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Category — server hacked
Unprotected Government Server Exposes Years of FBI Investigations

Unprotected Government Server Exposes Years of FBI Investigations

Jan 17, 2019
A massive government data belonging to the Oklahoma Department of Securities (ODS) was left unsecured on a storage server for at least a week, exposing a whopping 3 terabytes of data containing millions of sensitive files. The unsecured storage server, discovered by Greg Pollock , a researcher with cybersecurity firm UpGuard, also contained decades worth of confidential case files from the Oklahoma Securities Commission and many sensitive FBI investigations—all wide open and accessible to anyone without any password. Other severe files exposed included emails, social security numbers, names, and addresses of 10,000 brokers, credentials for remote access to ODS workstations, and communications meant for the Oklahoma Securities Commission, along with a list of identifiable information related to AIDS patients. While the researcher doesn't know exactly how long the server was open to the public, the Shodan search engine revealed that the server had been publicly open since at...
Shadow Brokers reveals list of Servers Hacked by the NSA

Shadow Brokers reveals list of Servers Hacked by the NSA

Oct 31, 2016
The hacker group calling itself the Shadow Brokers, who previously claimed to have leaked a portion of the NSA's hacking tools and exploits, is back with a Bang! The Shadow Brokers published more files today, and this time the group dumped a list of foreign servers allegedly compromised by the NSA-linked hacking unit, Equation Group, in various countries to expand its espionage operations. Top 3 Targeted Countries — China, Japan, and Korea The data dump  [ Download / File Password: payus ] that experts believe contains 306 domain names, and 352 IP addresses belong to at least 49 countries. As many as 32 domains of the total were run by educational institutes in China and Taiwan. A few target domains were based in Russia, and at least nine domains include .gov websites. The top 10 targeted countries include China, Japan, Korea, Spain, Germany, India, Taiwan, Mexico, Italy, and Russia. The latest dump has been signed by the same key as the first Shadow Brokers' dum...
The Evolving Role of PAM in Cybersecurity Leadership Agendas for 2025

The Evolving Role of PAM in Cybersecurity Leadership Agendas for 2025

Feb 06, 2025AI Security / Cybersecurity
Privileged Access Management (PAM) has emerged as a cornerstone of modern cybersecurity strategies, shifting from a technical necessity to a critical pillar in leadership agendas. With the PAM market projected to reach $42.96 billion by 2037 (according to Research Nester), organizations invest heavily in PAM solutions. Why is PAM climbing the ranks of leadership priorities? While Gartner highlights key reasons such as enhanced security, regulatory compliance readiness, and insurance requirements, the impact of PAM extends across multiple strategic areas. PAM can help organizations enhance their overall operational efficiency and tackle many challenges they face today. To explore more about PAM's transformative impact on businesses, read The Cyber Guardian: PAM's Role in Shaping Leadership Agendas for 2025 by a renowned cybersecurity expert and former Gartner lead analyst Jonathan Care.  What cybersecurity challenges may organizations face in 2025? The cybersecurity landsca...
Godzilla Hacker Takes Down Several Pakistani Government Websites

Godzilla Hacker Takes Down Several Pakistani Government Websites

Aug 02, 2014
While the rest of the world was engaged in cyber security and privacy, an Indian patriotic hacker targeted 43 major Pakistani Government official websites, including 'President of Pakistan', 'Government of Pakistan', 'Ministry of Defence' , and whole Ministry of Pakistan . Indian hacker Godzilla claimed responsibility to hack into one of the main proxy server of the Pakistan Government, which is being used to manage all the government websites. Once the hacker gained the access to the proxy server, he managed to take down those websites. The attack on the websites are supposed to be severe as it has been over 24 hours and the websites are still down at the time of writing. The hacker posted a message on his Facebook profile saying, " Poor Pakistan no matter how hard you try we can bypass those security anytime we want. Before making a statement in media against India think twice. " Godzilla aka G.O.D is the same hacker who launched a cyber attack last year on a number of ser...
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websitePush SecurityAI Agents / Identity Security
Learn how CUAs like OpenAI Operator can be used by attackers to automate account takeover and exploitation.
Megaupload files deleted by Dutch hosting company LeaseWeb

Megaupload files deleted by Dutch hosting company LeaseWeb

Jun 20, 2013
Kim Dotcom today said on Twitter that Megaupload user data in Europe has been irreversibly lost because it was deleted by a Dutch hosting company called LeaseWeb.  LeaseWeb is based in Germany and has subsidiaries also in the United States, the company.  LeaseWeb has 60,000 servers under its management and more than 15,000 clients worldwide. " The greatest massacre data of history ", The news is shocking if we consider the wealth of information contained in the files.  Leaseweb has informed Kim Dotcom that all 630 servers they rented have been wiped clean. This means that petabytes of data belonging to Megaupload users is now gone without any notice. LeaseWeb responds to Kim Dotcom " When Megaupload was taken offline, 60 servers owned by MegaUpload were directly confiscated by the FIOD and transported to the US. Next to that, MegaUpload still had 630 rented dedicated servers with LeaseWeb. For clarity, these servers were not owned by MegaUpload, t...
New Apache backdoor serving Blackhole exploit kit

New Apache backdoor serving Blackhole exploit kit

Apr 27, 2013
A new sophisticated and stealthy Apache backdoor meant to drive traffic to malicious websites serving Blackhole exploit kit widely has been detected by  Sucuri recently. Researchers claimed that this backdoor affecting hundreds of web servers right now. Dubbed Linux/Cdorked.A , one of the most sophisticated Apache backdoors we have seen so far. The backdoor leaves no traces of compromised hosts on the hard drive other than its modified httpd binary, thereby complicating forensics analysis. All of the information related to the backdoor is stored in shared memory.  The configuration is pushed by the attacker through obfuscated HTTP requests that aren't logged in normal Apache logs. The HTTP server is equipped with a reverse connect backdoor that can be triggered via a special HTTP GET request. This means that no command and control information is stored anywhere on the system. ESET researchers  analyzed the binary and ...
Official Debian and Python Wiki Servers Compromised

