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Leaked Screenshots Suggest New Gmail Interface Coming Soon

Leaked Screenshots Suggest New Gmail Interface Coming Soon

May 12, 2014
Google is reportedly testing out some new UI changes for its popular email service, Gmail on the desktop browser that would redesign your inbox in totally different Interface. So, the traditional Gmail we all know may soon get a new makeover and we hope users will definitely love it. Google has invited a selected team of users to test a completely new user friendly interface for the webmail client which appears as a part of the trial, according to the leaked screenshots obtained by Geek 's website. According to the report, we can only presume that the new feature will enable a user to have a fancy access to Google's Gmail with a brand-new fly-in menu system that flies in and out of the browser window replaces Google's otherwise static sidebar on the left bolted into Gmail last year that organizes your inbox, chats, and labels. In the beginning of the April, the Geek also provided the screenshots revealing a series of new feature for the mobile Gmail clien
Fake Digital Certificates Found in the Wild While Observing Facebook SSL Connections

Fake Digital Certificates Found in the Wild While Observing Facebook SSL Connections

May 12, 2014
Visiting a website certified with an SSL certificate doesn't mean that the website is not bogus. Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) protect the web users in two ways, it uses public key encryption to encrypt sensitive information between a user's computer and a website, such as usernames, passwords, or credit card numbers and also verify the identity of websites. Today hackers and cyber criminals are using every tantrum to steal users' credentials and other sensitive data by injecting fake SSL certificates to the bogus websites impersonating Social media, e-commerce, and financial websites as well. DETECTING FAKE DIGITAL CERTIFICATES WIDELY A Group of researchers, Lin-Shung Huang , Alex Ricey , Erling Ellingseny and Collin Jackson , from the Carnegie Mellon University in collaboration with Facebook have analyzed [ PDF ] more than 3 million SSL connections and found strong evidence that at least 6;845 (0:2%) of them were in fact tampered with forged certificates i.e. self-signed di
Beware! Cyber Criminals Spreading Click Fraud Trojan for Making Money

Beware! Cyber Criminals Spreading Click Fraud Trojan for Making Money

May 11, 2014
Before Ransomware, Click fraud was one of the popular and efficient ways for cybercriminals to make money and with the explosive growth in the size of the online threats it is still making its way on the Internet. " Click-Fraud " is the practice of deceptively clicking on search ads with the intention of either increasing third-party website revenues or exhausting an advertiser's budget. Besides the search results, we all have seen advertisements placed in the search engine's WebPage. If the visitor clicks the Ad, the advertiser has to pay a fee to the search engine. A problem that has arisen with pay-per-click is results in Click-Fraud. The term " fraud " is used because in either case, the advertiser is paying for a click without receiving any true value. Of course, the number of clicks has to be large enough in order to gain a considerable amount of money, and in order to do that an attacker can use an automated script or malicious program to simulate multiple clicks b
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Managing SaaS Security: What's Your Maturity Level?

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Find out how your security team compares to other organizations in the new SaaS Security Survey report.
How to Build Your Autonomous SOC Strategy

How to Build Your Autonomous SOC Strategy

May 30, 2024Endpoint Security / Threat Detection
Security leaders are in a tricky position trying to discern how much new AI-driven cybersecurity tools could actually benefit a security operations center (SOC). The hype about generative AI is still everywhere, but security teams have to live in reality. They face constantly incoming alerts from endpoint security platforms, SIEM tools, and phishing emails reported by internal users. Security teams also face an acute talent shortage.  In this guide, we'll lay out practical steps organizations can take to automate more of their processes and build an autonomous SOC strategy . This should address the acute talent shortage in security teams, by employing artificial intelligence and machine learning with a variety of techniques, these systems simulate the decision-making and investigative processes of human analysts. First, we'll define objectives for an autonomous SOC strategy and then consider key processes that could be automated. Next, we'll consider different AI and automation
New Guidelines Explain How Apple will Legally Process Law Enforcement Data Requests

New Guidelines Explain How Apple will Legally Process Law Enforcement Data Requests

