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Category — vulnerability scanner
When is One Vulnerability Scanner Not Enough?

When is One Vulnerability Scanner Not Enough?

May 02, 2024 Vulnerability / Pen testing
Like antivirus software, vulnerability scans rely on a database of known weaknesses. That's why websites like VirusTotal exist, to give cyber practitioners a chance to see whether a malware sample is detected by multiple virus scanning engines, but this concept hasn't existed in the vulnerability management space. The benefits of using multiple scanning engines Generally speaking, vulnerability scanners aim to produce checks for as many vulnerabilities as possible. However, the number of vulnerabilities discovered year on year is now so high, reaching nearly 30,000 a year, or 80 a day, that it's impossible for a single scanning engine to keep up with them all.  As a result, even the very best, industry-leading leading scanners will struggle to check for every known vulnerability out there, and often they will favour certain sets of software known to be used by their customers. For example,  Intruder's analysis  from early...
Vulnerability Scanning Frequency Best Practices

Vulnerability Scanning Frequency Best Practices

Dec 06, 2021
So you've decided to set up a vulnerability scanning programme, great. That's one of the best ways to avoid data breaches. How often you should run your scans, though, isn't such a simple question. The answers aren't the same for every type of organization or every type of system you're scanning. This guide will help you understand the questions you should be asking and help you come up with the answers that are right for you. How often should vulnerability scans be run A lot of the advice below depends on what exactly you're scanning. If you're not sure about that yet - check out this comprehensive  vulnerability scanning guide . Once you've decided which systems should be in scope, and what type of scanner you need, you're ready to start scanning. So how often should you ideally be running vulnerability scans? Here are five strategies to consider, and we'll discuss in which scenarios they work best: Change-based Hygiene-based Complian...
Protecting Your Software Supply Chain: Assessing the Risks Before Deployment

Protecting Your Software Supply Chain: Assessing the Risks Before Deployment

Feb 11, 2025Software Security / Threat Intelligence
Imagine you're considering a new car for your family. Before making a purchase, you evaluate its safety ratings, fuel efficiency, and reliability. You might even take it for a test drive to ensure it meets your needs. The same approach should be applied to software and hardware products before integrating them into an organization's environment. Just as you wouldn't buy a car without knowing its safety features, you shouldn't deploy software without understanding the risks it introduces. The Rising Threat of Supply Chain Attacks Cybercriminals have recognized that instead of attacking an organization head-on, they can infiltrate through the software supply chain—like slipping counterfeit parts into an assembly line. According to the 2024 Sonatype State of the Software Supply Chain report , attackers are infiltrating open-source ecosystems at an alarming rate, with over 512,847 malicious packages detected last year alone—a 156% increase from the previous year. Traditional sec...
4 Best Free Online Security Tools for SMEs in 2020

4 Best Free Online Security Tools for SMEs in 2020

Nov 14, 2019
Cyberattacks on small and midsized companies in 2019 cost $200,000 per company on average, mercilessly putting many of them out of business, says CNBC in its analysis of a recent Accenture report. In light of the global cybersecurity skills shortage, the number is set to soar in 2020. Solely in the UK, over 50,000 British SMEs could collapse next year following a cyberattack. This article brings a list of free tools that are already being used to combat these alarming challenges and enabling SMEs to arm themselves against a wide range of cyber offenders. Website Security Test with GDPR and PCI DSS Compliance Scan The problem: It would be hard to come across an SME without a website, or at least a web page on the Internet. Such websites are habitually poorly protected, becoming low-hanging fruit for cybercriminals. Even if the website does not store or handle any payment transactions or otherwise sensitive information, once breached, access to it can be sold in Dark Web mark...
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A Comprehensive Guide On How to Protect Your Websites From Hackers

