which is then used to fetch second-stage shellcode payloads from a remote server, including Cobalt Strike. "These loaders feature heavy evasion and decoy mechanisms which help them remain undetected while also hindering analysis," security researcher Fernando Dominguez said . "The shellcode that is delivered is also loaded in the same loader process, likely to avoid writing the payload to disk and thus risk being detected." ...
Detecting Windows-based Malware Through Better Visibility

Detecting Windows-based Malware Through Better Visibility

Apr 01, 2024 Malware Detection / Endpoint Security
Despite a plethora of available security solutions, more and more organizations fall victim to Ransomware and other threats. These continued threats aren't just an inconvenience that hurt businesses and end users - they damage the economy, endanger lives, destroy businesses and put national security at risk. But if that wasn't enough – North Korea appears to be  using revenue from cyber attacks to funds its nuclear weapons program . Small and mid-size businesses are increasingly caught in the dragnet of ongoing malware attacks - often due to underfunded IT departments. Exacerbating the problem are complex enterprise security solutions that are often out of reach for many companies - especially when multiple products are seemingly needed to establish a solid defense. Volume-based products that incentivize users to collect less data in order to conserve funds work backward, dampening the anticipated benefits. But what if you could detect many malware attacks holistically with ...
SOC Analysts - Reimagining Their Role Using AI

SOC Analysts - Reimagining Their Role Using AI

Jan 30, 2025AI Security / SOC Automation
The job of a SOC analyst has never been easy. Faced with an overwhelming flood of daily alerts, analysts (and sometimes IT teams who are doubling as SecOps) must try and triage thousands of security alerts—often false positives—just to identify a handful of real threats. This relentless, 24/7 work leads to alert fatigue, desensitization, and increased risk of missing critical security incidents. Studies show that 70% of SOC analysts experience severe stress, and 65% consider leaving their jobs within a year . This makes retention a major challenge for security teams, especially in light of the existing shortage of skilled security analysts . On the operational side, analysts spend more time on repetitive, manual tasks like investigating alerts, and resolving and documenting incidents than they do on proactive security measures. Security teams struggle with configuring and maintaining SOAR playbooks as the cyber landscape rapidly changes. To top this all off, tool overload and siloed ...
HeadCrab 2.0 Goes Fileless, Targeting Redis Servers for Crypto Mining

HeadCrab 2.0 Goes Fileless, Targeting Redis Servers for Crypto Mining

Feb 01, 2024 Cryptocurrency / Botnet
Cybersecurity researchers have detailed an updated version of the malware  HeadCrab  that's known to target Redis database servers across the world since early September 2021. The development, which comes exactly a year after the malware was first  publicly disclosed  by Aqua, is a sign that the financially-motivated threat actor behind the campaign is actively adapting and refining their tactics and techniques to stay ahead of the detection curve. The cloud security firm  said  that "the campaign has almost doubled the number of infected Redis servers," with an additional 1,100 compromised servers, up from 1,200 reported at the start of 2023. HeadCrab is designed to infiltrate internet-exposed Redis servers and wrangle them into a botnet for illicitly mining cryptocurrency, while also leveraging the access in a manner that allows the threat actor to execute shell commands, load fileless kernel modules, and exfiltrate data to a remote server. While th...
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New Sneaky Xamalicious Android Malware Hits Over 327,000 Devices

New Sneaky Xamalicious Android Malware Hits Over 327,000 Devices

Dec 27, 2023 Privacy / App Security
A new Android backdoor has been discovered with potent capabilities to carry out a range of malicious actions on infected devices. Dubbed  Xamalicious  by the McAfee Mobile Research Team, the malware is so named for the fact that it's developed using an open-source mobile app framework called Xamarin and abuses the operating system's accessibility permissions to fulfill its objectives. It's also capable of gathering metadata about the compromised device and contacting a command-and-control (C2) server to fetch a second-stage payload, but only after determining if it fits the bill. The second stage is "dynamically injected as an assembly DLL at runtime level to take full control of the device and potentially perform fraudulent actions such as clicking on ads, installing apps, among other actions financially motivated without user consent," security researcher Fernando Ruiz  said . The cybersecurity firm said it identified 25 apps that come with this active thr...
Hackers Using MSIX App Packages to Infect Windows PCs with GHOSTPULSE Malware

Hackers Using MSIX App Packages to Infect Windows PCs with GHOSTPULSE Malware

Oct 30, 2023 Malware / Endpoint Security
A new cyber attack campaign has been observed using spurious  MSIX  Windows app package files for popular software such as Google Chrome, Microsoft Edge, Brave, Grammarly, and Cisco Webex to distribute a novel malware loader dubbed  GHOSTPULSE . "MSIX is a Windows app package format that developers can leverage to package, distribute, and install their applications to Windows users," Elastic Security Labs researcher Joe Desimone  said  in a technical report published last week. "However, MSIX requires access to purchased or stolen code signing certificates making them viable to groups of above-average resources." Based on the installers used as lures, it's suspected that potential targets are  enticed  into downloading the MSIX packages through known techniques such as compromised websites, search engine optimization (SEO) poisoning, or malvertising. Launching the MSIX file opens a Windows prompting the users to click the Install button, doing so...
XDR: The Next Level of Prevention, Detection and Response [New Guide]

XDR: The Next Level of Prevention, Detection and Response [New Guide]