May 10, 2014
Despite the contrary regarding NSA's DROPOUTJEEP program, Apple had always denied working with the NSA in the creation of any backdoors used to spy on its users and also claimed that the NSA doesn't have backdoor access to its data. But, Apple could legally share your phone data with the law enforcement agencies if asked for. Being a secretive company, Apple is very clear at its point of sharing its users' data with the government when U.S. law enforcement agencies request data relating to the company's users. With the release of a set of new guidelines late Wednesday regarding requests for customer data from the U.S. law enforcement agencies, Apple specifies what information can and cannot be lifted from its users devices upon the receipt of disclosure requests, search warrants, or legal orders. " These guidelines are provided for use by law enforcement or other government entities in the U.S. when seeking information from Apple Inc. about users of Apple
Real Ghost Caught on Camera! New Facebook Scams Lure Users to Download Malware

Real Ghost Caught on Camera! New Facebook Scams Lure Users to Download Malware

May 10, 2014
If your Facebook wall offers you any horror videos that claim to be of a real ghost spotted, don't dare to click on them, as it may be hoaxes, malwares or scams contained within which are the real horror for the online users. We have seen a lot of Facebook scams spreading through the Facebook timeline in wild that encourages users to click on it and fall victim, and this time some new horror scam campaign is going viral on Facebook. Christopher Boyd from the security firm Malwarebytes has discovered an epidemic of hoaxes making their way around Facebook with paranormal themes, including: Alleged footage of an "actual" ghost attack a video featuring the Aswang that is described as "a mythical shape-shifting were-dog/vampire/terrifying thing from the Philippines" a video of Mermaids claiming they are back! Video of a huge great white shark tearing apart a sea captain. Facebook has become one of the most popular social networking website with more than one billion
U.S Federal Agencies Want To Secretly Hack Suspects' Computers for Criminal Evidence

U.S Federal Agencies Want To Secretly Hack Suspects' Computers for Criminal Evidence

May 10, 2014
The US Justice Department (DOJ) is seeking a transition in the criminal rules that would make the authorities to have more leeway to secretly hack into the suspected criminals' computer during criminal investigations at any times in bunches. The proposed [ PDF ] change in the rules would make FBI to easily obtain warrants to secretly access suspects' computers for the evidence when the physical location of the computer is not known to them. The problem FBI and government agents increasingly face as more and more crime carried out is online, and with the help of online tools, it is easy to conceal identity of the criminal. " This proposal ensures that courts can be asked to review warrant applications in situations where it is currently unclear what judge has that authority ," Justice Department spokesman Peter Carr told Bloomberg . " The proposal makes explicit that it does not change the traditional rules governing probable cause and notice. " This new U.S. proposal
Popular URL Shortener 'Bitly' User Accounts Reportedly Compromised

Popular URL Shortener 'Bitly' User Accounts Reportedly Compromised

May 09, 2014
The famous URL shortening service is facing a data breach . The very popular URL shortening service Bitly, has issued an urgent security warning saying that its users' account credentials may have been compromised, according to a blog post published yesterday. " We have reason to believe that Bitly account credentials have been compromised; specifically, users' email addresses, encrypted passwords, API keys and OAuth tokens ," Bitly CEO Mark Josephson wrote in a blog post . At this point, however, there is no indication that hackers have broken into any user accounts, he said. Bitly was founded in 2008, allows users to shorten links and making it to share on other sites easier for users. It is privately held and based in New York City. Bitly shortens more than one billion links per month and powers over 10,000 custom short URLs and offers an enterprise analytics platform that helps web publishers and brands grow their social media traffic. Bitly users' acc
Twitter Enables Password Reset With SMS and Suspicious Login Notifications

Twitter Enables Password Reset With SMS and Suspicious Login Notifications

May 09, 2014
The popular social media site Twitter is rolling out a couple of new features to its login process to help users prevent their account in a more secure way and restore access to their account if they forget their accounts' password. For tighten up the security measures Twitter is launching two factor authentication in its new password reset experience, making its users to reset their password in easier way and at the same time difficult for cybercriminals to log in to users' accounts. " The new process lets you choose the email address or phone number associated with your account where you'd like us to send your reset information. That way, whether you've recently changed your phone number, or are traveling with limited access to your devices, or had an old email address connected to your Twitter account, you've got options ," Twitter said in a blogpost on Thursday. RESET TWITTER PASSWORD WITH SMS This new experience will let Twitter users to
300,000 Servers Still Vulnerable to Heartbleed Vulnerability After One Month