A Comprehensive Guide On How to Protect Your Websites From Hackers

Oct 17, 2019
Humankind had come a long way from the time when the Internet became mainstream. What started as a research project ARPANET (Advanced Research Projects Agency Network) funded by DARPA has grown exponentially and has single-handedly revolutionized human behavior. When WWW (world wide web) came into existence, it was meant to share information over the Internet, from there part through natural evolution and part through webonomics driving innovations, Internet & www has metamorphosized into the lifeblood of the world. It is hard to imagine now how the world functioned before the time of the Internet. It has touched each aspect of human life and is now critical for day to day existence. No business today can exist without an online presence. It is no more just a medium to share information, but world economics runs over the web nowadays. Organizations, governments, and people all depend on this. New warfares will not happen in the real world but would be fought over the cyber...
Let Experts Do Their Job – Managed WAF by Indusface

Let Experts Do Their Job – Managed WAF by Indusface

Aug 13, 2019
WAF (Web Application Firewall) has been the first line of defence when it comes to application security for a while now. Many organizations have adopted WAF in one form or the other and most cases, compliance has been the driver for adoption. But unfortunately, when it comes to the efficacy of WAF in thwarting attacks, it has not lived up to the expectations. In most organizations, WAF has always remained in log mode with a little process to monitor and react, rendering the solution ineffective. The major challenge with effective deployment of WAF is: Applications are unique, and there is no silver bullet set of rules that will protect them all, Most WAF's do not try to understand the risk profile of the application; they end up providing common out of box vanilla rules that seldom works. Each application has its own intricacies and the out of the box rules that many WAF vendors provide create a lot of FPs (False Positives) or FNs (False Negatives), For proper implement...
75% of the 'Left to Get Hacked' Redis Servers Found Infected

75% of the 'Left to Get Hacked' Redis Servers Found Infected

Jun 04, 2018
Despite the continual emergence of new cyber attacks because of misconfigured servers and applications, people continue to ignore security warnings. A massive malware campaign designed to target open Redis servers, about which researchers warned almost two months ago, has now grown and already hijacked at least 75% of the total servers running publicly accessible Redis instances. Redis, or REmote DIctionary Server, is an open source, widely popular data structure tool that can be used as an in-memory distributed database, message broker or cache. Since it is designed to be accessed inside trusted environments, it should not be exposed on the Internet. Dubbed RedisWannaMine , a similar malware leveraging same loophole was discovered in late March by data center security vendor Imperva and designed to drop a cryptocurrency mining script on the targeted servers—both database and application. According to Imperva's March blog post , this cryptojacking threat was "more c...
Hacker Distributes Backdoored IoT Vulnerability Scanning Script to Hack Script Kiddies

Hacker Distributes Backdoored IoT Vulnerability Scanning Script to Hack Script Kiddies

Nov 09, 2017
Nothing is free in this world. If you are searching for free hacking tools on the Internet, then beware—most freely available tools, claiming to be the swiss army knife for hackers, are nothing but a scam. For example, Cobian RAT and a Facebook hacking tool that we previously reported on The Hacker News actually could hack, but of the one who uses them and not the one you desire to hack. Now, a security researcher has spotted another hacking tool—this time a PHP script—which is freely available on multiple popular underground hacking forums and allows anyone to find vulnerable internet-connected IP Cameras running the vulnerable version of GoAhead embedded web-server. However, after closely analysing the scanning script, Newsky Security researcher Ankit Anubhav found that the tool also contains a secret backdoor, which essentially allows its creator to " hack the hacker. " "For an attacker's point of view, it can be very beneficial to hack a hacker," ...
Two US State Election Systems Hacked to Steal Voter Databases — FBI Warns

Two US State Election Systems Hacked to Steal Voter Databases — FBI Warns

Aug 30, 2016
A group of unknown hackers or an individual hacker may have breached voter registration databases for election systems in at least two US states, according to the FBI, who found evidence during an investigation this month. Although any intrusion in the state voting system has not been reported, the FBI is currently investigating the cyberattacks on the official websites for voter registration system in both Illinois and Arizona, said Yahoo News . The FBI's Cyber Division released a " Flash Alert " to election offices and officials across the United States, asking them to watch out for any potential intrusions and take better security precautions. "In late June 2016, an unknown actor scanned a state's Board of Election website for vulnerabilities using Acunetix, and after identifying a Structured Query Language (SQL) injection (SQLi) vulnerability, used SQLmap to target the state website," the FBI alert reads. "The majority of the data exfiltr...
1-Click Way to Check If your Android Device is Vulnerable to Hacking

