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Category — social engineering
Russian-Linked Hackers Target 80+ Organizations via Roundcube Flaws

Russian-Linked Hackers Target 80+ Organizations via Roundcube Flaws

Feb 19, 2024 Cyber Espionage / Vulnerability
Threat actors operating with interests aligned to Belarus and Russia have been linked to a new cyber espionage campaign that likely exploited cross-site scripting (XSS) vulnerabilities in Roundcube webmail servers to target over 80 organizations. These entities are primarily located in Georgia, Poland, and Ukraine, according to Recorded Future, which attributed the intrusion set to a threat actor known as Winter Vivern, which is also known as TA473 and UAC0114. The cybersecurity firm is  tracking  the hacking outfit under the moniker Threat Activity Group 70 (TAG-70). Winter Vivern's exploitation of security flaws in Roundcube email servers was  previously highlighted  by ESET in October 2023, joining other Russia-linked threat actor groups such as APT28, APT29, and Sandworm that are known to target email software. The adversary, which has been active since at least December 2020, has also been  linked  to the abuse of a now-patched vulnerability in Zimbra Collaboration email
 Iranian Hackers Target Middle East Policy Experts with New BASICSTAR Backdoor

Iranian Hackers Target Middle East Policy Experts with New BASICSTAR Backdoor

Feb 19, 2024 Malware / Cyber Espionage
The Iranian-origin threat actor known as Charming Kitten has been linked to a new set of attacks aimed at Middle East policy experts with a new backdoor called  BASICSTAR  by creating a fake webinar portal. Charming Kitten, also called APT35, CharmingCypress, Mint Sandstorm, TA453, and Yellow Garuda, has a history of orchestrating a wide range of social engineering campaigns that cast a wide net in their targeting, often singling out think tanks, NGOs, and journalists. "CharmingCypress often employs unusual social engineering tactics, such as engaging targets in prolonged conversations over email before sending links to malicious content," Volexity researchers Ankur Saini, Callum Roxan, Charlie Gardner, and Damien Cash  said . Last month, Microsoft  revealed  that high-profile individuals working on Middle Eastern affairs have been targeted by the adversary to deploy malware such as MischiefTut and MediaPl (aka EYEGLASS) that are capable of harvesting sensitive informatio
How to Investigate ChatGPT activity in Google Workspace

How to Investigate ChatGPT activity in Google Workspace

Sep 17, 2024GenAI Security / SaaS Security
When you connect your organization's Google Drive account to ChatGPT, you grant ChatGPT extensive permissions for not only your personal files, but resources across your entire shared drive. As you might imagine, this introduces an array of cybersecurity challenges. This post outlines how to see ChatGPT activity natively in the Google Workspace admin console, and how Nudge Security can provide full visibility into all genAI integrations. Since launching ChatGPT in 2022, OpenAI has defied expectations with a steady stream of product announcements and enhancements. One such announcement came on May 16, 2024, and for most consumers, it probably felt innocuous. Titled  "Improvements to data analysis in ChatGPT," the post outlines how users can add files directly from Google Drive and Microsoft OneDrive. It's worth mentioning that other genAI tools like Google AI Studio and Claude Enterprise have also added similar capabilities recently. Pretty great, right? Maybe.‍ When you connec
Chinese Hackers Using Deepfakes in Advanced Mobile Banking Malware Attacks

Chinese Hackers Using Deepfakes in Advanced Mobile Banking Malware Attacks

Feb 15, 2024 Banking Trojan / Cybercrime
A Chinese-speaking threat actor codenamed  GoldFactory  has been attributed to the development of highly sophisticated banking trojans, including a previously undocumented iOS malware called GoldPickaxe that's capable of harvesting identity documents, facial recognition data, and intercepting SMS. "The GoldPickaxe family is available for both iOS and Android platforms," Singapore-headquartered Group-IB  said  in an extensive report shared with The Hacker News. "GoldFactory is believed to be a well-organized Chinese-speaking cybercrime group with close connections to  Gigabud ." Active since at least mid-2023, GoldFactory is also responsible for another Android-based banking malware called  GoldDigger  and its enhanced variant GoldDiggerPlus as well as GoldKefu, an embedded trojan inside GoldDiggerPlus. Social engineering campaigns distributing the malware have been found to target the Asia-Pacific region, specifically Thailand and Vietnam, by masquerading as
cyber security

DevOps Security Best Practices

websiteWizDevOps / Secure Coding
Develop securely from code to cloud with this DevOps Security Cheat Sheet from Wiz. Take a deep dive into secure coding, infrastructure security, and vigilant monitoring and response.
4 Ways Hackers use Social Engineering to Bypass MFA