300,000 Servers Still Vulnerable to Heartbleed Vulnerability After One Month

May 09, 2014
It's more than a month since we all were warned of the critical OpenSSL Heartbleed vulnerability , but that doesn't mean it disappeared. The critical bug compromised many popular websites and after been discovered the problem was solved. But is that so? No, not at all! A recent finding from the security researcher Robert David Graham claims that there are still more than 300,000 servers apparently remain vulnerable to the most critical OpenSSL bug, Heartbleed, which is admittedly down in numbers from the previous which resulted in over 600,000 systems a month ago. Graham announced on the Errata Security blog that he arrived at the number through a recently done global internet scan (or at least the important bits: port 443 of IPv4 addresses), which reveals that exactly 318,239 systems are still vulnerable to the OpenSSL Heartbleed bug and over 1.5 million servers still support the vulnerable "heartbeat" feature of OpenSSL that allowed the critical bug. "
Microsoft and Adobe to Release Important Security Patches Next Week

Microsoft and Adobe to Release Important Security Patches Next Week

May 09, 2014
Microsoft has released its advance notification for the month of May 2014 patch Tuesday security updates, that will patch a total of eight flaws issued next Tuesday , May 13. Among the eight vulnerabilities two of them are rated critical, rest all are rated important in severity. Just a week before, Microsoft provided an 'out-of-band security update' for all versions of Internet Explorer (IE) that were affected by the zero-day vulnerability , and since IE6 for Windows XP retired last month, even though it received patches for IE6 zero-day flaw. But, Microsoft has no plan to make any such accommodations this time. 13th MAY 2014 - MICROSOFT PATCH TUESDAY  Next week the security updates will include fixes for vulnerabilities including the critical one in Internet Explorer (IE), along with .NET Framework, Windows, Office and SharePoint for all versions of Windows except Windows XP.  " Our existing policy remains in place, and as such, Microsoft no longer supports
Don't Fall for Fake Instagram Desktop Applications Offering 'Image Viewer'

Don't Fall for Fake Instagram Desktop Applications Offering 'Image Viewer'

May 08, 2014
Today, the estimated number of known computer threats like viruses, worms, backdoors, exploits, Trojans, spyware, password stealers, and other variants of potentially unwanted software range into millions. It has ability to create several different forms of itself dynamically in order to thwart antimalware programs. Instagram users are also targeted by the potentially unwanted software programs that claims to enable them to download their Instagram photos and videos using desktop machines or computers. But once downloaded and installed into system, it could expose the user to a number of security vulnerabilities, often overlap with adware , warned the security firm Malwarebytes. " In the case of Instagram, what we've seen out there could pose greater risk than, say, your average phishing site, " said Malwarebytes intelligence analyst Jovi Umawing in a blog post . Instagram is a social networking service use for online photo-sharing and video-sharing. It
US Navy's Nuclear Reactor System Administrator Arrested on Hacking Charges

US Navy's Nuclear Reactor System Administrator Arrested on Hacking Charges

May 07, 2014
The United States charged two men for their involvement in a conspiracy to hack into the computer systems of dozens of government and commercial organizations, including the U.S. Navy and National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency (NGA), according to the U.S. Attorney's Office in Tulsa. On Monday, the U.S. Department of Justice announced that the 27 year old Virginia man, Nicholas Knight , who served as systems administrator in the nuclear reactor department of an aircraft carrier, was one of two individuals charged with one count of conspiring to hack the computer systems of about 30 public and private organizations, while he was active in his duty as a Navy member. Along with Knight, a 20 year old Illinois man, Daniel Krueger, who was a student at an Illinois community college where he studied network administration, was also charged with the conspiracy count for his participation to hack into the computer servers as part of a plan to steal identities, obstruct justice,
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