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Mozilla asks Court to disclose Firefox Exploit used by FBI to hack Tor users

Mozilla asks Court to disclose Firefox Exploit used by FBI to hack Tor users

May 13, 2016
Mozilla has filed a brief with a U.S. District Court asking the FBI to disclose the potential vulnerabilities in its Firefox browser that the agency exploited to unmask TOR users in a criminal investigation. Last year, the FBI used a zero-day flaw to hack TOR browser and de-anonymize users visiting child sex websites. Now, Mozilla is requesting the government to ask the FBI about the details of the hack so that it can ensure the security of its Firefox browser. TOR is an anonymity software that provides a safe haven to human rights activists, government, journalists but also is a place where drugs, child pornography, assassins for hire and other illegal activities has allegedly been traded. TOR Browser Bundle is basically an Internet browser based on Mozilla Firefox configured to protect the user's anonymity via Tor and Vidalia. In 2015, the FBI seized computer servers running the world's largest dark web child pornography site 'Playpen' from a web host in Lenoir, No
Deep Web Search Engines to Explore the Hidden Internet

Deep Web Search Engines to Explore the Hidden Internet

Feb 11, 2016
Do you know: There is a vast section of the Internet which is hidden and not accessible through regular search engines and web browsers. This part of the Internet is known as the Deep Web , and it is about 500 times the size of the Web that we know. What is DEEP WEB? Deep Web  is referred to the data which are not indexed by any standard search engine such as Google or Yahoo. The 'Deep Web' refers to all web pages that search engines cannot find, such as user databases, registration-required web forums, webmail pages, and pages behind paywalls. Then, there's the Dark Web or Dark Net – a specific part of that hidden Deep Web. Deep Web and Dark Web are the intriguing topics for the Netizens all around. But when you hear the term 'Deep Web' or 'Dark Web,' you usually categorize them into one. If yes, then you are wrong. What is DARK WEB? Dark Web is where you can operate without been tracked, maintaining total anonymity.
New Dark Web Marketplace Offers Zero-Day Exploits to Hackers

New Dark Web Marketplace Offers Zero-Day Exploits to Hackers

Apr 18, 2015
Hackers have sold secrets of zero-day exploits in the underground Dark Web marketplace such as the Silk Road and its various successors for years, and now a new deep web marketplace has appeared that offers anonymity protection to its sellers. A new Dark Web market , called " TheRealDeal ," has opened up for hackers, which focuses on selling Zero-Day exploits — infiltration codes that took advantage of software vulnerabilities for which the manufacturers have released no official software patch. Yes, THE REAL DEE……..EAL TheRealDeal Market, actually emerged over the last month, makes use of Tor anonymity software and the digital currency Bitcoin in an attempt to hide the identities of its buyers, sellers, and of course its own administrators. TOR , a.k.a The Onion Router , is one of the most well-known Darknets, where it is harder to trace the identity of a user, as it doesn't share your identifying information such as your IP address and physical loc
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Cybersecurity CPEs: Unraveling the What, Why & How

Cybersecurity CPEs: Unraveling the What, Why & How

Jun 10, 2024Cybersecurity / Exposure Management
Staying Sharp: Cybersecurity CPEs Explained Perhaps even more so than in other professional domains, cybersecurity professionals constantly face new threats. To ensure you stay on top of your game, many certification programs require earning Continuing Professional Education (CPE) credits. CPEs are essentially units of measurement used to quantify the time and effort professionals spend on maintaining and enhancing skills and knowledge in the field of cybersecurity, and they act as points that demonstrate a commitment to staying current. CPEs are best understood in terms of other professions: just like medical, legal and even CPA certifications require continuing education to stay up-to-date on advancements and industry changes, cybersecurity professionals need CPEs to stay informed about the latest hacking tactics and defense strategies. CPE credits are crucial for maintaining certifications issued by various cybersecurity credentialing organizations, such as (ISC)², ISACA, and C
Thousands of Hacked Uber Accounts Selling on Dark Web for $1

Thousands of Hacked Uber Accounts Selling on Dark Web for $1

Mar 30, 2015
$US1 may be a very little amount, but it is enough to buy you a stolen Uber account and free car rides around the city. Two separate vendors on AlphaBay , a relatively new Dark Web marketplace launched in late 2014, are selling active Uber accounts with usernames and passwords for $1 each, Motherboard reports . Once purchased, these active Uber accounts let you order up rides using the payment information provided on the file. Additionally, other sensitive information that comes with the purchase includes partial credit card data (the last four digits and expiration date), trip history, email addresses, phone numbers, and location information of users' home and work addresses. Over on AlphaBay market, a vendor identified as " Courvoisier " is claiming to sell hacked Uber accounts for $1 each. Under the product listing for ' x1 UBER ACCOUNT - WORLDWIDE TAXI!, ' anyone can buy a Uber account anonymously. Another vendor, identified as ThinkingFo
Sheep Marketplace Owner Arrested While Trying to Buy Luxury Home

