Pakistan Cyber Army (PCA) owner SHAK Exposed By Indishell (Indian Hackers)
Few Days Before ,Pakistan Cyber Army got hacked by Indian Cyber Army (Indishell), and Indishell Got whole Database of PCA site. They Explore the stuff and Got the Real Identity of PCA member, who was continuously hacking the thousands of Indian websites and Servers Daily. In Nov, 2010 CBI was also hacked by some Pakistan hackers.
Lets See What Indishell Got from Their Database Dump :
1.) On Private Message PCA admin Shak is asking for 8000 PKR to Teach Hacking Course (ECH). His Name and Bank details are below --
Place:- Karachi, Sindhi
Country :- Pakistan
His Bank or what ever the payment details here are they
ID card Number : 35202-1555072-9
PayMent GateWay :- easy paise
Mobile number :-03324681620 (U PHONE)
Studying in punjab university
2.) Adil, Member of PCA team was arrested (according to Pakistan Govt) ,in case of Cyber attack on Pakistan President Website. But In below image its Clear that Adil is not arrested, He is Free and Underground for more cyber attacks.
3.) PCA hackers was always planing to gain access to Indishell Server :
4.) Pakistan Hacker are never in favor of Piece Deal, They Just wanna hack more and more Indian Sites Daily
THN is not in Favor of this Cyber War B/w India and Pakistan. We need Development in Both countries and Some Hacker are Mis-Guiding Young Generation via teaching Tip n Tricks of Hacking and They all Defacing millions of Sites of Innocent people daily. Security is Another issue, But the kids/Hackers who have skill and ability, Govt should make some program to guide and teach them ethical way to make their good carrier in Cyber Security and Research. From all the above case, one more thing is clear that, Hackers have ability to investigate and Dox cyber criminals more fast and easier than Govt. Investigators. Information is Out ! Lets see how much benefit Indian cyber cells will take from this.