DerbyCon 2011 Security Conference - Louisville, Kentucky
Aug 13, 2011
DerbyCon 2011 Security Conference - Louisville, Kentucky Welcome to a new age in security conferences, a new beginning, and a new way to share in the information security space. Our goal is to create a fun environment where the security community can come together and share ideas. Before we even released the CFP, our speaker list has filled up with of some of the industry's best and brightest minds. That fact alone shows that DerbyCon is poised to change the face of security cons. Some of these speakers include: Dave Kennedy (ReLIK) - Founder DerbyCon, Creator Social-Engineer Toolkit, Fast-Track Adrian Crenshaw (Irongeek) - Founder, DerbyCon,, Co-Host, ISD Podcast Martin Bos (PureHate) - Founder, DerbyCon, Question-Defense, BackTrack Developer HD Moore (hdm) - Founder Metasploit, CSO Rapid7 Chris Nickerson - Founder Lares Consulting, Exotic Liability Kevin Mitnick - Founder, Mitnick Security Consulting Ed Skoudis - Founder, InGuardians, SANS Instructor Bruce