1-Click Way to Check If your Android Device is Vulnerable to Hacking

Nov 09, 2015
Vulnerabilities are common these days and when we talk about mobile security, this year has been somewhat of a trouble for Android users. Almost every week we come across a new hack affecting Android devices. One of the serious vulnerabilities is the  Stagefright Security Bug , where all it needed to install malicious code on the Android devices was a simple text message. Although Google patched these security holes in its latest Android update, manufacturers can take a long time to release their own updates, and it's even possible that older devices may not get the updates at all. So, even after the release of patches for these critical vulnerabilities, it is difficult to say which Android devices are at risk of what bugs. There is a one-click solution to this problem. One Android app can help educate you and help you know whether your devices is at risk. One-Click Solution to Check Your Device for All Critical Bugs Android Vulnerability Test Suite ( VT...
Let’s Encrypt  — A Certificate Authority to Provide Free SSL Certificates for Entire Web

Let's Encrypt — A Certificate Authority to Provide Free SSL Certificates for Entire Web

Nov 19, 2014
As days are passing, encryptio n is becoming a need for every user sitting online. Many tech giants including Google, Apple and Yahoo! are adopting encryption to serve its users security and privacy at its best, but according to Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF) , the high-tech Web security should not be limited to the wealthiest technology firms. The non-profit foundation EFF has partnered with big and reputed companies including Mozilla, Cisco, and Akamai to offer free HTTPS/SSL certificates for those running servers on the internet at the beginning of 2015, in order to encourage people to encrypt users' connections to their websites. Until now, switching web server over to HTTPS from HTTP is something of a hassle and expense for website operators and notoriously hard to install and maintain it. But, after the launch of this new free certificate authority (CA), called Let's Encrypt , it will be even more easy for people to run encrypted, secure HTTPS websites. ...
nCircle patches PureCloud vulnerability scanner on Vulnerability-Lab report

nCircle patches PureCloud vulnerability scanner on Vulnerability-Lab report

Jan 29, 2013
The Vulnerability-Laboratory Research Team discovered persistent and client side POST Injection web vulnerability in the nCircle PureCloud (cloud-based) Vulnerability Scanner Application. The vulnerability allows an attacker to inject own malicious script code in the vulnerable module on application side. Benjamin K.M. from Vulnerability-Laboratory provide more technical details about these flaws, the first vulnerability is located in the Scan Now > Scan Type > Perimeter Scan > Scan section when processing to request via the ` Scan Specific Devices - [Add Devices] ` module and the bound vulnerable formErrorContent exception-handling application parameters. The persistent injected script code will be executed out of the `invalid networks` web application exception-handling. To bypass the standard validation of the application filter the attacker need to provoke the specific invalid networks exception-handling error. In the second ste...
Patriot Hacker 'The Jester' list his all time favorite Open Source Intelligence toolset

Patriot Hacker 'The Jester' list his all time favorite Open Source Intelligence toolset

Oct 26, 2012
Most of the readers have question in mind that, How hackers know everything about their target ? How to DOX (finding personal information) someone ? So answer is --  Open Source Intelligence (OSINT). A Patriot Hacker ' The Jester ' (or "th3j35t3r") who made his name after harassing Anonymous activist group, disrupting WikiLeaks and stalking "jihadist" sites has finally list his all time favorite Open Source Intelligence (OSINT) toolset. Open Source intelligence (OSINT) is a form of intelligence collection management that involves finding, selecting, and acquiring information from publicly available sources and analyzing it to produce actionable intelligence. Hacker posted list of some free available tools on his blog , includes Maltego, Creepy, Spokeo, CaseFile, FoxOne Scanner (Jester's Edition). OSINT is defined by both the U.S. Director of National Intelligence and the U.S. Department of Defense, as " produced from publicly available information that is co...
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