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Category — ethical hacking training
Iranian Hackers Accidentally Exposed Their Training Videos (40 GB) Online

Iranian Hackers Accidentally Exposed Their Training Videos (40 GB) Online

Jul 17, 2020
An OPSEC error by an Iranian threat actor has laid bare the inner workings of the hacking group by providing a rare insight into the "behind-the-scenes look into their methods." IBM's X-Force Incident Response Intelligence Services (IRIS) got hold of nearly five hours worth of video recordings of the state-sponsored group it calls ITG18 (also called Charming Kitten , Phosphorous , or APT35 ) that it uses to train its operators. Some of the victims in the videos included personal accounts of U.S. and Greek Navy personnel, in addition to unsuccessful phishing attempts directed against U.S. state department officials and an unnamed Iranian-American philanthropist. "Some of the videos showed the operator managing adversary-created accounts while others showed the operator testing access and exfiltrating data from previously compromised accounts," the researchers said. The IBM researchers said they found the videos on a virtual private cloud server that wa...
Become a Certified Hacker With This Hands-On Training Course

Become a Certified Hacker With This Hands-On Training Course

Dec 03, 2018
It seems as though not a day goes by without news spreading over another major cyber attack. Hackers are becoming increasingly efficient at targeting everything from small startups to Fortune 500 companies and even entire government agencies, and as the world moves further away from traditional types of warfare and more toward engaging in all-out cyber warfare, these attacks are only going to grow in terms of scope and intensity. While it may sound a bit counterintuitive, the only person who can stop a hacker is another hacker. Known as ethical or "white hat" hackers, these cyber warfare professionals are called upon to anticipate, thwart, and retaliate against a wide range of sophisticated cyber attacks, and their services are in high-demand across virtually every industry. The Complete Online Ethical Hacking Training Course The Computer Hacker Professional Certification Package will help you earn the credentials you need to join the exciting and increasingly ...
Protecting Your Software Supply Chain: Assessing the Risks Before Deployment

Protecting Your Software Supply Chain: Assessing the Risks Before Deployment

Feb 11, 2025Software Security / Threat Intelligence
Imagine you're considering a new car for your family. Before making a purchase, you evaluate its safety ratings, fuel efficiency, and reliability. You might even take it for a test drive to ensure it meets your needs. The same approach should be applied to software and hardware products before integrating them into an organization's environment. Just as you wouldn't buy a car without knowing its safety features, you shouldn't deploy software without understanding the risks it introduces. The Rising Threat of Supply Chain Attacks Cybercriminals have recognized that instead of attacking an organization head-on, they can infiltrate through the software supply chain—like slipping counterfeit parts into an assembly line. According to the 2024 Sonatype State of the Software Supply Chain report , attackers are infiltrating open-source ecosystems at an alarming rate, with over 512,847 malicious packages detected last year alone—a 156% increase from the previous year. Traditional sec...
ZDResearch Advanced Web Hacking Training 2018 – Learn Online

ZDResearch Advanced Web Hacking Training 2018 – Learn Online

Sep 25, 2018
Are you looking to master web hacking? Interested in a bug-hunting career? Do you want to land a job in cybersecurity? Are you already working as a security engineer, but want to further advance or refine your skills? If yes, read on. ZDResearch Advanced Web Hacking (AWH) course, including optional certification upon completion—is the answer. Last week, we sat with the ZDResearch training team and asked them a few questions to learn more about their "Advanced Web Hacking" course and understand how it could be a better choice for you. Can you tell us a little about ZDResearch? ZDResearch is a cybersecurity firm with more than 6 years of experience, having some of the world's top hackers and security researchers committed to engineering engaging and approachable courses to the most technical of topics. In the ZDResearch Advanced Web Hacking Course, the greenhorn, the novice, or the pro will benefit. Those selected to work for ZDResearch, and its department de...
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Learn how CUAs like OpenAI Operator can be used by attackers to automate account takeover and exploitation.
9 Popular Training Courses to Learn Ethical Hacking Online

9 Popular Training Courses to Learn Ethical Hacking Online

Apr 19, 2018
How to become a Professional Hacker? This is one of the most frequently asked queries we came across on a daily basis. Do you also want to learn real-world hacking techniques but don't know where to start? This week's THN deal is for you. Today THN Deal Store has announced a new Super-Sized Ethical Hacking Bundle that let you get started your career in hacking and penetration testing regardless of your experience level. The goal of this online training course is to help you master an ethical hacking and penetration testing methodology. This 76 hours of the Super-Sized Ethical Hacking Bundle usually cost $1,080, but you can exclusively get this 9-in-1 online training course for just $43 (after 96% discount) at the THN Deals Store. 96% OFF — Register For This Course 9-in-1 Online Hacking Courses: What's Included in this Package? The Super-Sized Ethical Hacking Bundle will provide you access to the following nine online courses that would help you secure you...
Learn Ethical Hacking — Get 8 Online Courses For Just $29