Official Debian and Python Wiki Servers Compromised

Jan 09, 2013
Administration from Debian and Python project official websites confirmed that their WIKI servers were compromised by some unknown hackers recently. Hackers was able to hack because of several vulnerabilities in " moin " package. According to  Brian Curtin at Python Project , Hacker user some unknown remote code exploit on Python Wiki server (https://wiki.python.org/) and was able to get shell access. The shell was restricted to "moin" user permissions, where but no other services were affected. Attacker deleted all files owned by the "moin" user, including all instance data for both the Python and Jython wikis. Python Software Foundation encourages all wiki users to change their password on other sites if the same one is in use elsewhere. For now, Python Wiki is down and team is investigating more about breach. Where as in Debian Wiki (https://wiki.debian.org/) security breach, user use some known vulnerabilities Directory traversal...
Hacker ruined Australian military security in 3 Minutes

Hacker ruined Australian military security in 3 Minutes

Dec 12, 2012
Some 22,300 purported student and staff records held by the Australian Defence Force Academy were stolen and published online last month. A member of the Anonymous group, known as Darwinaire , is claiming responsibility for the theft. The systems were compromised in November, with UNSW notifying staff and students within a day, but has only now come to light. Among the victims are hundreds of senior officers in the army, navy and air force, as well as military personnel from other nations who are enrolled at the academy. Hacker express the lack of security as '' I know, right, very surprised I didn't get kicked out. So simple, took like three minutes , ''. The University of Canberra in which the ADFA resides had warned students of possible phishing attacks but said the compromised passwords were mostly redundant.  Darwinare, who describes himself as ''black hacker'', has previously breached the networks of online bookstore Amazo...
Sensitive information of 1 Million people breached at Nationwide Insurance

Sensitive information of 1 Million people breached at Nationwide Insurance

Dec 03, 2012
Nationwide Insurance was breached last week and Sensitive information of about 1 Million people is at risk. The FBI is investigating a breach, including policy and non-policy holders. Nationwide mailed notices to all affected individuals last Friday. Insurance Commissioner Ralph Hudgens issued the following statement Monday concerning the unauthorized access of Nationwide Insurance's website. Spokeswoman Elizabeth Giannetti confirmed a statement by the California Department of Insurance earlier in the day which said "names, social security numbers, and other identifying information" of one million policyholders and non-policy holders were exposed. No credit card details were revealed. About 30,000 people in Georgia were affected, as well as more than 12,000 in South Carolina. Are you affected ? call  The Nationwide at number 800-760-1125.  Affected members and applicants free credit monitoring and identity theft protection services from Equifax fo...
Intrusion detected on two FreeBSD Project app dev servers

Intrusion detected on two FreeBSD Project app dev servers

Nov 19, 2012
The FreeBSD team has announced over the weekend that two machines within the FreeBSD.org cluster have been compromised and have been consequently pulled offline for analysis. Security team said on Saturday. " The affected machines were taken offline for analysis. Additionally, a large portion of the remaining infrastructure machines were also taken offline as a precaution, ". However it added that the intruder had sufficient access to modify third party packages, many of which are compiled and installed through FreeBSD's ports system. Audits have been performed to verify the infrastructure and source trees are clean and the suspect machines " are either being re installed  retired, or thoroughly audited before being brought back online ," the cluster administration team said . The FreeBSD Project was gearing up for the FreeBSD 9.1 release, however as it is unable to verify the integrity of the package set, that has been removed and will be rebuilt prior to th...
Bangladesh military Server and internal network Compromised

Bangladesh military Server and internal network Compromised

Nov 09, 2012
Indian Hacker  Godzilla aka G.O.D hacked into Bangladesh Army servers, belongs to domain  www.army.mil.bd and leak Internal Network Information via a note . Hacker also publicly posted their Cisco Router passwords and Mac-Address of all machines within the network. We talked with the hacker to know reason of hacking , and he reply, " Its Parade time for you, Bangladesh Army ! ! ! Even a municipal school website has better security than your website. You have time till December, secure it if u can.. Stop supporting terrorist organizations.. Put your best men at work now, we will come back in December. see you soon.. ./Peace is just what we want.. ./live and let others live. ." In his statement hacker threat to hack Bangladesh sites again by December, if they will not stop supporting terrorism. At the time of reporting this news, the official website of Bangladesh military is down because of cyber attack by Go...
ImageShack Server and Symantec Database hacked and Dumped

ImageShack Server and Symantec Database hacked and Dumped

Nov 04, 2012
Hackers hack into ImageShack server and expose all the files online, moreover Antivirus Company Symantec's portal also hacked by them and complete database of all 1000's of researchers dumped in a pastebin File. One of the hacker behind this hack avilable on twitter at  @ Doxbin . Hacker expose content of few most important files of the server, like /etc/passwd ,  /etc/shadow , Content list of ImageShack Web directory (/home/image/www) and many more. Hacker claimed to use some zero day vulnerability in order to get into the server. Whereas in  Symantec case, hackers leak complete database from online portal. Database information includes Phone numbers, email, domain, password, Name, Username etc. According to Hackers write up that exploit unknown zero-day bug of ZPanel used by Symantec to get into server. In same operation, hackers target  CrytoCC website (https://kerpia.cryt...
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