Microsoft Internet Explorer Universal Cross-Site Scripting Flaw
Feb 04, 2015
A serious vulnerability has been discovered in all the latest versions of Microsoft's Internet Explorer that allows malicious hackers to inject malicious code into users' websites and steal cookies, session and login credentials. UNIVERSAL XSS BUG WITH SAME ORIGIN POLICY BYPASS The vulnerability is known as a Universal Cross Site Scripting (XSS) flaw. It allows attackers to bypass the Same-Origin Policy, a fundamental browser security mechanism, in order to launch highly credible phishing attacks or hijack users' accounts on any website. The Same Origin Policy is one of the guiding principles that seek to protect users' browsing experience. SOP actually prevents one site from accessing or modifying the browser properties, such as cookies, location, response etc, by any other site, ensuring that no third-party can inject code without the authorization of the owner of the website. DEMONSTRATION Recently, a proof-of-concept exploit published by a group, known as Deusen, sho...