Aug 19, 2020
One new security technology we keep hearing about is Extended Detection and Response (XDR). This new technology merges multiple prevention and detection technologies on a single platform to better understand threat signals so that you don't need to purchase, integrate, and manage various control and integration technologies. Think of XDR as prepackaged EDR, NTA, UEBA (and perhaps other prevention and detection) technologies all tightly integrated on a SOAR-like platform. Of course, you don't need SOAR technology with XDR as the entire platform is integrated and orchestrated out of the box. In Gartner's recently published Top 9 Security and Risk Trends for 2020 , XDR was listed first. Cybersecurity company Cynet just released an interesting XDR eBook [ Download it here ] that provides an excellent primer on this promising new technology. According to Cynet, the expense and issues involved with combining multiple siloed control technologies usually make an effort n...
14 Ways to Evade Botnet Malware Attacks On Your Computers

14 Ways to Evade Botnet Malware Attacks On Your Computers

Dec 18, 2019
Cybercriminals are busy innovators, adapting their weapons and attack strategies, and ruthlessly roaming the web in search of their next big score. Every manner of sensitive information, such as confidential employee records, customers' financial data, protected medical documents, and government files, are all subject to their relentless threats to cybersecurity . Solutions span a broad spectrum, from training email users to ensuring a VPN kill switch is in place, to adding extensive advanced layers of network protection. To successfully guard against severe threats from hackers, worm viruses to malware, such as botnet attacks, network managers need to use all tools and methods that fit well into a comprehensive cyber defense strategy. Of all the menaces mentioned above to a website owner's peace of mind, botnets arguably present the most unsettling form of security risk. They're not the mere achievements of malicious amateur cybercriminals. They're state...
5 Keys to Improve Your Cybersecurity

5 Keys to Improve Your Cybersecurity

Jun 18, 2019
Cybersecurity isn't easy. If there was a product or service you could buy that would just magically solve all of your cybersecurity problems, everyone would buy that thing, and we could all rest easy. However, that is not the way it works. Technology continues to evolve. Cyber attackers adapt and develop new malicious tools and techniques, and cybersecurity vendors design creative new ways to detect and block those threats. Rinse and repeat. Cybersecurity isn't easy, and there is no magic solution, but there are a handful of things you can do that will greatly reduce your exposure to risk and significantly improve your security posture. The right platform, intelligence, and expertise can help you avoid the vast majority of threats, and help you detect and respond more quickly to the attacks that get through. Challenges of Cybersecurity Effective cybersecurity is challenging for a variety of reasons, but the changing perimeter and the confusing variety of solution...
Process Doppelgänging: New Malware Evasion Technique Works On All Windows Versions

Process Doppelgänging: New Malware Evasion Technique Works On All Windows Versions

Dec 07, 2017
A team of security researchers has discovered a new malware evasion technique that could help malware authors defeat most of the modern antivirus solutions and forensic tools. Dubbed Process Doppelgänging , the new fileless code injection technique takes advantage of a built-in Windows function and an undocumented implementation of Windows process loader. Ensilo security researchers Tal Liberman and Eugene Kogan, who discovered the Process Doppelgänging attack, presented their findings today at Black Hat 2017 Security conference held in London. Process Doppelgänging Works on All Windows Versions Apparently, Process Doppelgänging attack works on all modern versions of Microsoft Windows operating system, starting from Windows Vista to the latest version of Windows 10. Tal Liberman, the head of the research team at enSilo, told The Hacker New that this malware evasion technique is similar to Process Hollowing—a method first introduced years ago by attackers to defeat the m...
Stuxnet is Back ! Iran reported another cyber attack

Stuxnet is Back ! Iran reported another cyber attack

Dec 26, 2012
Iran claims to have repelled a fresh cyber attack on its industrial units in a southern province. In the last few years, various Iranian industrial, nuclear and government bodies have recently come under growing cyber attacks, widely believed to be designed and staged by the US and Israel . A power plant and other industries in southern Iran have been targeted by the Stuxnet computer worm , an Iranian civil defense official says. Iran's news agency reported that the worm attacked the Culture Ministry's Headquarters for Supporting and Protecting Works of Art and Culture and was reportedly sent from Dallas via switches in Malaysia and Vietnam. This recent Stuxnet attack was successfully defeated, according to local Iranian civil defense chief Ali Akbar Akhavan. " We were able to prevent its expansion owing to our timely measures and the cooperation of skilled hackers ," Akhavan said. The sophisticated worm spreads via USB drives and through four prev...
Detecting Advanced Persistent Threat with Network Traffic Analysis

Detecting Advanced Persistent Threat with Network Traffic Analysis

Oct 27, 2012
A high degree of stealthiness over a prolonged duration of operation in order to do a successful cyber attack can be defined as Advanced Persistent Threat. The attack objectives therefore typically extend beyond immediate financial gain, and compromised systems continue to be of service even after key systems have been breached and initial goals reached. Today's successful targeted attacks use a combination of social engineering, malware, and backdoor activities. Nart Villeneuve and James Bennett (Senior Threat Researcher) from Trend Mirco provide an  ultimate guide for Detecting (APT) Advanced Persistent Threat activities with Network Traffic Analysis , that can be used to identify malware command-and control (C&C) communications related to these attacks, illustrating how even the most high-profile and successful attacks of the past few years could have been discovered. Paper cover Detecting Remote Access Trojans like The GhostNet,...
Make your website Safe for Online Buyers with Qualys SECURE Seal

Make your website Safe for Online Buyers with Qualys SECURE Seal

Oct 23, 2012
The number one concern of Internet users is that a web site will keep personal information safe and secure. If you are a site owner, giving importance to security is not only for your own protection but for your users' as well. Despite you have the right to set contents to your contracts and terms of service, you still have a portion of liabilities in case your user encountered information and financial thefts as he perform activities within your website. E-commerce usually involves the processing of credit cards and sensitive customer information so security is very important. Online communities and ecommerce websites are mostly the target places of hackers. Toward this end, many users look for a website to display a third party seal as evidence of security. Using a web site seal is a good idea. But providing true web site security requires more than just a seal it also requires using several kinds of security controls managed by a security program to back th...
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