Learn Ethical Hacking — Get 8 Online Courses For Just $29

Oct 17, 2017
With the rise in cyber-crimes, ethical hacking has become a powerful strategy in the fight against online threats. In general terms, ethical hackers are authorised to break into supposedly 'secure' computer systems without malicious intent, but with the aim of discovering vulnerabilities to bring about improved protection. Ethical Hackers are now kind of becoming the alchemists of the 21st century. More and more organisations are being targeted in cyber-attacks, and they must get to know their enemy if they are to protect vital networks. Meet the professional, ethical hacker. Despite this, the common belief among many at-risk companies is that 'to outwit a hacker, you need to hire one'. With so much at stake, even technology providers are turning to those with hacking skills to find the flaws in their products and fix them before the baddies can exploit them. Infamous Apple Hacker Turned Ethical; Hired by Facebook 23-year-old George 'GeoHot' Ho...
Get 9 Popular Online Hacking Training Course Package for Just $49

Get 9 Popular Online Hacking Training Course Package for Just $49

Apr 13, 2017
Since the Internet is filled with hackers and cyber criminals keen on hacking networks for valuable information, ethical hackers are in huge demand and being hired by almost every industry to help them keep their networks protected. These ethical hackers, penetration testers, and information security analysts not only gain reputation in the IT industry but are also one of the most well-paid employees in the IT workforce today. But if you lack behind in this field, you required a good computer hacking course to sharpen up your knowledge. This week's THN Deals brings Become an Ethical Hacker Bonus Bundle that let you get started regardless of your tech background. This bundle will walk you through the very basic skills you need to start your journey towards becoming a professional ethical hacker. This package of 9-lifetime courses that includes total 340 in-depth lectures usually cost $681, but you can exclusively get this 9-in-1 online training course for just $49 (after 92...
70+ Cyber Security Micro-Courses and Certifications To Boost Your IT Career

70+ Cyber Security Micro-Courses and Certifications To Boost Your IT Career

Feb 28, 2017
With the evolving hacking events around us, cyber-security skills are in high demand across all organizations and industries, because a shortage of skilled cyber security practitioners could leave an organization vulnerable to cyber attacks. But knowledge alone is not sufficient, 'certification as eligibility' also matters, which shows employers that you are serious about your career and eligible as you have demonstrated your technical ability in some form. I frequently receive emails and messages from my readers asking: Should I get certified?, Are certifications important to build up a career in IT?, What certifications can one get to start a career in information security? and more. These are some of the most frequent queries I came across, and in this article, I will attempt to answer these along with a solution on how to get started. Whether you are looking to launch your career in the IT industry, or perhaps get promoted at your current job — getting certified ...
Learn Wi-Fi Hacking And Penetration Testing Online Course

Learn Wi-Fi Hacking And Penetration Testing Online Course

Nov 24, 2016
Hacking Wi-Fi is not a trivial process, but it does not take too long to learn. If you want to learn WiFi Hacking and Penetration testing, you are at right place. Don't associate hacking as a negative, as you can learn some hacking skills yourself to secure your networks and devices. WiFi hacking is an all time hot topic among hackers as well as penetration testers. This week's featured deal from THN Deals Store brings you 83% discount on Online Wi-Fi Hacking and Penetration Testing Training Course . This online Wi-Fi Hacking and Penetration Testing course is structured in a way that will provide you an in-depth, hands-on comprehensive information on Wi-Fi Security and Penetration Testing, and Defenses on WiFi systems to protect it from these attacks. This training course is available with lifetime access and focuses on the practical side of Wi-Fi hacking without neglecting the theory behind each attack. All the attacks explained in this course are practical attacks lau...
Hack the Pentagon — US Government Challenges Hackers to Break its Security

Hack the Pentagon — US Government Challenges Hackers to Break its Security

Mar 03, 2016
Update: ' Hack The Pentagon ' has opened registration for its pilot bug bounty program of $150,000 for hackers in return for the vulnerabilities they find in its public facing websites. The Defense Department has enlisted the bug bounty startup HackerOne to manage the pilot program. Interested hackers can Register Now to participate in the Bug Bounty program. The United States Department of Defense (DoD) has the plan to boost their internal and network security by announcing what it calls "the first cyber Bug Bounty Program in the history of the federal government," officially inviting hackers to take up the challenge. Dubbed " Hack the Pentagon ," the bug bounty program invites the hackers and security researchers only from the United States to target its networks as well as the public faced websites which are registered under DoD. The bug bounty program will begin in April 2016, and the participants could win money (cash rewards) ...
China military to conduct training on digital warfare