4 Ways Hackers use Social Engineering to Bypass MFA

Feb 12, 2024 Cyber Threat / Password Security
When it comes to access security, one recommendation stands out above the rest: multi-factor authentication (MFA). With passwords alone being simple work for hackers, MFA provides an essential layer of protection against breaches. However, it's important to remember that MFA isn't foolproof. It can be bypassed, and it often is.  If a password is compromised, there are several options available to hackers looking to circumvent the added protection of MFA. We'll explore four social engineering tactics hackers successfully use to breach MFA and emphasize the importance of having a strong password as part of a layered defense.  1. Adversary-in-the-middle (AITM) attacks AITM attacks involve deceiving users into believing they're logging into a genuine network, application, or website. But really, they're giving up their information to a fraudulent lookalike. This lets hackers intercept passwords and manipulate security measures, including MFA prompts. For instance, a spear-phish
Beware: Fake Facebook Job Ads Spreading 'Ov3r_Stealer' to Steal Crypto and Credentials

Beware: Fake Facebook Job Ads Spreading 'Ov3r_Stealer' to Steal Crypto and Credentials

Feb 06, 2024 Social Engineering / Malvertising
Threat actors are leveraging bogus Facebook job advertisements as a lure to trick prospective targets into installing a new Windows-based stealer malware codenamed  Ov3r_Stealer . "This malware is designed to steal credentials and crypto wallets and send those to a Telegram channel that the threat actor monitors," Trustwave SpiderLabs said in a report shared with The Hacker News. Ov3r_Stealer is capable of siphoning IP address-based location, hardware info, passwords, cookies, credit card information, auto-fills, browser extensions, crypto wallets, Microsoft Office documents, and a list of antivirus products installed on the compromised host. While the exact end goal of the campaign is unknown, it's likely that the stolen information is offered for sale to other threat actors. Another possibility is that Ov3r_Stealer could be updated over time to act as a  QakBot-like loader  for additional payloads, including ransomware. The starting point of the attack is a weapo
Russian APT28 Hackers Targeting High-Value Orgs with NTLM Relay Attacks

Russian APT28 Hackers Targeting High-Value Orgs with NTLM Relay Attacks

Feb 02, 2024 Cyber Espionage / Password Security
Russian state-sponsored actors have staged NT LAN Manager (NTLM) v2 hash relay attacks through various methods from April 2022 to November 2023, targeting high-value targets worldwide. The attacks, attributed to an "aggressive" hacking crew called  APT28 , have set their eyes on organizations dealing with foreign affairs, energy, defense, and transportation, as well as those involved with labor, social welfare, finance, parenthood, and local city councils. Cybersecurity firm Trend Micro  assessed  these intrusions as a "cost-efficient method of automating attempts to brute-force its way into the networks" of its targets, noting the adversary may have compromised thousands of email accounts over time. APT28 is also tracked by the broader cybersecurity community under the names Blue Athena, BlueDelta, Fancy Bear, Fighting Ursa, Forest Blizzard (formerly Strontium), FROZENLAKE, Iron Twilight, ITG05, Pawn Storm, Sednit, Sofacy, and TA422. The group, believed to be
Telegram Marketplaces Fuel Phishing Attacks with Easy-to-Use Kits and Malware

Telegram Marketplaces Fuel Phishing Attacks with Easy-to-Use Kits and Malware

Jan 31, 2024 Cyber Crime / Hacking News
Cybersecurity researchers are calling attention to the "democratization" of the phishing ecosystem owing to the emergence of Telegram as an epicenter for cybercrime, enabling threat actors to mount a mass attack for as little as $230. "This messaging app has transformed into a bustling hub where seasoned cybercriminals and newcomers alike exchange illicit tools and insights creating a dark and well-oiled supply chain of tools and victims' data," Guardio Labs researchers Oleg Zaytsev and Nati Tal  said  in a new report. "Free samples, tutorials, kits, even hackers-for-hire – everything needed to construct a complete end-to-end malicious campaign." The company also described Telegram as a "scammers paradise" and a "breeding ground for modern phishing operations." This is not the first time the popular messaging platform has  come under the radar  for facilitating malicious activities, which are in part driven by its lenient modera
AllaKore RAT Malware Targeting Mexican Firms with Financial Fraud Tricks

AllaKore RAT Malware Targeting Mexican Firms with Financial Fraud Tricks

Jan 27, 2024 Malware / Software Update
Mexican financial institutions are under the radar of a new spear-phishing campaign that delivers a modified version of an open-source remote access trojan called  AllaKore RAT . The BlackBerry Research and Intelligence Team attributed the activity to an unknown Latin America-based financially motivated threat actor. The campaign has been active since at least 2021. "Lures use Mexican Social Security Institute (IMSS) naming schemas and links to legitimate, benign documents during the installation process," the Canadian company  said  in an analysis published earlier this week. "The AllaKore RAT payload is heavily modified to allow the threat actors to send stolen banking credentials and unique authentication information back to a command-and-control (C2) server for the purposes of financial fraud." The attacks appear to be designed to particularly single out large companies with gross revenues over $100 million. Targeted entities span retail, agriculture, publ
Cyber Threat Landscape: 7 Key Findings and Upcoming Trends for 2024