Sheep Marketplace Owner Arrested While Trying to Buy Luxury Home

Mar 29, 2015
Thomas Jiřikovský , an alleged Owner of one of the most popular Darknet website ' Sheep Marketplace , ' has been arrested after laundering around $40 Million, making it one of the biggest exit scams in Darknet history. After the arrest of Silk Road owner 'Ross Ulbricht' in 2013 -- Sheep Marketplace became the next famous anonymous underground marketplace among Black Market customers for selling illicit products, especially drugs. But only after few weeks, Sheep Marketplace was suddenly disappeared and was taken offline by its owner, who had been suspected of stealing $40 million worth of Bitcoins at the time when Bitcoin market value was at the peak. Shortly after this Bitcoin Scam, a Darknet commentator ' Gwern Branwen ' doxed the owner, and the suspect was identified -- Thomas Jiřikovský as the owner of the black market website. Unfortunately, Jiřikovský forgot to hide his identity and residential address from the Internet, which was exposed by his Facebook
Deep Web Drug Market Disappeared suddenly Overnight, $12 Million in Bitcoin Missing

Deep Web Drug Market Disappeared suddenly Overnight, $12 Million in Bitcoin Missing

Mar 18, 2015
Evolution -- The largest Deep Web drugs marketplace, disappeared suddenly overnight from the Internet. But unlike Silk Road, there is no indication that the law enforcement took down the Evolution marketplace. The Darknet's most popular markets for drugs and bespoke carjacking services is mysteriously offline Wednesday with rumours circulating over the Internet that its own administrators may have just scammed its huge user base and stole $12 Millions in Bitcoin. The Evolution black marketplace opened in January 2014, and gained popularity after the shutdown of Silk ​Road and arrest of its unassuming founder, Ross U​lbricht , with a promise of less fraud. Like Silk Road , Evolution also dealt in drugs, as well as illegal weapons, counterfeit goods, stolen credit cards and guides to committing fraud. Evolution was only accessible through anonymity Tor network. At the time of its apparent vanish, Evolution was home to nearly 20,000 drug sales, far more than Silk Road
Tor — How to Protect Your Digital Environment?

Tor — How to Protect Your Digital Environment?

Mar 17, 2015
Are you aware of everything that your users are accessing from your environment? While most of the time, non-work-related Internet browsing is harmless (looking at pictures of cats, online shopping, social media, etc.) there are some instances where you could be an unknowing and unwilling participant in criminal activity. That is, when users hide that activity via the Tor network , or the Dark Net . The Onion Router , better known as " Tor ", an open source project, launched in 2002, is designed to allow a user to browse the Internet anonymously via a volunteer network of more than 5000 relays. It doesn't share your identifying information like your IP address and physical location with websites or service providers. A user that navigate Internet using Tor , it's quite difficult to trace its activities ensuring his online privacy. There are arguably legitimate uses for this technology, such as providing Internet access in repressively regulated countri
Onion.City — Search Engine for Deep Web that Works From Normal Web Browser

Onion.City — Search Engine for Deep Web that Works From Normal Web Browser

Feb 21, 2015
There is an entire section of the Internet that you probably don't see on daily basis, it's called the " Darknet " or " Deep Web ", where all browsing is done anonymously. About a week ago, we reported about the 'Memex' Deep Web Search Engine , a Defense Advance Research Projects Agency (DARPA) project to create a powerful new search engine that could find things on the deep web that isn't indexed by Google and other commercial search engines, but it isn't available to you and me. Now, there is another search engine that will let anyone easily search the Deep Web for large swaths of information for free, and without an application; you only need is an Internet connection. Onion.City , a new search engine for online underground markets that makes it more easier to find and buy drugs, guns, stolen credit cards directly from your Chrome, Internet Explorer or Firefox browser without installing and browsing via Tor Browser . Just two
Memex Deep Web Search Engine Tracks Cyber Criminals