China military to conduct training on digital warfare

Jun 03, 2013
As concerns are growing regarding Chinese hacking attacks, the country will undergo its first digital war games. Only two days after the U.S. has attributed cyber espionage attacks against U.S. government and business entities to the Chinese Government and Military, it was announced that the Chinese will soon be conducting digital war games for the first time in the country's history. " It will be the first time a People's Liberation Army exercise has focused on combat forces including digitized units, special operations forces, army aviation and electronic counter forces, " the report said. The timing of the digital war games is also interesting, since it will coincide with a meeting between President Barack Obama and Chinese President Xi Jinping next week as Washington's level of concern rises regarding Chinese hacking of US military networks. The army's general staff department said eight military academies and forces from the Beijing Military Area Comman...
Indian Government approved National Cyber Security Policy

Indian Government approved National Cyber Security Policy

May 10, 2013
The IT sector has become one of the most significant growth catalysts for the Indian economy. The government approved the National Cyber Security Policy that aims to create a secure computing environment in the country and build capacities to strengthen the current set up with focus on manpower training. The policy was approved by the Cabinet Committee on Security (CCS) that lays stress on augmentation of the India's indigenous capabilities in terms of developing the cyber security set-up.  The policy is not aimed only at government entities and big business, but at home users as well. It aims to create a cyber security framework that will address all related issues over a long period.  The framework will lead to specific actions and programmes to enhance the security posture of country's cyber space. Cyber Security Policy will also help in enhancing the intelligence as its integral component and help in anticipating attacks and adopt, counter measures....
Israel preparing Cyber Iron Dome Shield

Israel preparing Cyber Iron Dome Shield

Jan 02, 2013
Israel's Prime Minister officially opened a new national program to train teenagers in the art of cyberwarfare. The program named "Magshimim Le'umit", is to prepare them for their future role in the military and intelligence community. Israel Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu said the country's computer systems are facing attacks from Iran and other countries, and such attacks are set to increase in the digital age. The new program will accept outstanding pupils aged between 16 and 18 and train them to intercept malicious attacks through a three-year course. Cyber security has become a national priority in Israel, with significant resources being invested in protecting the military and civilian computing networks. Benjamin Netanyahu revealed plans to create a "digital Iron Dome" to protect vital infrastructure from hackers and viruses like last November, Israeli was under heavy cyber attacks from hacktivist group Anonymous as the latte prot...
Windows 8 Security flaw : Logon Passwords Stores in Plain Text

Windows 8 Security flaw : Logon Passwords Stores in Plain Text

Oct 12, 2012
Windows 8 is the first operating system from Microsoft to support alternative non-biometric authentication mechanisms such as Picture Password and PIN. A vulnerability discovered by a password security vendor - " Passcape " in Microsoft's Windows 8 operating system that it saves a log on password in plain text and allows any user with admin rights to see the password details. In September, though, some drawbacks of the new authentication method were reported by Passcape Software. The picture password had seemed invulnerable, because whoever tries to guess it must know how and what parts of the image to choose, and in addition, the gesture sequence. However, security experts from Passcape discovered that such a unique password is based on a regular account. A user should first create a regular password-based account and then optionally switch to the picture password or PIN authentication. Notably, the original plain-text password to the account is still stored in ...
Anonymous claims attacking Greek official websites

Anonymous claims attacking Greek official websites

Oct 09, 2012
Anonymous Group taken down several Greek government websites, on the eve of a visit by German Chancellor Angela Merkel. Hackers Hack several sites including those of the Citizens Protection Ministry, the police and the Ministry of Justice. A message appeared saying: " The page cannot be found ". In a message posted on YouTube, Anonymous criticized the huge security operation that police plan for Tuesday to contain protests against Merkel, comparing the government to the military junta that ruled Greece from 1967 to 1974. Police could not confirm who was responsible for the attack, which Anonymous claimed in a series of Tweets on the social media site Twitter. Trade unions and opposition political parties have called for mass protests to greet the German chancellor, whom many Greeks accuse of unfairly forcing them down the path of painful austerity and driving the country even deeper into recession.
HackAdemy – Free eLearning Platform

HackAdemy – Free eLearning Platform

Oct 02, 2012
I talked with Marius Corici Co-founder and CEO for Hack a Server project about Hackademy – eLearning Platform . What is HackAdemy? It is a free, eLearning platform specializing in InfoSec courses. HackAdemy is a place where people can learn and teach eachother about online security using principles of Open Knowledge . On HackAdemy all courses will respect three criteria: Free of charge, Free to distribute and Hands on only . Security can be learned Hands on only. Why did we do this? There are two major reasons that made me do this: Searching the internet I realized that there is no such product; a free eLearning platform focused on security industry. That struck me, and from there it wasn't hard to think of and implement an eLearning platform dedicated to InfoSec industry free to everybody. Second, The Internet grows faster than the World's capacity to provide well trained system administrators as well as well-trained coders/programmers regarding securit...
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