Cyber Threat Landscape: 7 Key Findings and Upcoming Trends for 2024

Jan 25, 2024 Threat Intelligence / Cybercrime
The 2023/2024 Axur Threat Landscape Report provides a comprehensive analysis of the latest cyber threats. The information combines data from the platform's surveillance of the Surface, Deep, and Dark Web with insights derived from the in-depth research and investigations conducted by the Threat Intelligence team. Discover the full scope of digital threats in the Axur Report 2023/2024. Overview In 2023, the cybersecurity landscape witnessed a remarkable rise in cyberattacks.  One notable shift was the cyber risk integration with business risk, a concept gaining traction in boardrooms worldwide. As the magnitude of losses due to cyberattacks became evident, organizations started reevaluating their strategies.  Geopolitical factors played a significant role in shaping information security. The conflicts between nations like Russia and Ukraine had ripple effects, influencing the tactics of cybercriminals. It was a year where external factors intertwined with digital threats. Ran
Iranian Hackers Masquerade as Journalists to Spy on Israel-Hamas War Experts

Iranian Hackers Masquerade as Journalists to Spy on Israel-Hamas War Experts

Jan 18, 2024 Cyber Espionage / Threat Intelligence
High-profile individuals working on Middle Eastern affairs at universities and research organizations in Belgium, France, Gaza, Israel, the U.K., and the U.S. have been targeted by an Iranian cyber espionage group called  Mint Sandstorm  since November 2023. The threat actor "used bespoke phishing lures in an attempt to socially engineer targets into downloading malicious files," the Microsoft Threat Intelligence team  said  in a Wednesday analysis, describing it as a "technically and operationally mature subgroup of Mint Sandstorm." The attacks, in select cases, involve the use of a previously undocumented backdoor dubbed MediaPl, indicating ongoing endeavors by Iranian threat actors to refine their post-intrusion tradecraft. Mint Sandstorm, also known as APT35, Charming Kitten, TA453, and Yellow Garuda, is  known  for its  adept social engineering campaigns , even resorting to legitimate but compromised accounts to send bespoke phishing emails to prospective
There is a Ransomware Armageddon Coming for Us All

There is a Ransomware Armageddon Coming for Us All

Jan 11, 2024 Artificial Intelligence / Biometric Security
Generative AI will enable anyone to launch sophisticated phishing attacks that only Next-generation MFA devices can stop The least surprising headline from 2023 is that ransomware again set new records for a number of incidents and the damage inflicted. We saw new headlines every week, which included a who's-who of big-name organizations. If MGM, Johnson Controls, Chlorox, Hanes Brands, Caesars Palace, and so many others cannot stop the attacks, how will anyone else? Phishing-driven ransomware is the cyber threat that looms larger and more dangerous than all others. CISA and Cisco report that 90% of data breaches are the result of phishing attacks and monetary losses that exceed $10 billion in total. A report from Splunk revealed that 96 percent of companies fell victim to at least one phishing attack in the last 12 months and 83 percent suffered two or more. Protect your organization from phishing and ransomware by learning about the benefits of Next-Generation MFA. Download th
North Korea's Cyber Heist: DPRK Hackers Stole $600 Million in Cryptocurrency in 2023

North Korea's Cyber Heist: DPRK Hackers Stole $600 Million in Cryptocurrency in 2023

Jan 08, 2024 Cryptocurrency / Financial Crime
Threat actors affiliated with the Democratic People's Republic of Korea (also known as North Korea) have plundered at least $600 million in cryptocurrency in 2023. The DPRK "was responsible for almost a third of all funds stolen in crypto attacks last year, despite a 30% reduction from the USD 850 million haul in 2022," blockchain analytics firm TRM Labs  said  last week. "Hacks perpetrated by the DPRK were on average ten times as damaging as those not linked to North Korea." There are indications that  additional breaches  targeting the crypto sector towards the end of 2023 could push this figure higher to around $700 million. The targeting of cryptocurrency companies is not new for North Korean state-sponsored actors, who have  stolen about $3 billion  since 2017. These financially motivated attacks are seen as a crucial revenue-generation mechanism for the sanctions-hit nation, funding its weapons of mass destruction (WMD) and ballistic missile program
UAC-0050 Group Using New Phishing Tactics to Distribute Remcos RAT

UAC-0050 Group Using New Phishing Tactics to Distribute Remcos RAT

Jan 04, 2024 Software Security / Malware
The threat actor known as UAC-0050 is leveraging phishing attacks to distribute Remcos RAT using new strategies to evade detection from security software. "The group's weapon of choice is Remcos RAT, a notorious malware for remote surveillance and control, which has been at the forefront of its espionage arsenal," Uptycs security researchers Karthickkumar Kathiresan and Shilpesh Trivedi  said  in a Wednesday report. "However, in their latest operational twist, the UAC-0050 group has integrated a pipe method for  interprocess communication , showcasing their advanced adaptability." UAC-0050, active since 2020, has a  history  of targeting Ukrainian and Polish entities via social engineering campaigns that impersonate legitimate organizations to trick recipients into opening malicious attachments. In February 2023, the Computer Emergency Response Team of Ukraine (CERT-UA) attributed the adversary to a phishing campaign designed to deliver Remcos RAT. Over t
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