Memex Deep Web Search Engine Tracks Cyber Criminals

Feb 10, 2015
A year ago, the U.S. government's Defense Advance Research Projects Agency (DARPA) announced a project to create a powerful new search engine that could find things on the deep web that isn't indexed by Google and other commercial search engines. The project, dubbed Memex Deep Web Search Engine , is well underway, and for the first time on Sunday night, we got an early look at Memex search engine — the crime-fighting search engine in action. The Pentagon's research agency gave Scientific American a preview of the software and 60 Minutes exclusive looks at the technology. The Deep Web is a heap of illegal activity, pervade with child pornography , drug deals, Cyber crime and human trafficking. But because the dark web is 'buried' so deeply that it is out of the reach of mainstream search engines and law enforcement agencies, however, that's until now. Memex Search Engine attempts to secure the Internet from hackers, human traffickers and other c
Grams - First Search Engine for Underground Black Markets

Grams - First Search Engine for Underground Black Markets

Apr 21, 2014
We often talk about Underground communities, illegal websites or black markets, but as they are 'Underground' in nature i.e. Hidden websites running under Onion Network, many of us don't know how to reach the one we are searching for and if hopefully found, then its difficult to figure out a trustworthy vendor. Underground websites offer illegal high quality drugs or rifles, hacking tools, or any illegal services, until now you needed to type long, complex and specific Tor browser URLs directly into the browser which is quite difficult and sometimes the sites change their addresses which makes more difficult to navigate. Not any More! As the first search engine, ' Grams ' ( https://grams7enufi7jmdl.onion ) for online underground Black Markets has been launched in Beta last week, that lets anyone to easily find illegal drugs and other contraband online in an easier way ever and it's pretty fast like Google Search Engine. You don't need to do anything, just li
Tor Network used to Host 900 Botnets and hidden Darknet Markets

Tor Network used to Host 900 Botnets and hidden Darknet Markets

Mar 07, 2014
Tor network offers users browse the Internet anonymously and is mostly used by activists, journalists to conceal their online activities from prying eyes. But it also has the Dark side, as Tor is also a Deep Web friendly tool that allows hackers and cyber criminals to carry out illicit activities by making themselves anonymous. Kaspersky security researcher reported that Tor network is currently being used to hide 900 botnet and other illegal hidden services, through its 5,500 plus nodes i.e. Server relays and 1,000 exit nodes i.e. Servers from which traffic emerges. These days, Cyber criminals are hosting malware's Command-and-control server on an anonymous Tor network to evade detection i.e., difficult to identify or eliminate. Illegal use of the Tor network boosted up after the launch of the most popular underground Drug Market - Silk road  that also offered arms and malware to their users against Bitcoin , one of the popular crypto currency . ChewBacca , a point-
Silk Road alternative 'Sheep Marketplace' shut down after $40 Million in Bitcoin Theft

Silk Road alternative 'Sheep Marketplace' shut down after $40 Million in Bitcoin Theft

Dec 03, 2013
Sheep Marketplace , one of the leading anonymous websites, after Silk Road 's closure by U.S. Prosecutors, allegedly selling drugs, has gone offline claiming it was robbed of $6 million worth of Bitcoins . Like Silk Road , Sheep Marketplace was a Deep Web site accessible via the Tor network and quickly grew into a replacement of other popular underground Bazaars. Weeks ago, the Administrator of the Sheep Marketplace announced that withdrawals  from online Wallet would be closed for a few hours as a new feature was being implemented, however deposits were still allowed. Recently, The market's administration left a short message for users, which reads: We are sorry to say, but we were robbed on Saturday 11/21/2013 by vendor EBOOK101. This vendor found a bug in the system and stole 5400 BTC – your money, our provisions, all was stolen. We were trying to resolve this problem, but we were not successful. We are sorry for your problems and inconvenience, all of the current BTC will be di
What is the Deep Web? A first trip into the abyss

What is the Deep Web? A first trip into the abyss

May 31, 2012
The Deep Web (or Invisible web) is the set of information resources on the World Wide Web not reported by normal search engines. According several researches the principal search engines index only a small portion of the overall web content, the remaining part is unknown to the majority of web users. What do you think if you were told that under our feet, there is a world larger than ours and much more crowded? We will literally be shocked, and this is the reaction of those individual who can understand the existence of the Deep Web , a network of interconnected systems, are not indexed, having a size hundreds of times higher than the current web, around 500 times. Very exhaustive is the definition provided by the founder of BrightPlanet, Mike Bergman, that compared searching on the Internet today to dragging a net across the surface of the ocean: a great deal may be caught in the net, but there is a wealth of information that is deep and therefore missed. Ordinary
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